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  • Awesome Music: Age of Aquarius; Hair; Walking In Space; Let The Sunshine In (The whole score, really.)
  • Breakaway Pop Hit and Covered Up: The show produced four popular singles-- the title song by The Cowsills, "Starshine" by Oliver, "Aquarius" by the 5th Dimension, and "Easy To Be Hard" by Three Dog Night.
  • Ear Worm: Good Morning Starshine. The Earth says... Hello!
  • Everybody Remembers the Stripper: The famous nude scene lasts for merely twenty seconds and is so dimly lit that one critic quipped, "I couldn't even tell if any of them were Jewish". Yet it's the most talked-about scene in the show, leaving people who haven't seen it with the impression that the ENTIRE show takes place with the actors naked.
  • Genius Bonus: The opening vocal line of the song Sodomy is the titluar word sung on an upward arpeggio of the 5th scale degree, a root, and a 3rd. Or, in solfege, sol-do-mi...
  • Ho Yay: Deliberately written into the show itself, which provides quite some subtext between Claude and Berger at times.
    • Supporting character Woof: "I'm not a homosexual or anything, but I would make love to this man" (Mick Jagger). Bordering on Transparent Closet. Lampshaded by Jeanie, who points out that Woof is 'hung up on' Claude.
    • Also a Les Yay: In "White Boys," the last appealing trait of white boys listed is that they're "Beautiful like girls." (Note this is being sung by black girls.)
  • Tear Jerker: If "The Flesh Failures" can't make you tear up, nothing will.