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These things about Guardians of the Galaxy (film) are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.
- Alternative Character Interpretation:
- Avengers: Infinity War established two things about Thanos: He does not lie and he cuts populations in half. So how did he intend to honour his agreement with Ronan?
- After the release of Captain Marvel, was Ronan's eagerness to claim the Power Stone motivated, at least partly, so that he could use it to match Carol?
- And You Thought It Would Fail: Given the the Guardians of the Galaxy were D-list heroes when the film was first announced, many predicted that the film would end the Marvel Cinematic Universe's winning streak. After its release, Guardians is regarded as one of the MCU's best.
- Epileptic Trees: After the second film, many fans became convinced that the Celestial head that forms Knowhere was once Ego's, rationalizing that whatever separated him from his body gave him amnesia.
- Memetic Loser: Played for Laughs with the Guardians. They're competent warriors but self-describing themselves as "losers" lets everyone else look at them that way.
- Memetic Mutation: "Turd Blossom".
- Signature Scene: Peter dancing to "Come and Get Your Love" on Morag. It perfectly establishes the tone of the movie.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Quite a few people who were aware of the Guardians from the comics expressed this belief about the film.
- Unexpected Character: Not only did no one expect the Guardians of the Galaxy to get a movie, but Howard the Duck shows up in it.
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