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Likes to wear glasses
All the time he plays with wand
The action begins.


Snape, Severus Snape.
An evil jerk; or is he?
He's Dumbledore's spy

—for Book 5:

Lupin: "People do
stupid things when they're fifteen."
Harry: "I'm fifteen!"



A boy called Harry
A monster called Voldemort
A fight to the death


For Book 1:
The wizarding world
Beyond imagination...

—Welcome, young Potter



For Book 2:
Trouble arises
A murderous monster Harry hears

—That's myth!...Or is it



Amazing series
about a magic boy's fight
against pure evil.


Avada cadavra
A bright flash of green light
A life has ended.


Harry discovers
Fantastic world of magic
With danger... and angst

—Crazy Dawg


Book 3:
One Sirius Black
Has escaped from wizard jail.

—Innocent? Guilty?

Book 6:
Layers of meaning
Are found for "traitor" and "prince".
No-one is the same.
