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  • After getting into a fight with Haruhi over the movie, Kyon catches her tying a ponytail and she becomes utterly mortified.
  • Haruhi's treatment of her friends in the Endless Eight arc. Instead of forcing them to search for strange stuff and what not, she instead organizes a list of fun stuff for them to perform during the summer holidays and even asks them if they want to do something themselves (she even writes down Mikuru's wish to go goldfish scooping). Its a very big pet the dog moment for Haruhi, showing that she really did change for the better after Kyon called her out for spiking Mikuru's drink.
  • In Disappearance, after fixing the timeline and waking up in the hospital, Kyon promises Yuki that if the Data Overmind ever tries to punish her for developing emotions, he'll tell Haruhi everything, make her believe by telling her "I am John Smith" , and join the rest of the SOS-Dan in a crusade against the Data Overmind to get Yuki back. By rewriting the universe, if necessary.
    • Even better in the movie's version, with Kyon kneeling and holding Yuki's hands in his while he tells her. Once it starts snowing he also brushes the snow off her hair, gives her his coat, and pulls up the hood for her. One part heartwarming, two parts Squee
    • Also the brief shot of Yuki holding her hands up as it snows from the first season's opening gets an awesome and heartwarming callback. Especially considering how the series came out of nowhere to such great success.
    • Also from Disappearance, Haruhi spent three days sleeping in the hospital, watching over Kyon.
      • And then Kyon gently brushes the hair from her face, traces the outline of her lips and touches the corner of her eye.
    • Disappearance again; Yuki is quietly reading in the Library after the credits rolled, she sees two young children doing the same thing she and Kyon did their first time there. Yuki looks at the children, then looks at the audience and covers her face with the book she was reading, d'aww...
    • "Quiz time's over! Time to answer the question! Don't you think that Haruhi, and all the weird things she made happen, were just a little bit fun? Spit it out!" "Yeah, of course I do! Of course it was fun! And I loved every minute of it! Don't go asking me stupid questions that are so... OBVIOUS!"
  • In Intrigues (Volume 7), when Kyon realizes the true meaning of Haruhi's treasure hunt: a distraction for giving Valentine chocolates. He even forgot the date (thus the reader isn't informed) because of having a crazy and tiring week prior so the shock is even greater. So heartwarming in fact that Kyon is almost brought to tears.
  • The conversation between Haruhi and Kyon near the end of "Live Alive".
  • In the anime, the later half of episode 12 (The concert) and the end of 14 ("Someday in the Rain").
  • In book 9, Itsuki promised Kyon that if he ever has to make a choice between siding with the Organization or the S.O.S. Brigade, he'd choose the S.O.S. Brigade.
  • Also in Book 11, Kyon's thoughts after leaping out of a window to catch a falling Haruhi. As they are falling down (possibly to their deaths) he thinks to himself "at least we go out together." Awwwww.
  • Kyon's final conversation with Sasaki in "The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya", where, after Sasaki reveals how she's wanted friends all along, Kyon thinks to himself that he won't see her for a good while after this, but when they do meet again, he'll be sure to greet her with "Yo, old friend." Awwwww!
  • One of Kyon's lines in the latest novel — "Nagato, Haruhi, and Asahina-san. Those three are enough to fill me so full of happiness that I think I might just burst." Squee.