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Kazuya Kujou[]
![Gosick kazuya 1858](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/b/b9/Gosick_kazuya_1858.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240926174811)
Voiced by: Miyu Irino (Drama CD) and Takuya Eguchi (Anime) |
The main character of the story; a Japanese boy who left to study abroad to escape the shadow of his successful brothers. By some twist of fate, he becomes a messenger and companion to the most eccentric pupil in the school, Victorique.
- Adorkable
- All Asians Are Alike: It takes quite a few of the citizens of Sauville more than one go to correctly identify Kazuya's country of origin. Hardly surprising, given the relative lack of international travel at the time.
- Audience Surrogate
- Badass in Distress: As of episode 22.
- Brown Eyes
- Butt Monkey
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He may look harmless and can seem a bit slow-witted, but just try to harm Victorique and he will kick your ass.
- Curtains Match the Window
- In-Series Nickname: "The Black/Dark Reaper" or "The Reaper Who Comes in Spring."
- I Will Protect Her: To Victorique
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: To Victorique - he's not all that tall, but compared to her...
- Last-Name Basis: With Victorique.
- Mystery Magnet
- Neat Freak
- New Transfer Student: Kazuya transfers to St. Marguerite Academy before the start of the series.
- Nice Guy
- Nice Hat
- Oblivious to Love
- Shinigami: his nickname
- Star-Crossed Lovers
- Tareme Eyes
- Teens Are Short
- The Watson
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: So far demonstrates an admirable degree of restraint, even in the face of likely death.
Victorique de Blois[]
![Gosick victorique 1854](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/3/30/Gosick_victorique_1854.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240926174831)
Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou (Drama CD) and Aoi Yuki (Anime) |
The heroine of the story. Despite being a child, she is the greatest detective in the country.
- Amateur Sleuth
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Among other things, Victorique is able to use a revolver hit a target the size of a box of cigarettes at several hundred meters from a speeding train despite never picked one up in her life - all she needed was for Kujo to help her support it.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Catch Phrase: "I'm bored." After figuring out a case, she usually says: "Allow me to share with you the truth which I've reconstructed using the pieces of chaos I've collected from the Fountain Of Wisdom."
- Cry Cute
- Dojikko : Most of the scenes of her running will have her trip and fall on her face.
- Not so much a matter of clumsiness than that she has never worn anything remotely suitable for any kind of physical activity in the course of the series; high heels, petticoats and frilly dresses don't make running exactly easy.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Lived in a small, dark cell for most of her life, was treated with zero affection, and even after being moved to nicer quarters, had her movements heavily restricted. It's really no surprise that she's got No Social Skills.
- Disease Bleach: The stress of... well, everything between her father collecting her to help with his war effort and her arrival in Japan turned her hair permanently white.
- Ditzy Genius: See below
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Expy: Of Shinku. The red dress she wears in the OP and the fact she is constantly compared to a doll makes it blatant obvious.
- Green Eyes
- Guile Hero
- Hair of Gold/WhiteHairedPrettyGirl
- Heroic Child of Rape: Victorique thinks she is an illegitimate daughter of the de Blois family with a politically-troublesome mother, which is why she's spent most of her life isolated from the rest of society. She's actually a Tyke Bomb the Marquis raped out of a stray superhuman. Whom he abandoned in a Bedlam House after she was born.
- Hime Cut
- Human Subspecies: Her mother is from the Village of the Grey Wolves, a small community with shared characteristics: they're all short, and have long blond hair, green-eyed and Super Intelligent, capable of Awesomeness By Analysis, Sherlock Scans and even prophecies.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: When she sang in the bath, Kazuya thought that she was screaming in pain or fear.
- On the drama CD, there are two versions of her Image Song. One where Aoi Yuuki sings as herself, and one done in character, which sounds slightly less good.
- "It's horribly painful to listen to," you mean.
- On the drama CD, there are two versions of her Image Song. One where Aoi Yuuki sings as herself, and one done in character, which sounds slightly less good.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: To Kazuya
- Hypocritical Heartwarming: She drops some books on the Second Kuiaran's head she says this.
Victorique: "Get away from Kujou! (Throws books) That guy is my... servant." |
- In-Series Nickname: "The Golden Fairy of the Library."
- Insufferable Genius: Victorique is always, always right.
- Jerkass/Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Switches between either back and forth; justifiable, given her lack of social skills. In episode 13 when Kazuya says it should be OK for him to use the library lift Victorique responds: "Seeing you huffing and puffing in agony, your out of shape thighs straining as you plod up and down the stairs for me... Is one of my greatest pleasures!"
- Lack of Empathy: The people who raised her assumed this to be true of Grey Wolves in general, causing her no end of psychological hang-ups as she grew up.
- Little Miss Snarker
- Missing Mum: For... complicated reasons. Though she's still alive, and still cares about her daughter.
- Meaningful Name: Victorique is the french version of Victorica which means Victory. The Marquis de Blois seems to want her to personify her pupose of leading Sauville to prosperity in every way.
- No Social Skills: Victorique never really had a chance to develop them thanks to having been hidden away from society due to being a nobleman's illegitimate daughter, resulting in her characteristic bluntness and making such things as her attempts at polite laughter a... memorable experience for all present.
- Older Than They Look: In accordance with being a Grey Wolf. Other characters' recollections peg her age as being about fifteen, but she looks more like ten or twelve. Lampshaded in the description put out by the authorities after she flees Sauville, where concerned citizens are asked to look for 'a fifteen-year-old who looks about ten'.
- Phone-in Detective: Very common for Victorique, due to the restrictions her family have placed on her movements. In fact, it's implied to be the exclusive method by which she helped out Grevil before Kazuya came along.
- Ping-Pong Naivete: Victorique is solving a complex crime with second-hand information one moment, and not knowing that one can get a carriage for hire the next.
- Parental Abandonment
- Rapunzel Hair
- Sherlock Scan: Victorique is very good at this, though her tendency to rely on second-hand information means that she lacks much of the corresponding Hyper Awareness when she's on the scene herself.
- Squishy Wizard: Given her diminutive stature and how little exercise she tends to get, physical activities are not her forte.
- Star-Crossed Lovers
- Strong Family Resemblance
- Sugar and Ice Personality/Tsundere
- Tsurime Eyes/Tareme Eyes: Has the former by default but occasionally slips into the latter, making her even more adorable.
- Tyke Bomb: Born and raised as a strategic asset in preparation for World War II.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome: Her laugh.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Initially had a few problems with this, mostly because everyone who raised her assumed Grey Wolves to be incapable of it. She starts to figure it out after meeting Kazuya, though.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: In the last episode Victorique's blond hair turns silver.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
Grevil de Blois[]
![Gosick grevil 3382](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/6/6f/Gosick_grevil_3382.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240926174804)
Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Drama CD) and Hidenobu Kiuchi (Anime) |
Grevil is an aristocrat who works for the local police. He uses Victorique's detective skills to further his own career.
- Adults Are Useless: Good thing he has Victorique.
- Amateur Sleuth: And not a very good one.
- Anime Hair: It's shaped like a drill. It's even Lampshaded by Victorique who says he's "the owner of the oddest hair in all Saubure" when he's first introduced.
- Bishonen: He's actually quite a looker with his hair down. Kazuya and Cecile initially don't recognize him at one point because they're so used to seeing his hair styled in an improbable manner.
- Beware the Silly Ones: The end of episode 22 shows that he can get really nasty to further his daddy's plans.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Sure, he's generally an incompetent Ted Baxter, but he's actually pretty good at the 'arresting' part of his job, even having to play dumb when required of him.
- The Dragon: Though not apparent early on, he plays along in his father's schemes, using his position within the police to further them. At times, this dances towards My Master, Right or Wrong, however, and he gets decidedly lax in his duties when his father's not around.
- Dumb Blond
- Friend on the Force: More like Victorique's Older Half-Brother On The Force.
- Fake Ultimate Detective: Victorique does the work while he gets the credit.
- Glory Hound
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Hidden Depths
- Improbable Hairstyle: He mentions to Kazuya that it was Victorique's idea in exchange for her cooperation on a case, and was one of the reasons he doesn't like asking for her help directly.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He has plenty of flaws, but does care about his younger half-sister Victorique.
- Kick the Dog: The end of episode 22 is basically one big puppy stomping fest for him. When Kujo comes to him for help after nearly being sent back to Japan, he takes him as hostage to blackmail Victorique into obeying the Ministry of the Occult.
- Large Ham
- Letting His Hair Down: Returns to his old hairstyle after fulfilling his debt to Victorique by helping her escape Sauville.
- Modern Major-General: He has all the skills to be an excellent street policeman, but is absolutely useless as the chief inspector. Would also qualify for The Peter Principle, except that his aristocratic privilege meant he bypassed going through the lower ranks by a wide margin.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: He's still not all that bright, but can put on a good show of playing dumb when necessary in an investigation.
- Sherlock Scan: Surprisingly he occasionally has an eye for quite small details, as well as skill to develop plans involving them. Unfortunately he's hopeless at actually putting together conclusions.
- Ted Baxter
- Upperclass Twit: Who actually has authority.
Cecile Lafitte[]
![CecilleProfile 7031](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/a/a4/CecilleProfile_7031.png/revision/latest?cb=20240925081201)
Voiced by: Yui Horie (Drama CD) and Yui Kano (Anime) |
A teacher in St. Marguerite Academy and homeroom teacher for Kazuya and Avril.
- Adult Child
- Blind Without'Em
- Brown Eyes
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dojikko
- Hot Teacher
- Meganekko
- Princess Curls
- Sensei-chan
Avril Bradley[]
![Gosick avril 890](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/1/1c/Gosick_avril_890.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240926174745)
Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (Drama CD) and Noriko Shitaya (Anime) |
A British transferee and classmate of Kazuya who loves the supernatural.
- Big Eater
- Blue Eyes
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Doesn't take too kindly to the fact that Kazuya frequently hangs out with Victorique.
- Disappeared Dad
- Genki Girl
- Hair of Gold
- New Transfer Student: She transfers to St. Marguerite Academy shortly after the series began. She was absent for a while of it, though.
- Rescue Romance
Brian Roscoe[]
![Gosick brianroscoe 5178](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/2/2e/Gosick_brianroscoe_5178.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240926174751)
Voiced by: Tohru Ookawa |
A famous magician who's had some encounters with Kujo. Has some kind of connection to Victorique's mother.
In episode 19, it is revealed that as a boy, he had a crush on Cordelia, and witnessed her abduction by Albert de Blois, and in Episode 21, it is revealed that he's actually two people - a pair of identical twins.
- Ambiguously Evil: Somewhat morally grey and way too Yandere for their own good, but mostly on the side of the angels.
- Badass
- Bishounen
- Con Man: His other job when he's not being a stage magician... and sometimes when he is.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Was initially this to Cordelia. He didn't stop caring about her, mind, but their relationship got a lot more complicated very quickly.
- Heroic Bastard/Bastard Bastard: Tends to veer between the two.
- Heroic Sacrifice: One of them stays with Cordelia to help her take down de Blois and release Victorique from his grasp, which is pretty much a death sentence. Unfortunately the other one decides to try and kill Victorique.
- Master of Illusion: He can pull off some really impressive stunts with carefully-applied 1920s stage magic.
- Morally Ambiguous Redhead
- Nice Hat: He has several.
- Offscreen Teleportation: An accomplished expert. It helps that there's two of him.
- Parental Neglect: To the point where they couldn't even conceptualise the notion of a loving mother before they met Cordelia.
- Single-Minded Twins
- Stage Magician
- Think Twins
- Took a Level In Badass: In the year after Cordelia's kidnapping.
- Trickster Twins: Shady, but mostly benign.
- Yandere: One of the twins tries to kill Victorique to 'eradicate Cordelia's sin', though he changes his mind after she saves his life.
Cordelia Gallo[]
Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro |
![Gosick cordelia 4232](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/e/e9/Gosick_cordelia_4232.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240926174758)
Victorique's mother who was expelled from her Hidden Human Subspecies Village after being falsely accused of murder.
- Action Mom
- Break the Cutie: Oh My God. Episode 19 - The Birth Of Victorique. Marquis Albert de Blois was never married to Victorique's mother. He simply realized that Cordelia Gallo was a stray superhuman suitable for breeding him a Tyke Bomb. He kidnapped her that very night, then raped her. For months on end, as she was his prisoner for a solid year before the Screaming Birth... which probably had something to do with having to squat out Albert's superbaby while chained to a stone altar and surrounded by scary guys in hooded robes. Afterwards, she sees her baby for maybe three seconds before passing out and waking up in a Bedlam House because Albert had no more use for her. Worst part? Even though her first love broke her out of the Bedlam House, she picked up a severe case of Babies Make Everything Better at some point in the pregnancy and can't bring herself to get the hell out of Sauvile because that would mean leaving Victorique in Albert's sick hands. Her only bright(ish) spot is one of de Blois' men having a microsecond of regret at the whole thing and slipping her Victorique's picture.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Has an epic swordfight with de Blois before killing him, but unfortunately is killed soon after by one of de Blois' lackeys.
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hot Mom
- Human Subspecies: A Grey Wolf.
- Mama Bear
- Older Than They Look
- Rapunzel Hair: Like the rest of the Grey Wolves.
- Strong Family Resemblance
- Waif Fu: In episode 23 during her fight with de Blois, Cordelia show's moves that would make Yoda green with envy.
![Gosick leviathan 4692](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/3/36/Gosick_leviathan_4692.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240926174818)
Voiced By: Show Hayami |
An alchemist who prior to the events of the show kept the Sauvillean royalty in the palm of his hand.
- Badass Longcoat
- The Chessmaster: Everything he did was a ploy to stop Sauville from exploiting his home country in Africa.
- Con Man: A very long con indeed.
- Expy: Of Rasputin, right up to the ambiguous relationship with the Queen (later confirmed to be an affair) and gruesome demise.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: A morally-ambiguous example. Started off as a half-dead slave, ended up as the most powerful man in Sauville.
- Historical Villain Upgrade: A complicated case. He got pretty bad towards the end, and was never working in Sauville's best interests, but was still a far more sympathetic figure than the stories about him imply.
- In Love with the Mark: With 'mark' here used in the 'victim of a con' sense. He ended up falling for Queen Coco Rose, resulting in a particularly unfortunately-timed Chocolate Baby.
- In the Hood
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: When he killed a rival's innocent son as a last, desperate attempt to keep Sauville believing in the power of alchemy.
- Malevolent Masked Man
- Mask of Power/Cool Mask
- Modern Major-General: A very unusual mystic example. He had zero alchemical ability, but may well have been a genuine prophet.
- Posthumous Character
- Scary Black Man:: Though one with sympathetic motives.
- Tragic Hero: Started off with a noble purpose and relatively benign methods, but went further and further off the deep end as the impossibility of his self-imposed task became apparent.
Queen Coco Rose[]
![CocoRose 6112](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/f/fd/CocoRose_6112.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240925101922)
Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa |
The former queen of Sauville who was murdered in 1914. She supported Leviathan in his rise to power.
- Body Double: Coco switches places with her maidservant in a Heroic Sacrifice on the latter's part after the birth of a Chocolate Baby. She is then murdered in her queen's place. King Rupert then hires a Body Double for the dead maid (who he believes to be Coco).
- Dead Person Impersonation: By Nicole Lulu--though it's subverted, because she wasn't actually dead.
- Expy: Of Marie Antoinette (both the general version and the Rose of Versailles character): A young, beautiful princess who marries and moves to a faraway country, only to meet with a tragic end.
- Faking the Dead
- Fallen Princess
- Hundred-Percent Adoration Rating: Is adored by most of Sauville before and after her death. The real Coco Rose was a bit more complicated than her fans believe, although still a good person at heart.
- Posthumous Character: Apparently.
- Princess Classic: Pretty, charming and innocent...apparently.
- Your Cheating Heart: Cheats on the king with Leviathan.
Marquis Albert de Blois[]
![Gosick marquis 2301](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/f/fa/Gosick_marquis_2301.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240926174824)
Voiced by: Takayuki Sugo (adult), Ryohei Kimura (young) |
Grevil's and Victorique's father.
- Abusive Parents: Grevil is greatly intimidated by him and he has a nasty habit of locking his daughter in towers, away from human contact. He also refers to Victorique as a tool for extra points.
- Badass Bookworm: He ain't no slouch when it comes to swordfights.
- Big Bad
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- High-Class Glass
- Karmic Death: He gets a well deserved one when Cordelia introduces him to the pointy end of a sword. Good riddance you son of a bitch.
- Lack of Empathy/Kick the Dog: Where to fucking begin? See Break the Cutie under Cordelia Gallo for his Moral Event Horizon.
- I Was Quite a Looker
- Jerkass
- Knight of Cerebus: When he appears the series gets considerably darker
- Man of Wealth and Taste: Hardly surprising, given his place in the Sauvillian aristocracy.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Parental Incest: Judging from the episode 23 he harbours same disturbing lust towards Victorique as he did for her mother, though he doesn't get the chance to act on it.
- "What the Hell?" Dad: To Grevil AND Victorique.
- Wicked Cultured