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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Does Advocat save Lillet (by asking Grimlet to kill her last, knowing she'll go back in time) because he simply wants to retain the chance to get Gammel's soul, or does he actually feel some duty as a teacher? Does he actually expect to get Gammel's soul at all, or does he just enjoy working with him? Or is it a trick to get the chance to get the student's souls? (We never see him successfully get Gammel's soul on any iteration, but he does manage to get students into contracts with him twice.)
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Lillet conning TWO Big Bads by making one kill the other and the other one suffer in hell for all ETERNITY!
    • Amoretta's Heroic Sacrifices in 3rd and 4th loops against Grimmlet, which both have her giving a good World of Cardboard Speech. Something from this that adds to the above is that Amorretta giving her live to incinerate him doesn't piss off Grimmlet nearly as much as Lillet scamming him.
  • Les Yay: Lillet towards Amoretta, with Fetish Fuel moments such as Lillet saying that thing Amoretta lack is love and she will give as much as she wants, and a scene showing they slept together.