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 Mogo, age unknown, died suddenly and unexpectedly in the orbit of Oa, Space Sector 00. He was born in the creation of the universe, and much of his history, as well as how he joined the Green Lantern Corps, is unknown. He leaves behind two moons and assorted debris hurtling dangerously through space. Seriously, be careful.

Mogo was not only the roundest of the Green Lanterns, he was also Corps' only member to be a living planet. A lifelong resident of Sector 2261 for several millenia, he was also the compass that directed where new GL rings were sent to find viable candidates.

Although he often acted as a mentor to Corpsmen needing guidance, he was not known for being one to socialize.

His passions included cultivating the lush forests covering his surface, orbiting his system's sun, and not exploding.

During the Blackest Night, Mogo selflessly protected Oa and the Central Power Battery by absorbing dangerous Black Lantern energy into his own core. Few have ever demonstrated such bravery or sacrifice, and after seeing what happened to the last guy who did, odds are few more ever will.

He will be missed.

In lieu of flowers, the Guardians ask that donations of willpower be sent in care of Oa. Or cash. Cash is actually better, but, you know, whatever.

  • Green Lantern: The New Guardians gives us Kyle arguing with a little kid about his costume.
    • The same issue has a Sinestro Corps member terrorizing some people... until his ring abandons him. The people surround and presumably beat the crap out of/kill him.

Live-action movie[]

  • Pretty much every other thing out of Hal's mouth in the film is this, but special mention should go to the scene where he's trying to figure out the oath and comes up with "To infinity and beyond!" and "By the power of Greyskull!"
    • The first oath he tries is something along the lines of "I pledge allegiance... to a lantern... I got from a dying ... purple ... alien. (beat) In a swamp."
  • Killowog in the movie "The human? Ain't never seen one before..." *leans in and sniffs Hal* "You smell funny." "I smell funny?"
  • Hal showing his friend the ring: "Ring ... finger ..." *Strikes Pose ... Nothing happens* "Must be outta juice."

  Tom: Did you break it already?

    • The best part is Tom is all fanboying out and doesn't seem to notice Hal flipping him off.
  • The scene of Carol Ferris recognizing Hal as Green Lantern. "I've known you my whole life! I've seen you NAKED! You don't think I would recognize you because I can't see your cheekbones?!"
    • When she's caught on to him, Hal tries to maintain the ruse. When she pushes, though, you can see him just barely manage to hold back laughter.
  • This Troper is particularly fond of "Now let's take off these pants and go fly some planes."
    • Ditto for "There's water in the tap."
  • The scene where Hal says the ring is a huge responsibility and Tom goes, "Responsibility? You!?"

 Tom: Well, maybe on their planet "responsibility" just means "asshole".

Hal: Let's hope so.

  • When Hal first sees his new suit and stars strutting around to goofy music.