Just as there are quite a few official Gundam series, there are quite a few Abridged Series based on them.
G Gundam[]
IDLITstudios's Series[]
Although it has a few episodes, the series is already popular in the abridging community, and the announcer has even become a shared running gag. Also notable for its extensive use of background music. On hiatus as IDLIT's computer broke down. Is now confirmed as officially canceled due to a recent video posted by IDLIT, although the video was taken down very soon after it was aired, so there might still be a possibility of the series being revived.
This show provides examples of:
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Wouldn't be an Abridged Series without it! Notably, Chibodee Crockett, Kyoji, and Rain.
- Also, Domon and Rain's relationship is portrayed as abusive (Domon) and one-sided (Rain)
- Brown Note : Schwartz Brude...
- Fetish: Possibly. Domon really seems to like it when his suit is put on.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Domon refuses to see that the Rose Gundam pilot is a guy.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: "Sir, the Shining Gundam is... shining."
- Noodle Incident: Apparently the reason Domon left Neo Japan and is afraid/abusive of Rain was because she made an advance on him as a child.
- There's also the reason Domon hates baguette...
- Only Six Faces: "Damn it! They both look identical! Stupid cheap animators!"
- Running Gag (The Announcer)
- Also the sounds of Domon snapping his fingers when he says, "Rise Shining Gundam", in episode 5, he snapped his fingers and the sound accompanied with it was Goku from Dragonball, saying, "Taiyo-ken!!"
- Selective Obliviousness: Nothing can convince Domon that George is a man. Nothing.
- Shout-Out: To Berserk Abridged, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, Naruto, Medabots, Dragonball Z, and World of Warcraft.
- Theme Music Power-Up: Happens nearly Once an Episode, including such things as "Chicks Dig Giant Robots" and "American Idiot".
Gundam Wing[]
GWingTAS's Series[]
Created several years ago, Gundam Wing Abridged follows the misadventures of the Gundam pilots as they deal with Ho Yay, Alternate Character Interpretation, and Lampshade Hanging galore. Has its own website now (which is nice, since YouTube suspended his account for copyvio) and and over twenty episodes, and making it one of the Long Runners of the abridged arena.
This show provides examples of:
- All Love Is Unrequited: Oh so much.
- Brick Joke: "That't the biggest cannon I've ever seen!"
- Captain Obvious: "That's Sergeant Obvous, Sir."
- Department of Redundancy Department
- Emo Teen: Trowa nonstop. Wu Fei has shades of this.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Zechs is the target of this from Otto and other random Mooks.
- Fail O'Suckyname: Zech's real name gets laughed at.
- Ho Yay: It's only natural, considering the fandom, but Quatre is the most blatant.
- More Dakka: In universe example: Alex and Mueller reveal to Zechs that they plan on taking over the series, kill off every character but them selves and Wu Fei, and add in more rediculously powered Gundums... with more lasers.
- One Steve Limit: Hilariously subverted. Treize calls EVERYONE Zechs.
- Running Gag (or Run Away Gag 'Fire the Lasers!')
- Stay in the Kitchen: Wu Fei, naturally.
- Stalker with a Crush: Relena for Heero and Noin for Milliardo/Zechs.
- The Stinger: Primarily during the earlier episodes, including the infamous No machinegun for him line.
- The Stoner: Howard
Mobile Suit Gundam The 08th MS Team[]
[1] Series[]
This show provides examples of:
- Running Gag: Shiro making use of videogame skills in the battlefield while saying better put my x skills to use. Wouldn't want to play Contra with him.
Mobile Suit Gundam[]
Gutted Wren Studios' Series[]
This show provides examples of:
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Many of the characters are exaggerated versions of themselves, but perhaps the biggest change is Haro, who was designed by Amuro "to keep Frau away from [him]." Did I mention Haro's voice is clips of G La DOS from Portal?
- And Amuro is practically a basket case.
- His father issues are taken to extremes, and often lead to rampages on the battlefield.
- Dozle Zabi is a borderline Adult Child. After Garma bites it, Dozle goes to his dad for 'upsies'.
- And Amuro is practically a basket case.
- Black Comedy Rape: At the end of episode eight, when the ship was a mile high up.
- Camp Gay: Garma, and all his men, too.
- Captain Oblivious: "Bu-but, I don't believe Garma was gay!"
- Cluster F-Bomb: Bright delivers one in episode 14 when Mirai points out that if the Gundam's reactor detonates, it could take out White Base too.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: So many.
- The scene in which Bright slaps Amuro for refusing to pilot the Gundam:
Amuro: "My own hit never fathered me!" |
- Bright's epic Freak-Out upon learning that Sayla was the one piloting the Gundam in episode 16.
- Cool Shades: Char. Complete with The Who's Won't Be Fooled Again.
- Fur and Loathing
Degwin: "Look, if I need advice on how to turn a litter of kittens into a sweater, then I'll come to you." |
- Gilligan Cut: From episode 4:
Commander Wakkein:Those kids are too paranoid. Even the Red Comet wouldn't think to attack such a fortified position like Luna II.
Char: We're attacking the fortified position known as Luna II. |
- I Know Mortal Kombat: Why kids can pilot the Gundams.
"It was the 400 hours I spent on Steel Battalion." |
- Immune to Bullets: Char can't be hit because he's wearing pink.
- "Allow me to reiterate my previous statement that your weapons are ineffective against me based on my pigmentation."
- Luke, I Am Your Father: The DNA evidence gag hints that Bright could be Amuro's real dad.
- Only Sane Employee: Bright does not like having to manage a crew of angsty teenagers.
- Red Shirt: "But I'm wearing blue!"
- Running Gag: "That's disgusting."
- D N A Evidence.
- A few episodes would end with any character saying "Wait..." after coming to sudden realization.
- Anger Sayla and she'll shoot you in the crotch.
- Allusions to sexual intercourse.
- Ramba Ral and his Zeon forces mispronouncing "Earth phenomena", such as lightning as "litning", desert as "deesart" and Gundam as "Goondam".
- Sampling: Part of the Speedy Techno Remake of the original show's theme.
- Shout-Out: Many.
- Soundtrack Dissonance: The most intense battles are coupled with unfitting, yet upbeat, music.
- Talk Like a Pirate: Mirai, no matter how much she's asked to stop. She's just as confused about it as everyone else.
Mirai: Sir, don't look at me like that. It's involuntary! Yar! I be cursed! |
- She doesn't do it when the crew is on vacation, though. When it's clearly over, she starts up again, much to Sayla's relief.
- It might be the Minovsky Particles. Since when are they harmless?
- The Alcoholic: Dren.
- The Stoic: Also Dren, who's voice never wavers from its bored monotone, even in combat. Also functions as the Deadpan Snarker, with extra deadpan.