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Characters who have appeared in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility and Harvest Moon: Animal Parade.

  • Bishie Sparkle: All the marriage candidates (yes, even the girls) have a bishie sparkle when you first meet them.


The player characters. Angela and Kevin for Tree of Tranquility, and all four in Animal Parade.

  • Brown Eyes
  • The Chosen One: This is pretty much the explanation for Finn's existense in Animal Parade--he's the guide to the chosen one to restore the Goddess Tree.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Except moles.
  • Generation Xerox: The New Game+ mode of Tree of Tranquility has you playing as your child... Who looks exactly like you do, lives in a town exactly like yours, and can even (provided they're the same gender as your original character) marry the same person. Um. Also, their child can start a new adventure, continuing the cycle for as long as you choose to.
  • Harem Seeker: Considering the number of marriage candidates in the game, you can certainly make your character into this.
  • Hello, Insert Name Here: Their default names are already in the blanks, but most people just ignore them.
  • Heroic Mime: As always, aside from canned answers during Scripted Events. You see your character's mouth moving often, but there are never any words.
  • Idiot Hair: All of them, with the exception of Kasey, who has Hair Antennae.
  • Skirt Over Slacks: Both Angela's and Molly's default outfits.
  • Virtual Paper Doll: You can dress them up in different outfits and accessories once you purchase them at the tailor's or festivals, or have them made by the blacksmith.


Anissa's father, he runs the local farm and seed shop along with his wife, Ruth. He is not the biggest talker, and he and Ruth tend to fight a lot.

  • Drowning My Sorrows: In Animal Parade, until the yellow bell is rung, which restores the power of earth to the land and allows his farm to thrive again.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: When you first meet him in Tree of Tranquility, he calls you an idiot over and over again. However, Ruth comments that he actually seems to like you, and he does warm up as you befriend him.
  • Lazy Husband: Although, in Animal Parade (and Tree of Tranquility to a lesser extent), he's more demoralized than anything and does become more active as the island improves.
  • Perpetual Frowner


Anissa's mother. Runs the local farm and seed shop along with her husband, Craig. Usually, the two of them are fighting. Ruth frequently gets angry at her husband's slacking off on working the fields. As a result, she is rather overworked.


A gentle, graceful young woman who lives on her parents' farm, which is where she's usually found. She is interested in medicine and healing.


Anissa's younger brother. He runs a seed delivery service.


A doctor who works at the local clinic.


In Tree of Tranquility, he's a relative of Jin's. If there's still a blood relationship in Animal Parade, it's never commented on, and instead of working in the Clinic, he works as the preacher at the local church, which had been suspiciously empty in ToT.


Anissa and Jin's son, should they get married.


Chief chef at the inn and Maya's grandmother.


Owner of the inn and Maya's father.


Jake's wife and Maya's mother.

  • Happily Married: Ridiculously happily. She and Jake take the cake for schmoopiest couple in the series, and they've been married for at least twenty years.
  • Supreme Chef


A waitress at Waffle Town's inn. Loves fine cuisine, but couldn't make it herself if her life depended on it.


A cook and waiter at the inn. In Animal Parade, he becomes the head chef at the bar, instead.

  • Bishonen
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: There is a minor event where you can bring him certain dishes and he'll taste-test them for you. Giving him an orange cake during one of these would lead to him saying it's not good enough and to bring him a better dish. Ironically it's one of his favourite items.
  • Hair Color Dissonance: His hair seems like it's pale blonde, but taking a closer look reveals that it's actually pink. This could be an artistic represantation of a "strawberry blonde", but still...
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He tends to have a snarky way of speaking and teases or outright insults Maya up until he marries.
  • No Accounting for Taste: He and Maya, sometimes. Their daughter Dakota even points out the fact that they fight all the time, and even cites it as the reason she'll never get a younger sister.
  • Parental Abandonment: In Tree of Tranquililty, he says that he can't remember his parents' faces. However, what happened to them is never mentioned. (And the subject is never brought up in Animal Parade.)
  • Supreme Chef: To contrast with his counterpart, Maya. He even says, when they get married, that she doesn't have to try and cook any more--just taste-test.


Works at the Blacksmith with Mira. In Animal Parade, he works at the accessory shop as a jewelry designer.

  • Bishie Sparkle: His is even special-er amidst the normal Bishie Sparkle of the other candidates, because his sparkles have roses in them.
  • Bishonen
  • Bowdlerize: In Japan, the first rival event between him and Candace in Animal Parade has him getting mad at Candace because he thinks she thinks he's a crossdresser. In America, this was changed to him thinking she thinks he's... short. In some sense, this makes it funnier--Candace never does say why, so one could interpret it as Julius being oblivious to how camp he acts.
  • Camp Straight
  • Casa Lane Parenting: He notes that his parents travel all over the world and sometimes forget to contact. Somewhat justified in that Julius is an adult, so they know he can take care of himself.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: "Candace is marrying the blacksmith? I thought he was a woman when I first met him!"
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Metrosexual: He's so flaming, he isn't allowed into barns, but he's still a bachelor.
  • Opposites Attract: His relationship with Candace.
  • Say It with Hearts: Just about every line he has ends with a star, heart, or musical note.
  • She's a Man In Japan: Only just averted. Supposedly, Natsume tried to remove him entirely or change him into a girl, but decided against it. Even if he were made female, his outfit is still more fitting for a foppish man than a girl. Word of God denies this, for whatever reason.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: You could almost pass it off as him having dyed it--he does have streaks in his hair--but his kids in Animal Parade prove that he's a natural purple.


Local fisherman, a laid-back young man who likes taking naps in the shade and fishing his days away.


A little boy who hangs out at the lighthouse. Toby is his cousin.


A young woman who works at her parents' ranch. She's easygoing and spends her spare time fishing.

Mayor Hamilton[]


An arrogant and saucy boy, and the son of Mayor Hamilton.


Elli (Tree of Tranquility)[]

A receptionist who works at Town Hall. She provides the weather report on television.

  • The Cameo: In Animal Parade, she does not live in Castanet, but can still be seen on TV.
  • Continuity Cameo: From Harvest Moon 64 (she mentions having been a baker and not a nurse)


The carpenter, Luke's father and acts as mentor to Bo.


The fiery-tempered son of the Carpenter.


Selena's father who runs the Pineapple Inn on Toucan Island.


Selena's mother who lives on Toucan Island.


A native from Toucan Island who dreams of leaving home and working as a dancer.


A traveling arcaheologist who works with Phoebe. He's got an enthusiastic heart.

  • Absent-Minded Professor: Some of the things he says indicates he enjoys letting his mind wander.
  • Adventurer Archaeologist
  • Adorkable: Potently.
  • Estrogen Brigade Bait: Someone at Marvelous apparently realized that most of the game's fans were girls, and started, uh, "catering" more to their interests. Behold the result. Umm... wow.
  • Expy: He's reminescent of Carter from AWL/DS; moreso in personality than appearance. (They're both stern-seeming archaeologists with boyish zeal for their work.)
    • Saying nothing of his resemblance to Indiana Jones.
      • In one of their Rival Events in Tree of Tranquility, Phoebe even says "[he's] like an adventurer from a movie or something!", IIRC.
  • Game Breaking Bug: Unmarriable in earlier copies of Tree of Tranquility, due to a bug that would cause the game to freeze up when the player tried to complete a crucial marriage event.
  • Hair Color Dissonance: Bright blonde in official art; light brown in-game.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite his maaaanly appearance, he's actually very tender-hearted and awkward.
  • It Belongs in a Museum: In this cutscene.
  • May-December Romance: If you pursue him, he alludes to being older than the protagonist, but there's no solid evidence that the gap is as big as he makes it out to be. His official description even calls him a "young man."
  • Perma Stubble
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: Supposedly, if you get rid of the tablet he gives you in Animal Parade in any fashion, he won't accept your marriage proposal.


Phoebe's mother. She usually takes care of the general store and has a very energetic personality.


Rather more nervous and introverted than Barbara. In Tree of Tranquility, he helps out around the general store, but in Animal Parade, he runs a camera store. In both, he is Happily Married to Barbara and is Phoebe's father.


An inventor, she hangs around with Calvin a lot and helps him.


The owner of the bar, and Kathy's father. While his face seems perpetually angry, he's actually one of the island's nicest residents.


A waitress at her father's bar. She enjoys horseback riding.


A kindly old lady who works at Sonata Tailoring. She is the grandmother of Candace and Luna.


A very shy girl who works in the tailor shop. Older sister of Luna.


Candace' younger sister. Unlike her older sibling, Luna is outgoing--and even a little rude! She looks very young, but don't believe that for a second.


An elderly blacksmith. He's Chloe's grandfather and Owen's great uncle.


A big, tough guy who works with the blacksmith. He's very friendly, but also a bit of a party animal.


A mischievous young girl. Owen's cousin and Ramsey's granddaughter.

Wizard (Animal Parade)[]

A loner who researches spells and likes to spend his evenings gazing into the stars.

Theodore (Animal Parade)[]

A circus ringmaster who has lost many of his animals.

  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: He managed to lose his animals because he went off chasing after a cat that crossed his path when he was advertising for the zoo.
  • Expy: Of Mayor Thomas from Mineral Town.

Harvest King (Animal Parade)[]

An all-knowing deity who helps revive the Goddess Tree.