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  • The fake trailers.
  • It's blood.
    • Son of a bitch...
  • Stuntman Mike screaming like a little girl after getting his arm broken when he's rammed off the road by his would-be victims.
    • "I'm okay!"
  • And Nicolas Cage as... Fu Manchu!
  • Okay, this is probably horrible, but the Black Comedy that occurred in Planet Terror when the little boy shot himself. Especially after the long explanation his mother gave about how not to do that.
  • In the theatrical cut of Death Proof, we start getting excited about seeing a lap dance, and then "footage missing."
    • Averted in the DVD, thank God.
  • The "missing reel" from Planet Terror. Suddenly, the diner's on fire.
  • "Hi, I'm Cherry." "You sure are."
  • When Cherry asks Wray for a ride, he, JT and Rusty the dog all look at her.