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Gush about Nintendo games here!
- Yoshis Island is an awesome game that doesn't get enough love. The game mechanics such as the flutter jump and the revamped "health meter" (which, aside from possibly one bonus level, practically prevents you from dying) really makes the game unique and enjoyable, and the multiple collections present an excellent challenge for Hundred-Percent Completion. Some may say that the game is cruel at times, especially in its sequel on the DS, but for me, it makes beating the game 100% all the more enjoyable.
- Yoshis Island has one of the best soundtracks in the history of video games. There is simply no argument.
- Yoshis Island could be considered the series Crowning Moment of Heartwarming
- Yoshi's Island is such a cute game. One of my favorites on the SNES. It's just so cute, sweet, heartwarming, and downright FUN, but it does have a few gross-out moments too (like the Frog boss). But overall, it's just a great game.
- The 7th Fire Emblem, the first to be released in the US, is also one of the best video games this troper has played in recent years...on the Gameboy Advance and any system period.
- Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones is my personal favorite because it's the first game I played from that series. Excellent plot and characters!
- Fire Emblem 5 and 9 for this troper. Thracia 776 is rich. Just rich. Developed characters whose relationships form a complex weave. A wonderful story that really involved the characters, even the minor ones you thought wouldn't show up again. The chapters even integrate the plot into your battles in interesting ways. And it's a challenge to boot. Path of Radiance is my favourite video game, hands down. It is like Fire Emblem's renaissance, an effective mix of old and new. Clearly a spiritual successor to Thracia. It's fantastic to play and to watch the characters develop with the story.
- This troper loves 10 dearly. The character availability issues can become annoying, but on the other hand, they also allow you to get really attached to people on every side of the conflict, which makes having to pit your various parties against each other later that much more heartwrenchingly awesome. (Although this troper is also part of that tiny minority of people who genuinely love the Dawn Brigade, which probably helps...)
- This troper absolutely loves FE 4. Jugdral is a wonderful balance of a typical medieval fantasy and dark political intrigue, its characters are wonderfully complex, and the gameplay is actually quite nice once you get used to it. And the unofficial mangas are amazing.
- Gotta fill in the gap and gush about FE6. It's quite difficult, but that just makes getting the good ending all the sweeter. It was also the first in the series to introduce supports, which is in itself pretty impressive: a 50+ cast of characters where everybody gets a chance to shine. And there is just something simultaneously badass and adorable about pitting little Roy against a giant friggin' dragon... and watching him win.
- Golden Sun and especially its sequel is the best GBA game and quite possibly the best game alltogether, that this troper has ever played. Let's start with the extremely interesting plot and the likable characters. But that's not even where it starts! I always liked the Point of View change between the 2 games, where it is revealed that the villains were actually trying to save the world from collapsing and in the second game, the protagonists more or less team up with the new bad guys. The game itself has a crowning soundtrack of awesome and is graphically stunning (Just look at summons like Catastrophe and Iris). The character class system is also extremely deep and leaves space for all kinds of combinations. And overall, it never stops being an epic story (in the real sense of the word epic). I can't help but love this game to no end.
- Favorite video games of all time right here! These games are mere Gameboy Advanced games, yet they still have loveable characters and an excellent plot. There's TONS of extra stuff to do (especially in The Lost Age), and the summon secuences are just full of awesome. Heck, the plot is a mere "four elements" plot, but it's handled in a way that makes it refreshing. And there's a reason these games have their own page under Crowning Music of Awesome; the soundtrack is some of the best music I've hear for a video game period.
- When she found both GBA games second-hand this troper thought she was being sensible by only buying the first ('what if it's no good?'). She is now kicking herself months later having not been able to find 'Lost Age' since. The first game manages to feel substantial even when it becomes clear that it is, literally, only half of the story. Puzzles need to be put alongside RPGs more often, because it gave a refreshingly different aspect to the genre, and the dijinn combinations only added to that; the scope was there for a straight-forward party, or a more unusual one. The potential breadth was the beauty of the whole thing, because it didn't get bogged down in details. And on that point, the story was typical yet still somehow compelling.
- This Troper has played every Mario RPG except for the first one, and is eager to play it as soon as he can because the rest are so awesome:
- Paper Mario was the first I'd played, and remains classic. It just had that perfect sync of great music, great villains, great side characters, a neat battle system... and so much variety! Flower Fields was the closest to an "off" chapter it ever got.
- Paper Mario 2 kept the standard- an even awesomer battle system, still tons of location variety, and so may subversions of the normal chapter structure... the Glitz Pit, the
endof the Twilight Town chapter, the Excess Express...- As a Mario fan and fan of playing video games in general, Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door is my favorite game of all time.
- Same here!
- As a Mario fan and fan of playing video games in general, Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door is my favorite game of all time.
- Paper Mario 2 kept the standard- an even awesomer battle system, still tons of location variety, and so may subversions of the normal chapter structure... the Glitz Pit, the
- Mario & Luigi was portable, comedy gold! E.Gadd's guest starring, the pratfalls, appropriate music, and a plot that kept revisiting older places (going back into previous games!).
- Mario and Luigi Partners In Time had decent music, and over-the-top Bros Items.
- Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story not only provides several Crowning Moments of Awesome for Bowser, a character seriously in need of such moments, but is the funniest, most well-made game in the Mario & Luigi series yet. Not to mention how unbelievably ridiculously awesome the final boss theme is!
- Well its by made by Yoko Shimomura, what you expect?
- Super Paper Mario... Goes against the original Paper Mario for best I've played... such great writing... all the tear-jerking and heartwarming scenes! Count Bleck was such a sympathetic antagonist, and had such a great musical theme. And all the fourth-wall bending and inside jokes made this (male!) Troper squee.
- Super Mario RPG. That is all.
- Oh god. Super Mario RPG. Possibly my favorite game ever. It was actually the first RPG I ever played (my brother and I both thought RPG meant "really powerful graphics" hehe), and it introduced me to what's now my favorite genre of video game. I love this game so much.
- Out of all the Mario RPGs, this troper has only played the Mario and Luigi trilogy (she wants to play the Paper Mario series and Super Mario RPG), and she loved it.
- Paper Mario was the first I'd played, and remains classic. It just had that perfect sync of great music, great villains, great side characters, a neat battle system... and so much variety! Flower Fields was the closest to an "off" chapter it ever got.
- Despite all of it's flaws, Super Mario Sunshine is still a game worth playing. It has beautiful scenery, catchy, upbeat music, exellent challenge, and best of all, despite all of the changes, it kept the core gameplay the same.
- Seconded so hard. Perhaps it's all the Le Parkour you can perform with side somersaults and wall jumps in conjuction with the Hover Nozzle, or just how astonishingly beautiful it looks. It really captures the feel of a tropical locale. And being tropic-based, of course, the water is pretty awesome-looking, perhaps even moreso than in Galaxy.
- Super Smash Bros... You know what? This troper's monopolized enough gushing.
- Then this one will take over. All of them are the purest celebration of Nintendo's long and illustrious history and a love letter to the sheer joy one can find in silliness. Brawl especially with its "Subspace Emissary" story; I mean it in the best way possible when I say it's the best crossover Crack Fic I've ever seen. Seriously! Anyone who wants to write crossover crack needs to at least watch the cutscenes. It's funny at times, to be sure, but it's also tense, heartwarming, and triumphant. Thank you, Nintendo, for reminding us that it's okay for games to be silly.
- This troper isn't afraid to say that the confirmation of Sonic was one of the greatest thrills I got that year. Seriously.
- The music, the muuuusiiiic... *JOY*
- Seconded. I get squeegasms from hearing gems like the Zelda medley or Ridley's awesome remix, and occasionally head over to YouTube for precisely that purpose.
- Thirded. I think the reason all those songs were cut was because otherwise the sheer awesomeness would melt your brain the second you went to the Sound Test mode.
- People have called The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time the greatest game ever, and that opinion is 100% RIGHT! The haters are deluding themselves; THIS is how you make a video game, end of story.
- Seconded. This troper replayed it recently and, in his honest opinion, it holds up wonderfully. The music, the dungeons, the boss fights, the sidequests...even the aged graphics have a certain charm to them. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess are all awesome, but it has to be said that they all owe their existence to Ocarina.
- The worst part about Ocarina of Time? Finishing it. No matter how many times you replay it, you can never get back the sheer joy and exhileration you get when you explore it for the very first time.
- I'm gonna commit the cardinal sin of Ocarina of Time here - I like the Water Temple. It gets a lot of hate for being too long, or too confusing, or just frustrating, but... it's really fun! More than any dungeon up to that point, you get to explore an interesting dungeon, with one of the best boss fights in the game (hell yeah, Dark Link!) AND the Longshot, which is one of my favourite items. It can seem daunting when you start out, but after picking up the map and compass, you can start to make sense of it and it becomes much easier and much more fun to navigate. Even if you DO find it difficult, there's always a great sense of achievement when you complete it. I'll even go so far as to say that in Oo T, the Water Temple is probably one of my favourite dungeons, only losing out to Ganon's Tower. Yeah.
- The worst part about Ocarina of Time? Finishing it. No matter how many times you replay it, you can never get back the sheer joy and exhileration you get when you explore it for the very first time.
- Seconded. This troper replayed it recently and, in his honest opinion, it holds up wonderfully. The music, the dungeons, the boss fights, the sidequests...even the aged graphics have a certain charm to them. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess are all awesome, but it has to be said that they all owe their existence to Ocarina.
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is this Troper's favorite game of all time. It's not just an excellent break from the main formula, it also pioneered the Wide Open Sandbox genre and the Time Travel mechanic was handled excellently... but what really sets it apart is the story, and the characters. There is just so much going on, so many characters with their own stories to tell, so much to put right... it's just sheer brilliance.
- This troper does love Ocarina of Time more, but considers MM a strong second. It's one of the most beautifully emotional games ever, despite having no voice acting, cheesy polygon graphics, and other artifacts that one might think would make it narmful. It's made her cry than any other game has to date, closely followed by the second Paper Mario game and Beyond Good and Evil. It remains to be seen how Mother 3 ranks up.
- This troper agrees, but her love for Majora's Mask runs deep... and often reduces her to OMG ANJU + KAFEI OTP SOB SOB.
- Majora's Mask actually re-opened my mind to the possible existence of God. No, really. In a godless universe, nothing so absolutely perfect could conceivably exist. The music (including the Ocarina stuff, especially the Song of Healing) is, in a word, beautiful. The characters are some of the most memorable in gaming. The gameplay, taken right from Ocarina of Time, is perfect. Every dungeon is fun and engaging, yes, even the Great Bay Temple. When a Zelda game can make a staunch atheist reconsider and eventually believe and be good again, you know the series is So Cool Its Awesome, and the game itself is the best thing ever.
- This game is possibly THE game I would choose if I could only play one video game for the rest of my life. The story is deeper than OoT and the time travel allows you to go through the entirety of the game over and over, trying new things each time. The sidequests serve as a great example on how to do them right while providing a challenge to find every single last piece of heart.
- This troper does love Ocarina of Time more, but considers MM a strong second. It's one of the most beautifully emotional games ever, despite having no voice acting, cheesy polygon graphics, and other artifacts that one might think would make it narmful. It's made her cry than any other game has to date, closely followed by the second Paper Mario game and Beyond Good and Evil. It remains to be seen how Mother 3 ranks up.
- Twilight Princess was this troper's first Zelda game, and one of my favorites. Beautiful scenery, good casual gamer bosses, characters I'd love to know (Midna anybody?). Not to mention a sense of urgency about the encroaching wall of Twilight. Twilight was itself one of the most thought provoking environments I've ever experienced. See Fridge Brilliance for my theory.
- I frankly prefer Twilight Princess over Ocarina of Time. Midna might be part of the reason. It could also be the beautiful environments, the cool, creative equipment, the fantastic music, and the fact that Link could turn into a wolf.
- The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker needs more love! Even though it may seem a bit childish at the very first glance (and just the very first) It has the most interesting characters in the whole series (except Midna from TP, of course), the graphics are fluent, beautiful and make you feel good just by looking of them, the facial expressions are perfect and often nail the mood of a scene to the tee, the story rivals that of Twilight Princess in terms of depth and intensivity, the dungeons are great fun to play and even the sailing doesn't have to be grating, if you take your time and look at all the beautiful effects around and on your boat... Then the fact that Link, once again, manages to be cute and awesome at once!! This game is at least as awesome as Twilight Princess people just don't know, because they didn't play it (to the end), since prejustice or the few flaws (which are a real pity) chased them off. That's kind of sad.
- I know! WW is my absolute favourite Zelda game, bar none (yeah, it even beats OoT--maybe it isn't BETTER but I like it more). It sucks that people don't give it a chance because of a few minor things. Link's design is flipping adorable too, which DOES help...
- I for one (or apparently at least three) LOVE the sailing. There, I said it, and I'd say it again if I had to. I FREAKING LOVE THE SAILING!
- Fourth'd. I really liked the general style of Wind Waker, from the art to the story telling to the humorous interactions of the characters. The only problem I really have with the entire line of WW-esque games is that the DS hasn't been able to perfectly replicate the cel style used in the original, which detracts from PH and ST a bit. They're still good, however.
- I'm right there with you guys-- with the possible exception of Tools of Destruction, Wind Waker is the only game I've played more than a dozen times-- and it still hasn't gotten old. We've already covered gushing about the graphics and storyline, but I have to add that the soundtrack may be the series' best. From the title theme to the epilogue, every track was unique to the island/dungeon it was found in, and suited perfectly to that purpose; this means that, even if you don't know the name of what you're listening to, you're still perfectly capable of identifying the track. On top of that, it was also the debut of WW Link, who stands apart from all of his counterparts: a Badass Adorable... who also happens to be a Knight Templar Big Brother, and initially had no intention to save the Great Sea. His semi-frequent Butt Monkey moments (on top of being hilarious) just make his awesome moments even better. The very best part: his method of dealing with Ganondorf. Unprecedented in a Zelda game, and only attempted once since.
- If there's one Zelda game that needs more love, it's The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. This game just doesn't seem to have any fans, even compared to Zelda II-- or, dare I say, the CD-i games--, which is ridiculous; I finally got around to finishing it after playing off and on for the past few years because I kept getting distracted, and I just love everything about it. Linebeck is one of my favorite characters in the whole series, the bosses feel new and refreshing (especially Eox, holy shit), and even the Temple of the Ocean King... Never in my life have I seen something so hated that i just can't disagree with more; it's like Metal Gear Solid had a baby with Metroid/later Castlevania and left it on a Zelda game's doorstep. The controls are spot on, the items are great and have new creative uses, and the whole experience was just grand. It's definitely one of my favorite games in the series.
- Yes! I agree 100%. I absolutely LOVED Phantom Hourglass, and it seems to get a lot of unwarranted hate. Linebeck is one of the greatest characters in the series! And it bothers me to no end that everyone complained about PH when it came out, but all seemed to praise Spirit Tracks...which, to me, felt like a cheap rehash of PH.
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. The mythic awesomeness of that incarnation of Hyrule really paved the way for the 3D wonders to come. From the very beginning, when Link is awakened by a psychic plea from the titular heroine, to the claiming of the Master Sword, to the rescue of said heroine, to the final showdown with the Pig of Evil himself, it's all fantastic. And then there's all the smaller moments: the Ship Tease between Link and Zelda, the poignant moments at the end of certain sidequests (you remember how you got the flute, right?), the pwnage of Blind when you outwit him...this was epic storytelling back when consoles were still struggling with storytelling at all. And of course, the gameplay is still unique and well-done. Overhead 2-D gaming was pretty much all shooters and turn-based RPG adventures...and Zelda. The formula was attempted by a few gutsy developers, but on one ever really managed to capture the magic. And this troper doesn't have the nostalgia filter on — I first played LTTP on Virtual Console fifteen years after the game was first released. Even after the rightly-beloved Ocarina, there are fans who still believe that Link to the Past is still the best Zelda ever. I may not be one of them, but it's definitely one of the best games ever, period.
- This troper finished Skyward Sword this morning, and this game made him clamoring for MOAR! The romantic dynamic between Link and Zelda is so good that an almost-claustrophobic feeling creeps up when the game ends, when you know logically there can't be any more story and, thus, more of the heartwarming interactions that follow beyond well-placed implication.
- Pokémon. This troper did a quick calculation and found there's about 14,357,588,953,446,649 potential party combinations for a playthrough of Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, or just for late/end game, if you've got another cart to trade between. And that's almost definitely an underestimate too...
- Ah, yes! I remember the serene joy of playing Pokémon Gold...riding around on my bike, wasting money on Repels, catching Ho-Oh, beating the Elite Four...sadly, Pokemon Gold and Silver cartridges have an issue with the clock system that eventually wipes your game...
- And that, my friend, is what the wonderful device known as a Mega Memory Card is for.
- Or the HeartGold/SoulSilver remakes for the DS. Squee!
- The death of my Crystal version signalled the end of my Thunderpunching Typhlosion and purple Quagsire. But they live on through HeartGold and emulators! The series that convinced me to start using ROMs is instant win!
- On that note: Explorers of Time and Darkness. You have to love an E-rated game that winds up on the Nightmare Fuel article, and also anything that can make you cry like a kindergartener even as you mutter, "Like you were really going to do it."
- And the story is pretty deep for Pokémon, since most of the main series games tend not to be plot-driven. The Mystery Dungeon spinoffs also tend to be more difficult than main series games, especially in post-credits dungeons, though it's usually not so hard that you want to tear your hair out in frustration. Plus, it's so much fun to actually be a Pokémon. And you can't tell me you've played Time and Darkness and weren't moved by any of the events in Chapter 20.
- Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky has got to be one of the most beautiful and moving games of this generation. There's just... something about it; no matter how corny it gets, no matter how awkward the translation is at points, it shines. With tears and sunrises, it shines. We need more truly family-friendly games like Explorers - games that both kids and adults can enjoy, games that aren't afraid to be cute, scary, sad, and triumphant all in one package.
- Agreed. I love the main series Pokémon games, but Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky has a little something that sets it above the rest. It's like reading a good book: you can't put it down no matter how long you've been playing/reading it. And I certainly can't forget Guildmaster Wigglytuff's words about existing near the end, and this was the very first game that made me cry in the first ending!
- I likes me the Battle Factory. Renting some awesome, random Pokémon, making the best of the hand you've been dealt. And then I get sad because I can't keep them all. But I know they are in good care. The Factory staff seem nice and competent. Oooh, I want to work at the Battle Factory! So much!
- "Right, all boys leave home some day..." That day was over 10 years ago. In the time I've poured into the Pokémon games, I could have built the Great Wall of China out of straw. Twice. This game is almost my entire childhood. And those seven words still survive today to remind us Pokémon fans of our past and our mission to enjoy the moments in which we "Gotta catch 'em all", and to never forget our lifelong friends. No matter how many times we start a new game, no matter how many additional games get made, it will never be the same, not the same as the very first time we played. Back then, every kid played Pokémon, everyone's ambition was To Be A Master. Pokémon music was the soundtrack to our very childhood. It makes me miserable that, for the people who call Diamond and Pearl their first Pokémon games, they just don't get it. To some of us, this is more than a game. It is a wonderful moral, memory, and a beautiful dream filled with the colors of Red, Blue, and Yellow.
- What Barry (your rival) says in D/P/Pt really gets to me. "There's no end to Pokémon! That's what I'm saying!" He's right. No matter how old the series gets, I will play every game. No matter how many new Pokemon are made, I will love each and every one of them. No matter how "lame" people think Pokémon is, I will shove them into the infernos of their hatred and keep playing. Been playing since 1998, and have no plans on putting a halt on my love for Pokemon, be they 8-bit or in 3D.
- I can understand why people would dislike Ruby and Sapphire versions, but as the games that made the biggest jump in improvements to the series, they deserve a mention. So many unique mechanics were added such as growing and watering berries, special obstacles that can only be crossed with a bike, and of course double battles. This troper still carries the Swampert he chose in his first run of Sapphire, over seven years ago.
- No love for Black and White? This game successfully redefined Pokemon in my opinion. From adding features people wished for (Reusing TM's, no more Zubats in caves), to creating a new area that felt unique, and one of the best storylines in any Pokemon game, behind the Mystery Dungeon series. The fact that the story is basically a deconstruction of Pokemon in general helps.
- Ah, yes! I remember the serene joy of playing Pokémon Gold...riding around on my bike, wasting money on Repels, catching Ho-Oh, beating the Elite Four...sadly, Pokemon Gold and Silver cartridges have an issue with the clock system that eventually wipes your game...
- Mother 3 is, without a doubt, awesome. But not just the game--full TV Tropes Made of Win Archive points must also be given to the folks at Starmen.net, who turned out a majestically professional, funny, touching, fun-to-read fan translation that puts a lot of official game scripts to shame. But to the game itself. The Action Command/combo system is brilliant--lots of people already press buttons to the tune of the game music, so making it an official part of the game was a fantastic idea. And what music it is! The soundtrack blew this troper out of the water, and it's remarkably high-quality for a GBA soundtrack. The graphics are slick, colorful, and pretty fantastically animated for their simplicity. It's also fantastically emotional, being laugh-out-loud funny, tear-jerking, shocking, and lots of other big words, even in the tiniest moments. The optional scene you see if you return to Wess with Duster in your party moved her more than something that out-of-the-way ought. And it's a nicely paced RPG to boot, and manages to avert the "everyone's levels are diiiifferent!" problem that plagued Earthbound and--well, pretty much every other RPG ever.
- Much like the troper below, I could not agree any more. Mother 3 is the best game I have ever come across - it even beat out Ocarina of Time for me. No other game has gone straight to my heart like Mother 3 has - it's just... amazing, and that's not even a strong enough word. It's really changed how I see the world. Shigesato Itoi, you are a god.
- This Troper agrees so much, she doesn't think it's even possible to have any further feelings of agreement. This game is a fucking masterpiece. Strange, funny and heartrending, indeed. I smiled, I teared up, I gasped, I laughed, I was awed, I felt determined, I felt odd, I yelled, I danced, I felt nostalgia, I despaired, I cried sissy tears, and finally, I felt resolve. In that order. There's so much to this game... While Earthbound was one of the greatest old-school games, Mother 3 is the indomitable master of mood whiplash, and it works! It just does! You, reading this now, you need to get the most readily available translation and just play it. Also, for those of you who have only played Brawl, you will feel like horrible, horrible people for calling Lucas a cry baby. Seriously. He's the Woobie to end all Woobies...
- This guy has lost around 45 pounds - and counting - with the help of Wii Fit. That's all I need to say.
- My mother has gotten her ankle back into working order so well she can do a 5K run. Just last year, she couldn't walk around for extended periods of time without having to wear a brace. What happened in the interim? Wii Fit and its yoga/strength exercises. I'm not making this up, Nintendo saved my mother's legs. Screw all the Fan Dumb about how Nintendo's ignoring the "hardcore" gamers, Wii Fit is a damn spectacular piece of software, and I will forever swear by that statement.
- The original Earthbound had its haters, but it was truly one of the most underrated games of its time. A fun, innovative game, a quirky storyline, and lots and lots of humor.
- The Metroid games are incredible, hands down. Super Metroid is probably one of This Troper's favorite games, even if he never could get past Ridley. That same boss is probably one of my favorite video game monsters of all time, and each game is enjoyable in its own way. I haven't played the Prime games yet, but that will probably change this Christmas...
- This troper has, and is happy to GUSH about them (I'm surprised no one else has yet?). They're beautiful, beautiful games and wonderful to play. The environments are creative, detailed, and very immersive, (oddly, something that seems particular to American games). The gameplay is great and the controls are smooth, especially with Corruption on the Wii. Heck, Corruption, the last in the trilogy, did more than trump the other two. In the first moments of the game you as Samus pulls of many bad ass stunts, such as that boss fight against Ridley while falling down that shaft. But one of my favorite things about the series is Dark Samus, who connects all the games together. Her whole story and true origin is never flatly stated in the games but left for you to piece together yourself.
- Despite its flaws, Other M is this troper's favorite Metroid game to date. It has beautiful designs, intricate puzzles, intense boss battles, and well-designed characters. And not only does it manage to keep the feel of the original 2-D side scrollers, but it also provides some long-overdue characterization to our favorite Badass Bounty Hunter. Sure some parts can be a real pain, like the Pixel Hunts and the initial lack of a Varia suit, but I think that other parts, like the dodge mechanic and concentration, more than make up for them.
- This troper considers Metroid Fusion to be one of his two favorites of the series (along with Super). It's quite defining of the alternate style of Metroid. Though the linearity may have turned some people off, I felt a sense of accomplisment when reporting back to Adam with each mission. The environments are all lush despite taking place in a space station. The boss fights were pretty enjoyable, and the atmosphere was still there.
- Super Mario Galaxy reaches ridiculous levels of awesome. It is everything that was great about Super Mario 64, only more so. I want Red Stars of my very own, and the soundtrack is one long Crowning Music of Awesome.
- Seconded. Also, it manages to balance Nintendo Hard and fun all but perfectly. There's a reason every magazine I can think of has given it a perfect score (or the highest score given, anyway).
- The gameplay is fun and simple, the music is brilliant, the visuals are gorgeous, the challenging parts are indeed challenging, Rosalina and the Lumas were likable, and the bare bones of a storyline was done well. And then came Super Mario Galaxy 2, which is pretty much the first game, but on steroids in all the good aspects of the original. Maybe a bit less story, but still handled in a way that was interesting.
- Seconded. Also, it manages to balance Nintendo Hard and fun all but perfectly. There's a reason every magazine I can think of has given it a perfect score (or the highest score given, anyway).
- Elite Beat Agents is the best game I've ever played in my life! I say a good game is measured by fun, immersion, enjoyement, and...hell, just getting happy emotional responses from the player. That so, this i the best game I've ever played in my life!
- While not that much with me, it's fun as hell, and despite how silly it all is, it's hard not to get wrapped in some parts. I keep choking up playing "You're the Inspiration".
- Oh man.. I just teared up seeing that level mentioned. It's something special.
- Ditto, Games shouldn't be able to make me tear up like that!
- While not that much with me, it's fun as hell, and despite how silly it all is, it's hard not to get wrapped in some parts. I keep choking up playing "You're the Inspiration".
- Starfox 64 is lightning in a bottle. Especially its voice-acting. Seriously. Every character has like, only 10 lines, but they are ALL memorable enough to become a meme.
- The Kirby games are pure awesome from start to finish. The copy abilites, the stories, everything.Even the spinoffs have this troper coming back for more time and time again. Sugar Bowl or no, you can't deny the fun Kirby provides. After you see Wham Bam Jewel for the first time, you'll never be saying it's kiddy again. Then we get the two best games I have yet played on the Nintendo DS. Kirby Squeak Squad, with the best story ever, involving cake, theives, and treasure, and then Kirby Super Star Ultra, which is Kirby Super Star, but a whole lot more.
- Kirby's Epic Yarn is a masterpiece if you're looking for a fun and easy game.
- SUPAH MARIO BROTHAHS!!! It's THE game that started us down the path to awesomeness and a life-changing experience in and of itself!
- Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels is one of the great video game challenges. It tests your brain about as much as your thumbs, which is impressive for an early Mario game.
- This troper considers Super Mario Bros. 3 to be the greatest game ever created.
- While this troper doesn't consider it as good as Mario 3, Super Mario World is easily one of the best games in the series. It has nice control, nice stages, and neat power-ups. The introduction of Yoshi definitely elevates it, I felt that this Mario expanded the control from the previous games to make it a more enjoyable experience.
- While Super Mario is rare in that the main series has no bad games at all, This Troper believes that it doesn't get enough credit for its main character. For someone just starting out in gaming, Mario's cheery, friendly personality is perfect for welcoming someone into the medium. And for those familiar with him, Charles Martinet's voice acting constantly reminds us that Mario's having just as much fun as we are. The greatest gaming character ever.
- Okay, so we've gotten this far, and the only reference to Spirit Tracks is one comment claiming that it's a rehash of Phantom Hourglass. How have we accomplished this? Not to knock on PH or anything-- I'm one of the tropers gushing about WW/PH Link, after all-- but even I'm not willfully blind enough to overlook some of the flaws, and and I definitely fit into that particular branch of Fan Dumb. Spirit Tracks fixed almost every one of the issues that people had with Phantom Hourglass, like the Temple of the Ocean King-- and did it in a very troper-friendly, Better Than a Bare Bulb way. Everything in the standard Zelda formula is lampshaded or subverted. Princess get kidnapped? Well, yes but that doesn't mean she's a useless Distressed Damsel. Clothes Make the Legend? Yeah, but-- as was the case in Wind Waker-- Link doesn't like them, either, and the logic behind wearing them is completely reasonable. There's more to say, but I have other angles to gush about. Like the music. How can you go wrong with tracks like these?
- Sin and Punishment will always be this Troper's favorite game. Despite the confusing plot and the fact that no one seems to have heard of it, it'll always be on her top ten list. The sequel managed to somehow make the game even better, with more characters, longer gameplay, and a slightly less confusing plot. Everything from the giant monsters to the fast and furious Bullet Hell gameplay style just makes this Troper squee forever.
- Mario Kart, dangit. I can play the Time Trial mode in Double Dash and Super Circuit again and again. And then you've got Battle Mode, which is one of the best multiplayer experiences in video gaming.
- Nintendo in general. Screw everyone who says they only make kiddy games. There is no other company that has provides this much consistant quality.
- Donkey Kong Country. This was the first game this troper seriously got into and is still today one of her favorite game series. Everything about them is awesome. The music, the levels, and just the overall feel of the games makes them super fun and replayable.
- Seconded. The second game was probably my favorite game of every SNES title, despite its difficulty. Remember, you can't have Bramble Blast without having a Blast. The music probably trumped most of the ones in the other games, too. And the whole Lost World ordeal really gave you a sense of accomplishment when you finished it. Especially Animal Antics.
- Donkey Kong Country Returns: Never before have I been blessed with a sidescroller platformer brimming with pure creativity in each level.
- This is probably really silly...but besides these, I also grew up playing Donkey Kong 64. And I absolutely love it!
- Screw what supposed 'fans' say, Star Fox Adventures is this troper's favorite quest game. Great visuals, a cohesive, complex, yet easy to follow plotline, puzzles that are challenging but not frustrating, developed characters, fabulous worldbuilding, and great voice acting in a series that's not exactly known for it. This troper has played it the whole way through multiple times without getting bored. Plus, dinosaurs!
- This troper seconds that and raises Assault. It does get flak for deriving from the formula that 64 set (such as with on-foot missions), but all in all, it is still an awesome title. The orchestrated music really pumps you up, especially Space Battleground, the atmosphere is generally beautiful, such as in the Aparoid Homeworld, and let's face it, it keeps the Stuff Blowing Up aspect we've all come to know and love.
- This one here believes Star Fox 1 and Star Fox 2 are by far the best in the entire series, mixing nostalgia goodness with a truly stunning soundtrack. Add to that the fact they're Darker and Edgier than all sequels made up to this point, and you've got something truly lovable.
- And then there's the Star Fox comics in Nintendo Power, especially those revolving around the old games. Who'd thought Nintendo would be Getting Crap Past the Radar or add some Parental Bonus in there? Not to mention, it turns the games' Excuse Plot into a thoroughly awesome tale, with fitting characters to back it up (FARAAAAA PHOOOEEENIIIIX!
- Kaizo Mario World is a pretty decent game. Sure, it has enough floating munchers to give SMW Central cancer, but it's fun to play, gives you something to do and is a great challenge.
- Pikmin and its sequel. Does this even need an explanation?
- It doesn't, but I'm going to give one anyway. There's plenty of games with depth, but none with this much surprising depth. Not just in the gameplay (it gets pretty damn tactical at times), but also in the characters. Every Pikmin death crushes your soul, I assure you.
- I love everything about Advance Wars Days of Ruin. First of all, it had the balls to deconstruct a trope it pretty much created. Second of all, it is possibly the best subversion of Cerebus Syndrome I've ever seen. It manages to have a post-apocalyptic setting that manages to have both sad, touching scenes and laugh-out-loud silliness ("Sweet corn casserole! They've got freakin' ROCKETS, man!!") without feeling forced. Not to mention completely revamping the combat, making air combat and naval combat a lot more interesting and fun, and having a lot of variety in the ground combat instead of just having 1,564 different kinds of tanks.
- Advance Wars Black Hole Rising deserves just as much recognition. Between the excellent single best final CO, the hilarious dialouge, entertaining characters, and horribly addicting music, the game never gets old. It's currently the first game I'd like to see an updated release of, just to include Days of Ruin's experience system, naval combat, and map system...but they're all just minor points. Even just a graphics update would make it amazing.
- Chibi-Robo! is an overlooked gem for the Gamecube which provides a quirky artstyle and a fun world to explore, definately worth it if you happen to own a Gamecube or Wii.
- Punch Out. Nintendo Hard as it might be, it's nonetheless a very fun and addictive franchise. The Wii version gets special mention for its novel modes, in particular Title Defense and Exhibition, which increase the replay value considerably.
- I was blown away from the get-go by the incredible update that the Wii version brought to the Punch-Out franchise, one that had previously never held my attention. The outstanding character (re)designs and voicework, the honest difficulty in puzzling out every match - and, yeah, the completely unabashed ethnic stereotypes. I'm so glad they didn't shy away from the ever-greater threat of Values Dissonance and instead polished those embarrassing old concepts into an entertaining product.
- Kid Icarus: Uprising. This troper thinks that Uprising is the most original game that Nintendo has ever made in a while. With bringing back Captain Pit after so long, giving us cool characters like Dark Pit (who breaks the shadow trend of all Nintendo characters by actually being a good guy instead of being evil and Magnus, having the funniest dialogue (and 4th wall breaking) of all time and so much to do in the game, this troper thinks that Uprising will be game of 2012.