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  • Larry Niven wrote the Green Lantern writing bible and some stories. Notably one where Red shifting was abused to take down Sinestro.
  • In this issue, Kyle Rayner gets hit with a dart from Fatality that makes it hard to focus, and thus hard to use his Ring. When she has him on the ropes, on the deck of an aircraft carrier, he manages to start sketching something with his ring. Something with's a Lawyer-Friendly Cameo of Calvin, who throws a jet fighter at Fatality like a paper airplane.
  • "In Blackest Night": Green Lantern rings are powered by willpower. Yellow Lanterns (Sinestro Corps) are fear. Red Lanterns are rage, and manifest as red, bloodlike puke-fire energy spewing from their mouths. After his capture Sinestro is being transported through space by the GLC, and his convoy is ambushed by the Sinestro Corps. Who are themselves interrupted by a blue space-cat in a red costume. Who proceeds to energy-puke on a being wielding one of the most powerful weapons in existence. And it takes off the top half of his head.
  • The two occasions on which Alan Scott defeated his mad son Obsidian, wiping the Earth clean of all-encompassing darkness.
    • Alan's been Awesome ever since 1944, when he took on the explicitly "unstoppable" Solomon Grundy (in Grundy's origin story) without his ring. And stopped him!
  • EVERY time this phrase is spoken

 In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night

No Evil shall Escape my Sight

Let those who worship Evil's Might

Beware my power, Green Lantern's Light!!!!

  • Hal Jordan overcoming the yellow impurity in Secret Origins.
  • People will never let Guy forget that Batman knocked him out with one punch. But say what you will about Guy, not many people have the stones to moon Batman
  • Near the end of The Death of Superman arc, Hal Jordan returns to Coast City, only to find that Mongul has destroyed it with the help of Cyborg Superman. Hal goes absolutely berserk and attacks Mongul, only for Mongul to wipe the floor with him. At the last minute, Hal finds Steel's hammer, which said hero had dropped in an earlier battle, and threatens Mongul with it. This ensues:

 Hal: Your day is over, crud! For you, and whoever the creep is you take orders from!

Mongul: Indeed? Your powers require will, little man. Too bad I shattered that will.

Hal: shattered my shattered my knee...

(Uses his ring to create a glowing power suit and lifts the hammer)

...but my will is something you'll never touch.


Green Lantern Rebirth[]

  • John Stewart confronts Batman, who had up to that point in the story had been drawn completely in shadow. After listening to Batman constantly bad-mouthing Hal, John puts the goddamn Batman in his place:

 John Stewart: I'm tired of this. I'm tired of the disrespect Batman slings Hal's way.

You've always had a thing against him, haven't you? And I finally see why.

(illuminating Batman with his ring, revealing his true appearance - a man in a costume)

Hal is the one person in the world that didn't buy what you're selling.

Hal was the man without fear.

And what is "the Batman" when you're not afraid of him? Just a man.

  • In Rebirth #6 when Hal punches out Batman.
    • Which, if Guy's reaction in the background is any indication, is a reference to when Batman pulled the "one punch!" thing on Guy way back when. Revenge is sweet, even if by proxy.
  • The end of Green Lantern Rebirth, when Hal Jordan stands up to the "Fear Entity" Parallax after his fellow Green Lanterns have fallen:

 Parallax: Give up.

You failed once, you'll fail again.

Lay down and die. You're weak. You're scared. Give up now. Give up.

Hal Jordan: I...

Parallax: Give up damn you.

Hal Jordan: I don't know how.

  • Hmm....strange how this didn't come up. In the comics, when John Stewart is convicted of destroying a planet, he attempts to recreate it-to its entirety-for piece of mind. This is where his architectural prowess comes into play. This also proves that his Determinator goes far and beyond the scope of most human lanterns...or even most alien lanterns. How is this shown? With only four small words.

 John Stewart's Ring: Warning: Willpower exceeding Ring parameters.

    • John seems to be involved with blowing up a lot of planets. In War of the Green Lanterns, John blows up Mogo with a Black Lantern bullet
  • A robot is about to blow up Hal Jordan's home city and he has no charge in his ring, what does he do? He decapitates it, by punching it in the face, after jumping out of a jet that's on fire and traveling a mach 1.
  • Just about anything Guy Gardner does: rides a motorcycle construct through space, talks back to the Guardians, declares war on the Reach, steals Krona's power guantlet, puts Parallax out of the central power battery, etc.


Live Action Film[]

  • The climactic battle, especially on Earth. Whatever the faults of the film's writing, Jordan's showdown with Parallax is a thriller with the filmmakers just getting the possibilities with a ring that can create anything. What that enables is a mindblower of an action scene as Jordan creates one green energy construct after another in rapid-fire succession to fight the seemingly unbeatable foe. Finally, Jordan is being pushed to the floor by the entity who is ominously ranting of what failure he is and what is going to happen to everything he values so he might as well despair and surrender to his fear. Against that, Jordan quietly recites his Corps' Badass Creed, now realizing it has come to mean everything he values, until he roars why this worshiper of Evil's might must beware his power, "Green Lantern's Light!"
    • The above, to wit:

 Parallax: "I feel your fear growing. You will be dead soon."

Hal Jordan: "In brightest day... Ngh... In blackest night..."

Parallax: "And when you're gone I'll destroy everything you ever loved."

Hal Jordan: "No evil... Shall escape my sight..."

Parallax: "Your family, your home, your planet will be no more."

Hal Jordan: "Let those who worship... Evil's might..."

Parallax: "The entire human race will be wiped out, because YOU, Hal Jordan... Were afraid."

Green Lantern: <Turning to look directly at Parallax> "Beware my power... Green Lantern's Light!" BOOM!

  • He punches Fear INTO THE SUN
  • Every fight between Hector Hammond and Hal.
  • The training sequence on Oa, especially the duel with Sinestro, which mirrors the later climactic fight in its rapid and creative use of various weapons and other constructs.