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Gush about Fan Fiction here.
- Misfiled Dreams - An entirely plausible sequence of stories set a few months ahead of the current Misfile webcomic storyline.
- Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness and its sequel Sluagh. Quite possibly the best fanfic ever written, anywhere, ever. Thanfiction, you are truly a genius.
- I've been reading Harry Potter fanfic for 10 years. Next to Dumbledores Army and The Year of Darkness, the best of the rest looks like My Immortal by comparison.
- On that note, Lightning on the Wave's Sacrifices Arc, which starts with Saving Connor. A fascinating AU, and one that truly deserves to be called an AU: the characters have been stripped down to their basic selves and set in an entirely different situation, but react to it the way they would were it canon. With the except of Lily, perhaps, everyone fits their characterization like a glove, and there are no handwaves. This is a fic that manages to make Harry a Slytherin and friends with Draco, among other things that I won't say in case someone wants to read it, and it works, beautifully and tightly. Lightning introduces his/her OC's so well that multiple people have said they thought they were canon characters that simply didn't get enough time in the original books to make an impression, and this troper for one has been surprised at the mention of characters in other, unrelated fics that I'd thought were OC's. It is the only fanfic that I will say this for: were it not for its dependance on Rowling's world and characters, it would be published as-is, with the exception of about three typos per book (there are seven "books", getting longer as the story progressed beyond what Lightning had originally intended). Granted, it would be shelved strictly in the adult section, but I find myself not wanting to go back to a universe that doesn't contain these characters and situations.
- Sam Vimes/copperbadge is absolutely brilliant. His Stealing Harry/Laocoon's Children AU series is what Harry Potter would be in a better world, and all of his other series and stories are so wonderful I want to hug the screen. I could go on and on about how wonderful his fics are, but I will say this: that man truly does Remus Lupin justice.
- copperbadge. Hands down.
- The Open Door. Manages to make so many co-existing universes and nigh-God Mode Sue-level "heroes" interesting. You actually care about what happens to the characters. Yes!
- The Cyclonus Diaries by Pivot is probably the funniest Transformers Armada fanfic out there. It's a parody of Mary Sue fanfiction that is completely random and makes perfect sense at the same time.
- The true awesomeness of Shinji and Warhammer 40 K cannot accurately be expressed in words, although using tropes comes close; it's basically a combination and distillation of Refuge in Audacity, Beyond the Impossible, and Moment of Awesome to create what is possibly the most unbelievable, incredible experience on the internet.
- I love Yuletide Treasure. If that archive were a person, I would marry them. During the time it was down for Christmas I was so sad at being cut off from the fun experience of finding stuff for fandoms you never knew you had that... I started writing again. I hope to contribute to it as soon as I can myself. And just for an extremely random taste of things-- this gushing comment was brought on by rereading Small Monsters again. It was the last awesome straw that broke the awesome camel's forcefield protecting it from becoming more awesome. And now it's even awesomer.
- Titan Legends. A fanfic that could probably pass for a highly obscure alternate DC continuity in and of itself.
- Eyrie Productions' works, especially Neon Exodus Evangelion. This fic is great, I love the plot twists, long digressions, painstaking research, and Alternative Character Interpretations. I even love DJ Croft no matter what anyone else says. And the ending is simply one Moment of Awesome after another.
- I can't speak for NXE, but the EPU's flagship work, Undocumented Features, is frankly a little frightening in terms of sheer scale (hundreds of megabytes of plaintext!) and awesomeness. Even the "crap years" are very entertaining (thanks in part to excellent use of Beyond the Impossible), and it quickly gets awe-inspiring.
- This troper is writing a serious literary analysis of Full Life Consequences.
- Tiberium Wars. Proving that Novelizations can be good, Fiction Identity Postulate is real, and effort can turn around the worst Wall Banger.
- 4Paws Studios' "Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Chosen" is, to me, the definition of what a good Fix Fic should read like. I was referred to it by this very Wiki, and haven't looked back. There isn't a page for it yet in the Fanfic section (why?!), but it's miles and miles of good characterization and character development, humor, tenderness, and a generous dollop of awesome. It's like the Buffy-fic equivalent of rich, fulfilling chocolate. ^_^
- It breaks this troper's stupid little heart that he seems to be the only one to have read X to the Zoltan's Godzilla Daioh crossover series. Sure, it sounds crazy, but it's better than it sounds! Or even better, his Azumanga Daioh / Star Wars fusion! The writing, the characterization, the tragedy, it's SO GREAT! AAGHH, why does this reduce me, normally The Stoic to a little pile of heart-wrenching joy and love and sadness every time?! It is this troper's dream that this author return to (Azu Dai) fanfiction someday...
- whydoyouneedtoknow's Harry Potter AU Dangerverse and associated AUs (yes, AUs of AUs) have been called "better than canon".
- This trooper really likes The Great Disney Adventure and it's growing sequel on Fanfiction.net. Though technically unoriginal since it's interpretations of the movies have the same ending, it has several saving factors. 1. It throws some original characters into the mix/ characters that don't belong in the story. 2. It takes the effects of it's main character more seriously than one might expect. 3. It's super funny. 4. It has a lead female who's not only cynical, but also pushy, realistic, and sly; hardly Disney hero material, and watching her interact with our childhood's favorite characters really makes it for me. Plus, it's got Pirates of the Caribbean messing up all the movies ever so slightly.
- Nobody Dies. It's Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic) for people who like their Crazy Awesome levels administered in safer doses.
- Manchester Lost and its marvelous sequel, Paradise Thwarted. Wonderfully hilarious fanfic that lampshades itself to the moon and back, yet it still has time to go through a marvelous plot and sweet moments of complete fluff.
- Thirty Hs.
- Now, let's not be so hasty as to simply post the fic. Let's explain why this thing is a total masterpiece. It's a cocktail of insanity, a twisting of plot so horrendously bizarre that it stops being stupid and becomes what could possibly be called Pure Spiral Energy, engulfing the reader in its amazing attitude, incredible nature, and disregard for rationality all in one amazing package.
- Code: Total Drama Reality is an excellent blend of the Total Drama Island and Code Lyoko series, which sounds a bit far-fetched at first, but Lord Maximus is able to squeeze every bit of adrenaline out of such a premise and make a completely awesome crossover. It's also recommendable by how LM keeps characters from both shows intact, even coming up with rather Tear Jerker backstories for quite a few as well as the chance for several Total Drama favorites and Aelita to take major levels in badass.
- My Immortal could easily be the best ever example of So Bad It's Good. This is the most genius troll fiction (it must be!) I have ever read, and it probably made me laugh more than anything else on the internet.
- Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami is a brilliant, hilarious Troll Fic. But what sets it apart from the crowd is its unique execution; it doesn't just rely on poor grammar and Rouge Angles of Satin. No, it contains not only all the good qualities of your standard troll badfic, but also a wonderful sense of humor that will leave the reader in stitches. An amazing read that will have you laughing for days.
- Aeon Natum Engel is dark, creepy, and depressing. With brutal coldness, it lays out a shockingly realistic vision of a world torn by war on two fronts and ruled by a government that's barely better than the ancient horrors it fights, while also exploring the culture of a civilization that just doesn't really get man. It's everything that's terrifying in Neon Genesis Evangelion, F.E.A.R., and H.P. Lovecraft rolled into one, with some of the devastating cynicism of Philip Reeve thrown into the mix. And I would not have it any other way.
- I, Grognor, love the Hell out of Harry Potter and The Methods of Rationality. I never read Harry Potter, I don't understand four-fifths of the references, and I'm missing probably all of the subtle foreshadowing. I still love it. When I first started reading it, I couldn't do anything else for several days.
- The Interloper is a realistic take of the future after the ending of Digimon Adventure 02, it starts out giving you the fact that humanity simply hates digimons rather than loving them, and that there had been a war between Humans and Digimons for three years, currently, it's a fanfiction in work... But the author, The Silent Insomniac on fanfiction.net proves to spare no expense when it comes to the story, all of his chapters take on absurd detail about everything, everything, there is also an OC called Christopher Van Numen who, while he is a Sue Power-Wise, proves to be a very, very interesting character, the author even goes into absurd detail on his backstory and Christopher isn't even one of the Main Characters. Absurd word count - over 400k words up to chapter 23 - but definitely worth a read if you care about Digimon at all. Forewarning: Battle chapters tend to be gory