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Welcome to the Growing Up Creepie recap page in their bugging glory, for more information please check out the "Growing Up Creepie"

Season 1[]
  1. The Tell-Tale Poem/ Creepie Meets Tarantula Boy
  2. The Scared Twitch Project/Frogenstein
  3. Bug It On/ The Case of the Mysterious Moth
  4. Attack of the Wasp Zombies/ Legend of the Locker
  5. Bite Nite/ Night of Fright
  6. Roaché Motel/ Greenhouse of Horrors
  7. Field of Screams/ Mom Under Glass
  8. Goth To Have Better Friends/Wax Attacks
  9. Headless Roach Man/ Invasion of the Locusts
  10. Creepie's Living Doll/ Operation Monarch Liberation
  11. Bait and Switch/ Shutterbug
  12. Bad Karma Chameleon/ Home is Where the Haunt Is
  13. Creepie Friday/ The Final Curtain