Given how important it is to make Aiden O'Malley's kidnapping look like a "jailbreak" (so that the cops won't immediately suspect Derrick) - why is it that neither Niko nor Packie take greater pains to actually try and hide the body?
On a similar topic, one "random character" mission involves you having to deposit a car with a dead body in it in the river. At one point I thought I'd be clever and blow the car up. I failed the mission, getting a statement like "the car is trashed, now the cops will find the body!" Even though what was left of the body was burned beyond recognition along with the rest of the car!
The whole point of sinking a body is to make sure it isn't found for at least some time. With every day the trail gets colder and colder as the perps get more time to cover up their work, forensic evidence degrades, possible witnesses forget crucial things and paper work gets buried. If visiting the icmp has taught me something then it is that you can identify pretty much any body as long as there is something left.
How come Niko gets to keep Michelle's car after their first date?
After shooting a bunch of cops and escaping from a huge raid in Snow Storm, why does Niko just hand Michelle the cocaine he retrieved?
She said "please".
Why is it that only Little Jacob and (possibly) Roman help you in the final mission? What about Packie, Dwayne, Brucie? Especially Brucie, wouldn't it have made more sense for him to bring you his helicopter instead of Little Jacob hijacking an Annihilator?
Packie's probably too busy looking after his grieving mother, who had already had one son killed and another arrested - and that's before Kate's death in the Revenge path. Dwayne may have taken back control of his old gang with Niko's help, but he's trying to keep a low profile to keep from being thrown back in prison, and is also likely still working out his depression issues. And while Brucie might act tough, would you really want him backing you up in a fight?
No, but I wouldn't exactly want Roman either.
When you call (or get a call from) Packie on the "Revenge" path, he is indeed looking after his mother, and he's not in such good shape himself after Kate's death (I got a call from him right after finishing the last mission).
What is with the hate for Michelle?
Niko's Berserk Button is getting betrayed by others, and most players probably can't help but empathize with him after awhile.