Hagane is an SNES/Super Famicom game by Hudson Soft about a robotic ninja with a pair of ancestral statuettes for a power plant. He fights against a series of evil wizards and their many henchmen for... some... reason.
The gameplay is frequently compared to Shinobi due to the ammo-using weapons and because one of the stages involves trying out doors while enemies pop out of other doors, and to Strider for the acrobatics.
Tropes used in Hagane: The Final Conflict include:
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer: Stage 1-2.
- Auto-Scrolling Level (Advancing Wall of Doom): Stage 1-4. If you are near the left-hand side of the screen, you don't see the pit you get to fall into.
- Bittersweet Ending: The hero accomplished whatever it was he was supposed to, but as a consequence, loses power and starts rusting.
- Collision Damage: Regular Mooks don't inflict this, but some enemies do.
- Denial of Diagonal Attack: Only one weapon can be lobbed diagonally, and only one can be fired straight upwards.
- Doomsday Device: Amano-Ikazuchi, a demonic ICBM.
- Double Jump: The second jump actually propels you forward instead of upward. If you contact a wall, it becomes a Wall Jump.
- Eternal Engine: Especially the whole of World 2.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: The hero has one integrated in his body, just in case his ninja acrobatics are not enough.
- Iaijutsu Practitioner: The cyborg warrior combines this technique with lightning.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Used by both the hero and the cyborg warrior, as well as many of the Mooks.
- Ki Attacks: The monks with wide-brimmed hats do this.
- Leitmotif: The theme of the cyborg warrior with the artificial arm.
- Magitek: A big part of the game's theme, used by all sides.
- Ninja: The hero is a robotic one.
- Recurring Boss: The cyborg warrior who has an artificial arm.
- Robo Cam: Shown in the intro as the hero surveys a ruined village.
- Spin Attack: One of the somersault specials.
- Steampunk: Those few things in the game that are not somehow run by magic/spirit power.
- Überwald: Stage 4-1.