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Characters appearing in Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns.
- For Alisa, Pierre, and Nathan, see Island of Happiness. For Dirk, Enrique, Raul, and Diego, see Grand Bazaar.
Protagonist (Phillip/Lillian)[]
The main character. |
- Blue Eyes - Phillip, Lillian's are more dark purple.
- Hair Decorations - Most of the female protagonist's outfits include a hairband or headscarf.
- Heroic Mime
- The Hero - The girl protagonist is this for the bachelorettes and the boy protagonist is this for the bachelors.
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: Phil and Lil.
- Skirt Over Slacks: Several of Lillian's outfits.
Bachelors and Bachelorettes[]
A girl who works in her father's pet shop in Bluebell. |
- The Big Guy - Probably the most physhically fit of the bachelorettes since she deals with horses on a daily basis. And considering Kana's love of horses and his big guy status...
- Eyes of Gold
- Fiery Redhead
- Hair Decorations
- Lethal Chef: Her horrible cooking often leads Bluebell to losing cooking competitions.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping
- Tomboy - To Laney's girly-girl
- Unknown Rival - To Kana. She claims to be in competition with him, but he apparently doesn't know about it since he never mentions her.
Laney (Ria)[]
A girl who lives with her father in his cafe. Lives in Bluebell. |
- Daddy's Girl
- Expy of Grand Bazaar's Marian.
- Girly-girl to Georgia's tomboy.
- Green Eyes
- The Lancer
- Sweet Tooth
- Ugly Guys Hot Daughter
Nori (Nana)[]
Helps out her grandfather in his seed shop in Konohana. |
- The Chick
- Cool Big Sis
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Definitely looks the part, and her wedding dress especially.
A botanist that studies plants in the mountains. Lives in her uncle's orchard in Konohana. |
- Defrosting the Ice Queen: A minor example.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Intelligence Equals Isolation
- The Smart Guy
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She's squicked by fish.
The Oracle (The Sage)[]
A strange lady who studies alchemy and lives in the mountains. |
- Older Than They Look
- Really 700 Years Old
- Loners Are Freaks
- The Sixth Ranger - Switches between this and The Smart Guy.
A friendly guy that works on his family's Animal Shop in Bluebell. |
- Cool Big Bro: To Cheryll
- Nice Guy
- Nice Hat
- The Lancer - Of the bachelors' Five-Man Band.
A man living in Howard's cafe in Bluebell. Owns a small flower shop. |
- Bishonen
- Cuteness Proximity
- Kindhearted Cat Lover
- Nice Hat
- The Chick - His gentle nature and love of flowers and cats make him this.
Owns the pet shop in Konohana. Has a great love of horses. |
- Hot-Blooded
- The Big Guy - Of the six bachelors.
- Unknown Rival - Georgia claims that she "can't lose to the guy from Konohana", but Kana apparently has no idea of her one-sided rivalry.
A young man living in Konohana who is a doctor-in-training. Ayame's apprentice. |
- Hospital Cutie
- The Smart Guy
- Anti Role Model - Subverted in that he really admires his father who is also a doctor.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar - One of his date locations is "Hiro's room." Now, what possible amorous actions could be accomplished in his ROOM? Huh...
A mysterious traveling violinist. |
- Megane
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- The Sixth Ranger - Shares this with Dirk.
Konohana Townsfolk[]
Mayor of Konohana, mother to Rahi. A no-nonsense woman with a strong sense of pride in her town. Fierce rival to Rutger. Dresses in Thai-influnenced clothing |
- Does Not Like Spam: Ina is not a fan of sweets.
- Hot Mom
- Not So Different - She and Rutger have many likes in common, especially tea.
Laid back town doctor. Mentor to Hiro |
Runs the local seed shop, with help from his granddaughter, Nori. |
- Adult Child - when he's not behind the counter, he's constantly talking about having fun and amusing himself and others.
- Miniature Senior Citizen
Reina's uncle. Runs the local orchard. Dresses and talks like a samurai. |
- Eyepatch of Power
- Large Ham
- Warrior Poet - How Mako presents himself.
Ina's young son. Has a crush on Ying. |
Town blacksmith. Obsessed with pandas. |
Granddaughter to Yun. Sent to live in Konohona by her parents, in hopes of improving her health. |
- Companion Cube - Her stuffed panda
- Ill Girl
- Moe
- Puppy Love - with Rahi
- Raised by Grandparents - her parents work in some city and presumably never visit.
Ying's grandmother. Runs the local tea shop. |
Bluebell Townsfolk[]
Mayor of Bluebell. Rival to Ina. |
- Cool Old Guy - Unless he's around Ina
- Happily Married - To Rose
- Took a Level In Jerkass - Goes full a-hole when Bluebell wins the Cooking Festival. He gets better later.
Ash's little sister. Runs a booth at their mother's shop that sells livestock food, treats and medicine. |
- Cheerful Child
- Father, I Want to Marry My Brother
- Hair Decorations - The ribbons on her ponytails
- My Sister Is Off-Limits - inverted in that it's her brother that's off limits should any girl get closer to him
Town carpenter. She'll be in charge of any farm expansions or improvement or the opening of the tunnel between the two towns. |
Runs the Bluebell pet and horse shop with help from his daughter, Georgia. Generally happy and good-natured. Wears an unfortunately designed sweater. |
- Homemade Sweater From Hell - He's apparently never noticed that his sweater design looks like two horses staring at manure piles.
- Perpetual Smiler
Laney's father. Owns the local cafe. Personality and physical appearance do not match up. |
- Camp Straight - presumably
- Chef of Iron
- Gentle Giant
- Gonk
- Real Men Wear Pink - Or deck their bedrooms out in it.
Runs the local livestock store, with help from her kids, Ash and Cheryl. |
- Big Beautiful Woman
- Expy - Of Mirabelle from Sunshine Islands
Rutger's wife |