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"From this point forth, we shall be leaving the firm foundation of fact and journeying together through the murky marshes of memory into thickets of wildest guesswork."
Dumbledore, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, chapter ten

The Epileptic Trees that sprouted during the time between each of the books in the Harry Potter series could fill over a dozen pages. For the sake of brevity, this link includes theories that were either confirmed or Jossed by Deathly Hallows. This link is for guesses about the characters within any of Beedle's tales, the artifacts described therein, or Beedle himself.

Also keep in mind that these are guesses about the books. If you have a WMG about the movies, specifically, use the Wild Mass Guessing page for the films, since with the length of the page a folder would have to be split soon anyway. Do NOT confuse a book character with the actor who plays them in the movie, or the continuity and timeline in the films. The characters were created in the early 1990s, before some of the actors were born. The Millennium Bridge (destroyed near the beginning of Film 6) wasn't built until after the time of the books' climax. Only the movie version of Lucius Malfoy tried to Avada Kedavra Harry in Year 2.[1]

Due to the huge number of guesses, the WMG pages for the books themselves have been split up into four parts:

  1. The actor simply spouted a curse that came to his head, unaware that it was the Unforgivable Killing Curse.)