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  • The haircut Hanna gives her dad before he goes out into the world.
  • When Hanna escapes from the facility at the beginning, she runs into a scientist in the locker room. When he sees her and her gun, he casually opens his locker and sits inside.
  • A meta one is when Hanna and Sophie lie in bed, facing one another and talk, and the single shots of their faces depict them BOTH lying on their left side. This went on long enough for half the cinema to start cracking up while this troper watched the film.
  • When Hanna sits down for dinner with Sophie's family, she tells them her mother is dead.

 Sebastian: What did your mother die of, Hanna?

Hanna: (deadpan) Three bullets.

Sebastian: (Spit Take)


 Sophie: I'd like to be a lesbian but not one of those fat ones, one of those supermodel-looking ones, but I think I'd only hold hands with my girlfriend, and I'd probably marry a man.


Hanna: What?

  • Probably because of Narm Charm, but this troper couldn't help but giggle when he heard this in the cinema

  Isaacs: (while chasing Erik) Run little piggy!

  • Hanna flooring the guy who tried to kiss her. When asking Sophie if she should let him go Sophie shrieks "As opposed to what?! Yes, you should let him go!"