"To make it in Nuevos Aires, one needs nerves of silk and the filthiest of hands. Mix together a batch of espionage, some high-speed car chases, fire-spewing assassins, and you've got one oven that'll never bake cookies again. We provide the pliers and you bring the moxie."
—author's description of the game.
Citizen Abel: Gravity Bone is a Freeware Spy Fiction First-Person Shooter by Brendon Chung, set in the nondescript South American locale of Nuevos Aires. You play Citizen Abel, a secret agent who embarks on missions that involve performing peculiar or outright bizarre actions, such as secretly feeding an insect to a man at a party, or taking covert photographs of black birds. Your actions are only ever explained at the end of a successful mission by a Motor Mouth robotic voice - and even then you never know who your "clients" are, or what their greater purpose is.
Download it for Windows here.
- Awesomeness Meter: Parodied. In addition to your base mission payment, you're also rewarded bonus cash for a number of strange reasons, such as a "$100 Full Gas Tank bonus" in a mission with no vehicles.
- And the less said about the "Phantom Pants bonus", the better.
- Blown Across the Room: This is how Abel dies.
- Bittersweet Ending
- Chase Scene: And how!
- Canis Latinicus: The Manitoba Beast Bug has the Latin name of surprisibus surprisibus.
- Determinator: Citizen Abel thinks nothing of embarking on a high-speed foot chase after being shot three times.
- Evil Redhead: your target in mission 1 is the only red-headed man at the party, and in mission 2, the redheaded woman shoots you.
- The Faceless: Abel.
- The Hero Dies
- Ice Breaker: You break locks by freezing them and hitting them with a hammer.
- Mission Briefing: Which, for some reason, always takes place in the Furnace Room of whatever building you start in.
- My Life Flashed Before My Eyes: Happens to Abel himself.
- No Name Given: Everyone you meet. Your contacts and targets in missions are only referred to by physical attributes, such as "the man with red hair".
- No OSHA Compliance: The Furnace Rooms in the missions become increasingly filled with crushing pistons.
- Romance Novel: Subverted. A woman in mission 2 reads a book entitled "Passionless Moments".
- Scoring Points: The mission payments are essentially just points, especially since you can't spend any of it.
- Slow Motion Fall
- Tuxedo and Martini: Abel is presented like this.
- The Unintelligible: Everyone you meet speaks using the exact same "wah wah" sound used by grown-ups in the Peanuts cartoon.
- Twist Ending: Abel dies at the end of mission 2.
- Weaponized Camera: In mission 2, the five birds explode when they are photographed.