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Characters who have appeared in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.
- Call to Agriculture: Of course. We don't know what they were doing before, but the game starts with them taking over their dad's farm.
- Farm Boy/Girl
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: Even when their face is wrinkled and their hair is gray, the main character's outfit never changes. Leading to a fairly creepy old lady riding around dressed like a teenager.
- Hello, Insert Name Here: Most people don't even know their default names.
- Heroic Mime: S/he's the protagonist after all.
- Purple Eyes: Pony.
- Skirt Over Slacks: Not present with Mark, obviously.
- Aerith and Bob: In a town full of American-friendly names like Chris, Patrick, Celia, and the (Asian) couple Tim and Ruby... there is Takakura.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Cool Old Guy: Takakura in AWL maybe silent and more than a little distant with you, but he has the farm's best interest always in mind, and is a sort of father figure to your character after your own dad died in the beginning of the game.
A traveler who drifted into Forget-Me-Not Valley and then forgot to leave. She lives at the village's inn but is quickly running out of money.
- Aerith and Bob: Not as bad as Takakura, but still.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The latter of the three. (Muffy's the blonde and Celia's the brunette.)
- Broken Bird
- Defrosting Ice Queen: She takes a while to warm up to you.
- Heroes Want Redheads: If you choose her.
- Icy Blue Eyes
- Kuudere
- Lost Forever: If you're not good enough friends with her, she'll leave the valley permanently. If you ARE, she'll claim she's leaving the valley forever... but she decides to stay. She likes Forget-Me-Not Valley too much.
- Maternally Challenged: Fights with her son, goes off to the bar every night, and spends most of her days wandering aimlessly outside. I'm sure the baby will be fine on his own.
- The Snark Knight
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Unkempt Beauty: In ANWL and the DS/DS Cute games, she has noticeably shaggier hair compared to AWL.
- Walking the Earth
A well-to-do orphan who was raised by her grandmother and lives in the villa.
- All There in the Manual: According to the character profiles in Friends of Mineral Town, her parents died in a train wreck.
- Hair Decorations: Wears a yellow headband.
- Lonely Rich Kid: Unless you do anything about it, the only person she will ever have to talk to is her elderly butler, her high maintenance grandma, or ROCK.
- No Accounting for Taste: In DS, she eventually marries the playboy Rock. Most of their events afterwards involve them getting into fights with one another. (Heck, even their rival events are Slap Slap Kiss!)
- Older Than They Look: She's fifteen in the original Japanese Wonderful Life series. She looks like a preteen, though.
- Rags to Riches: Inverted, if you marry her she happily goes from richest girl in town living in an enormous mansion on top of a hill to farmer's wife down by the river.
- Sailor Fuku: Only in the first two chapters. Averted in the DS games.
A farm girl who works on Vesta's farm. She's peaceful and sweet. Vesta's brother, Marlin, has his eye on her.
- Arranged Marriage: Celia's parents want one of these for her.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The brunette. (Nami's the redhead and Muffy's the blonde.)
- Break the Cutie: In AWL if you bring her up to three hearts and see all of her events, then choose to marry someone else, it means she left her arranged marriage for nothing and shatters her heart, she, Vesta, and especially Marlin will never forgive you.
- Education Mama: In AWL she really wants to see her son grow up to be a scientist, and always wants him to be studying.
- Friend to All Living Things: Including her crops.
- Hair of Gold: Inverted. She is the sweetest, most innocent and naive bachelorette, but has the darkest hair.
- Idiot Hair
- The Ingenue
- Took a Level In Jerkass: If you don't marry her, due to Vesta's influence and her previous heartbreak.
A waitress who works at the Blue Bar. Perennially loveless, she often laments her ill luck with men. (Worse still, she doesn't seem to realize the affection that bar owner Griffin has for her.) She's a rather feminine girl, taking delight in makeup and jewelry.
- All There in the Manual: If not for her age being cited as thirty in the manual, you really wouldn't be able to tell.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Wavy curls of gold. (Nami's got the red and Celia the brown.)
- Though it is revealed if you marry her that she uses curlers to get her hair like that every day.
- Christmas Cake
- Dumb Blond: Not too strongly, compared to Rock, but it's there.
- Expy: Of Eve from the first game in the series.
- Green Eyes
- Hair Decorations: Like Lumina, she wears a headband, only black.
- Lady in Red
- Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places: In ANWL Muffy can be seen crying now and then by the river over the latest boyfriend in the city who's broken her heart. Whether he was cheating on her, or secretly using her as his mistress, she always simply convinces herself that she'll find her man one day. But.. since you can't marry her in the game, she never does.
- May-December Romance: Her designated love interest (outside of the player) is Griffin, 16 years her senior. She only marries him in Harvest Moon DS/Cute, though.
- She's also about seven to nine years older than the player character.
- Older Than They Look
The son of Tim and Ruby at the inn, though he looks absolutely nothing like them. He's a party animal who loves just lounging about and looking for fun stuff to do.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Calling him a 'moron' in ANWL may not be the best choice to make. Neither is making Lumina cry.
- Camp Straight: His three favorite things are partying, fashion, and women.
- Casanova Wannabe: He even wears a sleazy leisure suit.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Not so much in AWL, but in ANWL...wow. Let's just say he declares your dog his arch-enemy.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Dumb Blonde: He may be a guy, but boy is he ever. He's as dumb as a... er... well... you know.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: "When it's this hot, lots of girls like to go to the beach in sexy swimsuits.Suddenly I feel like surfing."
- Happily Adopted: Well...sort of. If you marry Rock, his dad will comment that Rock was "like a son to them". Rock becomes flustered and changes the subject. Add this to several other hints in the game, as well as the fact that Rock looks nothing like them and...yeah.
- Informed Attribute: He tells you he's a pro skier. Knowing Rock, though...
- Jerkass: Arguably this in DS Cute.
- Keet: An adult, but he still counts.
- Meaningful Name: His DS-Cute incarnations name is "Romeo" in Japan.
- Older Than They Look: He's 22, but looks like a young teenager.
- The Slacker: Doubly so in his DS\DS Cute incarnation.
- This and That: In the first heart event, he asks if you want to go with him to the swamp for "this and that".
A ranch hand, and Vesta's brother. He moved out to the valley when he was young because of his failing health, and he's still a bit frail. He can be cold at first, but when he warms up, he shows himself to be a kind-hearted person. He does tend to worry, though.
- Dandere
- Defrosting Ice King
- When your competition is an "unattractive" hippie and a guy who still lives with his parents, that's not really hard to do. And, honestly, none of them are exactly "popular" with the fanbase.
- Fan Nickname: "The Elvis Impersonator."
- Ill Boy: He was one in his childhood; he's still somewhat fragile.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Varies depending on the game and actions. In AWL he will not be nice to you if you pursue Celia, but if you marry someone else he'll be a good drinking buddy. And in ANWL he becomes more like a very shy guy who just happens to not smile often.
- Stalker with a Crush: See below.
- Yandere: There is an optional scene in which he muses over Celia's beauty, which ends with him saying "I'll decide who's good for Celia and who's not!"
A songwriter who lives in the valley, and something of a hippie. He's a loner and a wanderer, but he'll befriend you if you like--he might even show you some of his music. He's pretty in-tune with nature. He likes Nami; he's attracted to fellow loners.
- Ascended Extra: He went from being a rather pointless character in AWL to one of the three potential spouses in ANWL.
- Erudite Stoner: He's not stoned as far as we know, but he acts like it sometimes...
- Friend to All Living Things: Your dog will listen to his music.
- Gag Nose: Even when he is supposed to be prettied up as a potential spouse, the artwork for him seems to exaggerate the size of his nose.
- New Age Retro Hippie
- Nice Guy: Probably the most normal and stable out of the three bachelors. However, the general opinion seems to be "Eww, old hippie!"
- Nice Hat: He is never without a hat that is both pointy and ridiculous under any circumstances.
- Rummage Sale Reject
- Word Salad Lyrics: The song he sings doesn't really make sense.
- Younger Than They Look: He's really the second-youngest bachelor after Rock, but people tend to treat him as if he's much older. Must be the beard.
Marlin's overbearing sister and owner of Vesta's farm. She takes great joy in her work and is normally quite good-natured and cheerful. Just... don't cross her. We warned you.
- Apron Matron
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Different As Night and Day: She's blond, brash, friendly, huge, and strong. Her brother is dark haired, grumpy, shy, and shrimpy.
- Gonk: Large chin, husky voice, large size, and very muscular arms.
Patrick & Kassey[]
Twins who make fireworks.
- Pyromaniac: They make fireworks.
- Theme Twin Naming: Averted.
Grant's wife and Kate's mother who move into town in the second chapter.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She seems to be an incredibly high maintenance woman, impatient with guests and her daughter, and Grant tries his hardest to avoid coming home from work for as long as possible because of her.
- The Ghost: She is noticeably missing in Harvest Moon DS. Where it is explained that Grant got the good sense to divorce her in that game.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Considering how she acts towards her husband...
Kate's father and Samantha's husband.
A little girl who loves to torment Hugh.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Jerkass
- Kids Are Cruel
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: While not evil, she is a bully...
- She's All Grown Up
A young boy who is an exercise fanatic, just like his father.
- He's All Grown Up
- Jerk Jock: Inverted. Although he is a jock-like character, he is the one who gets teased. By Kate.
- Younger Than They Look: Looks eight or nine in the first chapter, but is six. His age was changed to eight in the English version, probably due to his dads training.
Nina (AWL)[]
An old woman who lives in Forget-Me-Not Valley with her husband, Galen.
- Cool Old Lady
- Expy: Of Nina from the first game. She has curly hair, though shorter. She also has the same love for flowers, and the same name.
- Happily Married
Nina's husband. Spends the first part of the game as a somewhat gruff but kindly old man. Spends the next part of the game a depressed widower.
The village Mad Scientist.
- Einstein Hair
- Failure Is the Only Option: In AWL, Daryll persistently tries to capture a thing that looks like an abominable snowman, but guess what the result is. Every. Single. Time.
- Mad Scientist
- Stalker with a Crush: To Flora, in AWL. Fortunately, she seems blissfully unaware of his affections.
- In DS, he attempts to confess his affections for her. For those of you just tuning in, know that Flora is a blackbelt.
A scary looking artist who lives in a trailer. In AWL it was implied he and Nami might have feelings for each other. But in ANWL Gustafa is Nami's love interest.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: He sports a pretty neat looking yellow mohawk.
- Face of a Thug: Looks scary, but is actually pretty nice, if quiet.
- Scary Black Man: He is big and intimidating looking, has a deep gravelly voice, but still loves to receive flowers as gifts.
- Token Minority: He's the only black guy in town.
- The Quiet One: He keeps to himself and rarely has anything to say to anyone.
- True Art Is Incomprehensible: If you befriend him he gives you a piece of his artwork for your house... it's a pile of twisted scrap metal.
Hugh's dad, and Chris' husband. He's an athlete who moved into town because the valley makes for a great place to run.
- Bishie Sparkle: His eyes are always big, blue, and sparkly.
- Hot Dad: Smooth voice, sparkles, lean figure, and muscular arms? Quite a few people did not like his married status.
- Jerk Jock: Inverted, like with Hugh.