This a Just For Fun page |
Sometimes, a character is just a walking, talking Awesome Moment. He may not yet qualify for Magnificent Bastard but he is just so awesome! Well, here is the right place to tell the world about just how awesome your favorite character is!
NOTE: This is to gush about characters, not to bash people for not liking those characters.
See also Gushing About Shows You Like.
- Sound Horizon is full of awesome characters, but Prussian Eagle loves Idolfried Ehrenberg from their 7th Story CD "Märchen" the most. He only appears in the backstory of one of the other characters and only has about three lines of dialogue, which resulted in the fandom basically running away with his personality which was later adopted in official concerts, making him an awesome(ly rude) pirate that basically lives for breasts and has quite a bit of Ho Yay going on with Cortes.
- Elphaba from Wicked. The quote from the Earn Your Happy Ending page says it all. Whoever wrote it, you're TV Tropes Made of Win Archive to me.
Sometimes everything that you try isn't enough to change the world. Sometimes your greatest triumphs lead directly to your downfall. But when you open your heart to someone else, and you change each other, then whatever may come, you are unlimited. |
- I love Glinda. I don't know what it is about her, perhaps her "Happy hero on the outside, Depressed hero on the inside" thing that makes her a total woobie, but I love absolutely every song she's in simply because she's in it. So that definitely counts for something. But then again, she does have a lot of grace, a lot of charm and charisma, and she is, dare I say... popular.
- Rent's entire cast. Where to begin?
- Mark, the very definition of the word "adorkable."
- Roger, closed-off Woobie with a Voice of Gold.
- Mimi. Yes, I know she's not the most popular, but I still love her "live for the moment" attitude!
- Angel. She falls juuuust shy of being a Purity Sue, but if she is, she's the Mary Poppins kind, not the scary badfic kind.
- Maureen. "Moo with me." THAT IS ALL.
- Joanne, who gets special points for her part in "Take Me Or Leave Me." Something about seeing a nerd let her hair down like that is just...awesome.
- Collins, for being the most honest version of Invisible to Gaydar I've ever seen portrayed in a play. You could seriously know someone like him.
- Yes, even Benny, for being the bigger man and helping out the same people who'd been dicks to him the whole play so far.
- Ditto for Benny, who definitely had the opportunity to act the bigger man after his so-called friends turn against him for... taking a practical, non-freezing-in-an-unpaid-attic route to get that media center.
- J. Pierrepont Finch.
- Tracy Turnblad. A very bright, energetic, talented, and good hearted girl who's willing to fight for her dreams and what she believes in. The fact that she's short and chubby isn't even an issue; in fact, she doesn't just make it look good, she's makes it look very good!
- Hamlet, in Hamlet. Not many characters can go from Ax Crazy to honorable hero, to Anti-Hero, to Nietzsche Wannabe (before Nietzche even existed), to tragic hero, while still coming across as a realistic character. He does, and he does it in verse.
- What about Horatio? He's a Nice Guy and is Hamlet's only true friend throughout the play. Hamlet himself makes speeches about how awesome he is, and in the end, after the prince dies in his arms, he decided to live on and honor his friend's memory by spreading the word. He's my definition of Undying Loyalty.
- Katharina in The Taming of the Shrew. A modern, awesome role model, who is forced into a relationship with a guy who is, depending on the interpretation, either abusive and horrifying or sees her as a challenge to overcome. And she deals with it better than any modern viewer would expect - she doesn't run away, she doesn't pull a Romeo & Juliet, she even tries to stop the marriage. I just love her. <3
- Well she was initially meant to be seen as a shrew who'd have to submit to her husband in the end in a case of old-time Values Dissonance, but I too admire how she handled things and made the most of her situation. And if we're going by the latter interpretation, than kudos to Petruchio too for not handling her in the abusive manner that one would fear he would.
- In a similar vein, there's Kat from 10 Things I Hate About You. She's a snarky feminist who was hurt by her boyfriend and made herself stronger because of it. She never rolled over for him, saw to it that he didn't brag to his friends about them sleeping together, and vowed to always stand up for what she believed in. And in the end, when the guy she loved screwed her over, she tells him off via a Tear Jerker of a poem.
- Brian Le Petit in Cirque Du Soleil's Mystere. A Screwy Squirrel through and through, but his sheer determination to stir up mischief and deflate pompousness leaves you with a lighter, warmer heart.
- Galileo Figaro in We Will Rock You. Cursed with Awesome dreams of long forgotten songs and is, as he admits himself, mad because of them, implied to have had a terrible childhood, and shown to be hated because of something he can't control, and yet the kid is still idealistic, and hopeful. Face it, guy's a puppy dog
- Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Sure, he makes mistakes, but he's the one who makes hilarity ensue. Plus, he's adorably energetic in most portrayals and in some cases (one case) played by Stanley Tucci.
- I absolutely adore Inspector Javert in both the book and the musical. Not only does he have the most badass part in the musical, he's a fantastic snarker in the book. The entire scene when he arrests Patron-Minette at the Gorbeau House is an Awesome Moment.
- "Would you like my hat?"
- "You shall not go out by the window, you shall go out through the door. It is healthier."
- To Madame Thénardier: "What a grenadier! You've got a beard like a man, mother, but I have claws like a woman."
- Cyrano from Cyrano De Bergerac! Seriously, he's a walking Crowning Moment of Awesome, loyal to his few true friends, the epic repressed love for Roxane, the quite suffering, and the independence! He never sacrifices one iota of his freedom to get ahead in life or make money, or make people like him, and yet he's one of the most epic characters ever, so why wouldn't you???
Web Comics[]
- Post-curse Belkar.
- The entire cast, but I would like to mention Elan - Elan, who manages to maintain being The Nice Guy, even after taking a level in Badass and after having gone through several rounds of Break the Cutie, he's now a resilient, more solemn, but still basically Nice Guy who can still be amazing comic relief.
- Xykon is perhaps the only villain I actually fear...and he's still freakin' hilarious.
- Indeed. A true Complete Monster you still can't help but be impressed at.
- Which makes him a Magnificent Bastard.
- I have never been prone to Draco in Leather Pants, but find myself rooting for Redcloak regularly anyway. Despite his villainous nature.
- I absolutely love Vaarsuvius (probably due to having a similar personality), and just felt like giving him/her a hug during his/her mental breakdown.
- I think the Monster in the Darkness is hilarious.
- Hannelore Ellicot-Chatham. She ends messes.
- Dr. McNinja is this trope. He owns like half of the Crowning Moment of Awesome page by himself.
- The black hat guy from Xkcd is just hilarious. Especially after he got his girlfriend.
- AS he got his girlfriend. Definitely my favorite arc, and among my favorite strips.
- Steve. Why punch Cthulu when you can wrestle it?
- Oggie, Dimo and Maxim. All the Jägermonsters are awesome, but these three who join up with Agatha really take the cake. They transition seamlessly from comic relief to pure badass and back again as the situation warrants.
- I would like to nominate the entire freaking cast as being full of awesome. Even one-shot characters like the girl with the teddy bear.
- Special points to Gilgamesh "Badass Bookworm" Wulfenbach, for raging Vole (or whatever his name was) into submission. Now that is how you handle a Berserk Button.
- And owning the best hat in the history of existence.
- You forgot Jenka. First female Jaeger introduced, sets a town on fire, bosses Da Boyz around effortlessly, and Gil/Agatha shipper? Yes.
- Ardsley Wooster is more subtly awesome on analysis. Even before he backhands the resident Axe Crazy while she has a gun on him, he manages to read the situation before the rest of Agatha's party even NOTICES it, disappear, punch out a Wulfenbach soldier, take his gun and sniper perch and start shooting. Later, while Boris has to beat the location of the Jaegergenerals out of a Jaeger (itself a Crowning Moment of Awesome for him) Wooster finds it on his own, from the outside, and make a dramatic entrance and exit (after destabilizing the Wulfenbach-Jaeger alliance) from the outside of an airship. Nobody does it better, indeed.
- Black Mage with his over the top evil and Butt Monkey status makes the comic as great as it is.
- Red Mage too, for his tabletop gaming shenanigans. The man broke Time and Space and put it back together.
- The Black Mage is the only real sympathetic guy of them all. OK, Fighter -could- be so sympathetic, but he's usually too stupid to be hurt, so there's no reason to feel bad for him. Thief is a better-than-thou racist (or perhaps specieist), and Red Mage is just plain weird. But who on earth cannot symptathise with Black Mage's noble and admirable goal of destroying everything? I mean, is there anything wrong with that? OK, so maybe it is, but if the universe is going to be destroyed, then I'd much rather have Black Mage do it than anyone else. He's my hero and guiding light on an otherwise desolate planet.
- Oddly enough, I have a special place in my heart for Shortpacked's lovable jerk Mike. Sure he's a total asshole, but Mike is also not afraid to point out the huge personality flaws in people that are otherwise blissfully unaware of them. Also, he banged your mom. In the ass.
- Richard. Just as psychotic as Belkar and Black Mage, but he manages to pull it off with such style.
- Nodwick. Deadpan Snarker. Butt Monkey. Bad luck lightning rod. Catapult ammunition. Greatest henchman ever.
- Elegant Nova of Progression. While again pretty much the entire cast is awesome (they're Exalted, it comes with the territory), there's just no going wrong with a cheerful robot Mad Scientist who can transform into a giant kitty.
- Also, honorary mention to Mew Cai. * salutes*
- Ping from Megatokyo. Because nothing says "I care about you" like throwing giant turtles at anyone who tries to hurt your friend.
- And Erika. Got to love the way she just comes out and says things as she sees them. A girl with a deep heart as well as beauty and more than a little courage.
- Largo. Because he's both a Cloudcuckoolander and so incredibly Genre Savvy that it hurts. Usually him. But he gets better! And he's surprisingly deep... and his uncertainty is strangely adorable, especially when he's feeling bad. So there.
- Not to mention how he knows how to turn the most depressing scenes utterly hilarious
Erika: You're not the most sensitive person |
- EVERY FRAKIN' CHARACTER from Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name, the absolute winning position going to Hanna himself for being the cutest redheaded ball of klutzy energy ever.
- Most of the main cast from El Goonish Shive! Special mention for Susan, who started to lose her idealism as a child, had all sorts of horrible things happen to her since (her parents divorcing, being called upon to kill a vampire, learning that there were other people who could have and should have been the ones to kill said vampire, being ignored and ridiculed by most of the school) and she still stands by her beliefs and does what she thinks is right. It also pleases me to no end that she started out as a Straw Feminist and was developed into such an awesome character.
- Too many Homestuck characters to name. Even bit part players like AR and Nepeta get their share of characterization in this comic, and every single one of them has legions of fans somewhere on the expanse of the internet.
- Special honors go to Karkat, though, for being possibly the best played Knight in Sour Armor that I've ever seen. His thorny demeanor and ridiculously Flowery Insults make his logs hilarious to read, and even though the whole "he's only mean to people because he's, like, insecure and stuff but deep down he's a really nice person!!! X333" angle can get obnoxious very easily, Hussie actually managed to pull off the Jerkass Woobie archetype with great effectiveness. In the end, Karkat is the kind of character that just tugs your heartstrings, if only by virtue of being so dysfunctional and lovable at the same time.
- Ash from Misfile. He is the only character I've ever seen to get gender bent and have it not Played for Laughs. Ash is a mega-Woobie, acting like a real transgender teenager would, feeling trapped in his own body. Those of us in the LGBTQ community definitely appreciate it.
Web Original[]
- If obscure examples are permitted, then Terrence is a brilliant character. He's basically a Heroic Sociopath without the Heroic part, but he gets enough Villain Episodes and Strange Bedfellows scenes that that doesn't matter, and he somehow manages to be both hilarious and terrifying, often simultaneously.
- Dr. Horrible, P.H.D. in Horribleness and one of the most pathetic and lovable Woobies of all time while simultaneously being sexily evil.
- Though Penny, surprisingly, is the one who gets the most backstory. Combine that with Felicia Day's adorableness and, well, there's not much more to say, is there?
- Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series for getting some of the best lines. Screw the rules, he has money!
- Hank Ishtar is win! He and Melvin!
- Bakura and Marik too. Is it any wonder Little Kuriboh loves to use them so much?
- If abridged series characters qualify, then Sokka in Avatar: The Abridged Series deserves at least a mention. Twice the Meta, twice the Butt Monkey, four times the funny ("So he's like... Kung Fu Action Jesus?").
- From Sailor Moon Abridged: Raye. She's an aggressive, shrill-voiced Satanist and pyromanic who just wants to sacrifice small animals in peace. Saddled with The Ditz as team leader, you can't help but feel bad for her when she meets her new team member, a Valley Girl: OH MY GOD THERE'S TWO OF THEM!
- Nappa and Vegeta, the greatest comedy duo in the history of abridged series.
- Goku from the same series. Whenever he's around, the episode is 10 times funnier.
- Hank Ishtar is win! He and Melvin!
- Strong Bad. He's quite possibly one of the most hilarious animated characters ever, and I'm usually wary of cases where the Anti-Hero type becomes more popular than the plain, simple hero (usually leads to character bashing lobbed at said hero, etc). H* R makes it work because Strong Bad is actually funny and his instances of not being as cool as he says he is make him that much cooler. Plus, Homestar definitely works better as The Ditz than the heroic athlete so it all balances out.
- Jack Bulletproof, the Cop Who Plays by All the Rules. Because police procedures are there for a reason, and anyone who manages to be this awesome while doing the most reasonable and thought-out thing in any given situation deserves a mention.
- The Nostalgia Critic: So messed up...and so entertaining to watch. Also, his singing voice. Dear God, his singing voice.
Professional Wrestling[]
- HURRICANE HELMS! He is awesome, hilarious, and cool all at the same time. Too bad he got released...
- How can anybody not love THE ROCK? Sure, he can be a a Boring Invincible Hero sometimes, but still! He's the PEOPLE'S CHAMP! Not to mention his CMOA when he came back:
The Rock: Make no mistake, Vince! There is only ONE person that is electrifying enough to host Wrestlemania. And that man is.... the jabroni beating... ALELELELELOW! PIE EATING, SHOW STOPPING, TRAIL BLAZING, EYEBROW RAISING, FOOT OFF THE BRAKES, FOOT ON THE GAS, ALWAYS READY TO WHOOP SOME ASS PEOPLE'S CHAMP....THE ROCK! |
- The Undertaker is just badass.
- What about Rey Mysterio? He's awesome! He is one of the most amazing wrestlers because of his high flying techniques, and the fans love him!
- CM Punk. While he's been always awesome to Das Nordlicht 91, everything he's done starting from the awesome 6/27/11 rant at the end of Raw, and culminating in Punk becoming WWE Champion thrice during the (still-going) run, was where he really became a complete favorite for me.
- Chris Jericho is the funniest wrestler in history, and has the heart of a lion.
- Spring Heeled Jack, The terror of England, so mysterious, was he a real life demon? Was He an alien? Was he just a hoax? Was he a guy in a costume? Was He a monster or evil or was he really a misunderstood hero? Remember That in Universe, most super heroes are framed for crimes or accused of crime, whats to say that Spring Heeled Jack wasn't a hero who was misunderstood? He's just that Mysterious! There's a reason I based my College Creative Writing on his sightings & made a rather good Super Hero Story.
- Geof the talking mongoose. Yes, a talking animal which may or may not be a poltergeist can be creepy and inconvenient, but there's just something so adorable about how he bonded with the family. And he mostly spoke with the daughter, so he pretty much is a childhood imaginary friend come alive!
- You.
- Brynn and Hanso. There's just something about the way they interect that makes me happy.