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- Arc Fatigue: Some critics have applied this to the Black Lamp Society and Samhain arc. Possibly lampshaded in Super Sidekick Sleepover Slaughter:
Cassie: "I don't know about you, Vlad, but I'm getting really bored with this black flower crap already." |
- Crosses the Line Twice: The RapeVan.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: HERBERT WEST. FUCK YES.
- The day after being given a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown by a Girl Posse in My First Maniac, Cassie punches the leader of the trio in the face so hard and so many times that she gives her a black eye, broken nose and split lip. While the girl's stunned friends are helping her, Cassie walks away, and flips them off. To top it off, Cassie, in what was presumably Creepy Monotone, says:
Cassie: "If you ever touch me again, I'll fucking kill you... and they will never find your body." |
- Fantomah teleporting three so-called supervillains into space simply by saying "begone", which easily freaks out Cassie.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Cassie and Vlad disguising themselves as Sister Sacrilege and Altar Boy in Super Sidekick Sleepover Slaughter, to name but one example.
- In Slice Hard, when Acid Angel tells the other slashers she can burn through the wall into the room where their weapons are, but she can only produce acid when she's turned on.
Ashley: "Yeah, my old Speak N' Say didn't work unless I turned it on either." |
- "I let my guard down, jut for a second, and this is what I get. I should have known this was going to end with me punching a dinosaur in the brain."
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Pooch protecting Chris, Lisa, Kyle and, in his words, even the animals in the clinic, from the elite Nef agent in Closer, almost resulting in an Heroic Sacrifice.
- Cassie selling her mother's wedding ring to help the sick Vlad in Love Stories.
- At the end of the first issue, Cassie, after stoically enduring all of Doctor Gross's torture and mind rape, breaks down, and is comforted by Vlad.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Pooch and Libby Lochs.
- Evil Is Sexy: Acid Angel, who really uses it to her advantage.
- Subverted with Butterface. She has a hot body, but an apparently horrific looking face.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel
- Recycled Script: "Super Sidekick Sleepover Slaughter" was recycled from a rejected pitch for a slasher-movie parody miniseries set in the Marvel Universe.
- Squick: Mother Leeds from The Living Corpse crossover.
- When Taber threatens to kill himself with a shotgun in Something's Fishy, Mary Shelley Lovecraft disarms him by sprouting another tentacle... from between her legs.
- The Sundermann brothers (one lived inside the other).
- Ugly Cute: Pooch. Vlad saw Mother Leeds's children as this, but Cassie and The Living Corpse were just squicked out by them.
- The Woobie: Although Cassie keeps her 'tough bitch' act up for the most part, when something manages to break through her defenses it's almost impossible not to feel for her.