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Sirius Black[]
When first introduced, he is an escaped Death Eater and mass murderer who betrayed the Potters' location to Voldemort and is apparently out to kill Harry. Of course, once he finally gets to Hogwarts, Hilarity Ensues until we find out who the real traitor was, and that Sirius is actually Harry's godfather. Remains in hiding for the next two books, making it difficult for him to take over legal guardianship. And then he dies. Played by Gary Oldman.
- Animorphism
- Anti-Hero: Type III.
- Badass Biker
- Big Brother Mentor: He is actually Harry's godfather.
- Byronic Hero
- Chekhov's Gunman: He is name-dropped in the first book as the guy who lent Hagrid the flying motorbike he needed to get baby Harry to Privet Drive. Then he becomes a major player in the third book. And then the flying motorbike itself shows up in the seventh...
- Clear My Name: He attempts to do this by capturing Wormtail. It's hinted in the sixth book that his death resulted in his innocence being proven.
- Despair Event Horizon: Hits it the night James and Lily die. He eventually snaps out of it when he sees Wormtail's picture in the paper and realizes that Harry's in danger, giving him purpose again and the strength to escape Azkaban.
- The Dreaded: When he escapes Azkaban, Wizarding Britain was so freaked out that they put up wanted posters in Muggle society.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: Not so much his post-Azkaban self, but pre-Azkaban, his good looks are frequently mentioned.
- Go Mad From the Revelation: His reaction of hysterical laughter to Pettigrew's betrayal and escape via display of hitherto unknown cunning and viciousness, leaving him unable to rationally defend himself against prosecution. The fact that he didn't get a trial couldn't have helped, either.
- Gray Eyes
- Hero with Bad Publicity: Up until his death, most of the wizarding community believes him to be a dangerous and violent mass murderer.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter in their Hogwarts years count as this, but he and James were practically brothers, evidenced by how he was James's best man at his wedding.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Twice over. Unbeknownst to anyone else, he had James and Lily make Peter Pettigrew their Secret-Keeper - thinking no one would ever suspect it and that Peter would never betray them. On top of that, Sirius didn't want the Secret-Keeper to be Lupin, as he suspected him of being Voldemort's spy.
- Harry Potter, I Am Your Godfather: When Harry overheard McGonagall and Fudge talk about Sirius as well as that he was his godfather, he broke down and wanted to gain Revenge on Sirius for betraying not only his parents, but the parents that Sirius was supposedly friends to. However, it's also technically subverted in that Sirius, although still Harry's godfather, was also not only not that bad a person, but also not even the one responsible for betraying his parents.
- I Have No Son: His parents disown him and burn his name off the family tree after he runs away. This was, admittedly, probably the reaction he was hoping for.
- Hoist by His Own Petard
- In the Blood: Subverted. Sirius was disowned from his family for being a "dirty Muggle lover who has no respect for tradition" (read: a decent human being), and ended up in Gryffindor, whereas every member of his close family was in Slytherin. However, he still has the arrogance of his family members.
- Jerkass / Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In his youth, he was even more cruel than James was to students. As an adult, he mellows out some what, becoming a loving father-surrogate to Harry, but he's still incredibly antagonistic towards Snape and Kreacher.
- Killed Off for Real
- Madness Mantra: "He's at Hogwarts... he's at Hogwarts..." Subverted, in that it was the only thing that allowed him to become sane enough to escape the Dementors.
- Meaningful Name: Sirius is a star commonly referred to as the "dog star." And, of course, he turns into a black dog.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- Miscarriage of Justice: Victimized hard by this.
- Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold
- Mommy Issues: One of the worst in the series. Sirius hates his mother with a burning passion, having grown sick of their pure-blood mania and been disowned for defying their expectations. Years later, he still exhibits an intense loathing for her through interactions with her painting. He showed no indications of wanting to reconcile with Walburga, merely resenting her for her treatment of him.
- Never My Fault: He claims that Snape was jealous of the Mauraders' skills at Quidditch, James' in particular. Sirius was the one who pushed James to harass Snape.
- Papa Wolf: "Get away from my godson!"
- Parental Substitute
- Red Herring: For most of Book 3, the reader is led to believe that he is a mass murderer, a loyal Death Eater, and that he betrayed Harry's parents. In fact, it's actually Wormtail, not him.
- Revenge: Part of his reason for breaking out of Azkaban is to get revenge on Wormtail, that and avenge Harry's parents.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tragic Hero
- Tragic Mistake: His mistreatment of Kreacher eventually leads to a rare protagonistic Hoist by His Own Petard.
- Harry also makes one that sets off the events that causes Sirius' death, by forgetting that he could have contacted Sirius by using the two-way mirror. Harry becomes painfully aware of this after the fact when he finds the mirror in the bottom of his trunk.
- Troubled but Cute: Definitely was this in his younger years.
- Undying Loyalty: He would give his life in an instant for his friends — Peter's cowardice being excuse for betraying the Potters enrages him. Even more awesome when you remember his animal form: dog.
- The Unfavorite: As opposed to Regulus.
- Unstoppable Rage: At Peter.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: As said under Horrible Judge of Character, he's partially responsible for Voldemort's attack on Harry's parents.
- White Sheep: A good version of a Black Sheep, excusing the pun: He was the one of the only members of his family who was not a staunch blood supremacist, and he was a Gryffindor rather than a Slytherin to boot.
- Younger Than They Look: Typical for an Azkaban convict.
- You Killed My Father: Subverted. It is initially believed that Sirius Black was the one who betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort, but it turns out that not only was he in fact not responsible for betraying them, he was actually framed by the person who supposedly tried to avenge them and died, Peter Pettigrew.
Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody[]
First introduced in Book Four, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is a retired Auror, with battle scars to prove it, who comes to teach at Hogwarts. It turns out he was the pawn in a major plan to help You-Know-Who come back — the Mad-Eye we've been seeing all year is actually a Death Eater under magical disguise — and the real Mad-Eye (who nonetheless acts identically to the imposter, as the Death Eater kept Moody locked in a trunk so he could question him) resumes the fight under the auspices of the Order of the Phoenix in the remaining books.
He is a leading member of the Order of the Phoenix and fights in several battles, but gets killed by Voldemort in the seventh book. Played by Brendan Gleeson.
- Anti-Hero: Type III.
- Alliterative Nickname
- Badass: Half the cells in Azkaban are full because of him. Half of them!
- Case and point, during the the Battle of Seven Potters, Lord Voldemort himself singled Moody out as the most dangerous man in the Order.
- Big Good: Briefly, between Dumbledore's death and his own.
- Cool Old Guy
- Dead Guy on Display: What Umbridge does to his eye after he dies.
- Disney Villain Death
- Eyepatch of Power
- Gonk: Described as looking as if his face were carved out of wood by someone who neither knew what a face looks like nor how to carve.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Subverted — he's on the good side, but his face is horribly scarred and disfigured (i.e., he's missing quite a chunk of his nose, and there is a reason for his Eyepatch of Power).
- Handicapped Badass: He's got a wooden leg and a missing eye (though the latter isn't at all crippling, considering he has a magical replacement that can see in all directions and through solid objects). You'd think that magical technology capable of coming out with something like that eye could do better than a peg leg.
- Informed Ability: Moody's built up as one of the greatest Aurors of all time. Yet, despite all his constant vigilance, he gets attacked and subdued in his own home in Goblet of Fire. In Order of the Phoenix, he's quickly knocked unconscious "off-screen" during the battle in the Department of Mysteries. The best explanation anyone has for this is that he was more competent in his youth.
- Mad Eye: It's not just for visual effect — the electric eye is literally the size of a golf ball.
- Old Soldier
- Properly Paranoid
- Retired Badass
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Arguably, to Tonks who is his protege.
- The World's Expert on Getting Killed: He is killed in person by Voldemort five chapters into the last book. Thanks to Mundungus Fletcher deserting, he is killed without much of a fight.
- The Worf Effect: A frequent victim thereof.
Nymphadora Tonks[]
A young Auror with the distinction of being a Metamorphmagus. She can easily change her appearance at will, making her an invaluable member of the Order of the Phoenix. Played by Natalia Tena.
- Action Girl
- Battle Couple
- Cool Big Sis
- Cute Clumsy Girl
- Dojikko: She can't make it through a scene without tripping over something or breaking something in her enthusiasm to be helpful.
- Do Not Call Me Paul: Nymphadora. Everyone, save for her parents, calls her "Tonks." (Even they call her "Dora," a more innocuous version.)
Tonks: Don't call me Nymphadora! |
- Empathic Shapeshifter: Her Metamporphagic abilities start suffering in Half-Blood Prince because Remus is an Insecure Love Interest to her.
- Fridge Brilliance: Why is Tonks so clumsy? Well, she's a Metamorphmagus, and since she can change her height and weight at will, she's always trying to adjust to a new center of balance.
- Kaleidoscope Hair: Of course. It shifts with her emotions.
- Killed Off for Real
- Last-Minute Hookup: With Remus. Remus/Sirius shippers weren't pleased.
- Lethal Chef: Implied. Tonks mentions she's absolutely awful at household spells.
- May-December Romance: With Remus, who is in his thirties while Tonks graduated Hogwarts only a few years before Harry enrolled.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair: Justified, as she's a Metamorphmagus.
Molly Weasley, née Prewett[]
Daughter of a clan of Aurors and older sister of Fabian and Gideon Prewett, two famous Aurors killed in the first war against Voldemort. Wife of Arthur Weasley and mother of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. She eventually grows into a maternal figure for Harry and, to a lesser extent, Hermione. Played by Julie Walters.
- Action Mom: Becomes this for the last book.
- Almighty Mom: Especially in Order of the Phoenix. She'd rather bake and cook than fight, but you should NOT forget that Molly Prewett-Weasley comes from a family of Aurors.
- Apron Matron
- Berserk Button: "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" Enough said.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Brown Eyes: She apparently has the same eyes as Ginny, according to the last book.
- Dead Little Sister: Has two dead younger brothers, killed in the war against Voldemort. And later a dead son, when Fred dies in the Battle of Hogwarts. The prospect of losing her only daughter sends her over the edge.
- Death Glare
- Fiery Redhead: And how.
- Good Parents / Parents as People: Flips between one and the other. She has a good heart, noble intentions and is an excellent Parental Substitute to Harry, but her short temper flashes through many times and has so many kids that Ron ends up quite ignored sometimes. Not to mention, it's implied that Ginny sometimes feels pressured by being the only daughter, since Molly desperately wanted to raise a little girl among all of her boys.
- Happily Married
- Housewife
- Like a Son to Me: Harry.
- Mama Bear
- Meaningful Name: While she's usually a good parent, she's been known to mollycoddle Harry and her children.
- Not So Harmless
- Parental Substitute: She takes Harry under her wing pretty much upon meeting him.
- Supreme Chef: One that uses her magic to handle the kitchen, and rather skillfully.
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch: She was a side-character right up until the last chapter of the final book. Then after her one line, her popularity skyrocketed overnight.
- Team Mom: To the Order.
- Tsundere: Type B. She's kind and sweet and all...but if you displease her or behave badly, she flips the fuck out.
"Mrs. Weasley was marching across the yard, scattering chickens, and for a short, plump, kind-faced woman, it was remarkable how much she looked like a saber-toothed tiger." |
- Up to Eleven: She takes a page from Lucius' book in the eighth movie. She's throwing killing curses at Bellatrix and finally turns her to stone...before shattering her less than a second later. Ho-Lee hell, Molly.
Arthur Weasley[]
Husband of Molly, and the father of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. He is discriminated against by other wizards for his poverty and his sympathy toward Muggles, but he is happy and his family love him all the same, even if they do not share his interest in Muggles. He works as a minor bureaucrat in the Ministry. Played by Mark Williams.
- Bumbling Dad
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Fantastic Anthropologist
- The Friend Nobody Likes: His fondness for Muggles, lack of disposable income, and generally being a decent human being make him unpopular in the Ministry of Magic.
- Good Parents
- Happily Married: Despite what Molly’s temper might imply, he’s not in an abusive relationship with her at all,
- Henpecked Husband: A more minor example than most occurrences of the trope.
- Loophole Abuse: Writes laws against magicking Muggle artifacts specifically so that he can exploit the loopholes he left in them.
- Meaningful Name
- Muggles Do It Better: Not better, per se, but he's fascinated by how well they've gotten along without using magic.
- Mundane Luxury
- Mundane Utility
- Papa Wolf: Though it's not seen very often, do not endanger his kids. When Fred and George tried to trick Ron into making an Unbreakable Vow, Ron remembers it as the one time Arthur was as mad as Molly and did something to Fred's buttock that ensured it would never be the same again.
- Parental Substitute: Along with his wife, he provides a surrogate family for Harry.
- Perpetual Poverty
- The Plot Reaper: Averted. J. K. Rowling spared him because she did not want to kill off all of Harry's father figures.
William Arthur "Bill" Weasley[]
The eldest of the seven Weasley children, Bill works as a curse-breaker for Gringotts. He has long red hair and an ear-ring, giving him a rebellious look. He is actually a very understanding person, and takes Ron in for the brief period after Ron leaves Harry and Hermione. He meets Fleur, and they become engaged. Fleur does not mind Bill's disfigurement when he is attacked by Fenrir Greyback, and their wedding goes well. Bill, being a member of the Order, participates in the Battle of Hogwarts. In the future, he and Fleur have three children. Played by Domnhall Gleeson.
- Adventurer Archaeologist
- Alliterative Name
- Aloof Big Brother: Less so as the series goes on.
- Badass
- Beauty to Beast: Not that Fleur minds.
- Big Brother Worship: It's hinted a number of times that Ginny hero-worships Bill.
- Casting Gag: Only appears in a brief portrait cameo prior to being re-cast for films 7 and 8 — after being attacked by Greyback. He is said in the books to "bear a distinct resemblance to Mad-Eye [Moody]" after the attack. Domnhall Gleeson, who plays Bill in the films, is the son of Brendan Gleeson, who plays Mad-Eye.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Foil: Arguably to Percy. Both were prefects and Head Boy at Hogwarts, but Bill is much more relaxed and adventurous, while Percy is much more corporately-minded and given to structure — even after his Heel Face Turn.
- Happily Married
- Hot Dad
- May-September Romance: Relatively mild example, Bill and Fleur are seven years apart.
- Meaningful Name: Not him, but his daughter Victoire was born on the one-year anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts.
- Redheaded Hero
- Scars Are Forever
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Fleur, oh Fleur.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders
- Wound That Will Not Heal
Charles "Charlie" Weasley[]
The second-eldest of the Weasley children, Charlie lives in Romania studying dragons. He takes care of Hagrid's dragon Norbert/Norberta when Hagrid is forced to give it away and brings in the dragons used in the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. As a member of the Order, his job is to recruit foreign wizards to the fight against Voldemort. He participates in the Battle of Hogwarts. Played by Alex Crockford.
- Adapted Out: Cut from the Deathly Hallows films.
- Aloof Big Brother
- Asexuality: J. K. Rowling says Charlie is "more interested in dragons than women." He is the only surviving Weasley child to never marry or have children.
- Fluffy Tamer
- The Ghost: His exclusion from the films makes him this, since he is still mentioned several times and sometimes indirectly affects the plot.
- Informed Ability: Mentioned as being the last very good Seeker Gryffindor had before Harry came along.
Fleur Delacour[]
A student of Beauxbatons and a Triwizard Champion, Fleur is a vain and high-maintenance quarter-Veela. However, she reveals herself to be a compassionate individual and loyal lover, and risks her life in the battle against Voldemort. She marries Bill Weasley. In the future, they have three children. Played by Clémence Poésy.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: Inverted. Book version of Fleur is supposed to be exceptionally beautiful with some Veela charming powers to boot, but the film version is, while still pretty, not remarkably so.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Her hair is darker in the movies.
- Big Sister Instinct: Towards Gabrielle.
- Blue Eyes
- City Mouse
- Defrosting Ice Queen: She becomes nicer once she becomes Bill’s boyfriend.
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French: Ron and Bill would be inclined to agree.
- Foreign Fanservice
- Funetik Aksent
- Hair of Gold
- Half-Human Hybrid: Part-Veela (one of her grandmothers was one).
- Happily Married: To Bill Weasley.
- Hello, Nurse!
- Hidden Depths
- Hot Mom
- Hot Witch: Being part Veela has its perks.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch: Sometimes acts quite stuck-up, but isn't incapable of kindness.
- Meaningful Name: According to Word of God, her name comes from the French phrase fleur de la cour, meaning "flower of the court".
- Nice Hat: Apparently, all students have one.
- The Ojou
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: In her case, she seeks Bill.
- Spoiled Sweet: Not at first, but eventually,
Aberforth Dumbledore[]
Albus Dumbledore's younger brother and the innkeeper of the Hog's Head in Hogsmeade. He has a strained relationship with his brother, whom he blames for the death of their sister Ariana. Played by Jim McManus and Ciarán Hinds.
- Always Second Best: Seems to feel this way towards Albus.
- The Bartender
- Big Damn Heroes: In the eighth movie, he appears and gets rid of all of the Dementors aiding Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts.
- But You Screw One Goat!: Maybe. Albus says he was once tried for some "inappropriate charms" he practiced on a goat.
- Rowling was once asked for further explanation by a fan. She asked the fan's age first, before giving a somewhat vague answer and specifying that that was her answer to that particular fan.
- Chekhov's Gunman: His inn is mentioned as early as the first book, Albus mentions him in the fourth book, Moody mentions him in the fifth, he makes several brief, unnamed appearances in the fifth and sixth books, but he doesn't become important until the final book.
- Cool Old Guy
- Cowardly Lion: He claims to lack the guts to directly go up against the Death Eaters, but participates in the Battle of Hogwarts anyways.
- Curb Stomp Battle: In the film, Aberforth versus at least a hundred Dementors. The Dementors didn't stand a chance.
- Determined Defeatist
- Different As Night and Day: Doesn't share his brother's bookishness.
- The Dutiful Son
- Never Learned to Read: His brother isn't quite sure he did.
- Obsessive Compulsive Barkeeping: It's clearly a cover for his eavesdropping, though.
- Running Gag: Goats.
- Sour Supporter
Kingsley Shacklebolt[]
John Major: I'm not getting rid of Kingsley Shacklebolt, if that's what you're suggesting! He's highly efficient, gets through twice the work of the rest of them- |
Kingsley Shacklebolt is a powerful, well-respected Auror who has joined the Order of the Phoenix. He uses his position to covertly fight evil, misdirecting the hunt for Sirius Black and modifying Marietta Edgecombe's memory to prevent her talking about Dumbledore's Army. He has protected the Muggle Prime Minister and Harry Potter on multiple occasions, and participates in the Battle of Hogwarts. After the battle, he becomes the Minister of Magic. Played by George Harris.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass: Easily one of the most impressive fighters in the Order of the Phoenix.
- Badass Baritone: He has a deep voice that Harry more than once mentions is both calming and soothing.
- Bald Black Leader Guy
- Big Good: Takes over after Moody dies.
- Culture Equals Costume: Wears a dashiki in the films.
- The Dreaded: The Death Eaters live in fear of this man.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Very much so.
- Reverse Mole
- Our Ministers Are Different: Became the first true Minister Action after the war.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Awesomely Discussed and Averted on several occasions:
"We continue to hear truly inspirational stories of wizards and witches risking their own safety to protect Muggle friends and neighbours, often without the Muggles' knowledge. I'd like to appeal to all our listeners to emulate their example, perhaps by casting a Protective Charm over any Muggle dwellings in your street. Many lives could be saved if such simple measures are taken." |
- Wild Goose Chase: As leader of the search for Sirius Black in Order of the Phoenix, he deliberately sends the Ministry on one, telling them that Sirius has been spotted in Tibet.
James Potter[]
Harry Potter's father, who was murdered by Voldemort before the series began. At Hogwarts, he, along with his friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, made up the Marauders, a group of prank-pulling troublemakers. Played by Adrian Rawlins.
- The Ace: Combined with Insufferable Genius. In Prisoner of Azkaban, he and Sirius are basically described as this. Talented fighters, excellent students who succeeded effortlessly and, in James' case, a peerless Quidditch player. This was later subverted in Order of the Phoenix when they were shown to be jerks (albeit with hearts of gold).
- Badass: In the First War, he escaped from Voldemort three times before dying. Only three other people managed this.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Like any eleven year old boy, the only way he knew to get the attention of the eleven year old girl was by pulling on her pigtails and insulting her.
- Big Man on Campus: To the core — a bright student, very popular guy, skilled Quidditch player, comes from old money. Literally the only adult who had a consistently negative opinion of him was Snape.
- Brilliant but Lazy: Acknowledged to have been a bright student, though he was also a huge troublemaker. Also became an Animagus at the age of 15, along with Sirius and Wormtail. There are only seven known Animagi in the 20th century.
- Broken Pedestal: In Order of the Phoenix, Harry is dismayed to find that James bullied Snape throughout their Hogwarts careers and indeed, fired first, the Mauraders' taunting driving Snape from surly loner to Jerkass.
- The Bully: As a teenager. He eventually grew out of this, even becoming the Head Boy in his final year at Hogwarts.
- Create Your Own Villain: Snape gave as good as he got, but at the end of the day, James fired first.
- Death By Origin Story
- Determinator: In regards to Lily. Say what you will about him, but you have to admit that he would not give up on winning her affections.
- Everyone Has Standards: Jerk Jock he may have been, calling someone a Mudblood was too much even for him.
- Happily Married: To Lily. Unless you listen to the Snape fangirls.
- Hazel Eyes
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sirius.
- Jacob Marley Apparel: When he appears to Harry via the Resurrection Stone, he is said to be wearing the clothes that he died in.
- Jerkass: When he was young, especially to Snape.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Eventually levels up to this in his seventh year.
- Jerk Jock: Was a talented and popular Quidditch player, and knew it.
- Killed Off for Real
- Loveable Rogue: The Marauders, to everyone, but Snape.
- Messy Hair: Like father, like son.
- Papa Wolf: He was willing to face Voldemort without a wand to give his wife and son a chance to escape.
- Posthumous Character
- Smug Snake: As a teenager.
- Took a Level In Kindness: He cleans up his act and becomes more mature and less of a bully when he starts dating Lily, though he still hexes Snape.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Friend might be a stretch, but victorious when compared to Snape.
- Word of God: Contrary to the first movie, Jo says that he was actually a Chaser, not a Seeker.
Lily Potter, née Evans[]
Harry Potter's mother, who was murdered by Voldemort and whose sacrifice for her son saved his life and started the events of the series. Played by Geraldine Somerville.
- Always with You: "Harry... Harry, you are loved. You are so loved. Daddy loves you. Mommy loves you. Harry, be strong. Be safe."
- Badass: During the First War, she managed to escape Voldemort three times, before dying. Only three others, her husband included, ever managed this.
- Death By Origin Story
- Everyone Has Standards: Contrary to popular belief, she did not end her friendship with Snape the instant that he called her a "Mudblood" (more or less the N-word by Wizarding standards), later, once the heat of the argument had died down, acknowledging that that just slipped out in the heat of the moment. What she couldn't look past, was him continuing to support the Death Eaters. Mind you, him calling her a "Mudblood" certainly didn't help things.
- Fiery Redhead
- Give Geeks a Chance: According to Rowling, a romantic relationship may have in fact developed between Snape and Lily if he hadn't called her a mudblood and hung around Dark Wizards.
- Green Eyes
- Green Eyed Red Head
- Killed Off for Real
- The Lost Lenore: To Snape, her Unlucky Childhood Friend.
- Mama Bear: Protects her infant son with love so awesome it helps him escape certain death from beyond the grave.
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: She actually loved her sister and was very sad when Petunia acted all cold towards her and called her a "freak" for going to Hogwarts. 11-year-old Lily didn't see how jealous and bitter her sister was because of their parents' favoritism towards Lily. They never reconciled.
- The Messiah: Apparently, Harry inherited this trait from her. Her relationship with Snape is a good example: she, the clever, pretty object of the most popular boy in school's affections, was best friends with the poor, ugly, hot-tempered bully-magnet from her rival House. Yes, she eventually breaks up with him, but it's after years of watching him turn into a horrible person under the influence of Slytherin's junior Death Eaters, culminating in him calling her an unforgivable slur — and it obviously breaks her heart to do it.
- Parental Favoritism: Maybe. Petunia accuses her parents of such, but it's unclear how much of it is the truth and how much of it is just Petunia's jealousy and bitterness talking.
- The Power of Love
- Morality Pet: As nice as Lily is, Harry brings out the best in her, and she is especially kind to him.
- Please, I Will Do Anything!: When It All Began
- Heroic Sacrifice: Considering what it sets into motion, hers may be the biggest sacrifice of the series.
- Posthumous Character
- Teen Genius
- Tsundere: Possibly towards James. The biggest factor keeping James from getting involved with Lily in their youth was his Jerkass tendencies.
- Tranquil Fury: After Snape calls her "Mudblood". She doesn't go into a berserk screaming fit of rage, but it's clear she's pissed off nonetheless.
- What Beautiful Eyes!
Frank And Alice Longbottom[]
- The Ace: Possibly. By Dumbledore's own word, they were extremely popular, and the whole Wizarding world was enraged after their attack.
- Badass: During the First War, they managed to escape Voldemort three times before being tortured into insanity. They could be arguably considered more Badass than most, as they were also Aurors and members of the Order, actively participating in the battle against Voldemort and the Death Eaters.
- To wit, they suffered all the same fates as the Potters, but they didn't die. While they didn't get The Power of Love, they did prove to be too powerful to be killed.
- Badass Family: Frank, Alice, Augusta and without doubt Neville. All of them grade-A asskickers.
- Battle Couple
- Driven to Madness: As a result of prolonged exposure to the Cruciatus Curse.
- Fate Worse Than Death: And one of the, if not the, saddest fates dealt in the series.
- Happily Married: That lasted for a tragically short time.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Their eventual fate, with the trauma coming from the combined Cruciatus Curses from the Lestranges and Barty Crouch Jr.
Arabella Figg[]
- Chekhov's Gunman: Mentioned a few times in the first book, the fifth book reveals she's an Order member.
- Crazy Cat Lady
- Muggle Born of Mages