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Brother and Sister ["Ane to otouto" (Japanese: 姉と弟)] is the 36th episode of Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics. The titular characters, a boy named Rudolph and his older sister Rosa, make a run from their home and away from their Wicked Stepmother, only for Rudolph to end up transformed into a stag. They still try to rebuild their lives on their own, unaware that they're not necessarily free from the vile woman's influence. . .
The tropes used in this episode include...
- Adapted Out: The evil stepsister.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: The King gives one to Rosa's weakened spirit when he sees her, managing to convince her to tell him where she's being kept prisoner.
- Bowdlerize: Rosa/Sister is kidnapped instead of killed, and she uses Astral Projection to watch over her newborn baby (matching how the original Sister's soul does the same).
- The Wicked Witch is not burned at the stake, but is last seen in a daze in the forest and dies off-screen.
- Cooldown Hug: As seen above, Rosa gives one to Rudolph when he becomes a stag.
- Disproportionate Retribution: The Wicked Stepmother whips poor Rudolf simply for eating some apples, and then whips Rosa when she tries to reason with her.
- Named by the Adaptation: Here the siblings are given the names Rudolf and Rosa.
- Parental Abandonment: Rosa and Rudolf's father is never mentioned in the original, but here is specifically mentioned that he died few after marrying the stepmother. She started abusing them after his death.
- Pragmatic Adaptation: This version ommits the evil stepsister and simply has the Wicked Stepmother kidnapping Rosa and taking her to the mountains instead of killing her.
- Rescue Romance: Subverted: Rosa is in lethal danger and needs to be rescued by the King... after they've fallen in love.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Rosa goes from a cute Girl Next Door to a beautiful and elegant young lady on-screen, matching her VERY handsome husband.
- A Taste of the Lash: The Wicked Stepmother is seen using a whip on her stepchildren.
- Taking the Bullet: When Rosa gets whipped by the stepmother, Rudolf's Little Brother Instinct kicks in and he covers Rosa with his own body to shield her.
- Unkempt Beauty: Rosa is really cute as a simple Girl Next Door. When she's kidnapped by the Wicked Stepmother she's seen with her hair and her clothes messy, but she still looks lovely.