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Characters who have appeared in Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands and Harvest Moon Frantic Farming.
Mark and Chelsea[]
The game's male and female main characters, respectively. Playing as Mark makes Chelsea a marriage candidate, and vice-versa.
- An Economy Is You: To the point where all the island's development is either paid for or spurred on by them.
- Blue Eyes: Chelsea.
- The Chosen One: in SI, the sprites choose them to gather the Sunstones.
- Every Man: Unlike other characters, who have specific likes and dislikes, neither Mark nor Chelsea has anything they explicitly love or hate.
- Green Eyes: Mark
- Hair of Gold: Mark. Chelsea is more of a strawberry blonde.
- Heroic Mime: Most of the time, when controlled by the player. Averted in Harvest Moon Frantic Farming, where both characters are quite chatty.
- Official Couple: Or as official as it gets in this series.
- Spear / Distaff Counterpart: To each other.
Bachelors and Bachelorettes[]
Granddaughter of Taro, the island village's mayor. Likes to pick on her older brother Elliott. if playing as Chelsea, she's your rival for Pierre
- Bratty Teenage Daughter
- Defrosting Ice Queen (in her actual interactions with the player)
- Fiery Redhead
- Sibling Yin-Yang: with Elliot
- Skirt Over Slacks
- Tomboy (Though this is only really shown in her dialogs after typhoons or blizzards and Elliot's dialog about her [If playing as Chelsea])
- Tsundere
Mirabelle's daughter. She likes animals, and always tries her best to help out her mother. if playing as Chelsea, she's your rival for Elliot
- Bare Your Midriff
- Girl Next Door
- Hair of Gold
- Lethal Chef (though we only have Mirabelle's word for it.)
- Frantic Farming triple this by having Elliot, Vaughn and Denny eating her food and it not so good!!
- Ms. Fanservice: her chest and booty shorts really work for her.
A pop starlet who moves onto the island to find good fishing spots. Becomes drawn to Denny, since he's a fisherman by trade. if playing as Chelsea, she's your rival for Denny
- Brown Eyes
- The Cutie
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Hair Decorations
- Hair of Gold
- Hime Cut
- Idol Singer
- Rapunzel Hair
- Say It with Hearts
Daughter of mining mogul Regis, works as his accountant. Dreams of being a writer. if playing as Chelsea, she's your rival for Vaughn
- Bookworm
- Brainy Brunette
- Expy: Of Mary/Maria. Lampshaded when Karen and Popuri mistaken her with their friend.
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Meganekko
- Purple Eyes
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Shrinking Violet
Witch Princess[]
Rival to the Harvest Goddess. Has a love of bears and hatred for her niece!
- Really 700 Years Old - Because she can't age no one knows how long she's been around
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Magic User - After a blizzard or tsunami, she'll claim she caused it with her magic.
- Mysterious Waif
A treasure hunter who came to the islands to strike it rich.
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Chinese Girl
- Companion Cube: Her panda doll. She said that doll suddenly fell on top of her and shielded her body from a cave-in, and ever since she always brings it everywhere she goes. What's a panda doll doing inside a cave, she doesn't know and doesn't care.
- Meaningful Name: Lily is obvious, Suiran mean green orchid. Her other spelling of Japanese name; Sui Ren, literally means water lily.
The antisocial animal trader who only shows up on the island two days of the week. if playing as Mark, he's your rival for Sabrina
- Bishounen
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Fluffy Tamer: This man befriended a pack of wild dogs better than the villagers.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Parental Abandonment
- Purple Eyes
- The Quiet One
- Sugar and Ice Personality: When you first meet him, he's not very talkative or pleasant. As you befriend him, he starts to warm up. Mirabelle and Julia like to keep pointing out that while he acts tough, he really is a nice guy deep down, much to his embarrassment.
- Not Good with People: Type 2.
- Walking the Earth: He's in town 2 days a week, and his proposal scene implies that he's been wandering for a long time.
- The Western: Well, he dresses like a cowboy and is the island's animal dealer...
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
A member of a famous family of gourmets. Came to the island seeking out new ingredients and recipes. if playing as Mark, he's your rival for Natalie
- Big Eater
- Expy: Essentially a much cuter version of the Gourmet.
- Hair of Gold
- He Is All Grown Up: In Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns, it's either this or a case of Art Evolution. Though he looks taller, he retains his childlike features.
- Keet
- Nice Hat
- Older Than They Look
- Supreme Chef
- Token Mini-Moe: Among the bachelors.
A free-spirited fisherman, who lives in a shack on the beach. if playing as Mark, he's your rival for Lanna
- Ambiguously Brown
- Expy: Of Kai.
- Head Pet: His bird, Kuu (or Popper, in the American version).
- Parental Abandonment
- Polly Wants a Microphone: Kuu/Popper.
Natalie's put-upon older brother. A hard worker who lacks self-esteem (again, thanks to Natalie). Has a crush on Julia and if you play as Mark, he's your Rival for Julia.
- Expy: Of Rick.
- I Want to Be a Real Man: With a sister that more manly than him, he struggled with his grandfather's expectation of being a great farmer. He even asked Gannon for tips of become more manly. From what it looks, he still has a long road to go.
- Give Geeks a Chance - His proposal scene to Julia
- Meganekko
- Shrinking Violet
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Natalie
A native of the northern jungle. Lives there with his adopted father/chieftain Wada.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Hulk Speak
- Noble Savage
- Raised by Natives
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Chibi style, but still...
Regis' nephew and Sabrina's cousin who lives in a yacht docked at the pier on Sprout Island.
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Bishonen
- Blue Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Overly Long Name: His full name is William Terry Louis Andrew Carrick Jonathan Dredge Hams Reading Roger Southwark Alwick Plymouth Junior Regison III
- The White Prince
- Parental Marriage Veto: This is heavily implied through much of his proposal and after-marriage dialogue. Not surprising, considering he seemingly married a lower-class farmer without introducing her to his parents once.
- Princely Young Man
Other Residents[]
Defacto mayor of the island, and (in iOH) the first family to move there in years. He knows a lot about farming.
- Cool Old Guy
- Expy: Looks like a much older version of Pete.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Gut Feeling: It lets him predict the weather (since there are no televisions on the island).
Taro's daughter, mother of Elliot and Natalie.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Expy: Of Lillia.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
The village's carpenter, who moves onto the island after you ship some wood and/or material stone. Has a cute daughter named Eliza, who follows him onto the island after you let him upgrade your house.
- Gentle Giant, after you befriend him a bit
- Gonk
- Perpetual Frowner
- Renaissance Man (Expert carpenter, blacksmith, mechanical engineer, and civil engineer)
- Ugly Guy Cute Daughter
Gannon's ridiculously cute daughter. Moves in with Gannon after your first house upgrade.
- Cheerful Child
- The Cutie
- Hair Decorations
- Hair of Gold
- Ugly Guy Cute Daughter
- Bratty Half-Pint: Has shades of this.
The island's shopkeeper. He moves in soon after you and Taro's family set up shop.
Chen's son. He makes all your accesories and fixes the Wonderfuls to your tools.
Regis (Dachan)[]
Sabrina's father and the island's richest man. Dresses like a serial villain.
- Dastardly Whiplash
- High Collar of Doom: Complete with robe. One reason of the rumor that he was a vampire.
- Married to the Job: In a random event in Sunshine Islands Sabrina yells that her mother left Regis because he cared more about his company than his wife
Runs the animal shop. Julia's mother.
- Big Beautiful Woman
- I Was Quite a Looker: According to a Sunshine Islands cutscene, young Mirabelle was a darker-haired version of Julia. Julia was aghast by the prospect of being as large as her mother when Mirabelle said many women in their family are indeed big boned.
Priest of the Harvest Goddess. Opens a church at the Goddess Pond after you build the forest bridge.
Nathan's acolyte. Dedicated her life to service to the Goddess.
- Married to the Job: In Sunshine Island, no matter how high her heart meter is, she'll turn down your marriage proposal because she's dedicated to serving the Harvest Goddess.
- Fortunately this is not the case in Tale of Two Towns; however, there is a catch: she won't have a child with you.