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Happy Valley is an omnibus novel written by Sugar Ray Dodge that splits into two story arcs. The first being Happy Valley, the original 2006 novel. The second being a trilogy of novelettes called Scruffy's Revenge, written from 2009 through 2010. The original novel is an Affectionate Parody of life in Utah and Mormon Cinema, while Scruffy's Revenge takes a much darker, yet still humorous, tone.

Hal Harper is an independent filmmaker and Penny Garland is his beautiful, yet overbearing, über-Mormon fiancé. Max is her fat, dimwitted brother and Josey is her loyal minion. Penny’s Mom, who has a few screws loose, is convinced Hal isn’t good enough for her and will do anything to get between them. Simon Manners is a meddling returned missionary and Alexandra Lombardi is a redheaded distraction. Buddy Kennedy is an amoral businessman, MRV is a corrupt, jack-Mormon politician, and Scruffy is a deranged talking teddy bear with a passion for murder and cannibalism. Only in Happy Valley can these characters take you on a hilariously dark, yet touching journey that will teach you more about life in Utah than you ever thought possible.

Tropes used in Happy Valley (Dodge novel) include: