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Played for Comedy[]

  • "Weird Al" Yankovic
    • In "I Can't Watch This" (which parodies MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This), one line goes: "That's funny as a kick in the crotch/And that kind of show, I can't watch". The show he's referring to with those lines is America's Funniest Home Videos, which appears on the Live Action TV page for this trope.
    • Suring the list portion of Hardware Store, one of the items Al mentions is an "Automatic Circumciser."
  • Singer/comedian Heywood Banks composed an ode to this subject, "Trama to the Groin", which again brings up America's Funniest Home Videos's reliance on it.
  • The minifilm from Styx's Kilroy Was Here concerts featured Dennis DeYoung's character doing this. To a robot. After being inspired by the helpful booklet 'What Not To Do to Your Roboto'.
  • There are a lot of GroinAttacks in Emezie Okorafor's music videos:
  • In the Gorillaz music video "Clint Eastwood", Murdoc is chased by zombie apes, one of which grabs his crotch and pulls him to the ground. According to the biography, it really hurt. The "Rock the House" video features him having billiard balls shot directly at his groin and bouncing them off an armoured codpiece.
  • The video for the Eels song "Rags to Rags" parodies an America's Funniest Home Videos-type show, so naturally, it includes several of these. Considering the song the video is for....
  • Happens to one of the robots in the video for "Warriors of Time" by Black Tide.
  • "Zip" by KMFDM:

  Don't get your (Sound Effect Bleep) into the zip of your pants, cause it hurts you in the most sensitive part of your body

  • Lemon Demon's song, Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny contains the lines "Angels sang out an emaculate chorus, down from the Heavens decended Chuck Norris, who delivered a kick which could shatter bones into the crotch of Indiana Jones..."

Played for Drama[]

  • Emilie Autumn's "Miss Lucy Had Some Leeches" includes what may count as a female variation. "Ladies are like children/ with brains the size of squirr'ls/ let's give clitoridectomies to all the little / girls are helpless treasures ..."