Hanbun No Tsuki Ga Noboru Sora is a story about the 17-year-old boy Yuichi Ezaki, who is suffering from hepatitis and is spending his days at the hospital. From a nurse, he learns of another 17-year-old patient who recently transferred to the hospital. The patient, a young girl named Rika Akiba is suffering from a weak heart valve.
The show deals with Yuichi and Rika as they try to develop their relationship despite the meddling of doctors and nurses who have their own reasons for helping or hindering them. As Yuichi learns of the seriousness of Rika's condition he decides to help her realize her dreams and explore the world outside the hospital where she has spent most of her life.
The show is mostly a drama/romance set in a hospital. Given the theme of young adolescents exploring their feelings for each other while under pressure from parents and hospital staff while coming to terms with their own mortality, there is a lot of Tear Jerker material.
The anime consists of six episodes aired in 2006. A live-action television drama ran for 13 episodes in late 2006.
This series provides examples of:
- Dirty Old Man: Tada-san. He is first seen grabbing the nurse while passing her in a hallway. He also has a large stash of dirty magazines which he leaves to Yuuichi when he passes away.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Tamotsu's apparently taking a break from freeing Hyrule from the Twilight Realm.
- Ill Girl: Rika
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Yuuichi gets beat up by Rika's drunk physician, who has possible feelings for her.
- Official Couple: One can really wonder how obvious this is.
- Parental Abandonment: Both Yuichi and Rika has suffered the loss of a father
- Porn Stash: An old man in the hospital leaves his to Yuuichi, which gets him in huge trouble when Rika finds it. He's mildly interested in it, but has little regret when he finally burns it to win her back.
- Tear Jerker: Several.