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Gush about Sega games here!

  • Where the hell is Sonic 3? Yes, the other 2 were pretty good, but Sonic 3 is win. The art style is a subtle yet great evolution, the music is excellent and memorable, it makes the Sonic universe deeper and more engrossing without an overkill of exposition and characters, and the game perfects the Sonic atmosphere and embodies what is right with the series.
    • Seconded. Sonic 3 is my 2nd favorite 2D Sonic game (my most favorite is Sonic CD). Sonic 2 was awesome, yes, but I never saw what made it "ZOMG BEST SAWNIK GAME EVA!!!"
    • To me, Sonic 2 IS childhood. It's that simple. Every last sound or animated sprite or level feature in the game feels like a dip in the nostalgy pool.
      • Sonic 3 by itself was at times ridiculously buggy. However, Sonic 3 and Knuckles is AWESOME.
  • Sonic Unleashed, its Sonic gameplay IS the revitalization of the series that Sega have been promising for years.
    • Along the same lines, this troper doesn't give two figs about what anyone said about the 3D Sonic games post-Dreamcast, he enjoyed them, dammit. Except Sonic 2006. But even that had some good ideas (no, I'm not talking about the hedgehog/human romance, I'm talking gameplay-wise).
      • Heck, This Troper even likes Sonic 2006, and is fully prepared to face the consequences of admitting that.
      • Some people say Sonic died a long time ago. This troper thinks he's still alive and strong, giving us amazing music and fun games.
        • My first Sonic game was Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Via Demo at Wal-Mart and also the first one I owned. From there, I've liked most of he 3D Sonic games I've played. I have not played Sonic '06, but I will admit some parts look interesting and I wouldn't mind trying it... Specifically, I loved Shadow the Hedgehog, I'd even go so far as to say that it's the best of the 3D titles because you only play as a character that may as well be Sonic in terms of gameplay, which is what everyone's been asking for for so long without realizing that they have it. What can I say? The guns and vehicles were fun.
  • Shadow the Hedgehog has a list of flaws a mile long, but the level where you're a bad enough dude to shoot the president is the most fun this troper has had with a Sonic game in years.
    • Shadow is actually a fun game when you look past some of the flaws. Aside from suddenly starring an angsty Evil Twin that totes guns out of nowhere, it has its moments, from the attempted assassination mentioned above to running rampant through the base of operations for what is effectively S.W.A.T. Not to mention what a Chaos Blast you can have using Chaos Control to your benefit.
  • Skies of Arcadia is still the best turn-based RPG I've ever played. I think its upbeat nature, wide open world, depth of NPCs, message of hope to the world, and FLYING PIRATES have spoiled me.
  • The Ecco the Dolphin games are really, really hard. At least for this troper; I'm actually not that good at even moderately hardcore action games. That said, the first two games are some of the greatest xenofiction ever told. The storyline makes the frustrating gameplay worth it!
  • Sonic Unleashed is, quite possibly, the single best thing to ever happen to the little pin-cushion since he entered the 3D era. The story, gameplay, and characterization are all leagues better than Sonic's ever been. The Werehog, while questionable, is the greatest genre change gameplay in the series. Best of all, the new Sonic Team has finally, finally learned not to add in everyone and their grandma just to say they were in this game.
  • I am ashamed nobody has put Ni GHTS into Dreams up here. The first console game to ever use a 3D pad, the story that you could add to, the flight on rails, the dream archetypes... It's a racing game with a story and a real, pervasive presence in the minds of many people. Truly a game for the ages.
    • And the second game in the series, Ni GHTS Journey of Dreams, added a new dimension to the game and a really different point of view I quite enjoyed even for all its flaws. Still working on my Nightopian Garden and A-ranking everything!
    • NiGHTS Into Dreams is quite possibly one of my favorite games ever. Amazing level design, atmospheric music that changes depending on how well you interact with the resident Nightopians, unique bosses, and most important of all, it's just fun. This is the only game that I can think off offhand that I care about one-upping my old high score, and one of the few that I had to force myself to put down because my thumb was in too much pain from working the controller.
  • GHOST Squad! This is a little relatively obscure light gun game by SEGA for Arcade's and the Wii where there are so many Crowning moments of AWESOME that it gives you a complete sensory overload and totally makes up for their only being 3 levels. Oh, and did I mention that you give your character a panda suit and in the Wii version there are 2 bonus modes where in one all your enemies are chicks in bikini's and you use a dolphin shaped Water Gun and in the other every one's a ninja?! If you have a Wii this can all be yours for only 30 USD?!
  • Ristar is a really amazing 16-bit platformer. It wrings out every bit of graphical and musical capability out of the Genesis. Completely forgotten because it came out in 1995 and was buried under the hype for the 32-bit systems, it became a forgotten gem. Great graphics(check out the lighting effects in the underwater stage!), awesome music you will remember for years, and a unique gameplay mechanic.
    • It is amazing, i agree. But sequel never being made =(
  • I love the Sonic games, and must say how silly I think the Broken Base is. After the Sonic Adventure games, people asked for the classic style back. They got it in Sonic Heroes, and then complained they wanted the Adventure style back. They got it in Sonic 2006, and complained... I, on the other hand, enjoy it all(Okay, not Sonic Labyrinth but what the hell). Shadow the Hedgehog, both character and game, are great. The game, it's fun. I enjoy doing Hero missions...and having Black Doom's Eye tag along. It's funny, making that asshole whine. Shadow himself is badass. And he seems to be mellowing back out. Here's an aspect from the old days I miss: Going Super in regular levels. That, I really want to have back. I love foe-tossing charges. And Hyper Sonic. The Hyper transformation was great, and imagine it in 3D. And Metal Sonic is one of the greatest Evil Counterparts ever. Because he can Actually. Measure. Up. Also, the Sonic series has one of the few non-sucky Video Game Based Movies. The Sonic OVA film was cool, drawing a lot from the games. It's the only adaptation to use Eggman's Genesis-era costume. And the battles between Sonic and Metal Sonic... Pure awesome. I think the Mewtwo vs. Mew fight in Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back contained a bit of homage. And Sonic 2006, the hatedom will remember that this is Sugar Wiki and hold their fire. A cool game. Heh. Silver's gameplay is interesting, because Silver isn't a super-runner like we're used to. Also, Amy pwning Silver when he tried to kill Sonic(Stupid Mephiles, but he gets his thanks to Shadow). There's a reason Amy's on the Beware The Nice Ones page. I like the more serious cartoons, including Sonic Underground (the Hatedom will again be reminded that this is Sugar Wiki). I think it fits. Sonic a rebel? Oh yeah. Sonic also a rock star? How the hell does that NOT fit? Sonic having known relatives, and siblings and one parent at that? Neat. Manic, the Surfer Dude with a Hover Board. I think that Sonic Riders was a bit of a Fandom Nod to lovers of Sonic Underground. And...Gosh, I can be rather long-winded when typing this stuff.
    • I... have nothing to say. You've taken the words right out of my mouth. Well, perhaps BRILLIANT! is aplicable. Seriously, why does the fanbase hate all the new stuff? I can understand 06's hatred because of all the glitches, but even then, it's a decent game. Worst part is? Sega's going to release the first part of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (which contains no extra stuff, no other charactures, just Sonic and Robotnik [although he's called Eggman like in the newer games, but get OVER IT FANBASE.] duking it out) and the fans are planning to boycott it... because of such things as the homing attack's inclusion (a step in the right direction if you ask me) and the fact that THEY USE THE NEW STYLE FOR SONIC. When I heard of that, the first thing I said was "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR * cut out, kids might read this* MIND?" Here's hoping the boycott goes the way of Modern Warfare 2!
  • Sonic Chronicles is amazing. It takes the stupidest combo ever- Sonic the Hedgehog and turn based RPG- and makes it work. It's got a great, genuinely funny script, it manages to have an interesting plot without it making no sense or being too serious, and it takes the tell-don't-show approach of many of the games in regards to characterisation (Knuckles, Amy, I'm looking at you) and turns it on its head. (Seriously, they fix every complaint about how the characters act you could have.) And the battle system is genuinely good, too! BioWare, I salute you.
  • Sonic Colors. Just... Sonic Colors. Take the best aspects of the already-good Sonic Unleashed, remove the worst parts of it, and add in exploration elements from Sonic the Hedgehog CD and a powerup gimmick system that actually improves the overall gameplay, a lighthearted story with a hilarious script penned by the writers of Re Boot and Happy Tree Friends and good voice acting, and you'll have the best Sonic the Hedgehog game since the Genesis titles.
  • This Troper will say it, I loved Sonic Heroes when it came out, first there was the many levels that it had and even the hard levels aren't frustratingly so, long story short, I loved Sonic Heroes.
  • Sega Genesis Collection is quite possibly one of the best values per gaming dollar ever. The titles on the disc would cost over $100 on Wii's Virtual Console. Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection for Europe) is poised to actually beat it by dropping another dozen+ titles (in 720p hi-def, yet!), including the much-demanded Streets of Rage series.

Sonic 3&Knuckles is so perfect, so damn perfect. Multiple characters with unique abilities, tons of replay value, brilliant music. It's a dream come true. And The adventure games are also awesome, with even MORE replay value. SA 2 has a pretty nice plot too, and both games have amazing Sonic stages. And I liked Heroes too, just plai fun.

The daytime stages of unleashed are one of those things that legitmimately make you feel like the GODAMN BATMAN!

Generations made the series awesome again, and it is BRILLIANT. The classic gameplay just feels plain good, and the moderngameplay is as fun as ever. Who cares if it short, it's amazing!