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  • This troper read everything there is that has to do with Harry Potter on TV Tropes not long before the release of the final movie. She can't be the only one who teared up, seeing examples of CMOH and tearjerks, thinking about all of the happiness Harry Potter has brought to her life. J.K. Rowling, we thank you.
  • An example in Real Life: The London Premiere of the final Harry Potter movie, Deathly Hallows Part Two at Trafalgar Square packed with thousands of fans. Each of the trio making a speech with Emma Watson crying and Rupert telling the other two "I love you" and an emotional JK Rowling thanking the fans and saying "Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."
    • Or when Emma tells Rupert: "Thank you for being such a good brother."
  • Wrock (Wizard-rock) has a few songs about Harry walking to his death, but The Butterbeer Experience's Chapter 34 tops all. "I know what I must do. And I am prepared. But, please stay here, so I'm not scared. No time to explain. No time for goodbyes. Only time for tears as I look into your eyes. So, hold my hand. Touch my heart. Know that really soon, I'll be where you are. I'll face him strong. Just . . . stay by my side. I want you there, when I, when I die."
    • Made worse when Lena, who's still singing, just breaks down and starts crying.
      • on that note, Riddle TM has a song of the same name that is equally heartbreaking- it's softer, mellower than TBE's Chapter 34... " I hold the ring in my hand, I’ll be okay now I have the bitter truth at last.Help me through, strengthen my resolve Help me face Voldemort, With courage and without fear...."
        • Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls's Chapter 34 song, Open at the Close, has a heart breaking chorus: " So I'll walk it alone and face this truth. Mum, I'm coming home, home to you. No goodbyes this time, and no kisses too. Ginny, please don't you cry. Know I'll always love you." *sob*
    • A lot of TBE's songs are sad, but the one that killed me was (predictably) The Prince's Tale...
  • Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls 'End of an Era'. Really that entire song, but to be specific: "I will miss the train ride in, and the pranks pulled by the twins. And though it's nowhere I have been, I'll keep on smiling from the times we had with them."
  • The Split Seven Ways song "The Forest Again."
  • How about the opening? How about the opening of the final movie? The moment I saw the Warner Bros logo, my heart stopped and I literally started forward. It never occurred to me, until that moment, that this is the LAST and FINAL installment of Harry Potter, the last premiere.
    • This troper has never had an opening-night audience not applaud and cheer at the production logo...until the last film, when we were all just stunned into silence. Aaaugh.
    • The opening logo just started the tears. This troper cried the ENTIRE movie for the simple fact that this was the final movie. With the final movie, many childhoods officially came to a close.
  • This troper bawled like a baby at the end of the Epilogue. It wasn't the end of the movie, no, it was the damn song. The very same song that played at the very end of the first movie. It told us, really, everything ran full circle. Ir remidned us of the entire scope and tragedy of the whole series compered to the first book.
  • I didn't cry while I watched the final movie for the first time, but when "19 Years Later" apeared on the screen, I felt like something within me was dying.
  • In Real Life, the last day of principal photography of the movie, after watching a special video made by the crew Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, who've spent half their lives making these films and growing up together, embracing each other in a group hug and crying.
  • "The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well." This troper can make it through a lot of things in the world of fiction in rather stoic fashion, but that line made the waterworks start up. It was like that feeling after you've gone through a long ordeal and it's all over and after so much time trying to hold it together, you just need a shoulder to cry on. And it wasn't just because the story had ended - it was the feeling of closure for a character that really, really had to earn that happy ending. And it was the implication that his horrible childhood and seven (some would argue seventeen)-year struggle with Voldemort had left no lasting damage. He didn't end up going off the deep end. He didn't suffer from waking up in occasional cold sweats with hell itself exploding out of his forehead. He didn't have any worry about whether a fragment of Voldemort's soul would come bursting out of him at any moment to endanger the ones he loved. He grew into a man, married the one he loved (a miracle in and of itself considering her proximity to the violence), and had three healthy, happy children as well as a host of nieces and nephews, achieved his career goal - and then some.[1] And they all lived Happily Ever After. That's essentially what the last sentence says, but more beautiful - more poignant.
  1. He wanted to be an auror. He ended up becoming head of the entire freaking office - at 27!