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"To make it in Nuevos Aires, one needs nerves of silk and the filthiest of hands. Mix together a batch of espionage, some high-speed car chases, fire-spewing assassins, and you've got one oven that'll never bake cookies again. We provide the pliers and you bring the moxie."
—author's description of the game.

Gravity Bone 7282

Citizen Abel: Gravity Bone is a Freeware Spy Fiction First-Person Shooter by Brendon Chung, set in the nondescript South American locale of Nuevos Aires. You play Citizen Abel, a secret agent who embarks on missions that involve performing peculiar or outright bizarre actions, such as secretly feeding an insect to a man at a party, or taking covert photographs of black birds. Your actions are only ever explained at the end of a successful mission by a Motor Mouth robotic voice - and even then you never know who your "clients" are, or what their greater purpose is.

Download it for Windows here.
