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We've seen it every time someone new and mysterious appears, whether it's a New Transfer Student or Naïve Newcomer is given the third degree by the entire class or team. In some cases, there may be references to Noodle Incidents, Noodle Implements, or a Dark Secret.
Anime and Manga[]
- On A Bridge To The Starry Skies, Daigo lampshades this after Kazuma's class introduction. During the first free time, Kazuma actually gets grilled by the class.
- In Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha As, Fate received this treatment when she transferred to Nanoha's class. Interestingly, it wasn't Nanoha who saved her Shrinking Violet of a friend but their other friend Arisa.
- On Magician's Academy, this happens to Tanarotte and Suzuho when they join Takuto's regular school... especially after seeing how they act with Takuto. Of course, none of Suzuho's questions got answered.
Classmate: "An exchange student?" |
- On Neon Genesis Evangelion shortly after Shinji arrived, in his class there were already rumors he was the Eva pilot after his first fight. The moment he innocently confirmed it, everybody (save Hikari, Kensuke, and Toji) surrounded him to ask him questions related to the Eva.
- In The Well of Lost plots, Thursday gets grilled by many characters in the unpublished book Caversham Heights (where she's hiding out from Goliath and Lavosier during her advancing pregnancy) when they find out she's an Outlander. Some of them don't believe she is an Outlander when she admits not knowing things (like "the purpose of alphabet soup"), so she has them leave off their speech descriptors and successfully identifies several speakers in order.
Live Action TV[]
- Charlie's Angels: New girl Tiffany is grilled by Kelly & Kris when they learn that she's actually met Charlie.
- Farscape: Jool and Sikozu got this treatment as newcomers. Neither of them were particularly forthcoming. Crais got this treatment when he deserted, too.
- On How I Met Your Mother, the gang does this to poor Victoria about her love life, with the questions thinly disguised as being part of a Truth or Dare style board game.
Western Animation[]
- In Finding Nemo the other fish in the tank ask Nemo endlessly about the Ocean.
Bubbles: "The old big blue, eh? What's it like? |