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  • Neon Genesis Evangelion deserves its legions of fans and place as one of the most influential series ever. It gets plenty of things wrong, but what it does right are done to perfection. At the very least, it helps remind oneself that no matter how bad things may be in Real Life, they can easily become far, far, far worse.
    • This troper likes it for the action (so I usually just watch the middle episodes), but the later ones are nice too (Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, fourth movement goes SO WELL with Kaworu's head popping like a Pez dispenser.
    • This troper personally loves the relationship between Shinji and Kaworu, and wishes that it had been given another episode to be fleshed out.
    • Eva is the this troper's favorite television show ever. Period. It's exploration of the human mind helped pull him out of a long depression.
    • In this troper's opinion Evangelion is one of the greatest stories ever told. Realistic characters, Earth shaking battles, and the source of more Wild Mass Guessing then you can imagine.
    • This Troper just has to agree with everything. It may have flaws, but if you let yourself get lost in the psychological aspects of it, it's simply amazing. If you're able to connect with the characters, it really is an emotional experience without equal. And the fight scenes are great too, with just the right mix of wanton brutality and gracefulness to make them infinitely watchable. This Troper considers The End of Evangelion to be one of his favourite movies of all time, largely because of Asuka's fight against the Eva Series (The Soundtrack Dissonance and the animation make it one of his favourite anime fight scenes), and the part where everyone hugs and turns into tang (As ridiculous as it sounds on paper, he finds this sequence almost flawless).
    • Rebuild of Evangelion. Just... Rebuild. Takes everything the original did, dials up the Nightmare Fuel, dilutes the angst and mixes in a shitload of badass. This time around, the fights are even more awesome, the mood and scenery are amazing and the way the characters interact with each other is brisk and entertaining. A theatrical budget the likes of which make everything before shrivel in inadequacy kinda helps too.
      • AMEN! This troper was originally disappointed at how boring the original series was, and distanced himself away from it as far away as he could. I was reluctant to watch Rebuild until then, even knowing that it was a recut. When I eventually gave in to the hype and saw it, I was stunned. They took out most of what made the TV series monotonous and replaced it with mind-blowing action, visually amazing scenes, and genuinely likable characters! Rebuild completely changed my attitude towards the series and made me a hardcore fan.
    • The good thing about eva is not the way that it throws in all the imagery, or the psychological aspects, or the awesome giant robots running around roflstomping things, but rather the message at it's core. It's just a shame it took Third Impact to teach shinji that it's ok to live life, even if you have no idea what you're doing. Realising that message pulled this troper out of a long term depression. He went from thinking he'd be polluting the gene pool if he reproduced to being engaged within 12 months. Ignore the pretentious stuff and all eva tells us is it's ok to live for the hell of it.