Game Breaker: Sayuri, Sayuri, Sayuri. She cannot wield guns, but her sword kills all enemies except bosses in one hit. And against bosses she does ridiculous damage. Her Razor Wind charge shot also goes through everything, unlike charged Heated Plasma, thus allowing her to hit many enemies offscreen where other characters can't. Her upgrades in Rising Mode make her even more broken. She can get a speed upgrade to her movement. You can also buy upgrades to her sword that can make her do up to double damage against everything. And the nail in the coffin? You can buy automatic fire for her, meaning that you can just stand there and hold the X/Square button to hack away at enemies.
Most Annoying Sound: Dr. Mandrake's constant whining in Mission 5. "SLOW DOOOWWWN!"
Narm Charm: The voice acting in this game is bad, but it's probably done intentionally to invoke a "classic" feel. Examples:
Bahamut: "Show yourself, you bastard! SHOW YOURSELF, TIBERIUS!"
Krystal: "You can count on me!"
Harley: "I'm tough!"
Sayuri: "I grow tired of killing."
Leviathan: "YEAH! For the father!"
Tiberius: "You again. So, wanna be dead? I'm going to enjoy this battle."
"Now, then, can I beat you up? Let's begin the FINUL BATHOL.
Harsher in Hindsight: Bahamut's killing of Mandrake in one of the endings in the original Contra Hard Corps comes off worse as Uprising shows they've been allies for years.