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Beware spoilers.[]

The Bubble turns out to be a Lotus Eater Machine. Leading to the events of the webcomic.[]

  • Whether the results were intentional remain to be seen.

Bandit is Daedalus' Digital Avatar.[]

The Destiny shown to Payet Best by the Basin of Foresight is... Nothing.[]

  • Best and the others gaze into the Basin of Foresight when Best asks to be shown his destiny. All the reader sees is the reflections of the party staring into the water, with Best getting increasingly more upset, and the others more and more surprised and shocked. So what destiny was Best shown? The same destiny he's always had: NOTHING!!! Seriously, is it that surprising? After all, he was mistaken for a hero of destiny anyways.
    • Very close! He saw his own grave.