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This isn't the climax of the latest Stephen King book or Jason, part 17.

A Hip Hop group noted for popularizing the Horrorcore style, Gravediggaz primarily consisted of Stetsasonic's Frukwan (The Gatekeeper), Wu-Tang Clan's RZA (The Rzarector), De La Soul producer Prince Paul (The Undertaker), and Brothers Grym's Poetic (The Grym Reaper). Gravediggaz is noted for a high level of Gallows Humor, Geto Boys-influenced cartoonish violence, esoteric references to the Nation of Gods and Earths and dark production.

Their first album, n***amortis (more widely known as 6 Feet Deep in the United States), is one of the most widely appraised Horrorcore albums, and features some of the darkest production by Prince Paul. Their next album, The Pick, the Sickle and the Shovel, featured production by RZA and a calmer sound, while the lyrics combined their usual Horrorcore fare with sociopolitical issues. Nightmare in A-Minor was recorded without RZA and Prince Paul, who had left the group. After Poetic's Author Existence Failure in 2001, the group remained inactive until recording a new track, "2 More Cups of Blood" in 2010, and announcing a new Gravediggaz album in 2011.

Gravediggaz provides examples of the following tropes:[]


 Down the corridor was Old Fat Ned,

Schemin' off a blowjob from a crackhead

He said, "Hey, want a piece, little man?"

I was like, "Yo, I'm better off with my hand!!!"
