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Main Characters[]
Cassie Hack[]
Debut: Euthanized |
- Action Girl
- Ambiguously Bi: Becomes less ambiguous as the series goes on.
- Anti-Hero
- Back From the Dead: Just once, so she still has some catching up to do with Buffy.
- Badass
- Badass Abnormal: Briefly became the new Fantomah.
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Normal
- Blood Knight: She's mentioned several times that she can barely conceive a life beyond hunting and killing monsters.
- Book Dumb: She never actually finished school, though to be fair we're never told how she did in it anyway.
- Break the Cutie: So much.
- Broken Bird
- Celibate Hero
- The Combat Pragmatist: For example, when dealing with holiday slashers, she and Vlad usually just find their resting place, and blow it up while they're still hibernating.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Deliberately Distressed Damsel: An often employed tactic when luring out slashers.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- The Eeyore
- Final Girl
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: Examples include chainsaws, power drills, and machetes.
- Goth: My First Maniac shows her friend Sarah dragged her along on a shopping spree, and Cassie apparently just liked the stuff she picked out enough to retain the style from then on.
- Guys Smash Girls Shoot: Usually.
- The Hero
- Hurting Hero
- Icy Blue Eyes
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Ladette
- Mommy Issues
- Ms. Fanservice
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Hack.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?: Is quite lax when mentioning things like dying, and killing her old cheerleading coach.
- Serial Killer Killer: A midnight radio show even nicknamed her "the SKK".
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Sir Swearsalot
- Waif Fu
- Weapon of Choice: Batter Up.
Vlad Beane[]
Debut: Euthanized |
- Badass Longcoat
- Bald of Awesome: It seems he can't grow hair.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- The Big Guy
- The Comically Serious
- Cool Mask
- Creepy Good
- Depending on the Artist: He's either gray, green, or brown.
- Determinator
- Gentle Giant: Unless he gets mad.
- The Grotesque
- Guys Smash Girls Shoot
- The Lancer
- Machete Mayhem
- No Social Skills
- Older Sidekick
- Weapon of Choice: Really big knives and cleavers.
- You No Take Candle
Lisa Elsten[]
Debut: Euthanized |
- Cool Big Sis: Can act like this towards Cassie, like in Double Feature.
- Redheaded Hero
- The Medic: As much as a veterinarian can be.
- Mission Control
Chris Krank[]
Debut: Land of Lost Toys |
- Asian and Nerdy
- Basement Dweller: Initially.
- Geek
- Heroes Want Redheads: Lisa and Sheriff Callahan.
- Mission Control
- Non-Action Guy
- Spiky Hair
Debut: Shout at the Devil |
A demonic dog spawned by the Neflords, Pooch originally acted as the pet of his progenitor's current agent, and first met Cassie and Georgia when he was left in charge of guarding them, telling them about his masters in exchange for being pet. When the two escaped Nef, Pooch made a feeble attempt to stop them, but was casually knocked aside. For God only knows what reason, the Neflords later decided to send him to Earth to hunt down and kill Cassie, a task he proved comically inept at. At the behest of Cassie, Pooch was collected by Chris and Lisa; since the two of them proved to be pretty nice, and the Neflords would be undoubtedly pissed at him for failing at his assignment, Pooch decided it was in his best interest to go native, proving his loyalty to his new friends by protecting them from a far more competent assassin eventually sent by his former masters.
- Animals Hate Him
- The Comically Serious
- Evil-Detecting Dog
- Heel Face Turn
- Hell Hound
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Our Demons Are Different
- Phlegmings
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Team Pet
- Third Person Person
Recurring Characters[]
Margaret Crump[]
Debut: Shout at the Devil |
- A Day in the Limelight: Over the Rainbow.
- Bi the Way
- Fair Cop: One of her stripper routines, an apparent favorite of patrons.
- Porn Names: Georgia Peaches.
- Will They or Won't They?
Gertrude Hall[]
Debut: Shout at the Devil |
- Eighties Hair
- Hair of Gold
- Pre-Climax Climax: For Vlad. It saves him from the Neflords.
Debut: Closer |
- The Atoner
- Badass
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Pre-series, and in Sons of Man.
- Cool Mask
- Expy: Of Angel. They even look similar.
- Healing Factor
- Knife Nut
- Major Injury Underreaction
- Mr. Fanservice
- Mysterious Past
- Older Than They Look: He's been active for over fifty years.
- The Voiceless: While controlled by the Black Lamp Society.
Catherine "Cat" Curio[]
Debut: Double Feature |
- Asperger Syndrome
- Blue Eyes
- Chekhov's Gunman: Her debut was a seemingly one-off story she appeared to die at the end of, but then it was revealed a little while later that she actually survived, and it's becoming increasingly likely she'll become a main character.
- Convenient Coma: Samhain stabbing her as a child put her in one.
- Curiosity Killed the Cast: Or left them as a vegetable for over a decade.
- Genki Girl
- Gosh Dang It to Heck
- Does Not Like Guns
- Hair of Gold
- Kid Detective
- Meaningful Name: Curiosity.
"Curious like a cat. You know me. Ha. People used to say to me, 'Did you choose Curio as a surname, because that's an awfully big coincidence, wouldn't you say?' And I'd say: 'Why no. Curio is a very old and respected family n--' (is shoved out the door by Cassie) |
Major Villains[]
Delilah Hack, the Lunch Lady[]
Debut: Euthanized |
Cassie's mother, Delilah (or "Dee") was once a normal (but feisty) woman who met and fell in love with her future husband, Doctor Jack Hack, when it was discovered she had the potential to become a slasher. The two got married and tried to live a normal life with their daughter, but Jack's government connections (and gambling problem) quashed those dreams, and Jack was eventually forced to abandon his family for their own protection. This caused Delilah's mental state to deteriorate rapidly, and after noticing the bullying her daughter was forced to deal with at school, decided that mommy should make it all better in the worst possible way; by butchering the bullies (and anyone else who so much as looked at Cassie funny) and using their remains as the "secret ingredient" in the food she served in her job as a lunch lady. When Cassie discovered what her mother was doing, she alerted the authorities and confronted Delilah with them; distraught by her daughter's betrayal, Delilah committed suicide by fatally scalding herself with a pot of boiling gravy in front of her daughter. But a mother's love is a hard thing to kill, and Delilah soon returned from the dead, tracked Cassie down to her new foster home, and picked up where she left off, slaughtering Cassie's classmates, though this spree was cut short when Cassie re-killed Dee by shooting her in the face a couple dozen times.
- Abusive Parents: Presumably became this as her mental state deteriorated, if a flashback in The Final Revenge of Evil Ernie is anything to go by.
- Ax Crazy
- Back From the Dead: In Cassie and Vlad meet the Re-Animator.
- Blondes Are Evil: Though as an undead being, her hair is white-ish.
- Death By Origin Story
- Driven to Suicide: When cornered by police, she drowned herself in a big pot of boiling gravy.
- Evil Chef
- Evil Matriarch
- Knife Nut
- Knight Templar Parent
- My Beloved Smother
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Hack.
- Serial Killer: Pre-series.
- Token Motivational Nemesis
Bobby Brunswick[]
Debut: Euthanized |
- Alliterative Name
- Back From the Dead: In Come Together.
- Badass Longcoat
- Bald of Evil
- Boom! Headshot!: It takes multiple ones to put him down the first time.
- Deadly Prank: His origin.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Shovel Strike: How he kills when he decides to take matters into his own hands.
- Hulk Speak
- Malevolent Masked Men: His little surgical mask.
- Raising the Steaks: He can bring animals back from the dead, though it's implied he may be able to do so with humans.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
Laura Lochs[]
Debut: Girls Gone Dead |
A devoutly religious girl who snapped when she caught her long time boyfriend with a slut, our heroes first encountered Laura when she intended to turn a Florida Spring Break into a bloodbath with the help of Father Wrath, a slasher she had enthralled with Black Magic. Despite later dying after some body-hopping mayhem caused a certain killer doll's amulet, her hate-filled spirit remains in limbo, obsessed with taking revenge on Cassie and Vlad, something she'll have to be creative about, considering her now fairly limited ability to interact with the world of the living.
- Alliterative Name
- Bandage Babe: In Vs. Chucky, due to the severe burns she suffered at Cassie's hands.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Catholic School Girls Rule: At first.
- Designated Girl Fight
- Disproportionate Retribution: She was driven insane and attempted to massacre Spring Break due to her boyfriend cheating on her during the festivities.
- Evil Feels Good: When she actually witnesses Father Wrath kill someone at her instruction, she is somewhat freaked, and starts questioning herself ("You don't think I'm crazy, do you?"); though she gets over it, outright stating shooting someone was surprisingly easy later.
- Evil vs. Evil: In Vs. Chucky.
- Grand Theft Me: Done to Vlad in Vs. Chucky, and briefly to her sister in Foes and Fortunes.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: She was eaten alive by her own ravenous zombie minions.
- Hot Witch
- Hypocrite: A Christian fundamentalist who uses Black Magic and Hollywood Voodoo in the name of God.
- Malevolent Masked Men: She wears what's left of Father Wrath's mask in Vs. Chucky.
- The Man Behind the Man: In Foes and Fortunes, she manipulates her sister from beyond the grave in a plot to kill Cassie and Vlad.
- Man On Fire: At the end of Girls Gone Dead, via candles and various alcohols.
- Motive Rant
- Night of the Living Mooks: In Vs. Chucky, though as noted above, they turn on her.
- Our Ghosts Are Different: Became something akin to one due to her usage of black magic.
- Valley Girl
Ashley Guthrie[]
Debut: Land of Lost Toys |
- Demonic Possession
- Disproportionate Retribution: After discovering his baby brother was playing with his toys, he beat him to death.
- Chronic Pet Killer: He strangled his cat's litter of kittens due to being annoyed at how much time it was spending with them.
- Enfant Terrible
- Gonk
- Gosh Dang It to Heck
- It's All About Me
- Killer Rabbit: While stuck in a teddy bear, and arguably the elderly Mrs. Joworsky's body.
- Knife Nut: In Slice Hard.
- Living Toys
- Sealed Evil in a Teddy Bear: Literally.
- The Sociopath
- Villain Team-Up: With Six Sixx in Mind Killer.
- Your Worst Nightmare
Angela Cicero, the Acid Angel[]
Debut: Slice Hard Prelude |
A sexy (and she knows it) female slasher, Acid Angel was once Angela Cicero, mundane real estate agent by day and club-trotting party girl by night. Unfortunately, Angela's hard partying ways led to a heap of trouble when she got it on with her best friend's husband, driving said best friend to a Bath Suicide. Overcome with grief, the guilty husband murdered Angela by replacing her insulin with hydrochloric acid, leading to an excruciating death. But, you can't keep a bad girl down, and Angela eventually came back from the dead as a slasher who uses her feminine wiles to ensnare men, then kill them via her arousal-activated acidic secretions.
- Alien Blood
- All There in the Manual: Her origin is revealed in supplementary material.
- Back From the Dead: In Come Together.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Blue Eyes
- Breath Weapon: As well as secreting acid, she can spit it.
- Comic Book Fantasy Casting: Summer Glau.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Along with being able to cause them, her own death involved her insulin being replaced by hydrochloric acid.
- Destination Defenestration: How she is temporarily defeated in Come Together.
- Deus Sex Machina: Her powers activate upon being sexually aroused.
- Foe Yay: "Such a one-track mind you have, Cassie. It's kind of cute. I think you'll make a great little slave."
- Go-Go Enslavement: After being captured in Slice Hard Prelude, her street clothes were switched with her "villain outfit" off-panel... for some reason. Additionally, after capturing Cassie and Vlad in Come Together, she strips them down to their undergarments.
- Hallucinations: A special acid (...LSD?) is able to induce them in in Come Together.
- Hollywood Acid: Comes in translucent, green, and yellow.
- Knife Nut: In Slice Hard.
- Leotard of Power: Also in Slice Hard.
- Mook: Acquires the ability to create them in Come Together.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Poisonous Person
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives an emasculating one to Vlad in Come Together.
- Straw Feminist
- Tattooed Crook
- The Vamp
- Villains Out Shopping: In Come Together, in order to "recharge" to kill the captive Cassie and Vlad in a painful manner, she watches some trashy hotel porn:
"God, I hate it when the guy talks. Shut up and just fuck, man." |
Emily Christy, Ms. America[]
Debut: Slice Hard |
- A God Am I: As Ouroboros.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Blood Bath: Resorts to something akin to them in order to retain a human appearance in Tub Club, manipulating students into weird bloodletting pool orgies as apart of being in the titular secret society.
- Body Horror: The whole absorption thing can get gross.
- Depraved Bisexual
- Face Stealer: She can steal and wear the skin of others, though it appears to work better on women.
- Healing Factor: Her main ability, though it needs blood and flesh to kick start it.
- Hot Scientist
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Vlad kills her by knocking her onto a stalagmite.
- Meganekko
- Old Shame: Her nude photo spread, which got her Ms. America title revoked.
- One-Winged Angel/Scaled Up
- Power Dyes Your Hair: As Ouroboros, she's a brunette.
- Professor Guinea Pig: After being fatally injured by Acid Angel in Slice Hard, she uses an experimental "slasher serum" to save herself, at the cost of her humanity, and eventually her sanity.
- Prophet Eyes: As Ms. America.
Jeffrey Brevvard, Six Sixx[]
Debut: Shout at the Devil |
- Eighties Hair
- Clipped-Wing Angel: He assumes a demonic form in Shout at the Devil, but doesn't really get the chance to do anything with it.
- Deal with the Devil
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: He gets beaten to death with a hammer in the opening pages of Murder Messiah.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Sammi Curr from Trick or Treat.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Eye Scream: An Eldritch Abomination ripped one of his eyes out, leading to the above.
- Musical Assassin
- Villain Team-Up: With Ashley Guthrie in Mind Killer.
The Neflords[]
Debut: Shout at the Devil |
Two big, floating tenctacly Cosmic Horrors that exist in a realm presumably named after them, their origin is vague, but speculation says they may have lived in the void that existed before God created the universe. While they appear to be content (for the most part) with lording over their little Hell Dimension, they are unable to create followers from nothing, and thus must rely on impregnating virgins (and it has to be virgins, for some reason) from other worlds, acquiring them through agents they imbue with powers in exchange for their services.
- Anything That Moves: As long as it's a virgin, at least.
- Combat Tentacles
- Dimension Lord
- Eldritch Abomination
- Mars Needs Women: In order to spawn, they need to fatally impregnate virgins from alternate realities.
- Naughty Tentacles
- Power Floats
- Rainbow Speak: Each one has different colored speech bubble font, which occasionally bleeds together.
- Shock and Awe: They can create lightning blasts.
- Speak in Unison
- Suddenly Voiced: In they're debut, there's no indication given that they can talk (at least, physically) but in subsequent appearances, they're quite chatty.
The Society of the Black Lamp[]
Debut: Closer |
- Cult
- Cut Lex Luthor a Check
- Dark Messiah: Akakios.
- Religion of Evil
- Technicolor Fire
- We Are Everywhere