Hareluya II Boy is a manga story by Umezawa Haruto. It follows a delinquent called Hareluya Hibino in his 'quest' for world domination. He does that beating up people who annoy him, or his friends.
Tropes used in Hareluya II Boy include:
- Badass: Hibino, so so much. If anyone ever does anything badass enough to make you think they can stand up to Hibino, you can bet he'll do it himself just to prove a point.
- Badass Damsel: Yamana, when she's kidnapped by Reiji Maroka. What does she do when he gloats over her friends being beaten? KICK THE BASTARD IN THE FACE WHILST TIED UP AND GAGGED.
- Baseball Episode: Actually, baseball arc. starts with an overdose of Unnecessary Roughness...and then they pull out the sniper rifle.
- Berserk Button: Do not, repeat, do NOT hit any of Hibino's friends. You might get away with it if you're fighting with Ichijou fairly, because he's probably going to beat you down anyway, but mess with one of the others and you will burn. In particular the nurse; the only person to ever get away with this had to fall into a coma to do so.
- Big Brother Instinct: Momiyama has this. It's even enough to let him land a punch on Hibino.
- Hibino himself has this. He refers to the other three/four/five members of the team as servants, but his general attitude of teasing, supporting, and protecting them is just like an older brother.
Hibino: What Kiyoushiro tries to protect...is what I try to protect. |
- Blackmail: The "I got naked photos" variant.
- Cat Fight: There is a chapter named this. And while the outfits, setting, and combatants play the trope straight, it still manages to be subverted through sheer brutality and the fact that both women are skilled, dangerous fighters.
- Delinquents: Most of the series antagonists, and depending on your mileage, possibly Hibino.
- Determinator: Kyoshiro proves himself to be this one once per arc . Clinging from a driving bike for 300 meters? Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- His true Determinator moments are when he fights; he makes a habit out of lifting people several times his size.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Number 5 of millions.
- Fire-Forged Friends: Hibino and Ichijou joke at each other's expense all the time, but when one is in danger, the other will come running (mostly Ichijou falling and Hibino running).
- Five-Man Band: Interestingly played with in that the main character doesn't always take up either of the roles you'd expect him to.
- The Hero: Okamoto Kiyoushiro. Hibino takes up this role a few times, but Okamoto consistently displays the attitude, and is usually the first of the group to jump to a stranger's aid, drawing in the others out of loyalty.
- The Lancer: Makoto Ichijou, both to Hibino (being the technical fighter as opposed to Hibino's straightforward brawling) and to Okamoto (being more quick-tempered and willing to start a brawl).
- The Big Guy: Hibino's main role, as he's easily the strongest among the group. He's of the Genius Bruiser variety--he's not terribly bright in other areas, but his tactics and foresight in combat are second to none in the series.
- The Smart Guy: Momiyama Shouzou, as he tends to have the most information regarding the delinquents of the city, which are the group's main opponents. Tries to be a Non-Action Guy, but he's a good enough fighter to be the head of a school, and it occasionally shows.
- The Chick: Yamana Michiru. She borders on Action Girl a few times, such as during the Live House Eden arc when she knocks down at least one of the Ashido High gang, and gets to be a Badass Damsel once or twice. Her main role is as Team Mom, though, as she's able to reign in Hibino and Makoto at times.
- The Sixth Ranger: Ibu Reiko. She's a major Action Girl, joining the group for fights in a few arcs, but never hangs around enough that Hibino starts calling her one of his servants.
- Hidden Weapons: BB gun in cast, knife in a shoe.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Baseball bats and frying pans mostly; Hibino gets called on it every time, and gets compared to Doraemon.
- Lampshaded once. When Hibino seems to be in an impossible situation, he slides his bat behind his back (the door to his Hammerspace). The current Jerkass tells him it's good he gave up. Cue Hibino moving, revealing that he slid the bat into the chains keeping a door locked, and not back into his shirt as per usual.
- Lampshaded at least one other time, when Ichijou starts digging around in the back of Hibino's shirt to get his frying pan. He succeeds, and Hibino gets pissed off about it.
- Invincible Hero: Hibino, and he is aware of this, and it is spectacular.
- Jerkass: Most people see Hibino as this.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Hibino, who emphasizes the jerk side, and Ichijou, who emphasizes the heart of gold side.
- Made of Iron: Hibino. No matter what pain the story dishes out at him, he takes it.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: A weird example. Hibino is mean and shallow, there's no question of that, but his loud attitude still manages to mask just how quick-witted he is and how much thought he puts into things.
- Rollerblade Good: Or rollerblade evil. The 'killer' hockey punks team who chose the wrong battle.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: As the prince of the local Yakuza/CorruptCorporateExecutive this is Reiji Maroka second choice of action. his first choice? unleashing his fearsome Battle Butler.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Among all the crazy strong guys, Yamana falls for Kyoshiro.
- Storming the Castle: Reiji Maroka's mansion - Guard dogs? check. Falling Chandelier of Doom on top of Mooks? check. slaying the dragon? check. Did I mention it was all to save the girl?
- Use Your Head: Fairly often, whenever Hibino wants to make a point. Kyoshiro also combines this trope and his construction helmet to deliver a glorious Groin Attack
- Old Master: Bob for Kyoshiro; also gets to be a Cool Old Guy.
- There are a few hints that Hibino's father is one of these. He allows his son to tie him up because he was planning to go get into a fight, but after Hibino leaves, he father wishes him luck and gets up, effortlessly tearing his restraints.
- Psycho Serum: Kanzaki takes one. and then another.
- Would Hit a Girl: Hibino doesn't care who he beats up, although he does go for indirect hits.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Ichijou tries this to be one.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Hibino and Ichijou are so vitriolic towards each other that they literally breathe fire at one another at least once a chapter. But it practically qualifies as a sibling rivalry, because they make a spectacular team and both of them will come running to save the other without hesitation.