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Characters who have appeared in Harvest Moon DS (Cute).
- Expy: Almost everyone. Seriously, this takes place one hundred years after A Wonderful Life and yet all the villagers have the same appearances, homes, and even names as their ancestors.
- The name part is more so Natsume's fault, they had different names in the Japanese version. The home thing makes sense too since they've probably lived in the same valley for generations.
Flora (DS)[]
Assistant to the archaeologist, Carter, and by what one assumes is popular demand, marriagable for the first time in DS. While intelligent and strong, she's not a very good cook. She has a crush on the professor, since she's been working with him for so long.
- Action Girl: She's a blackbelt, as her Stalker with a Crush Daryl finds out first-hand. In the DS version, she'll teach you some of her signature moves.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Again, blackbelt.
- Hot Scientist: Well, hot archaeologist.
- Meaningful Name: Averted. Flora hates plants.
- Meganekko
- One-Note Cook: Makes a mean curry and nothing else edible.
- Technicolor Eyes: They're purple.
Carter (DS)[]
An archaeologist who runs the dig site; he's somewhat attracted to his partner, Flora. He was just another NPC in A(nother) Wonderful Life, but he became a rival/bachelor in DS (Cute). He seems grouchy, but pours his full enthusiasm into everything he does.
- Adventurer Archaeologist: OK, so he doesn't do a lot of adventuring, but he has the spirit of one.
- Does Not Like Spam: Everyone in the valley really loves curry... except him. He hates it, especially when Flora makes it.
- Face Palm: One of his favorite expressions.
- I Need to Go Iron My Dog: One event has him trying fruitlessly to get out of having to eat Flora's curry. He can't eat it, because... [[[Player Character]] walks in]--he, uh, promised he'd go eat lunch with Hello, Insert Name Here! Didn't he? (Be nice and rescue the man.)
- May-December Romance: He and Flora aren't too far apart, but he and the PC of DS Cute are.
- Precursors: He got into archaeology becaise he thinks he might be descended from them. In a ridiculously difficult-to-see-scene, the Harvest Goddess tells him he's not, but he ignores her because he's not about to give up his life's work.
Griffin (DS)[]
He's the owner of the Blue Bar. He's a calm, gentle man who loves to play music and mix up drinks. He's known Muffy for a long time, and they're very close. In A Wonderful Life, in which he debuted, he was the male rival for Muffy but not a bachelor in Another Wonderful Life. He's both in DS/Cute.
- May-December Romance: Both him and Muffy and him and the PC. If you go after him, he even asks you if you think you can really be attracted to a man his age.
Skye (Steiner)[]
Called "The Phantom Thief," he slinks around the valley looking for things to abscond with. He always warns his victims before appearing, and he thinks his destiny is to be a curry chef. He flirts shamelessly with the ladies, regardless of their age or marital status. Some of them are receptive to it. Others... aren't.
- Bishonen
- The Charmer
- Dating Catwoman: To a certain extent. Most of his heart events occur when he's stealing stuff from someone. Eventually, he says that some of his later thefts were only for a chance to see the main character.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Gentleman Thief
- Power Perversion Potential: His
RapeChick Beam. - Sissy Villain: OK, "Villain" isn't quite right--he's a Gentleman Thief more than anything--but he's definitely a little bit on the foppish side.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Curry.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
A cute mermaid, she was rescued by Daryl. At first, she looks like another one of his experiments, but he actually cares deeply about her and wants to learn about mermaid culture from her. In return, she cooks for him and is his friend.
- Interspecies Romance
- Les Yay: To get her to get back to the ocean you must woo her as your "best friend". She's the easiest of the Special Girls, and possibly easier then some of the regular girls (minus her Pond issue).
- Mermaid Problem: You can marry her. She lives in your fish pond. She still somehow has a normal human child. ...Uhhh...
- Morality Pet: She's Daryl's. He genuinely cares for her.
- Our Mermaids Are Different: They don't like human food whatsoever, apparently.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: She's one of the available bachelorettes, but she's "special," so she has no rival. However, her relationship with Daryl is actually somewhat cute--they act a bit like a married couple at times.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
A princess who sleeps deep within the mines at Carter and Flora's excavation site. She does not speak, but has a tablet to write on. She was imprisoned there by the Witch Princess. She's one of the available bacheleorettes, but be warned--just going to see her every day is no small feat, and she has expensive tastes.
- Cute Mute
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: Averted. Although she's asleep when you first meet her, Keria wakes up whenever you talk/give gifts to her.
- Long-Distance Relationship: She lives on the 255th floor of a mine, while you are a surface-dweller.
- Mayfly-December Romance: Keria is several hundred years old, and possibly an immortal.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Spell My Name with an "S": It's Keria, not Keira, even though the latter is an actual common name.
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: This is how she writes in the English version.