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Gyo is a Seinen horror manga by Junji Ito, also known for creating Uzumaki and The Enigma of Amigara Fault (which, incidentally, is an extra story in the back of the second volume).

During World War II, the Imperial Japanese Army commissioned a secret experiment to create biological weapons. The end result - a deadly bacteria that infected corpses and released nauseous gases, and a walking mechanism fueled by these gases, for the purpose of spreading infection. This plan was averted when the ship carrying the bio-weapon was sunk by American bombers during the war - but the bio-weapon remains active, infecting the sea life and spreading back into Japan in the form of undead walking fish... Then the scientists look at it, and it's pretty clear that no human hands could have designed the walking mechanisms, though it's never made quite clear what's behind it. Oh, the ghosts of all who died in wars undersea, you say? Wait. What?

It gets worse.

An animated OVA for the story was greenlit on March 2nd by ufotable. It seems that there are some artistic liberties with the OVA story such as Kaori becoming the protagonist as well as new side characters to boot. Whether this makes it a better adaptation or a poor rendition of Gyo is yet to be seen.

Trailer for the OVA can be viewed here.

Gyo contains examples of:[]