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Kazuya Kujou[]

Gosick kazuya 1858

 Voiced by: Miyu Irino (Drama CD) and Takuya Eguchi (Anime)


The main character of the story; a Japanese boy who left to study abroad to escape the shadow of his successful brothers. By some twist of fate, he becomes a messenger and companion to the most eccentric pupil in the school, Victorique.

Victorique de Blois[]

Gosick victorique 1854

 Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou (Drama CD) and Aoi Yuki (Anime)


The heroine of the story. Despite being a child, she is the greatest detective in the country.


 Victorique: "Get away from Kujou! (Throws books) That guy is my... servant."


Grevil de Blois[]

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 Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Drama CD) and Hidenobu Kiuchi (Anime)


Grevil is an aristocrat who works for the local police. He uses Victorique's detective skills to further his own career.

  • Adults Are Useless: Good thing he has Victorique.
  • Amateur Sleuth: And not a very good one.
  • Anime Hair: It's shaped like a drill. It's even Lampshaded by Victorique who says he's "the owner of the oddest hair in all Saubure" when he's first introduced.
  • Bishonen: He's actually quite a looker with his hair down. Kazuya and Cecile initially don't recognize him at one point because they're so used to seeing his hair styled in an improbable manner.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: The end of episode 22 shows that he can get really nasty to further his daddy's plans.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Sure, he's generally an incompetent Ted Baxter, but he's actually pretty good at the 'arresting' part of his job, even having to play dumb when required of him.
  • The Dragon: Though not apparent early on, he plays along in his father's schemes, using his position within the police to further them. At times, this dances towards My Master, Right or Wrong, however, and he gets decidedly lax in his duties when his father's not around.
  • Dumb Blond
  • Friend on the Force: More like Victorique's Older Half-Brother On The Force.
  • Fake Ultimate Detective: Victorique does the work while he gets the credit.
  • Glory Hound
  • Green Eyes
  • Hair of Gold
  • Hidden Depths
  • Improbable Hairstyle: He mentions to Kazuya that it was Victorique's idea in exchange for her cooperation on a case, and was one of the reasons he doesn't like asking for her help directly.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He has plenty of flaws, but does care about his younger half-sister Victorique.
  • Kick the Dog: The end of episode 22 is basically one big puppy stomping fest for him. When Kujo comes to him for help after nearly being sent back to Japan, he takes him as hostage to blackmail Victorique into obeying the Ministry of the Occult.
  • Large Ham
  • Letting His Hair Down: Returns to his old hairstyle after fulfilling his debt to Victorique by helping her escape Sauville.
  • Modern Major-General: He has all the skills to be an excellent street policeman, but is absolutely useless as the chief inspector. Would also qualify for The Peter Principle, except that his aristocratic privilege meant he bypassed going through the lower ranks by a wide margin.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: He's still not all that bright, but can put on a good show of playing dumb when necessary in an investigation.
  • Sherlock Scan: Surprisingly he occasionally has an eye for quite small details, as well as skill to develop plans involving them. Unfortunately he's hopeless at actually putting together conclusions.
  • Ted Baxter
  • Upperclass Twit: Who actually has authority.

Cecile Lafitte[]

CecilleProfile 7031

 Voiced by: Yui Horie (Drama CD) and Yui Kano (Anime)


A teacher in St. Marguerite Academy and homeroom teacher for Kazuya and Avril.

Avril Bradley[]

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 Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (Drama CD) and Noriko Shitaya (Anime)


A British transferee and classmate of Kazuya who loves the supernatural.

Brian Roscoe[]

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 Voiced by: Tohru Ookawa


A famous magician who's had some encounters with Kujo. Has some kind of connection to Victorique's mother.

In episode 19, it is revealed that as a boy, he had a crush on Cordelia, and witnessed her abduction by Albert de Blois, and in Episode 21, it is revealed that he's actually two people - a pair of identical twins.

Cordelia Gallo[]


 Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro

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Victorique's mother who was expelled from her Hidden Human Subspecies Village after being falsely accused of murder.

  • Action Mom
  • Break the Cutie: Oh My God. Episode 19 - The Birth Of Victorique. Marquis Albert de Blois was never married to Victorique's mother. He simply realized that Cordelia Gallo was a stray superhuman suitable for breeding him a Tyke Bomb. He kidnapped her that very night, then raped her. For months on end, as she was his prisoner for a solid year before the Screaming Birth... which probably had something to do with having to squat out Albert's superbaby while chained to a stone altar and surrounded by scary guys in hooded robes. Afterwards, she sees her baby for maybe three seconds before passing out and waking up in a Bedlam House because Albert had no more use for her. Worst part? Even though her first love broke her out of the Bedlam House, she picked up a severe case of Babies Make Everything Better at some point in the pregnancy and can't bring herself to get the hell out of Sauvile because that would mean leaving Victorique in Albert's sick hands. Her only bright(ish) spot is one of de Blois' men having a microsecond of regret at the whole thing and slipping her Victorique's picture.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: Has an epic swordfight with de Blois before killing him, but unfortunately is killed soon after by one of de Blois' lackeys.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Hot Mom
  • Human Subspecies: A Grey Wolf.
  • Mama Bear
  • Older Than They Look
  • Rapunzel Hair: Like the rest of the Grey Wolves.
  • Strong Family Resemblance
  • Waif Fu: In episode 23 during her fight with de Blois, Cordelia show's moves that would make Yoda green with envy.


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 Voiced By: Show Hayami


An alchemist who prior to the events of the show kept the Sauvillean royalty in the palm of his hand.

Queen Coco Rose[]

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 Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa


The former queen of Sauville who was murdered in 1914. She supported Leviathan in his rise to power.

Marquis Albert de Blois[]

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 Voiced by: Takayuki Sugo (adult), Ryohei Kimura (young)


Grevil's and Victorique's father.