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This is list of characters in Grandia a long-running Eastern RPG series. Spoilers ahoy.
Recruitable Characters:[]
"What a cinch." |
The main character of Grandia and a third-generation adventurer. Before his death, Justin' father left his son a treasured stone. Justin becomes convinced that the stone is a shard from the legendary Spirit Stone, which the Garyle Forces is seeking. While meddling in a high-security excavation, Justin stumbles onto a hologram of a woman beckoning him to Alent, a mythical city of the long-dead Angelou civilization. He uses swords, maces and axes in battle.
- An Axe to Grind: Justin can use axes, and benefits greatly from doing so: leveling up his Axe stat grants him enormous boosts in strength and HP.
- Chaste Hero
- Determinator
- Disappeared Dad: When Justin was still little, his dad met an untimely end during one of his adventures. The particulars of his death aren't revealed.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Justin's Shockwave, Midair Cut, Lotus Cut, Ice Slash and Thor Cut. Spinning makes up half of Justin's special moveset.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Heroic BSOD: When Feena decides to go along with Mullen's plan to sacrifice herself to stop Gaia
- Heroes Prefer Swords: While he can use maces and axes, Justin's best weapon that only he can use is a sword.
- Improbable Age: He's a savior of the world by the end of the game, and he's just 14.
- Incendiary Exponent: His Lotus Cut attack, which is a simple flaming slash.
- Infinity+1 Sword: Justin's final weapon, the Spirit Sword, is also the most powerful weapon in the game.
- Jumped At the Call: Didn't so much jump at it as somersault over it and land on the other side.
- Nice Hat
- Oblivious to Love: He gets it in the end, but it takes him a ridiculous amount of time to realize Feena's confessing to him and he's stupidly adorable about it.
- Official Couple: With Feena, as shown in the Distant Finale. They've been busy.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Him and Sue are these colors.
- Power Glows
- Redheaded Hero
- Ship Tease: With Leen, in the Twin Towers.
- Stab the Sky: His victory pose. Some spells and special moves use it as well.
- Sword Plant: Done during Dragon Cut and Heaven and Earth Cut special moves.
- The Pollyanna: Most of the time , until his Heroic BSOD on Disc 2.
- The Unchosen One
Sue and Puffy[]
"Pretty easy, right, Puffy?" |
Sue is Justin's best friend from Old Parm. Orphaned as a baby, she lives with her aunt and uncle. She is always accompanied by Puffy, a gift from Justin's father who brought it from one of his adventures. Sue views herself as Justin's guardian, and resents being treated as a kid. Her weapons on choice are long-distance weapons (such as bows and boomerangs) and maces.
- The Archer
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Child Prodigy: Is unusually smart for an eight year-old. She occasionally provides good insight and actually uses words like "Tyrannical" in a sentence.
- Hair Decorations
- Fastball Special: The Puffy Kick special move.
- From the Mouths of Babes
- Head Pet: Puffy spends so much time up there that most people assume that he's a fancy ribbon.
- Improbable Age: Something of a subversion. While Sue demonstrates unusual intellect and combat skill for an eight year-old, her experience curve is much steeper than the other characters leading to their outstripping her as the story gets into full swing. Additionally, the sheer stress and fatigue of the journey make Sue so ill that Justin and Feena force her to sit the rest of the adventure out not halfway through the story.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Pink Means Feminine
- Precocious Crush: Seems to have one on Justin, which makes her clear support of him and Feena strange.
- Perhaps she wants them to be happy?
- She Is All Grown Up: In the Distant Finale.
- Tagalong Kid
- Tearful Smile: Wears this when she leaves.
- Team Pet: Puffy again.
- Token Mini-Moe
- Trying Not to Cry: Wants her last moments with Justin and Feena to be happy ones, so she plans to hold it in and cry by herself once she gets home. Feena sees right through it.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Purple in this case.
"Ha, ha ha, pretty easy!" |
An adventurer whom Justin and Sue meet during their trip to New Parm. Unlike Justin, she is very accomplished and something of a local celebrity. She is later revealed to be Lt. Leen's sister and an Icarian. Feena wields knives and whips.
- Action Girl
- Chainmail Bikini
- Cool Big Sis: To Sue.
- Hair Decorations
- Fragile Speedster (with a bit of Squishy Wizard later on after she unlocks her Icarian spells)
- Improbable Age: At 15, only a year older than Justin.
- Incendiary Exponent
- Last-Disc Magic: The unsealing of her Icarian wings grants her additional magic, but only in the latter part of Disc 2.
- One of these spells, Time Gate, is such a Game Breaker that Feena needs to be at Lv. 99 magic to use it.
- Last Of Her Kind
- Official Couple: With Justin, as shown in the Distant Finale. They've been busy.
- Power Gives You Wings
- Ship Tease: With Mullen in the Twin Towers.
- Stripperific
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Green in this case.
"You're no match for me." |
The "Knight of Dight", Gadwin is a master swordsman who runs into our Heroes on the other side of "The End of the World". Gallant and courageous to a fault, he takes it upon himself to educate Justin in the ways of a knight.
- BFS: "Himmler".
- Badass Baritone
- Calling Your Attacks
- Crutch Character: Level 50, bitches.
- Dishing Out Dirt / Playing with Fire / Magma Man: Gadwin is restricted to using fire, earth and explosion
- Duel Boss
- Flanderization: While he's in your party, he is a mature mentor figure. When he returns for the finale, he is obsessed with strength and challenging opponents.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Hopeless Boss Fight: But only the first time.
- Lantern Jaw of Justice
- Master Swordsman
- Mighty Glacier
- The Obi-Wan
- Sword Plant
"Come back with reinforcements!" |
A humanoid whom Justin and Feena meet once crossing the ocean. He is at first suspicious of them, but they quickly gain his trust. Rapp is extremely arrogant, but this attitude masks his troubled life as a orphan.
- Catch Phrase: Says, "Take that!" in many of his attacks
- Doppelganger Attack
- Glass Cannon: Hits every bit as hard as Justin does, but lacks a bit in the defensive areas, especially since he starts with much lower levels than your other characters.
- Highly-Visible Ninja
- Hot-Blooded
- Kill It with Fire: Starts with fire magic, plus has at least one special move that uses fire, as well
- The Lancer
- Never Say "Die": Averted. He has no problem threatening someone's life.
"Take that, I'll kill ya!" |
- Odd Friendship: Forms one with Milda, whom his people hate.
- Pointy Ears
- Precision-Guided Boomerang
- Unusual Ears
- Weapon of Choice: Swords, knives and long distance weapons.
"No problem. Whoo!" |
A Lainian whom the heroes meet while attempting to destroy the Tower of Doom. They start out on bad terms, but that changes quickly.
- Action Girl
- Amazonian Beauty: Don't be fooled by her tough exterior though, she's actually a pretty sweet woman.
- Badass Normal: She's one of two characters that can't learn magic. She doesn't need it.
- Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism
- Crutch Character: Not as much as Gadwin, but she's still a good ten to fifteen levels higher than the rest of your party.
- Establishing Character Moment: When you first meet her, she's torn the setting apart, and she immediately beats the crap out of Rapp, then turns to advance on Justin and Feena like an animal. Character established.
- However, this is subverted in that, after you get over your initial differences, she turns out to be a sweet woman.
- Odd Friendship: Forms one with Rapp, even though his race mostly hates hers
- Proud Warrior Race Gal
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: With her "sweetheart, honeybunch" man, who is at least partially cow. If it weren't so hilarious, it'd be disturbing.
- Stripperific
- Weapon of Choice: Swords, maces and axes.
- Younger Than They Look: Admonishes Nicky for calling her "Auntie Milda", telling him she's only 19.
"Piece-a-cake!" |
Guido is one of the Mogay, a bunny-like merchant race from Zil Padon. He is met few times throughout the game and later he joins the party temporarily.
- Badass
- Funny Animal
- Recurring Traveller: You meet him two times before he temporarily joins you.
- Weapon of Choice: Maces, knives and long distance weapons.
"That was an easy victory." |
The very person who sent Justin to his quest in the first place. Originally just a spectator with a streak for fatality, our heroes convince her to join them and change her own fate.
- Cloudcuckoolander: As expected of someone who had lived alone for all her life, Liete acts somewhat... airheaded from time to time.
- Everything's Better with Spinning
- Mysterious Waif
- Pointy Ears
- Weapon of Choice: Maces.
Garlyle Forces:[]
General Baal[]
Leader of the Garlyle Forces. He seeks out the Spirit Stone to revive Gaia and gain more power.
- Authority Equals Asskicking:
- Badass Cape
- Beard of Evil
- Body Horror
- The Coats Are Off
- Combat Tentacles
- Duel Boss
- Evil Laugh: Unleashed after he reveals his plans.
- Eyepatch of Power
- A God Am I
- Insane Admiral
- Large Ham
"LOOK! This is the FORM of your NEW GOD!" |
- Lovecraftian Superpower
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- No One Could Have Survived That
- Please Keep Your Hat On
- Recurring Boss
- We Have Reserves
Colonel Mullen[]
Son of Baal as a result of Interspecies Romance. He helps his father to seek out the Spirit Stones but performs a Heel Face Turn with rest of the Garlyle Forces against him.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Subverted when it turns out he had no idea about his father's plans. Once he DOES learn of them, he pulls a coup d'état on Baal.
- Defector From Decadence
- Duel Boss
- Half-Human Hybrid: His mother was a demi-human the army refers to as "humanoids".
Lieutenant Leen[]
Col. Mullen's aide-de-camp. Later revealed to be Feena's sister and an Icarian, too.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Gives one to Mullen before she sacrifices herself.
- Back From the Dead
- Good Looking Privates
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Improbable Age: According to official texts, she's, unbelievably, 15.
- Lady of War
- Last Of Her Kind
- Power Gives You Wings
- Royal Rapier
Nana, Saki and Mio[]
Nana: "I'll show no mercy!" |
Recurring Bosses at Garlyle Forces service. They all have a crush on Col. Mullen.
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn
- Captain Ersatz: Of Magic Knight Rayearth's main characters...
- Combination Attack
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: In their introductory scene, the girls compete to determine which one of them is a bigger sadist toward their troops.
- Fiery Redhead: Saki
- Good Looking Privates
- Improbable Age
- Improbable Weapon: Each has at least one special attack involving this. Saki uses a slapstick fan, Nana a yo-yo, and Mio uses balloons (albeit ones filled with nerve gas).
- Meganekko: Mio
- Praetorian Guard
- Stun Guns: One of Mio's special moves.
- Terrible Trio
- Undying Loyalty: To Herr Mullen!♥
- Big Bad
- Big Creepy-Crawlies / When Trees Attack: Gaia is some sort bug-tree hybrid.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Flunky Boss: First form.
Grandia II[]
Recruitable Characters:[]
"These guys were no real challenge!" |
The main character and a Geohound, a vagrant willing to do any job for gold, along with his partner Skye. Originally hired to escort Elena to Garmia Tower (a job outside of his normal duties), Ryudo stays on as her bodyguard during her pilgrimage to see the Pope.
- All of the Other Reindeer: A pariah in his native Garlan, where he was scapegoated for massacred apparently caused by a Horns of Valmar-possessed Melfice and basically ran out of town.
- The whole world (particularly followers of Granas) is openly prejudiced against Geohounds. It's never really explained why, save for the implication that Geohounds have the reputation of accepting all kinds of dirty work.
- All a Part of the Job: Uses this to explain some of his actions a lot in the beginning. It frustrates Elena quite a bit.
- Adventure Duo: With Skye.
- Being Personal Isn't Professional
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Elena, right off the bat.
- Berserk Button: Unapologetically acts like a total Jerkass to everyone, especially Elena. However, when the life of a little girl possessed by the Eyes of Valmar is threatened, he gets pissed. Especially when said girl's own mother begs him to "put her out of her misery".
- To a lesser extent, there's religion and women. At the very least, they annoy the living crap out of him, and he tends to be extremely impatient regarding either one. He gets over this during the course of the game, though.
- Book Dumb:
St. Heim holy Text:"Does not the light of the sun shine even now? Does not the land await the return of its True God, May the light come quickly." |
- Broken Pedestal: Witnessed a double-whammy when Melfice stole a sacred sword from Grail Mountain and used it to murder his girlfriend Reena, thinking lust for power corrupted his soul, unaware of the Horns of Valmar possessing him.
- Captain Crash: Hardly his own fault, though.
- Chest Insignia: A butterfly. The significance of it isn't explained, it's just there.
- Child-Hater: A vocal one, though he warms up to Roan. A turning point for him occurs when Selene arrives to burn Aira at the stake; Ryudo sides with the girl against the entire town, including some of his teammates.
- Clueless Chick Magnet
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dead Little Sister: Reena, Melfice's dead girlfriend and a surrogate older sister figure for him. He was the one to find her body on Grail Mountain, crucified with a sword.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Determinator: In the hellacious aftermath of Mareg's death.
- Don't Call Me "Sir"!: Does not respond well to being called "son" or "sir", and insists on being referred to by first name only. Only Roan gets away with calling him "Mister Ryudo", but then the kid attaches a suffix to everybody.
- Everyone Can See It: Skye immediately picks up on his unspoken feelings for Elena, and Roan soon ribs him about this, particularly when she briefly leaves the party in St. Heim. When she rejoins, Ryudo pretends he doesn't care one way or the other, but his Freudian Slips say otherwise.
- Evil Hand: The Horns of Valmar.
- Face Palm: One of his (frequent) expression portraits
- Good Is Not Nice
- The Hero: And a rather anti-heroic one.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- I Gave My Word: Always sees his job through, no matter what. This later becomes Ryudo's pretext for behaving like a do-gooder all of a sudden.
- I Have No Brother: Ryudo explicitly says that as far as he's concerned, Melfice is no brother of his.
- I Work Alone: "I work best alone." So much for that.
- Jerkass/Jerkass Facade/Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Initially starts off as a devil-may-care, foul-mouthed jerk who seems to be Only in It For the Money. It is later revealed, however, that his attitude is but a coping mechanism to deal with low public opinion of his job, as well as his Dark and Troubled Past. By the end of the game, he's mellowed out a bit, and is becoming more friendlier as time passed.
- Knight in Sour Armor: Seemingly everybody on the planet annoys him for some reason or another.
- Leaving You to Find Myself
- Nay Theist
- Nice Earflaps
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased: With regards to Millenia.
- Not in This For Your Revolution: Until Elena's influence rubs off on him. Though he starts out by divorcing himself from the world, Ryudo gradually develops into a noble character who is sick of seeing people suffer.
- Odd Couple: With Elena.
- Oh My Gods: Ryudo actually exclaims "Oh for the love of Granas" at one point, though it's done ironically.
- He later yells "By the blood!" during his argument with Selene, this time with sincerity.
- Parental Substitute: Ryudo and Melfice were orphaned as children and raised by the village elder. Subverted when Melfice razed the town, causing the chief and his wife to disown Ryudo.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Ryudo gets one when Cyrum is overrun by demons. Having endured a trip to the moon, the deaths of two of his buddies, and a rough landing, he's not in a great mood at the moment.
Ryudo: (to Roan) You might want to start a bonfire, though. Going to be a lot of bodies when I'm done. |
- A Protagonist Is Ryu
- Resigned to the Call
- She Is Not My Girlfriend
- Shonen Hair
- The Snark Knight
- Stepford Snarker
- Sword Plant: His Victory Pose.
- Tenchi Solution: The ending implies that Ryudo is together with both Elena and Millenia.
- Too Many Belts: He almost squeaks by, seeing as two of them are attached to his knapsack. But the boots put him over the top.
- Troubled but Cute
- Tsundere: A male example, especially towards Elena.
- Unwitting Pawn: Ryudo was sent to find the Granasaber not for the sword itself, but to unseal the Body of Valmar.
- UST: With Elena and Millenia.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Skye.
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: With Elena at first; they eventually get past this.
- You Can't Go Home Again: Ryudo tracking his hated brother back to Garlan Island. The villagers don't exactly throw a ticker tape parade for him, let's just leave it at that.
Voiced by: Yukitoshi Hori (Japanese) and Paul Eiding (English) |
A talking falcon who took it upon himself to accompany Ryudo three years ago. At 58 years old, Skye is ironically something of a paternal figure to the hotheaded Geohound. He knows more about Ryudo than anyone else in the group.
- Big Badass Bird of Prey: So much so that Ryudo makes use of him in one of his special attacks.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Lancer
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Older Sidekick: Skye's a senior citizen. Show some respect.
- Parrot Pet Position: Skye usually rests on Ryudo's shoulder, even indoors. In open field areas, he takes off into the air to scout around.
- Polly Wants a Microphone
- Talking Animal
- Team Pet
- This Is My Human: Shifted to Millenia in the ending. Somebody's gotta hold her leash, after all.
- Throwing the Distraction: In the opening scene, Skye drops a lit bomb to lure a pack of mooks away from their money.
"I pray that we shall be safe ahead." |
A songstress of Granas, Elena is the sole survivor of a ceremony to reinforce the seal on the evil god Valmar in Garmia Tower. When the ceremony fails, Elena is infected by a Fragment of Valmar. Her only hope lies in journeying to St. Heim and meeting with Pope Zera. Her temperament and manners are the polar opposite of Ryudo's, and the duo form a uneasy alliance.
- Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Millenia's Veronica
- Big Eater
- Bodyguard Crush
- The Chick
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
Tio: Songstress? What is a songstress? |
- Distressed Damsel
- Gollum Made Me Do It: Elena becomes aware of her split-personality after the team gets separated in the Skyway crash. Though they start off hating each other, the duo eventually form a grudging alliance.
- Good Shepherd
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Alongside Millenia in the game's ending.
- Hair of Gold
- The Heart
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Subverted a bit in the last act, when Ryudo discovers she's been working as a double agent for Zera since they left St. Heim.
- The Ingenue
- It's All My Fault: Blames herself for being duped into lying to Ryudo and cooperating in Valmar's revival, causing an attack of the evil god's minions on the site of the "sealing" ceremony.
- Love Freak
- The Medic: Starts with the Holy Egg, and learns a special healing move late in the game.
- Morality Chain: To Ryudo, whether he wants to admit it or not.
- The Power of Rock: Elena's singing helps Ryudo recover from the corruption of the Horn of Valmar inside him.
- At the game's conclusion, she leads the survivor of Cyrum in singing a hymn to Granas, in defiance of Valmar's advancing troops.
- Proper Lady
- Screaming Woman
- Suicide Mission: Or so she thinks.
- Token Good Teammate
- Was It All a Lie?: Elena to Pope Zera, as the latter prepares to revive Valmar using the parts that Elena has absorbed. As Zera points out, he did promise to remove Millenia from her body, so he technically kept his promise.
- White Magician Girl
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
- You Didn't Ask: Starting from her meeting with Pope Zera, Elena's unspoken mission has been to absorb all of Valmar's parts and then allow herself to be killed. The reason she didn't tell Ryudo is because he holds the Horns of Valmar, and she cannot bring herself to kill him, too.
"This is boring." |
A physical manifestation of the Wings of Valmar, which were mistakingly sealed inside Elena. Millenia also functions as the alternate personality of Elena — wild, fun-loving and violent. She takes an instant liking to Ryudo and decides to help him, though her ultimate goal is to reassemble Valmar. In the beginning, Millenia secretly takes control over Elena's body whenever she is asleep or unconscious. Over time, Elena becomes aware of her alter-ego and a psychological tug-of-war ensues.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Anti-Christ
- The Archer
- Become a Real Lady
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Elena's Betty.
- Body Snatcher
- Bond One-Liner: Millenia upon defeating Valmar's Tongue.
"He appears to be a bit tongue-tied. Or is that too tongue-in-cheek?" |
- Capulet Counterpart
- Catch Phrase: "I'll make you mine."
- Cleavage Window: Her jacket overlaps with her bustier to make one.
- Combat Stilettos: Literally and figuratively. She has a Limit Break attack called "Heel Crush", wherein she walks up to an enemy, uses a platform of Hard Light to lift herself over their head, then stomps upon him/her/it thrice.
- Dark Magical Girl: A perky example.
- Dark Is Not Evil: It is retroactively revealed that Millenia has been absorbing the souls of Valmar's hosts in addition to the pieces of Valmar. This explains the gradual softening of her personality as the story progresses.
- Double Standard Rape (Female on Male): Millenia magically binds Ryudo to the bed and seems about to all sorts of colorful things before they're interrupted by a knock at the door. This is well before she starts to soften up, and when later presented with a somewhat similar opportunity, she can't do it.
- Enemy Within
- Evil Redhead
- Fiery Redhead: Make that Hell-fiery.
- Eviler Than Thou: The mere glimpse of Millenia is enough to make Valmar's Tongue run its ass off.
- Femme Fatale
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Forceful Kiss: Millenia plants one on Ryudo before abruptly reverting back to Elena — effectively killing the mood between him and her alter-ego.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Used as a gameplay mechanic. Hit her enough and she goes berserk.
- Heroic Sacrifice: With the last of her energy, Millenia sends the party to safety moments before she's devuored by Valmar's innards.
- Disney Death: Subverted late in the game.
- Horny Devils: Takes an immediate fancy to Ryudo, even trying to molest him magically.
- Hot as Hell
- Hot-Blooded
- Hot Teacher: In the epilogue. Thank Granas for Skye attempting to be her leash of sorts.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes
- Lady of Black Magic
- Large Ham: Jodi Benson has the time of her life chewing the scenery.
- Love Redeems: Her attachment to Ryudo is ultimately what persuades Millenia to renounce her mission.
- Mama Bear: Children inexplicably seem to flock to her, Roan included.
Millenia: Kids today. So much energy. All of it used for evil. |
- The Man in the Mirror Talks Back: Elena and Millenia share many a vitriolic exchange on opposites sides of a reflection.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl
- Matchmaker Crush: Initially encourages Elena to reveal her true feelings to Ryudo. Later on, though, it becomes a full-fledged tug of war between the two personalities.
- Mega Manning: As Millenia absorbs pieces of Valmar, she also acquires their special moves.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Ms. Fanservice
- Morality Pet: Roan, and, to a lesser extent, Ryudo.
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Precision F-Strike: When she enters berserker mode, Millenia sends everyone flying backward with a kinetic discharge (friend and foe alike) and snarls "PISS OFF!!"
- Puny Earthlings
- Redheads Want The Hero: Millenia certainly cuts to the chase quick, doesn't she?
Ryudo: Huh. She has a fair hand with magic. |
- Super-Powered Evil Side: It could be said that Millenia is this to Elena.
- Token Evil Teammate: Well, that tracks. Though it could be argued that she's not really all that evil...
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Valmar's Tongue discovers this to its chagrin.
- Unstoppable Rage: Millenia's "Rage System". After getting hit enough times she snaps and the player loses control over her. On the upside, she gains a massive boost in MP, SP, and stats, gets much faster than any of the other characters, and can use (and spam) practically every offensive spell available at this point in game.
- Wild Card
- Winged Humanoid
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry
"Ah, that was a breeze." |
A bright and well-mannered young boy who is journeying with a circus troupe. He chooses to join Ryudo's party after the latter helps him retrieve a treasured medal.
- The Artful Dodger
- A Child Shall Lead Them: After elevating himself to King of Cyrum, Roan leads the charge against Valmar's forces.
- Circus Brat
- Cross-Dressing Voices
- Drop the Hammer: "Golden Hammer... CRASH!!"
- I'm Taking Him Home With Me: Millenia develops a fondness for him right away.
- An Ice Person: Two of his specials are ice-based.
- King Incognito: Does this to keep his mother's medallion away from his father. n the epilogue, he plays the trope straight when he ventures out of his kingdom to visit his old friends.
- Knife Nut
- Missing Mom: Roan's mother died when he was still young. He has a bit of a mommy complex, as exhibited by his behavior around Millenia and Tio.
- Modest Royalty
- Mr. Exposition: Roan knows a lot about Silesia and shares trivia about its natives. He also spills the beans about Cyrum's secret pact with Valmar.
- Nice Guy
- Orphan's Plot Trinket
- Tagalong Kid
- The Smart Guy
- Wise Beyond Their Years
- You Are in Command Now: Elevates self to King after his father's soul is taken by Melfice.
Voiced by: Daisuke Gouri (Japanese) and Peter Lurie (English) |
The biggest, fiercest, and most respected warrior of his clan. After his home was attacked by Melfice, Mareg set out from his island village to hunt him down. Though merciless toward his opponents, Mareg is soft-hearted and genial toward strangers.
- Attack Hello: Introduces himself to Ryudo in this manner, having mistook him for his brother.
- Badass Arm-Fold
- Beast Man
- Big Eater
- The Big Guy: We don't meet the rest of his clan until late in the game. Even by beastman standards, though, he's really big.
- Blade on a Stick
- Blood From the Mouth
- Blood Oath: Swore to avenge his village's destrution at the hands of Melfice.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Beneath that smelly exterior, Mareg is a soft-spoken and contemplative guy.
- Covered with Scars
- Defeat Means Playable: Briefly mistakes Ryudo for his brother, as they share the same SMELL.
- Famous Last Words
"Hey Granas, are you listening? If you really are a god, this is my first and final prayer. Take them [Ryudo, Roan, Elena and Tio] away. AWAY TO SAFETY!!!" |
- Guttural Growler
- Halberd Plant
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Little Bit Beastly
- Mighty Glacier
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling: Mareg's sense of SMELL, which is always in capital letters.
- Nature Hero
- No One Gets Left Behind: Against Ryudo's protests, Mareg scoops Tio up in her arms and runs out of the exploding robot facility with her.
- The Nose Knows
- The Obi-Wan: To Tio, after she joins up.
- Obi-Wan Moment: Gives his first and final prayer to Granas, which seemingly charges up the Granasaber and flies the party to safety. Down on the ground, Mareg spreads his arms and is swarmed by Valmar's spawn, who devour him.).
- Odd Friendship: With Tio.
- Prepare to Die: Mareg, when he finally catches up to Melfice.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Stuck in a perpetual one directed at Melfice. It doesn't matter how tranquil Mareg happens to be at the moment; one whiff of Melfice's SMELL and he goes apeshit.
- Shipper on Deck: When Mareg returns to camp after fetching water, Ryudo asks what took him so long.
"The path we followed wrapped upon itself as a many-coiled serpent, its course at once circuitous and labyrinthine." (Translation: He got lost on purpose to let Ryudo and Elena have some time alone.) |
Voiced by: Junko Iwao (Japanese) and Kim Mai Guest (English) |
An automaton from the time of the war between Granas and Valmar. Tio is programmed to serve the Army of Darkness, but with her master long dead, she finds that she cannot act without orders. Mareg, who is mistakingly designated as her new "Master", encourages Tio to serve her own ends and discover her feelings.
- Blow You Away: Her special move Tornado.
- Catch Phrase: "I do not understand." [tilts head]
- Chainmail Bikini: While possessed by the Claws of Valmar.
- Deceptively-Human Robots
- Do-Anything Robot: Her automata nature allows her power over any Granas-era technology, including scanning the memories of older, dismantled automatas.
- Robot Girl
- Defeat Means Playable: Melfice sics her on the party in order to buy himself some time to escape.
- Emotionless Girl: Subverted as the story progresses.
- First-Name Basis: Following an extended period of calling him "Master", Tio accepts Mareg's first name. This happens as a result of Mareg declaring Tio to be her own master.
- Fragile Speedster
- Hospital Hottie In the epilogue. This is even lampshaded in the game; Tio is very popular with the local men.
- I Do Not Drink Wine: Does not require "foreign substances", and drinks only water at mealtime. If you look carefully, she mimics chugging her water and slamming it on the table like Mareg does with his grog.
- I Owe You My Life
- Instant AI, Just Add Water: Mareg sacrifices himself to get the party off the Moon of Valmar. After trying to teach Tio what freedom and emotions are, it takes his death to actually give her emotions and free will.
- Machine Monotone
- Mega Twintails
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Pinocchio Syndrome: Zigged-zagged. Tio is perplexed when Mareg tells her to follow her heart, and his death makes her wish she had never discovered her emotions to begin with. She gets better at the end, though.
- Quizzical Tilt
- Rings of Death
- Robot Names: Her name is derived from her serial number, TIO-124.
- Robo Speak
- Robosexual: Hinted at toward Mareg, though it goes reciprocated.
- Sixth Ranger: Replaces the empty slot left by Roan, after he leaves to govern Cyrum as its King.
- Some Call Me... Tim
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: Tio has quite a few of these moments, particularly after the loss of Mareg.
- Tears From a Stone: Tio weeps with joy at having saved Roan in the game's ending.
- What Is This Feeling?: Notes with a serene expression that there was an "increase in heat production" (basically, she was feeling the warm glow of happiness) after her conversation with Mareg in Nanan.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Do robots have a heart? Mareg says they assuredly do.
Voiced by: Isshin Chiba (Japanese) and John Cygan (English) |
The initial antagonist of the game. Once a promising swordsman, Melfice unexpectedly went mad and became a bloodthirsty killer. His only family is Ryudo, who believes him to be dead.
- Almost-Dead Guy: Gives clues to the Granasaber's location with his dying breath.
- Aloof Big Brother
- Ax Crazy
- Badass Cape
- Blood From the Mouth: After being defeated on Grail Mountain.
- Blood Knight: Melfice lives for two things: to free Valmar from his seals, and to destroy everything within view.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Card-Carrying Villain: "Hope"? "Justice"? Psshaw!
- Cursed with Awesome: He is the bearer of the Horns of Valmar.
- Disc One Final Boss
- Dying as Yourself
- Evil Laugh
- No One Could Have Survived That: As told in flashback, Melfice seemingly died when the Grail Mountain shrine collapsed from under him. Ryudo isn't even aware he survived until Mareg shows up, out for blood.
- Not So Different: Ryudo comments on this after narrowly avoiding his brother's fate.
- The Paragon Always Rebels: He was considered the best swordsman ever produced by the Garlan warriors. At least until the Horns of Valmar possessed him.
- Psychotic Smirk: Glued to his face.
- Sinister Silhouettes: Melfice appears as this in his introductory cutscene.
- Spikes of Villainy
- Turns Red: Defeating his other components (Sword, Regenerator) causes Melfice to cut loose with Evil Horn.
- Unholy Holy Sword: Melfice's sword. It even behaves as an independent enemy in a fight.
- Weapon Tombstone
- Where I Was Born and Razed
- Would Hurt a Child: One of the graves in Garlan village belongs to Melfice's very own Tagalong Kid. He struck her down "without hesitation."
Voiced by: Misa Watanabe (Japanese) and Kim Mai Guest (English) |
A High Priestess of Granas and the church's lead inquisitor. She is uncompromising in her efforts to stamp out heretics, and is notorious for burning down entire villages suspected of harboring evil. Selene is constantly accompanied by her Cathedral Knights, a ruthless brigade of soldiers who work for the church.
- The Baroness
- Black and White Insanity
- Blood Magic: Selene slits her wrist as an offering to Valmar, releasing the Granas Seal on his body.
- Bloody Murder: Valmar's Heart has a special attack (Black Fog Spew) in which it twirls around while gushing blood from its open 'arteries'.
- Burn the Witch: Her job is to root out darkness, even if it means cordoning off an entire village and breaking out the torches.
- Church Militant: Among the church parishioners, she is nicknamed "The Hammer of Granas".
- Combat Stilettos
- Dark Chick: Just as Elena represents the good of the church, Selene is an embodiment of the bad.
- Dissonant Serenity
- The Dragon: To Pope Zera.
- The Fundamentalist
- Fusion Dance: Leaps from a high perch onto the upturned swords of the Cathedral Knights. Cut to a Gory Discretion Shot of blood seeping down from the staircase, followed by the guardsmen reverting into an amorphous blob that becomes Valmar's Heart.
- Hanging Judge
- Hime Cut
- Holier Than Thou
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Knight Templar
- Motive Rant: Selene gives one before transforming into Valmar's Heart.
- Murder Is the Best Solution
- My Death Is Just the Beginning
- Obstructive Zealot
- Perpetual Smiler
- Psycho Strings
- Shame If Something Happened: In response to Ryudo's tirade against her methods, Selene coldly remarks, "Some would find your words to be heretical."
- Sinister Minister
- Sound-Only Death
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- We Will Meet Again: Selene promises she "shall not forget" Ryudo after he puts a damper on her mother-and-daughter barbecue.
- Woman in White
Pope Zera Innocentius[]
Voiced by: Osamu Saka (Japanese) and Richard Doyle (English) |
- After-Action Villain Analysis: Subverted by Millenia, cutting off Elena's soliloquy to announce Zera is "just a FOOL!"
- Beneath the Mask: He's very convincing in the role of a kind-hearted philanthropist. When he chides Selene for her overzealousness, you almost believe he's the sane one.
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad
- Big Good: Subverted
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Dark Messiah: Foreshadowed by his popular nickname, "The Priest Who Will Save the World".
- Drunk on the Dark Side: He goes absolutely bananas after spilling his plan to Elena.
- Faith Heel Turn: To hear him tell it, Zera spent years staring up at Valmar's Moon from his cell at Granas Cathedral, alone in his knowledge that the church is a sham and there's no deity coming to save them all.
- Fat Bastard: His character model has animated jowls.
- A God Am I: This is Pope Zera's goal, to reunite Valmar and be reborn as Valmar's Will.
- High Collar of Doom
- Immortality Immorality: Opted to cash in his chips and sell out the whole world to Valmar, in a bid to merge with 'God' himself.
- The Man Behind the Man: Admits to originally hiring Melfice to find the Granasaber first.
- Misanthrope Supreme
- Mole in Charge
- Nice Hat: Well, naturally.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Prophetic Name: "Innocentius"?? I think not.
- Self Fulfilling Spoiler: Why even bother spoiler-tagging this guy's tropes?
- Sinister Minister
- Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: Zera goes even further (if that's possible) off the deep end when you defeat Valmar's Core a second time. He decides that if the age of gods is over, then there's no need for man — and without any need for man, there is no need for the world.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To General Baal from the first game. Both characters are introduced as benevolent (if ethically murky) father-figures, who promptly transform into Large Hams the moment their jig is up. Their ultimate goals are also pretty similar: Baal wants to merge with Gaia, essentially ascending to godhood; Zera wants to merge with Valmar, becoming the closest thing to "God" that exists in the world.
- Sympathy for the Devil: Elicits this from Elena following his defeat. (Millenia is less understanding.)
- This Cannot Be!: See "Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum."
- Villainous BSOD: When Zera finds he cannot reconcile his supposed "godhood" with his ultimate defeat by the heroes, he spends his last moments quietly lamenting his flawed humanity.
"Was it Valmar's Moon that led me to this cold, dead place? Or was it always...only...me?" |
- We Can Rule Together: Of all the people opposing Valmar's revival, Zera wasn't expecting any complaints from Millenia, of all people. He reminds Millenia that this is "unbecoming" behavior for a demon, especially since they're about to rule the world together. Her rejoinder is one for the ages.
Millenia: I don't wanna! |
Pieces of Valmar and their hosts[]
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever: The body of Valmar.
- Beat Still My Heart: The heart of Valmar, naturally.
- Big Eater: The tongue of Valmar and its host, no surprise there.
- Creepy Child: Aira, who fittingly has an Ironic Nursery Rhyme.
- Fat Bastard: Gadan
- Final Boss
- Fetch Quest: Carro's only involvement in the game is getting you to collect Poff Nuts for it.
- Light'Em Up: Literally. When given three Poff Nuts, its tail lights up and you use it as a flashlight.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Game Mascot: It's even the picture on the save file.
Grandia III[]
Recruitable Characters:[]
- Blow You Away: Many of his special attacks are wind-based.
- Blue Eyes
- Calling Your Attacks
"Feel the bite of my blade! WHIRLWIND!" |
- Hell-Bent for Leather: His jacket.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Official Couple: With Alfina, as shown in the Distant Finale.
- Pretty in Mink: His jacket has a fur collar.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Receives one from Alonso after yelling at Miranda.
- Action Girl: Moreso than the other girls in this game.
- Blue Eyes
- Crutch Character: A minor example; she starts out the game five levels higher than Yuki, and while the rest of the party quickly catches up to her, she remains the most powerful for quite some time, helped by the fact that she comes with a skill that does extra damage to the type of monsters fought in the first area.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Her special move Force Slash.
- Drowning My Sorrows
- Hot Mom
- Knife Nut
- Older Than They Look: She doesn't look old enough to be a mother, period, much less a mother of a teenage boy.
- She Fu
- Team Mom
- The Chick
- Distressed Damsel
- Hair of Gold
- Love Freak
- Official Couple: With Yuki, as seen in the Distant Finale.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Blade on a Stick
- Loveable Rogue
- Team Dad
- What the Hell, Hero?: Delivers an impressive one to Yuki.
"Get ready to fry, maggots! INFERNO SPIKE!" |
- Dragon Rider
- Hot-Blooded
- Kill It with Fire: Many of his special attacks are fire-based.
- Little Bit Beastly
- Death Dealer
- Glass Cannon: Given the right magic, she can do a lot of damage, but she can't really take a hit.
- Her Heart Will Go On
- Lady in Red
- Love Hurts: Her opinion when you first meet her.
- Roma
- Squishy Wizard
- Ms. Fanservice
- Big Badass Bird of Prey
- Chekhov's Gun: In the end, it really is Alfina's love that turns Emellious.
- The Power of Love: Tells Alfina to never stop loving her brother right before she gets killed by said person.
- The Medic: Yoat's Orb is described as the "ultimate healing power"
- Time Stands Still: The effect of Unama's Orb
- Awesome Yet Practical: Since it only works on the enemy, your whole party has many turns with which to beat the crap out of them
- Aloof Big Brother
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic Sacrifice:
- Senseless Sacrifice: His death didn't seem to affect Xorn at all
- Love Redeems
Sky Captain Schmidt[]
- Ambiguously Brown
- Black Best Friend
- Chekhov's Gunman: Comes back at the very end of the game to help Yuki get a plane so he can go save Alfina.