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 "Everything in the world is hated." the girl laughs.

Hatred, despair, envy, murderous intent, pessimism, compassion, persistence, and anxiety.

She was burdened with all negative feelings...

And muttered to herself, "I wanna be happy."


A Visual Novel / H-game made by Black Cyc in 2006.

Jinno Kyouji has at last returned to his childhood home after years of absence, staying with his aunt while his parents are working overseas. As he settles into his mundane life, he reunites with old friends and makes new ones, idly passing his time in such a peaceful community. Like any other day, Kyouji is minding his business, riding his bike to school--


  Welcome home...


He hears a voice, and manages to see someone before he loses control of his bike--but by the time he's gathered his wits from the crash, the child has already disappeared.

He later comes across an old well in a nearby forest, and Kyouji's ordinary life comes to an end upon meeting a girl who is sweet and kind towards him, but utterly loathesome to his companions. She introduces herself as Yuka, but the encounter is cut short when she vanishes without a trace. While Kyouji begins to grow closer to his girl of choice, Yuka makes it apparent that she will do all she can to ruin his romantic relationships, with the help of her ever-loyal, human-devouring companion, Gore Screaming Show.

Published by Black Cyc, N43 Project and Palace on Japanese. It was released on English by JAST USA on 12th November 2022.

Tropes used in Gore Screaming Show include: