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Characters who have appeared in Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands and Harvest Moon Frantic Farming.

Mark and Chelsea[]

The game's male and female main characters, respectively. Playing as Mark makes Chelsea a marriage candidate, and vice-versa.

Bachelors and Bachelorettes[]


Granddaughter of Taro, the island village's mayor. Likes to pick on her older brother Elliott. if playing as Chelsea, she's your rival for Pierre


Mirabelle's daughter. She likes animals, and always tries her best to help out her mother. if playing as Chelsea, she's your rival for Elliot


A pop starlet who moves onto the island to find good fishing spots. Becomes drawn to Denny, since he's a fisherman by trade. if playing as Chelsea, she's your rival for Denny


Daughter of mining mogul Regis, works as his accountant. Dreams of being a writer. if playing as Chelsea, she's your rival for Vaughn

Witch Princess[]

Rival to the Harvest Goddess. Has a love of bears and hatred for her niece!


A treasure hunter who came to the islands to strike it rich.

  • Antiquated Linguistics
  • Chinese Girl
  • Companion Cube: Her panda doll. She said that doll suddenly fell on top of her and shielded her body from a cave-in, and ever since she always brings it everywhere she goes. What's a panda doll doing inside a cave, she doesn't know and doesn't care.
  • Meaningful Name: Lily is obvious, Suiran mean green orchid. Her other spelling of Japanese name; Sui Ren, literally means water lily.


The antisocial animal trader who only shows up on the island two days of the week. if playing as Mark, he's your rival for Sabrina


A member of a famous family of gourmets. Came to the island seeking out new ingredients and recipes. if playing as Mark, he's your rival for Natalie


A free-spirited fisherman, who lives in a shack on the beach. if playing as Mark, he's your rival for Lanna


Natalie's put-upon older brother. A hard worker who lacks self-esteem (again, thanks to Natalie). Has a crush on Julia and if you play as Mark, he's your Rival for Julia.


A native of the northern jungle. Lives there with his adopted father/chieftain Wada.


Regis' nephew and Sabrina's cousin who lives in a yacht docked at the pier on Sprout Island.

Other Residents[]


Defacto mayor of the island, and (in iOH) the first family to move there in years. He knows a lot about farming.


Taro's daughter, mother of Elliot and Natalie.


The village's carpenter, who moves onto the island after you ship some wood and/or material stone. Has a cute daughter named Eliza, who follows him onto the island after you let him upgrade your house.


Gannon's ridiculously cute daughter. Moves in with Gannon after your first house upgrade.


The island's shopkeeper. He moves in soon after you and Taro's family set up shop.


Chen's son. He makes all your accesories and fixes the Wonderfuls to your tools.

Regis (Dachan)[]

Sabrina's father and the island's richest man. Dresses like a serial villain.


Runs the animal shop. Julia's mother.

  • Big Beautiful Woman
  • I Was Quite a Looker: According to a Sunshine Islands cutscene, young Mirabelle was a darker-haired version of Julia. Julia was aghast by the prospect of being as large as her mother when Mirabelle said many women in their family are indeed big boned.


Priest of the Harvest Goddess. Opens a church at the Goddess Pond after you build the forest bridge.


Nathan's acolyte. Dedicated her life to service to the Goddess.

  • Married to the Job: In Sunshine Island, no matter how high her heart meter is, she'll turn down your marriage proposal because she's dedicated to serving the Harvest Goddess.
    • Fortunately this is not the case in Tale of Two Towns; however, there is a catch: she won't have a child with you.