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  • Complete Monster:
    • Mornhavon the Black, although some other characters, such as Grandmother, give him a run for his money as most despised villain.
    • Lord Richmont Spane. He would have been just a narcissitic bastard, if it weren't for his designs on Estora's little sister.
  • Downer Ending / Bittersweet Ending - The ending of Book 4 is one of these, but which one? Amberhill is shipwrecked, Estral has been rendered completely mute, Grandmother and what remains of her band escape, Yates is dead, and Karrigan wakes up in a sarcophagus...again. However, the damage to the wall has been stopped and was slowly reversing under Estral's care. Oh, and the whole mission that was the reason for the Blackveil expedition? Successful, despite the casualties.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Mirwell is first known to cross it when he orders the death of a group of schoolchildren because they might be rivals for the throne one day.