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  • The Art in any of Annie's Blinker Stone segments.
  • From Chapter 3: Reynardine:
  • From Chapter 4: Not Very Scary:
  • From Chapter 7: Of New And Old:
    • The sheer calm style of Annie's refusal to turn over Reynardine — complete with flatly announcing her opinion on their treatment of Rey and ordering him around.
  • From Chapter 8: Broken Glass And Other Things:
    • Kat showing up in a flying two-seater ship (which she'd built, using an anti-grav unit she'd already constructed out of a thermos and coat hangers, in less than one night) to save Annie.
  • From Chapter 10: Dr. Disaster Versus The Creepy Space Aliens From Outer Space:
  • From Chapter 12: Mainly Involves Robots:
    • The moment that the readers find out that Reynardine can go from stuffed toy to a white wolf that's large enough for a human to ride. In the author's own words, "I've been waiting since Chapter 3 Page 23 to draw this."
  • From Chapter 13: A Week For Kat:
  • From Chapter 14: The Fangs of Summertime:
    • Reynardine - essentially a stuffed toy - while speaking to Ysengrin.

  "I tremble in the presence of your terrifying skills of gardening, Ysengrin."

    • The entirety of these two pages, including Annie giving "SPANKIES! Bad dog!" to Coyote.
    • In the next page, Coyote ends said ruse: "Stop!" BAP CRUNCH
  • From Chapter 16: A Ghost Story:
  • From Chapter 17: The Medium Beginning
  • From Chapter 18: S1:
  • From Chapter 20: Coyote Stories:
  • From Chapter 21: Blinking:
  • From Chapter 22: Ties:
  • From Chapter 23: Terror Castle of the Jupiter Moon Martians:
    • Andrew casually admitting that he lets Parley boss him around because she's hot.
  • From Chapter 24: Residential:
    • Annie's plan. After Paz fails to return one night, Annie develops a plan to reveal the truth about the disappearances. It turns out that Marcia, one of the Park's employees, was a Dryad, a being who can control and travel through the trees. She was kidnapping the students in order to bring them to the house. So Annie instructs Kat to bind the tree in said building, and while Annie draws a distraction for Eglamore, Marcia and Bob, all the remaining students take the house. To close it all, Jack trains the Laser Cows to work together and create an impenetrable laser field, solely to lock the camping chaperones out of their own building. In the end, coordinated students > Dryad + Husband + Sword-Wielding Badass. Teachers, you just got served.
    • Janet Llanwellyn and "fancy shooting".
  • From Chapter 25: Sky Watcher And The Angel:
    • Kat is so good with robots that any one that spends more than thirty seconds with her is convinced she's an angel (the fact that she has her own prophet is speeding that along). But more specifically, here. Every robot in the Court is lined up to hear her thoughts on their creator's last actions.
  • From Chapter 26: The Old Dog's Tricks:
  • From Chapter 28: Spring Heeled, Part 2:
  • From Chapter 30: The Coward Heart:

  "A fine strike, fille."

    • Ysengrin gets a small Moment of Awesome right here. It doesn't seem like much until you realize that Coyote could take Ysengrin's power and/or kill him with no effort and that Ysengrin is mostly just Coyote's right hand and never questions anything Coyote does or says. Except that one time. It also shows that while Ysengrin and Renard couldn't really stand each other at all, Ysengrin is still very angry at Coyote for betraying Renard.
    • Ysengrin's motivational speech to Annie a few pages later also counts as one, especially since he normally despises humans.
  • From Chapter 33: Give And Take:
  • From Chapter 38: Divine:
    • Combining the awesome-ness of the scenes that take place in the ether and a bit of karmic justice, is this moment when Zimmy travels through the ether to give Annie's dad a well-deserved punch to the face, while shouting "Message from your little girl, mate!" Behold.