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Here we're going to list the characters introduced in Guilty Gear X and it's Updated Rereleases.
The Captain Ersatz, Expy, "No Celebrities Were Harmed", Mythology Gags, Continuity Nods and Shout-Out references go here.
Voiced by: Hiroko Konishi (XX), Yukiko Kato (AC), Manaka Iwami (STRIVE) |
Bridget was initially a crossdressing boy, later shown to actually be a trans girl. In her hometown there is a superstition that if twins of the same gender are born, disaster will come. And because of that, baby Bridget was taken into the custody of the local convent's nun, then raised as a girl. (Well, it was that or having her killed off). She works as a bounty hunter to prove that she isn't bad luck, and when Strive hits she goes on a journey to explore her own self. |
- All There Is to Know About "The Crying Game": Bridget's gender is perhaps the reason some people stumbled upon the Guilty Gear series. It's eventually settled on her being a Transgender girl.
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance
- Badass
- Badass Normal: Probably the most normal cast member of them all, yet can easily stand her ground with every other character.
- Bishonen: Subverted - she looked lik
- Crash Into Hello: One of Bridget's Intro Animations in X and XX has her accidentally tripping up and then stepping on her opponent. She looks at them sheepishly, apologizes for the incident, and then the fight begins.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady -> Transgender: Initially presented as a very girlish boy, then as a genuine trans woman. According to Ishiwatari, he had always intended her to be trans but wasn't sure about how to do it until "times caught up with Bridget's story".
- Fingerless Gloves
- Improbable Weapon User: A yo-yo.
- Nun-Too-Holy: She wears a nun's habit.
- Panty Shot
- Raised as the Opposite Gender: Initially.
- Ship Tease: Bridget is pretty popular with the girls in the series. XX Reload has her become friends with Dizzy in her Path 2 ending (as well as getting a Jellyfish Pirate hat from a girl that looks vaguely like Dizzy), as well as showing her and May acting friendly towards each other in May's Path 2 ending. And Jam flirts with her on at least one occasion, as well as having her become her waiter in her first Story Mode ending for Accent Core Plus.
- Token Mini-Moe
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: The infamous former Trope Namer. Eventually subverted.
Voiced by: Iemasa Kayumi and Takaya Hashi (Xrd onwards) |
A powerful Nightwalker who seems to be the only one who knows exactly what the hell is going on. He visits many characters and gives them valuable hints. He was the original founder of the Assassins' Guild, and his main objective is to disband it because it became corrupted from his original intentions. He is married to an immortal Lady in Red named Sharon, who is completely immune to anything, even parasites like Eddie (In fact, it is shown in Eddie's 1st ending in XX that upon making contact with her, he melts away into nothingness). |
- Badass: Slayer laughs at classic vampire weaknesses. Slayer scoffs at sunlight and shrugs off a stake in his heart like it's nothing. Slayer eats garlic for breakfast, lunch AND dinner. And if all this mockery wasn't enough, Slayer tops it all off by wearing a cross for a tie. The man is just a colossal badass. Period.
- Badass Beard
- Cultured Badass
- Retired Badass: Now more like former retired badass who wants to retire after he's finished with his business regarding the Assassins' Guild and destroy some of the Post War Administration Bureau's facilities.
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Memetic Badass
- Blood Knight: After Bedman gives him a surprising defeat in Xrd, he becomes obsessed in having a rematch with him, and Venom and Zato go along with the idea. Millia is...annoyed.
- Classical Movie Vampire
- Comically Missing the Point: Millia asks if she should fire some fireworks when he defeats Bedman in their "rematch". Slayer actually takes the idea seriously and begins to plan the food and drinks for a "victory dinner". The blonde woman is very annoyed by this.
- Creepy Cool Crosses
- Even Evil Has Standards: While not super evil, he still dislikes what has happened to the Assassins Guild.
- Happily Married: He and Sharon.
- High-Class Glass
- I Let You Win: Seeing as every fight against him is acknowledged as him not going all out, it's pretty obvious he does this.
- You can definitely see this in his knockdown sprite. Rather than lying unconscious, when Slayer is "knocked out", he merely lies on the ground with a miffed expression on his face, propped up on his arm.
- Immortality (Besides his Type V, his wife Sharon may be Type I.)
- Let's Fight Like Gentlemen
- Lightning Bruiser: Can teleport back and forth on the battlefield and his attacks pack quite a punch.
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Nice Guy: Extremely civil to pretty much everyone, even hands out hints to people for seemingly no reason than wanting to be helpful (like when he informs Ky Kiske something is seriously wrong with the bounty on Dizzy even though he has little reason to care).
- Official Couple: Happily Married with Sharon.
- Older Is Better
- Our Vampires Are Different (Sunlight doesn't affect him. In Isuka's credits, it is shown that other traditional vampire weaknesses (a cross, garlic and a wooden stake) are merely amusing to him.)
- Really 700 Years Old
- Sarcasm Blind: Millia shows this opinion about him after he begins to discuss drinks and food for a dinner after a fight after Millia suggests sarcastically that she should fire some fireworks as commemoration, as she finds the whole issue petty.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Smoking Is Cool: Slayer can actually block attacks with smoke from his pipe.
- Warrior Poet: His Instant Kill includes haiku, come on!
- Willfully Weak (One of the strongest characters in the series, although we never see him go all-out on That Man so we cannot say if he is the strongest.)
Voiced by: Yuji Ueda |
A seemingly normal man who is actually possessed by several spirits. He seeks to find Faust so he can cure his ailment. In XX he finds Faust, who tells him that he doesn't know what to do about it and suggests that he train himself to control the blackouts. In Accent Core + , he encounters Faust again, who finally concludes that Zappa is possessed after seeing S-ko for the first time. Faust purges the ghosts from Zappa, and he thanks Faust for his help. |
- Awesome but Impractical / Difficult but Awesome: Zappa is consistently a low ranked character. This is not because he is weak, but because when you play Zappa, you essentially play as five different characters at once and constantly (and randomly) change between them throughout the fight. That said, if you can get Raoh out, Zappa becomes a Game Breaker.
- Bishounen: The reason why S-ko got attracted to him.
- Blank White Eyes: When possessed by S-ko.
- Blessed with Suck: Is a natural medium for spirits, attracts many of them and gets possessed.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: More like Possessed And Crazy, but still.
- Character Development: Managing to prevail over the seven ghosts has made him lots of good, and it allows him to show that he's extremely booksmart and able to develop rather interesting theories about the Backyard itself.
- Took a Level In Badass: Yep, he DID get to tame ALL of his ghosts. Including S-Ko.
- The Chew Toy: Poor, poor Zappa.
- Confusion Fu: Seriously, he is able to randomly change his moveset while fighting.
- I Am Legion: Has an evil dog, a cursed sword, the "Three Stooges", Raoh (No, not THAT Raoh), and S-ko living within him. And the centipedes that appear while the summoning attack and one of his Overdrives.
- Lightning Bruiser: When Zappa has Raoh out.
- Motor Mouth
- Not Himself: Whenever possessed by S-ko. In Story Mode this is indicated by his skin turning dark blue and Blank White Eyes until Accent Core Plus (which showed him bent over backwards like his fight pose). His voice is also distorted.
- Powers Via Possession: His play style. If a player manages to successfully identify what "gost" is at the front and draw out its potential...
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Especially when possessed by S-Ko.
- Stringy Haired Ghost Girl: S-ko
- Unlucky Everydude: Poor Zappa is just a normal dude, who happens to be easy prey for spirits.
Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue |
The mysterious servant of That Man. Putting it simply, she is all that is Bitch. And she loves it. As she serves That Man, she also knows Sol. In XX, she goes around causing heaps of trouble for the other characters. In Accent Core + , after an encounter with Sol she transports him back in time to fight his past self, Order-Sol. |
- Ambidextrous Sprite: When facing left, she holds her guitar like a lefty (and her guitar becomes a lefty-built as well)
- Badass
- Lady of Black Magic: Explicitly confirmed to use spells in Accent Core +.
- Broken Bird: The later games imply that THIS is what I-No truly, is, deep down.
- Bullet Hell: Her infamous Megalomania attack which will drain your entire tension meter if you block it in addition to some of your health. It had to be toned down heavily when I-No became properly playable.
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe: As revealed in Xrd Revelator, that was apparently how she was created. Mankind wished so much for better days during the war with the gears that the Boundary stored all this desires in a single human's body: I-No. That's why I-No is obsessed with the idea of "tomorrow" - and naturally, I-no does... not take it well..
- Co-Dragons: She and Raven are supposed to be this to That Man, up until the Xrd games at least. As said above, she upgrades to one half of a Big Bad Duumvirate in STRIVE, and in the end, to the Big Bad.
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Combat Stilettos
- Dark Action Girl
- Depraved Bisexual: Strongly implied in the XX ending where she captures May.
- Double Entendre: LOVES using these.
- Enigmatic Minion: Her profile in her story mode simply reads "UNKNOWNUNKNOWNUNKNOWN..." Not so enigmatic after XX, as her cover is blown.
- For the Evulz
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Almost all of EX I-no's win quotes in the arcade are sex-based. In Accent Core, they don't even try to hide it.
(after defeating May): "Aren't you a little young to be around here? Go home and drink your daddy's milk. |
- Improbable Weapon User / Instrument of Murder: I-No uses a shapeshifting electric guitar. She can either smash people with it, or create cacophonic sounds to defeat her opponents.
- Lady in Red
- Manipulative Bitch: Cannot stress this enough.
- Meaningful Name: I-no, imaginary number. As revealed in Xrd Revelator, she's the result of mankind wishing for a better tomorrow and the Boundary putting these wishes on a human body. She's a product of wishful thinking. In other words, she is just imagination.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Musical Assassin: Her move names have musical traits, as do the actual moves themselves.
- Nice Hat: It talks!
- Orgasmic Combat: I-No sounds a little too excited while inflicting or taking pain. This is raised to Memetic Molester levels when I-No fights Dizzy, because their respective reactions to combat sounds like I-No is raping Dizzy.
- Pet the Dog: Surprisingly, she can be capable of this. She and Axl speak about what they have in common and a HUGE decision that he must take, and she's oddly sympathetic to him.
- At the end of STRIVE's Story Mode, she uses her last bits of life and strength to bring her alternate self, Megumi, to this timeline so she and Axl can be together.
- The Power of Rock: Her Instant Kill, and her winpose in which she plays "One" by Metallica.
- SNK Boss: Especially in Accent Core.
- Split Personality: On one hand, mysterious and sexy. On the other hand, you guessed it: ULTRA-BITCH.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: She had a boyfriend that she genuinely loved... and once the man disappeared, she lost it, which wasn't helped by the distressing circumstances she also had to live through. It's eventually revealed that her lost love was a man named Will, also a Pure Magic Being like her. . . and in another timeline, the two were Axl Low and Megumi.
- Stripperific: She even takes off her top in one of her win poses, though she turns her back to the camera so all we get is sideboob.
- Stupid Evil: Most of the shit she does for That Man doesn't help him and bogs him down because he takes it upon himself to right whatever she fucked up.
- Thigh-High Boots
- This Cannot Be!: She screams such a phrase when Dizzy obliterates her in one of her GGXX endings, all the while pleading for someone to help her get away from her massively overwhelming attack. She also says such a phrase after May kicks her ass.
- Time Travel: Her magic ability. She states that is not exactly easy to do, though. According to Xrd Revelator, it's also what made her go from a helpful girl with a hopeful heart to the mega-bitch she is: her kind actions from the past led to many negative consequences and more than one time paradox, which she could NOT mend as they took place. And as time passed, she became more and more bitter. . .
- Tomato in the Mirror: She nervously says that don't buys Jack-O's explanation about her(I-No) origin, but Jack-O says she must have felt it was true because the story explains her obsession with the tomorrow.
- Troll: The rare, BITCH variety.
- The Vamp
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: All but screamed in Xrd Revelator. Confirmed in STRIVE: she's an Alternate Self version of a girl once described as the sweetest, kindest person ever. . . none other than Megumi, Axl Low's girlfriend.
Voiced by: Kantaro (XX Battle Voice), Takeshi Kusao (XX Story Voice), Yutaka Terada (Robo-Ky MK. II), Takumi Inoue (AC), Shigeru Chiba (Xrd games) |
The robot impersonator of Ky created by the PWAB. There are several of these things floating around. Also has a MK-II version which copies his opponents' moves. |
- Badass
- Badass Automaton: To the point, even with his screwups, you have to question the PWAB's sanity in trying to dispose of him.
- Submissive Badass: Designed as one, but rebels.
- Butt Monkey
- Do-Anything Robot: The only thing he doesn't do is emulate the person he impersonates properly. Also present in the MK-II version from Isuka.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Was Ky's EX mode in X.
- Evil Twin: Robo Ky, who literally was just an EX movelist Early-Bird Cameo for Ky in GGX and a palette swap of Ky in his first proper appearance (GGXX) with slightly different portraits. He came into his own with exclusive sprites and movesets starting with #RELOAD.
- Hive Mind: Subverted because since all R Ks have the same arrogant personality, each model is acting superior than the other.
- Mecha-Mooks: There are many Robo-Kys and they are acting in separate missions that most of the time fail.
- Robosexual: Inverted. He likes human women in general, desiring Millia, Jam and Baiken.
- Slouch of Villainy: Has a fold-in throne.
- Stylistic Suck: His alternate theme, "Holy Orders?". Given that he is a robot version of Ky, it only makes sense that this theme be a robotic-toned version. The end result is that the song ends up sounding like a broken record, randomly jumping up and down in pitch and volume at a moment's notice. You'd almost think that the band was drunk while performing it.