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"Oooo, I hate that guy!"
—Elan about Daimyo Kubota
The guy everyone just loves to hate, seeing as that's pretty much the whole point.
A character whose intended role in the story (the role the authors made for them) is to be so despicable that the audience wants him or her to fail just as much as they want the heroes to succeed.
However, this person doesn't have to be the main villain of the story, or even a villain at all. Let's say we have a cast of perfectly likable, if flawed, protagonists, reasonable and sympathetic villains/antagonists, and Jim. Jim is not necessarily the Big Bad. He is not causing the struggle that the heroes must overcome, thank goodness, but he is making the heroes' lives more difficult. His list of character traits includes pettiness, selfishness, stubbornness, greed, Holier-Than-Thou contempt, cowardice, an inexcusable penchant for making all the wrong decisions in dangerous situations and flat-out sociopathy. He may also be nasty and rude, bigoted, sleazy and needlessly smug. Basically, Jim exists, if anything, to be hated. Every action he commits and piece of dialogue he says is to get under our skin. If we see his eventual downfall — and we usually do — it is just as satisfying as the writers can possibly make it. It's is always a nice touch, and can be quite satisfying to watch. On the other hand, if Jim manages to get away from what theoretically should be coming to him, he may end up being hated much more than what was intended.
Not that the Hate Sink can't be the Big Bad, but common habitats for this weasel vary a lot, but here a few to name:
- Disaster and killer animal stories, because you can't truly hate a force of nature.
- Works where The Protagonist's struggle is caused by a faceless group, say a corporation. The Hate Sink here might not necessarily be The Leader, but will be a representative of the corporation.
- Works that operate under Grey and Gray Morality.
- Works where these characters are present and either they form a Big Bad Ensemble or NONE of them are the main antagonists.
- Certain action movies where the villains are just as badass as the heroes themselves.
- Works where the Big Bad is too sympathetic and/or not all that threatening to hate.
- Horror movies for when the Hate Sink is an Asshole Victim.
- Works where the Big Bad is a mindless Eldritch Abomination that is either too unfathomable and/or animalistic to despise.
The difference between this and Designated Villain is that the Designated Villain is just thrown into the role for the sake of storytelling, but they never do anything really evil. The Hate Sink, however, if Jim is being loathsome in the scene, he's very much fulfilling his intended role.
See Villainy Free Villain for when they act like like a Jerkass. In more recent years, this character has been a Politically-Incorrect Villain. The Complete Monster, complete and total despicableness being their main trait, is a controversial version of this, though there can be an overlap (e.g., Lotso Huggin' Bear, Pennywise the Dancing Clown). Some avert this by way of Evil Is Cool. Contrast with Evil Is Sexy, where fans derive Fanservice from a villain, regardless of how unlikable they are. Contrast with Rooting for the Empire, where fans support the villains more than the heroes. With that said, a Hate Sink will never get support for their actions. Remember, Tropes Are Tools, so a poorly written Hate Sink will end up becoming The Scrappy instead, while one that characters enjoy booing will end up a Love to Hate example.
Also, this isn't a place to complain about characters you hate (those characters would most likely be The Scrappy), other characters must hate them in-story.
Anime and Manga[]
- The Diamond and Pearl part of the Pokémon anime shows the heroes' first significant losing streak, which is much of the real conflict. Enter Paul, the most ruthless rival Ash has ever met, who's a borderline Social Darwinist with his training methods, but Paul's importance in the overall story is nonexistent, not even as a driving force like the others have been.
- Also present is Meowzie, who coldly rejected Meowth simply because he was poor. Although she claimed to like humans, she dismissed him as a freak when he tried to become more like one. Karma condemns her when she's abandoned by her trainer and becomes just as poor as he was.
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Most Fullmetal Alchemist villains tend to be sympathetic or at least have some sort of redeeming quality. This is not the case with Shou Tucker. While appearing at first to be a decent man who loves his daughter (though admittedly his wife did decide to leave him), it turns out that he had turned his wife into a chimera, which caused her to commit suicide. Not showing remorse to what he did, Shou Tucker decided to repeat his actions and combine Nina with her own dog, turning her into a talking chimera as well. While he's not considered to be The Scrappy (since he doesn't actually detract from the work), Anime Planet has him take the spot of the #1 most hated anime character. Unsurprisingly, the author has him burn in Hell for his horrible actions.
- Digimon Savers has Kouki. While his colleagues Nanami and Ivan both have justified reasons for joining Kurata, Kouki has none. And while Kurata is encouraging Kouki to embrace his psychopathic urges, he's still doing what he does willingly. Whereas Nanami and Ivan are both attached to their rivals Thomas and Yoshi respectively, Kouki isn't attached to his rival Marcus at all. Finally, he's the only one of the three Bio-hybrids not to seek redemption. Even without Kurata's influence, it's shown that he's still a juvenile delinquent who gets into all kinds of trouble.
- Kurata himself is an even bigger Hate Sink, a genocidal, sociopathic coward who seeks to kill every Digimon except for his legions; responsible for every bad thing that happens in the series. He's arrogant, cowardly, and performs horrific, disgusting experiments against man and mon alike, including one of the main characters' sisters! Unlike any other human villain in any of the anime, he has no likable traits to speak of.
- Malty from Rising of a Shield Hero may be physically beautiful, but boy is she ugly on the inside. The first evil action she does is rob Naofumi and get him prosecuted for rape (which he was innocent of). She does worse things later on, like trying to kill her own sister. And she completely refuses to own up to her actions during her trial, hence her slave crest (which was designed to prevent her from committing perjury) making said trial a living Hell for her.
- Dragon Ball:
- Mercenary Tao seems to have been made with the intention of being loathed by the viewers, starting with the very fact that he's the first human to commit on-screen murder. After killing Upa's father Bora in front of the poor boy, he mocks Upa as he's grieving over his father's body and tells him that he's lucky to still be alive, implying that he has absolutely no qualms against killing children; he proves it by nearly killing Goku soon afterward. One of his worst offenses is when he forces a tailor to overwork on making an outfit for him in about three days, only to kill him anyway because he didn't want to pay for it. When he returns to Korin's Tower to look for the one Dragon Ball he neglected to find, he grabs Upa and throws him against the tower. He also charges eye-watering fees for his services simply because he can. It's taken further when he returns for the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai at the end of Dragon Ball: in addition to being revived as a cyborg, he is now an extension of Master Shen's petty feud with Master Roshi. All of the above make his ultimate defeat at the hands of Tien Shinhan all the more satisfying.
- Word of God adds one more crime to Tao's resume by revealing that he murdered Mr. Satan's mentor for mocking his hairstyle. Considering how early into the manga's timeline Tao first appeared, this almost certainly means that Mr. Satan was a child at the time.
- Master Shen definitely qualifies, thanks to his rivalry with Master Roshi. While Roshi isn't exactly more mature than his nemesis, he at least makes it clear that he'd rather stop their rivalry and move on with his life. Shen, meanwhile, intentionally targets Roshi in order to bring shame upon him (he only shows up at the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai because Roshi's students competed in the 21st), and teaches Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu to be cold, callous fighters. Shen's status is cemented when, after Tien refuses to kill Goku in the ring after discovering that Shen forced Chiaotzu to paralyze Goku in order to give Tien an unfair advantage, Shen orders Chiaotzu to paralyze them both. When Chiaotzu refuses to harm his best friend, Shen grabs him by the collar and attempts to kill him. Luckily, Roshi is able to blast Shen away with the Kamehameha.
- Frieza is one of the evilest characters in the entire Dragon Ball franchise and is hated, if not outright feared, by pretty much everyone who knows of him. Unlike other villains in the Dragon Ball series, who were created to be evil or have gone off the deep end, Frieza does every evil action he does voluntarily. One of his worst actions is when he slaughters numerous Namekians to get his hands on the Dragon Balls… and for personal pleasure. He rightfully earned the rare distinction of being one of the very few villains that Goku genuinely wanted to kill after he blew Krillin to pieces and then cracked a sick joke about his death. Akira Toriyama specifically created him as his commentary on the Japanese house bubble crisis, and in particular for speculators, though ironically enough, among audiences he was actually more well-liked.
- Babidi seems to be made to be as unlikable as possible, thus making it all the more satisfying when Fat Buu kills him by punching his head off before vaporizing his body. He's an utterly callous villain who delights in causing suffering towards others and is also a Dirty Coward who has frequent Villainous Breakdowns, in stark contrast to the much more likable Fat Buu and Dabura. He's up there with Frieza in being utterly despicable without even the excuse of being born that way, and for a bonus, he's a Big Bad Wannabe.
- There's also Super Buu, whose Establishing Character Moment has him casually decimating the entire population of Earth with a single attack after Piccolo tells him to go off and kill some humans. He also turns Chi-Chi into an egg and crushes her to death in front of her young son… just for slapping him across the face.
- Van Zant. In his first scene, he shoots an elderly couple dead with a sniper rifle, after which he brags about how awesome it feels to kill someone. We next see him and his partner Smitty shooting people at random in a nearby town before going to Fat Buu's house, which leads up to Van Zant shooting Buu's pet dog and Mr. Satan, triggering the release of Buu's evil half and the subsequent creation of the aforementioned Super Buu. What's worse is that he uses Buu's killing spree to his advantage, saying that everyone is going to die eventually, and even going so far as to blame Buu for his crimes. Needless to say, Super Buu utterly vaporizing him with a beam was very well-deserved. This is significantly toned down in the Kai adaptation, however, where he was closer to an Unscrupulous Hero than a villain due to him actually being motivated to trying to stop Buu's carnage instead of wanting him out of the way so he could continue killing.
- Zamasu is a Jerkass God who has an undying hatred towards mortals because they fail to learn from their mistakes. He also believes that the gods are too lazy to do anything about mortals. Although he has a point about mortals misusing the knowledge of the gods, fighting amongst themselves instead of learning from their mistakes and that the gods themselves should do more to stop evil mortals from abusing their power, the audience is obviously not supposed to sympathize with him. For one, his rants against mortals are hypocritical since the gods have shown themselves to be just as petty. Zamasu ultimately proves himself to be irredeemably evil when he murders his mentor, Gowasu, in order to start the "Zero Mortals Plan".
- Goku Black, Zamasu's alternate timeline counterpart, is completely devoid of any redeeming qualities, having brought endless misery and destruction upon Future Trunks' entire timeline. Even the initial mitigating factor of him being a Well-Intentioned Extremist falls flat as, for all his claims of justice, he's shown to be a racist who's trying to remake all of existence in his own image. If you somehow don't already hate Black for causing the eventual destruction of Future Trunks' timeline, then you will definitely hate him for decapitating Chi-Chi and Goten with a ki blade just because they got in his way. Like with the aforementioned Frieza, Black ends up becoming one of the very few villains that Goku genuinely wants to kill.
- And then there's his manga incarnation, who takes all of his anime counterpart's negative qualities and turns them Up to Eleven. Manga Goku Black is a Psychopathic Manchild who has frequent Villainous Breakdowns whenever he doesn't get his way, and his motive for stealing Goku's body and killing him is even more petty than his anime incarnation's.[1] Both Future Zamasu and Goku Black even lacked the closest thing the two had to an actual redeemable factor to each other in the anime, which was them being genuinely friendly with each other.[2]
- Lord Zeno (or rather, both him and his future counterpart) became an unintentional example of this in Dragon Ball Super during the Universal Survival Saga when he set up the Tournament of Power and forced all but four of the universes to compete, erasing all of the losing universes from existence. The manga version of the events was even worse, especially when, prior to Goku's arrival at Zeno's palace, the two Zenos were shown discussing how they needed to erase more universes, with it also being implied that his earlier "temper tantrum" that resulted in six universes being erased long before the events of the story had actually been from the same thing he was planning to do by reducing it to four universes, with it later being implied that he intended to eventually erase all of the universes. Considering he didn't like it when Zamasu (as noted above) tried to exterminate mortals (with the manga making it explicit that, had Zeno found out about the Zero Mortals Plan, Zamasu and Goku Black would've been executed), it also made him extremely hypocritical as well for trying to pull the exact same thing, and him having an even more petty reason for doing so doesn't help.[3]
- Eis Shenron from Dragon Ball GT is an irredeemable Dirty Coward and Smug Snake . Among other things, he pummels Nuova Shenron, his twin brother, for daring to criticize his tactics, turns Goku's granddaughter Pan into a Human Shield so that Goku won't be able to attack him, uses every dirty trick in the book to win a fight and pulls an I Surrender, Suckers on Goku after feigning remorse for what's he done. It's incredibly satisfying to watch Goku completely obliterate him with the Dragon Fist.
- Syn/Omega Shenron is just as bad as Eis, if not worse. He murders his brother Nuova Shenron moments after the latter pulls a Heel Face Turn, takes advantage of Goku's Temporary Blindness to deliver a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to him, regards all of his opponents as being utterly inferior to him, calls the Saiyans "dirty apes" and decides that the best way to punish the Z-Fighters for their constant misuse of the Dragon Balls would be for him to destroy the entire universe. Naturally, this makes his humiliation by Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta and ultimate defeat by Goku very satisfying.
- Mercenary Tao seems to have been made with the intention of being loathed by the viewers, starting with the very fact that he's the first human to commit on-screen murder. After killing Upa's father Bora in front of the poor boy, he mocks Upa as he's grieving over his father's body and tells him that he's lucky to still be alive, implying that he has absolutely no qualms against killing children; he proves it by nearly killing Goku soon afterward. One of his worst offenses is when he forces a tailor to overwork on making an outfit for him in about three days, only to kill him anyway because he didn't want to pay for it. When he returns to Korin's Tower to look for the one Dragon Ball he neglected to find, he grabs Upa and throws him against the tower. He also charges eye-watering fees for his services simply because he can. It's taken further when he returns for the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai at the end of Dragon Ball: in addition to being revived as a cyborg, he is now an extension of Master Shen's petty feud with Master Roshi. All of the above make his ultimate defeat at the hands of Tien Shinhan all the more satisfying.
- Kirby: Right Back at Ya! has King Dedede. Whereas game King Dedede had redeeming qualities in most of the video games he appears in, this version of the character isn't sympathetic at all. Not only is he responsible for sending the monsters (purchased from Nightmare Incorporated) that attack Kirby, he also mistreats his lackey Escargoon. It's a small wonder he's not popular around Cappy Town despite being its self-proclaimed ruler. Granted, he's not as evil as the actual villain of the show (Nightmare, who's just as horrifying as his name implies), but he appears much more often than he does. He does act nicely when he believes a meteor is going to crash into Popstar, but that's the exception rather than the norm.
- Naruto usually has sympathetic characters (whether they're heroes OR villains), but there are exceptions. For example, there's Gato, the businessman who executed Inari's surrogate father in front of his entire hometown and generally does everything in his power to oppress the Land of Waves. He also betrays Zabuza Momochi when the latter fails to kill Tazuna.
- Mizuki is the opening villain of the series. He takes advantage of Naruto's goal to become a ninja and reveals that he's the container for the Nine-Tailed Beast, while trying to kill fan-favorite Iruka Umino. Brought back in a filler arc, he reveals that he had always been a cold-hearted sociopath, hated his "friend" Iruka for being better than him, was secretly working for Orochimaru the entire time, was a Bastard Boyfriend to his fiance Tsubaki and even murdered a fellow ninja just for being "dead weight"… oh, and he also hates ramen.
- Hidan is a vicious psychopath and a member of a Religion of Evil that sees mercy as an unforgivable sin. He massacred the entire population of his village simply because he was disgusted by their pacifistic way of life, and performed gruesome rituals in order to grant himself eternal life. However, what really cements Hidan as a truly despicable villain is his brutal murder of Asuma Sarutobi and subsequent mocking of his students for failing to save him.
- Black Zetsu is revealed to have manipulated all of ninja history as part of his Evil Plan to revive his "mother", Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, which basically turns him into this. Even discounting that, he's still a Smug Snake who spends most of his screen-time gloating that he's far superior to his enemies, constantly referring to them as "insignificant ants".
- In the Sasuke Retrieval Mission arc, there's Jirōbō. While all of the Sound Four are murderous psychopaths who had their minds twisted by Orochimaru, Jirōbō manages to stand out for his Kick the Dog moments against Choji, such as stealing the last potato chip from his bag, mocking his weight (despite being overweight himself) and even going as far as to insult Shikamaru (Choji's best friend) in front of his face. Admittedly, he does have some standards (he dislikes Tayuya's constant swearing, though he seems to think that girls should live up to stereotypes regarding them) and he's appalled by Shikamaru suggesting that he's willing to let his comrades die in order to save his own skin, but it's still satisfying as hell to see Choji kill him with a single punch.
- His cohort Tayuya isn't much better. She verbally abuses both friends and foes alike (though Kidomaru and Sakon and Ukon seem to find her petty squabbles with Jirōbō utterly hilarious), and her constant swearing makes her rather unpleasant to listen to. Though considering how she points out to Shikamaru that Sasuke went with them voluntarily and he's putting his comrades in unnecessary danger by going after him and knows what teamwork is (as well as referring to her comrades as her friends), she might just care about them to some extent.
- Loly from Bleach is a horrible Arrancar who always torments Orihime during her extended stay in Hueco Mundo (simply because she believes Sosuke Aizen prefers Orihime over her, even though Orihime is being held captive by him) and has few redeeming qualities. Her partner Melody isn't as sadistic, thank goodness, though she is an accessory to what Orihime goes through.
- Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka has Chisato's unnamed father, who treats his own daughter very horribly. Not only does he savagely beat her, he also attempted to sell her into prostitution. Why does he do it? Because he's a hypocrite who blames her for his debts even though he's a gambling addict. His death is… less than tragic.
- Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy: Most villains in the franchise have tragic backstories, Evil Is Cool, Evil Is Sexy or, at the very least, Laughably Evil tendencies. This is not the case with Kazuo Tengan, who's simply a cold-hearted, crotchety old fogey whose plan to brainwash everyone on Earth into committing suicide doesn't make any sense whatsoever. He's considered one of the worst parts about the entire thing, even moreso than Ruruka Andou or Daisaku Bandai.
- My Hero Academia:
- Goto "Muscular" Imasuji is a member of the League of Villains who helps them attack the Wild Wild Pussycats' summer training camp, endangering the lives of many teenage heroes-in-training. As if this wasn't bad enough, he also brutally murdered Kota Izumi's parents just because he felt like it, and tries to tear Kota to pieces before Izuku Midoriya intervenes and defeats him. While many of the League of Villains' members have at least one or two sympathetic traits, Muscular has none whatsoever, even boasting to Midoriya that he loves nothing more than hearing his victims' screams of pain and terror as he kills them.
- Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki is a ruthless Yakuza boss who abuses his niece, Eri, by draining her blood in order to make Quirk-destroying bullets, reassembling her body when she runs out of blood to give, and regards her as nothing more than a "tool" to be used by him. Eri's horrific ordeal has left her so traumatized that she doesn't know how to smile anymore. Overhaul treats his subordinates no better, using one as a Human Shield against Tomura Shigaraki, killing another for failing to catch Eri when she tries to escape from him, and forcibly merging with two more in order to power himself up. He has his right-hand man shoot Mirio Togata in the back with a Quirk-destroying bullet, cutting short the Nice Guy's promising career as a hero, and then forces him to watch as he fatally wounds Sir Nighteye. Thankfully, Laser-Guided Karma eventually hits him hard when Shigaraki, Dabi and Mr. Compress destroy both of his arms to get back at Overhaul for his murder of Magne and maiming of Compress, effectively rendering him Quirkless.
- The Garden of Words has Shōko Aizawa, who belittles anyone she looks down on, be they students or teachers. She spread rumours about Yukari Yukino to the point where the poor woman resorts to quitting and leaving the school. When Takao Akizuki informs her and her friends that Yukari was quitting, she brazenly says she could care less about some "slutty hag". This insensitive remark rightfully earns her the bitchslapping from Takao that she deserves, even though her boyfriend is right beside her to pound him for it.
Fan Fiction[]
- Metroid: Kamen Rider Generations trilogy:
- Metroid: Kamen Rider Generations Vol. 2 - Ex-Aid Era feat. Cross Ange: Sylux is written like this on purpose. Of all the Big Bad Ensemble in the story, the Black Cross Armada's generals Xenogaea and Viper are Affably Evil and geniunely honorable, and are more willing to help Samus and the gang in dealing with the Bugsters; Kuroto has Pet the Dog moments and veers on Well-Intentioned Extremist territory, and Parado being a Fair Play Villain. Sylux is the most disturbingly ruthless and unlikeable of all of them - almost everyone who comes contact with Sylux utterly loathe him; he is a borderline Straw Nihilist who wants nothing more but to cause sheer destruction and with delusions of Dystopia Justifies the Means. Sylux is ungrateful to anyone he comes contact with and obviously has no qualms in betraying others to achieve those goals, something that Masamune Dan of all people found out the hard way, albeit too late.
- In the sequel, Metroid: Kamen Rider Generations Vol. 3, Kaguya Kozuki shows zero redeeming qualities whatsoever. Even other villains such as Shingetsu, Juzaburo Namba, Evolto, Gentoku Himuro, Nariaki Utsumi, and the Pandora Demon Beasts can't stand her, let alone if you heard of her backstory. Kaguya also showed how far a narcissistic megalomaniac can go so far to make her own family suffer out of petty jealousy towards a fellow scientist for bruising her ego, bossing anybody to do her dirty work and even kills them when they served their purpose, and adding the fact that Kaguya proved herself to be more malicious than Evolto.
- From the same author behind the aforementioned Metroid: Kamen Rider Generations series, Engine Sentai Go-Onger: 10 YEARS PRELUDE feat. Kamen Rider Build has Kai Amataro, an agent of Foundation X. He is the most despicable human villain the Go-Ongers have ever encountered. While presenting himself as civil and professional, in reality, he's a heartless, misogynistic Mad Scientist. He barely shows any empathy for any of the Engines, seeing them as disposable experimental guinea pigs rather than individuals.
- The fanfic Team 8 has Hiashi Hyuga, or rather this version of him. While canon Hiashi Hyuga WAS willing to put his own clan above Hinata's wellbeing, he was not a bad person at heart and ultimately apologized to Hinata after she sacrificed her own life to help Naruto defeat Pain (Don't worry, she got better). However, this version of Hiashi Hyuga is truly despicable. Not only is he horribly abusive to Hinata, but he's also abusive to Neji as well. In addition to beating his daughter, he also starves her and deprives her of sleep. He's still not as evil as the alternate version of Itachi Uchiha, but boy will he disgust readers.
- The fanfic Resident Evil: Apotheosis (a crossover between Resident Evil and Kim Possible) has Will Du. While he was arrogant in the original series, he's much worse here. He deliberately disobeys an order warning him of the dangers of attempting to rescue civilians from the now zombie-infested Middleton, and later accidentally kills Monique, to his great apathy. He later attempts to start a mutiny against Vin (the man attempting to lead Middleton's survivors to safety), and then performs a Face-Heel Turn to get his revenge on him after Vin decides to leave him to die in Middleton for his vile behavior.
- Fall of Starfleet, Rebirth of Friendship: This role is shared between Grand Ruler Celesto and Rhymey. For the former, you will at first hate him for the lengths he goes to undermine his own allies, despite them winning his battles, just because they aren't his privileged people and aren't fully under his control... and then be utterly disgusted by how deep his Control Freak issues go, and how much he relies on outright brainwashing for everyone, including his closest soldiers. For the latter, the author initially tried to make him sympathetic, as had been done with the rest of Lightning's team, but genuinely couldn't, and found pushing him in the other direction worked better, and he's since been revealed as an unlikable, entitled sociopath who literally has no second thoughts about hurting anyone in order to get what he wants. Turns out it's a family trait. Ironically, Dark Conquest wants to be this in-story since he feeds on hate and grows stronger from it, but since he has much more style and charisma, and is not nearly as much of a hypocrite, he's more entertaining to watch.
- "Tobi" (AKA Tobimaru Uchiha) in War of the Biju. He slaughtered an entire branch of the Uchiha Clan for no reason other than because he wanted to, smothered an elderly Madara Uchiha in his sleep, murdered Obito Uchiha in order to steal his Sharingan, initiated the Nine-Tailed Beast's attack on the Hidden Leaf Village, framed the other branch of the Uchiha Clan for it, etc. You know you're evil when Madara is not only willing to make a Heel Face Turn against you, but team up with Hashirama Senju to stop you. The Sage of Six Paths even wonders how someone so evil could even exist.
Film - Animated[]
- Toy Story 3: Say what you will about the previous and subsequent antagonists, but they were all redeemable in their own ways; Sid was a mean-spirited kid, but he had no way to know they toys were alive, nor did Al (not to mention the latter, even if purely motivated by profits, nevertheless made sure Woody's arm was fixed up), Stinky Pete was an Anti-Villain who wanted to get Woody and the gang over to Japan, largely to gain some degree of fame after being stuck on a dime store shelf for far too long, Zurg was a Plot Irrelevant Villain operating on his mental programming, Gabby Gabby is another Tragic Villain, and Scud was a dog, and thus, not accountable for his actions. Then there's Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear, who has broken and tortured toys at Sunnyside Daycare for years and puts on a friendly facàde when Andy's toys come to Sunnyside. In the climax, he gets a chance to redeem himself, but he tosses it away, even though Woody and Buzz just risked their lives to save him. When that is all said and done, being tied to a garbage truck for the rest of his life was a fitting punishment for this nasty character.
- Barbie: Princess and the Pauper: Since the actual villain is somewhat archetypal (though he DOES have to alter his plans due to things such as Julian interfering) this Barbie film has Madame Carp, who is not the type of person you would want to work for. She constantly orders Erika around and makes her life worse than it should have been, because her parents owe her money. And she also locks her employees inside her shop, which can potentially be dangerous. Eventually, she's forced to go out of business due to her mistreatment of Annelise (who was disguised as Erika at the time).
- Barbie as Rapunzel has Gothel. While not all versions of the character count as a Hate Sink (the Disney version is charismatic, for instance), this version is a very unlikable character. Unhappy that a man she was attracted to married another woman, she decided that she would abduct his daughter and lie to her that her parents abandoned her. She destroys Rapunzel’s drawings when she accuses the princess of lying, and eventually decides to try to imprison her forever in a tower with a curse designed to imprison someone with a lying heart. Rapunzel’s father Wilhelm refers to her as a monster, and justifiably so. Karma condemns her when she falls victim to her own curse (since she had been lying to Rapunzel her while life) with the added irony being that she designed the curse to be unbreakable, meaning that not even she can break it.
- Atlantis: The Lost Empire's direct to video sequel has Ashton Carnaby, who appears in the second half of the movie. While Chakashi is the antagonist of this part of the movie (who attacks trespassers with an army of sand coyotes), he has understandable motivations, wishing to protect the hidden city so that thieves never come to pillage it. However, Carnaby is motivated solely by his own greed, and not only did he steal from another treasure hunter, he decides to betray and kill the crew accompanying him so that he can have all the city’s treasures for himself. He suffers the ironic fate of becoming a sand coyote himself.
- Norm of the North: Mr. Greene crosses the line from a bog-standard attempt at Laughably Evil you can see in any low-rate kids movie into this trope (that's right, you can't even go for his point of view) when he orders Vera to edit the recording of Norm's speech to make it look like he supports Greene's homes being built in the Arctic, even having four of his condominiums built and having them shipped to the Arctic without the Arctic Council's approval or even knowledge and despite knowing that a storm is predicted to hit the Arctic Ocean. Worse, it would've destroyed the Arctic's natural habitat as a consequence of his careless and irresponsible nature. Even his former investors and the public turn on him for his corruption, and ultimately Janet traps him in the sewers, with his ponytail sticking out from the lid. (Not like the other characters are any more likable...)
- Chi-Fu in Mulan While Shan Yu did some pretty despicable stuff in the film, he at least gets a pass for being a badass and smart warrior villain, not treating his soldiers like crap (aside from killing one for hiding a bird in a deleted scene) and was the only guy that didn't give a crap about Mulan being a woman. Chi-Fu on the other hand is a smug, pompous, stuck up, cowardly, sexist and ungrateful prick who tells Mulan to shut up when she tries to explain that her father is not fit to fight, says to Shang that he's not good enough to be a captain (even though he's clearly doing his best), orders Mulan to be killed when she's discovered to be a woman despite her just saving them from the Huns in the mountain pass all while saying he knew there was something wrong with her all along and clearly taking delight in shooting her down about how she's shamed and dishonored everyone clearly showing he loves abusing his authority to bully those below him, after Mulan blows Shan Yu up he still continues to be ungrateful and says that she's a woman that won't accomplish anything, flat out dehumanizing her by calling her a creature and lastly lies about there being no open positions for Mulan when the emperor offers to make her a member of his council (which massively backfires on him when the Emperor decides to offer Mulan Chi-Fu's position instead).
- Bob's boss Mr. Huph from The Incredibles isn't a murderous supervillain like Syndrome or even a criminal, but he makes up for his lack of crimes with his startling Lack of Empathy. He belittles Bob for trying to help Insuricare's customers get paid, refuses to let him stop a mugger, and takes a sickening amount of glee in humiliating him. You'd be hard-pressed to shed a tear once Bob has enough and breaks every bone in his body by throwing him through several walls, even though he gets fired for it in the process.
- Burgermeister Meisterburger from Santa Claus is Comin' to Town is a lot goofier than most examples of this trope, but since he's a humorless adult obsessed with not letting the children of Sombertown have fun in a Christmas special, he still runs afoul of it. It's best exemplified when he gets so fed up with Kris sneaking toys to the children and has them all tossed into a roaring bonfire while the children are forced to watch. Being petty is one thing, but the Burgermeister definitely took it to new heights.
- Monster House: While Mr. Nebbercracker isn’t well-liked by his neighbors, it gradually becomes clear that he was simply trying to protect them from his wife. His wife herself only became the title character because she wasn’t treated like a human. But teenage boy Bones isn’t given any sympathy outside of Mr. Nebbercracker taking his kite when he was younger. He bullies DJ to the point that his girlfriend Zee (who is DJ’s babysitter, if a bad one) thinks he’s going too far and shows blatant disrespect for women. Small wonder Zee decides to break up with him and hook up with Skull instead.
- Bee Movie: For the most part, the Bee Movie is lacking in villains, though Ken (Vanessa’s boyfriend) tries to kill Barry due to being allergic to bee stings. It does however have the unpleasant lawyer Layton Montgomery, who’s introduced stepping on a bug. In order to win the case so that humans can continue farming bee honey, he repeatedly insults Barry in hopes of provoking him, which ends up getting Adam nearly killed when he decides to sting him. Additionally, he decides to pretend he was injured more badly by Adam than he really was. He deduced correctly that the world would be better off with humans taking honey from bees than the bees keeping it, but he’s still a jerk.
Film- Live Action[]
- Titanic: Billy Zane's character, Cal. The audience can hate this guy. He is designed to be hated. He is the anti-Jack. He disparages the Picasso paintings; he verbally and physically abuses Rose; he tries to have Jack killed; is exposed to care more about money than Rose; and finally cowardly escapes on a lifeboat using a small child. Although he survives, he is deprived of Rose in the end, loses his money through the Crash of 29 and ultimately puts a pistol in his mouth and that is the audiences' consolation.
- Rose's mother and Cal's bodyguard Lovejoy are also dislikeable for various reasons (Ruth forcing Rose to marry Cal just to pay off her husband's debts and Lovejoy being a dour stick in the mud who agrees with Cal's opinion completely), but in the case of the former, she just wants what she believes is best for her daughter. Bruce Ismay, some of the ship's officers, some of the crew and at least some of the first-class passengers (especially those that survived) are also dislikeable for one reason or another, but some do have at least a few understandable reasons.
- Independence Day: The Secretary of Defense, Mr. Nimzicki (a.k.a. Foily McAntagonist). The aliens are inscrutable, have cool ships and bring the Monumental Damage and massive carnage that is the reason you bought the ticket. This guy knows about the aliens ahead of time but stays silent to give the President "plausible deniability." He continually pushes the use of nukes that are ineffective. He cockily celebrates victory too soon only to immediately be proven wrong. Finally, he is the only person to disagree with the final plan that ends up working. His comeuppance is being fired by President Whitmore in person.
- The Mummy: Though the title character is the main antagonist of the movie, he’s not necessarily a hateable character, since his motivation is mainly to resurrect his dead lover, and was also shown to at least be honorable enough to actually adhere to his stipulation of rewarding Beni with the treasure in his tomb. His lackey Beni in contrast IS a horrible person, because he sold out his comrades to the Big Bad in an effort to save his own skin, and is shown to at some level enjoy watching Imhotep kill Mr. Burns. As such, he ends up dying a horrible death, especially compared to Imhotep who is simply stabbed (and was entirely self-inflicted due to his stupidly activating the self-destruct lever for the tomb with one of his sacks of gold).
- The sequel has Baltus Hafez, the cultist who is responsible for resurrecting Imhotep so that he can slay the Scorpion King, who like Beni Gabor is a Dirty Coward, and like Beni suffers a horrible death... ironically at the hands of the Scorpion King which is what he sought to kill. Based on Imhotep's complete refusal to save Hafez just before the latter's demise, even he had little tolerance for him.
- The third film continues the trend with Roger Wilson. Unlike Yang and Choi, who wish to restore China to its former glory, or even the Dragon Emperor, who wanted to restore his empire, Roger Wilson only cares about himself, and like Baltus Hafez and Beni before him, has a cowardly side. And he too betrays Alex much like Beni had betrayed his father before him. He makes the mistake of asking the emperor to take him with him and is decapitated for his troubles, though strangely enough his death is tame compared to the other two (and the latter party's deaths weren't even caused by the emperor, unlike Wilson's).
- Killer Klowns From Outer Space has Officer Mooney. Not only is he a jerk, he does nothing to help Crescent Cove when the reports start flying in of killer klowns that among other things, are turning people into cotton candy. He suffers an ironic fate when, after declaring that nobody will make a dummy out of him, he ends up being turned into a puppet by one of the klowns.
- Back to The Future has Biff Tannen, a Jerk Jock who bullies Marty's father George. Not only did he bully George in the past, he continues to do so in the present day. Thankfully, when Marty goes to the past, he ends up giving George an opportunity to stand up to him, which he takes. This results in Biff working for George in the present day instead. He's even worse in the sequel where he outright commits murder.
- In the first Alien, Ash is one of these to some extent. Admittedly, he is doing what he is told (and programmed to, since he is a robot). But nevertheless, he is luring the rest of his crew into a death trap. And if it weren't for him, they would all probably still be alive. It was the cast's personality flaws that ended up doing them in though, not just Ash. Ripley was the exception (along with the cat, who was smart enough to try to hide from the alien).
- Aliens: Paul Reiser's company guy, Carter Burke, who can be considered Ash's successor. The aliens are already scary, but they’re motivated by sustenance and their desire to reproduce, so they include Burke as the weaselly company guy that only cares about money and fame. He knows about the aliens ahead of time and sends the colonists to investigate. He disagrees with nuking the site from orbit. He tries to impregnate Newt and Ripley with alien embryos with a plan to sabotage and kill the other heroes. Finally, he cowardly retreats behind a door and locks the other heroes out, where he is deliciously killed by an alien. One could argue he's not as bad as Maron Wren, but he sure is hateable.
- In the novel, he was to be found attached to a wall when Ripley went on her rescue mission to save Newt. Begging for death, she hands him a grenade instead.
- Die Hard: Richard Thornburg. The German terrorists/bank robbers have awesome accents and their leader is the perfect villain to love: intelligent, Wicked Cultured, and friendly to the hostages to a degree, but swift and deadly toward the authorities and driven by greed. So who do you hate? Thornburg, that ends up exposing who Holly McClane really is by threatening the McClane housekeeper with deportation and terrorizes their kids all for the sake of a story. Possibly the greatest comeuppance example: he is punched by Holly McClane at the end.
- Coke snorting yuppie Harry Ellis, who constantly badly flirts with Holly exposes John's identity to the terrorists, probably hoping to finally get her in the sack. He ends up getting shot in the head by the terrorists.
- To a somewhat lesser degree, the two Agent Johnsons (no relation). They are rather disrespectful to Powell and the other police, unknowingly play into the robbers' hands by cutting the power, and are perfectly fine with allowing some of the hostages to die if it means getting the villains.
- Thornburg gets zapped with a stun gun by the same Holly McClane in Die Hard 2 after revealing on international TV that the airport has been hijacked, thereby causing a panic that the authorities were desperately trying to avoid. William Atherton seems to have made a career playing jerks we love to hate. Speaking of which...
- Ghostbusters: Walter Peck, probably the quintessential Obstructive Bureaucrat. You can't hate ghosts or Gozer. But this pencil pusher is pissed that someone has the audacity to be as cool as the ghost busters. So he shuts their containment system down, causing the climax of the movie.
- Peck must be a complete Jerkass to avoid stirring up Fridge Logic. Peck's insistence the Ghostbusters follow environmental laws is hardly unreasonable, even if he is a jerk. Egon already Lampshaded the questionable legal status of their business with his line about "unlicensed nuclear accelerators."
- He doesn't believe in all this "ghost mumbo jumbo", and there's implications that he's one of the reasons for the Ghostbusters losing all credibility between films. But still, when you've got the guy who invented this machine telling you the horrid consequences for turning it off, and an unbiased electrician telling you he's never seen the likes of it before, you have to be borderline Too Dumb to Live to go ahead and turn it off anyway. At the very least he should have simply gotten a court-ordered injunction to have them stop 'busting until third-party groups could look over the equipment.
- Peck must be a complete Jerkass to avoid stirring up Fridge Logic. Peck's insistence the Ghostbusters follow environmental laws is hardly unreasonable, even if he is a jerk. Egon already Lampshaded the questionable legal status of their business with his line about "unlicensed nuclear accelerators."
- Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers: John Strode, an abusive father who disowns his daughter and a general Jerkass. When Michael electrocutes him, audiences were cheering.
- The Banana Splits Movie has no less than three Asshole Victims. For example, there's Andy, who wishes to cancel the show simply because he thought it was boring, uncaring that doing so would put several people out of a job. He ends up causing the animatronics to snap and go on a murderous rampage. Unfortunately for him, the animatronics figure out his intentions and sentence him to a horrible death.
- There's also Stevie, the Banana Splits's token human. Not only is he unpopular with the audience, he doesn't behave himself when he's off the set. He's the one person who's onboard with Andy's plan to cancel the show and dismantle the animatronics. Unfortunately for him, he makes the mistake of revealing Andy's intentions and he's subsequently killed.
- Finally, there's Harley's very own father, Mitch, who shamelessly cheats on his wife Beth. He ends up being run over by Snorky, though since Snorky isn't as violent as the other three, he survives. It happens to him again, this time fatally, when Poppy decides to run him over too.
- The Rezort: With the movie taking place after a zombie apocalypse, there are people who inevitably want to kill the zombies for revenge. There's a resort created specifically so people could do that. However, it becomes a plot point that perhaps people SHOULDN'T kill the zombies for sport, since it theoretically encourages people to kill the living as well. The zombies were once human, after all. But if we shouldn't hate the zombies, who should we hate on? Valerie Wilton, the person owning the eponymous resort for zombie hunters. As it turns out, she has been abducting people and transforming them into zombies to ensure that the resort stays in business, meaning that she's responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people. And when the Rezort's security systems shuts down, she decides that it's every woman for herself. Unsurprisingly, the zombies decide that they'll kill her instead of the protagonist Melanie when they manage to locate the two of them.
- Twister: Cary Elwes plays the corporate-backed scientist Jonas. You can't rage at the tornadoes, right? They're a force of nature, and they inspire awe in the heroes and give them purpose. But this guy "sold-out" and got corporate funding, making him a puppet of The Man (and why would a scientist ever want funding?). His team travel in four sinisterly identical black SUVs compared to our Ragtag Bunch of Misfits' ragtag assortment of vehicles, he's a hack that doesn't know the true science and just copies the heroes or relies too much on the instruments rather than the clairvoyant way that Helen Hunt just stares at the storm and knows which way it will go. Ultimately, his whole team is sucked into the storm when he arrogantly ignores the heroes' warnings.
- Sean Parker from The Social Network. In a story full of Gray and Gray Morality, he's the closest character portrayed as an outright villain due to what a Jerkass he is.
- Dirty Harry: Sudden Impact: Mick's wife Ray is described as a witch by the people that she meets. And there's a reason with that. She assisted Mick with her gang rape of Jennifer and her sister by luring the two of them in a trap, resulting in the latter ending up in a catatonic state. She dies a karmic death when she refers to Jennifer's sister as a slut, resulting in Jennifer shooting her in retaliation.
- The Purge: The killer who murdered Senator Roan’s Family during the Purge. He doesn’t have a lot of screen time, but during said screentime, he makes it all too clear that he’s a pretty nasty individual. He’s actually the reason why Roan wants to remove the Purge.
- We Summon the Darkness: John Henry Butler is an Evil priest cultist whom among other things, Brainwashes Teenage Girls Including his own Daughter, driving her to murder his wife alongside his daughters intended targets, murdering a teenage boy, And then murders her after pretending to be a caring dad, as he was afraid of his cover being blown. And pretends to be a grieving father to someone he clearly never gave a shit about and use it to garner false sympathy so he can continue his vile ways he reality makes you wish for a sequel in which he dies a slow and painful death.
- However Alexis the Daughter in question is apparently not that much better than her father and seems to be totally in league with her father who she viciously defends, and ironically possibly the only person she ever actually cared about. She is the leader of a group of girls who murder Heavy metal fans and Frame them up as Satanic Murder-Suicides to invite people to her fathers church her backstory may be sad with her abusive father and all but As with Ramsey Bolton her vileness destroys any sympathy we may have had and nobody cried when she gets hit by a car dead.
- Her accomplice Val although likely brainwashed comes of as extremely bloodthirsty and obnoxious and even less sympathetic as she is given no depth whatsoever. Fortunately her hair is set on Fire.
- Harvey Baylor in the laughably awful Planet of the Dinosaurs. The protagonists have all crash-landed on a far-flung planet inhabited by prehistoric creatures, with no way to contact Earth and little hope of being rescued. Harvey proceeds to whine indiscriminately about how he's the Vice President of Spaceways Incorporated (and therefore their boss) and he can get them all fired, complains about having to do so much walking with no clear endpoint, and repeatedly sexually harasses his secretary. You can't hate the dinosaurs because they're dinosaurs (and barely put in any appearances in the movie anyway), and you can't hate the planet because it's a planet. But BOY can you hate Harvey Baylor! Thankfully he dies about halfway through the movie by being fatally gored by a Centrosaur and tossed off a cliff.
- You can't hate the titular eldritch abominations from The Langoliers (especially since they're just a creepy noise closing in from over the horizon for most of the story), and there's no one to really blame for stranding the characters in the past. But there's Toomy. Hateful, spiteful, assholish, with Freudian excuses and issues stacked high, who annoys, irritates and backstabs. Yeah, you can hate Toomy. You can't not hate Toomy. He gets eaten by the title Clock Roaches near the end of the movie.
- In a similar Stephen King example, in the live action production of The Mist, the monsters are terrifying but you can't hate them because they don't appear to be acting with true malice. They're just trying to fulfill their instincts. But boy, oh boy, can you ever hate Mrs. Carmody, the shrill, hateful Jesus freak who looks down her nose at anyone who isn't as "righteous" as she is and whipped the mob into a religious frenzy that almost resulted in the murder of the protagonist's young son.
- Let's go for King story number 3: Percy Wetmore in The Green Mile. You can't hate the racism in the '30s that put John Coffey on Death Row; you can't hate the system for making sure he'll die in the electric chair; and you sure as hell can't hate Old Sparky itself. But you can definitely hate Percy, who uses the fact that he's the nephew of the governor's wife to duck authority at every turn...even after deliberately sabotaging the execution of a convict he particularly hates and having him literally fried alive. His comeuppance comes in the form of Mr. Coffey, who "uses him as a gun" to kill a more proper villain, William Wharton, then leaves him catatonic.
- And now King story number 4: Captain Hadley, Bogs Diamond, and Warden Norton are all the main sources of Andy's suffering during his stay in prison during The Shawshank Redemption, and each is viler and more hateable than the last. Hadley is a violent psycho who brutalizes inmates for the smallest offenses and swears like a sailor, Bogs is a sadistic serial rapist who rapes Andy again and again, and despite his jovial Jesus-loving good-ole boy schtick, Norton is a slimy hypocrite who uses his prisoners as glorified slave labor and is more than happy to force Andy to stay in prison despite knowing that he's innocent and tortures him by sticking him in solitary confinement for weeks when he objects. Thankfully, each bastard gets their comeuppance while Andy escapes and flees the country.
- IT (2017) & IT: Chapter Two (2019) have IT/Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Murdering Bill Denbrough's younger brother Georgie in 1988, the following summer, it taunts the possibility of Georgie being still alive, sending the Losers' Club on a fruitless hunt, getting them almost killed in in the process, manipulates The Henry Bowers into doing its bidding, abducts Beverly Marsh with obviously lewd intentions, and even threatens to take Bill away with a false promise of going on to live long, happy lives. 27 years later, it pretends to save a gay man named Adrian Mellon from drowning, only to eat him, as his boyfriend Don Haggerty watches, taunts Richie Toizer about being gay, murders a young girl with a false promise of removing her birthmark, further taunts Bill about his inability to save Georgie by making him relive it by murdering another boy in front of him, taunts the Losers' Club about Stan Uris' scuicide, and even murders Eddie Kasprak in the form of a Giant Spider before its ultimate downfall.
- And while we're on IT, there's also Al Marsh, Beverly's abusive and sexually disturbed father who sees his daughter as nothing but an extension of his deceased wife.
- Carl Anhauser from 2012... is a subversion of this, surprisingly. While he acts like a dick for much of the movie and occasionally lashes out at people, he's still trying to keep as many people alive as possible, and the movie never really paints him as a completely bad person.
- And my oh my, what could a surname like Anhauser possibly remind you of?
- Jurassic Park franchise:
- In the first movie:
- Donald Gennaro, the lawyer. Specifically, because of how different his character is in the book from the movie. In the book he is actually fairly competent and brave, not the useless, spineless, one-dimensional character in the movie, illustrating the screenplay writers needed someone the audience to focus some hate on, because you can't hate the heroes or the dinosaurs, right? He's the only person to not see any problem with the dinosaurs, shows his stupidity on the tour by asking if the people on tour are "auto-erotic" (perhaps confused with animatronic). and then abandons the children during the scene with the T-Rex. His comeuppance of getting eaten sitting on the toilet (which Ian Malcolm accidentally causes) is masterful.
- There's also Dennis Nedry. Whereas Nedry has a [[Freudian Excuse]] in the novel, in the movie he has none. He endangers everyone by deactivating most of the park’s security systems (apart from the raptors, since even he knew how dangerous they were), simply so he can get paid. He later leaves behind a taunting message to Ray Arnold when he tries to fix things. He dies an ironic death when one of the dinos he released decides to eat him.
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom introduces us to Eli Mills and Ken Wheatley, who pretend to help Owen and Claire with rescuing the dinosaurs from Isla Nublar when it is about to erupt but are revealed to be Evil All Along. The true reason for their team being sent to Isla Nublar is for the dinosaurs to be sold at the former's auction out of their insatiable Greed; Mills plans to illegally sell dinosaurs to black market dealers before using his money to weaponize dinosaurs for warfare, while Wheatley wants to get his bonus from Mills and also treats dinosaurs cruelly by yanking their teeth off of their gums to add them to his own collection. Mills is also the first human murderer in the film series; instead of turning himself in as told by the elderly Benjamin Lockwood, Mills suffocates him to death with a pillow before cruelly revealing to the heroes that his "granddaughter" Maisie is actually a clone Lockwood made from his own daughter who died in a car accident. On the other hand, Wheatley has zero qualms with leaving the heroes to die in Isla Nublar once he captures Blue for Mills' operation. You can be sure that these two got what they deserved when they were ultimately killed by the very dinosaurs that they showed complete disdain for.
- In the first movie:
- God Bless America is a GOLD MINE of Hate Sinks
- Chloe the Spoilt Brat of a Reality star who brags about her wealth and her attractivenss screams at her parnts for Getting her The Wrong car among other stuff. All the while exhibiting every Alpha Bitch from every teen movie ever, While she is never seen doing as such Roxy seems ellated at her death (Although Roxy IS a sociopathic killer who in a diffrent movie would be this trope)
- Her Parents who are to Blame for her Daughters brattiness
- Asheylee and Skyler Chloes freinds for their obnoxiousness and shallowness (Especialy Skyler)
- Michael Fuller the Steroytpical Right Wing news anchhor who is introduced by mocking a dead vetrans mother
- The Simon Cowell expy who has no redeeming features of the real thing
- Ava Franks Spoiled Daughter
- The Panake Eating Paedophile
- The Guy who Uses Two parking Spaces
- The TMZ Parody
- Hell even Frank and Roxy may count to an extent
- Franks Co-Workers
- The first Resident Evil Movie has Spence. While the main villain the Red Queen is a well-intentioned extremist who wishes to prevent the T-Virus from leaking (though there are apparently several flaws with her AI, since she didn’t tell anyone about the T-Virus leak in the first place), this is not the case with Spence. He’s the one who started the T-Virus outbreak in the first place, simply so that he could get some ill-gotten cash by selling it on the black market. While it seems like he loves Alice at first, it ultimately becomes apparent that all he cares about is money. Small wonder Alice smashes her fake wedding ring after encountering the zombified Spence once the Licker catches him.
- Resident Evil Afterlife: Kim Koates plays the annoying Bennett, a movie producer trapped in an L.A. prison with a few other survivors. His character is the classic hate sink-he is rude, selfish, and disagrees with every other main character on decisions. When things start to go wrong, he shoots a fellow survivor and then escapes in a small plane, leaving the rest behind. Then in the climax, he does the bidding of the main evil character so that he is saved. But he gets his just desserts when the heroes defeat the main villain and leave him to be eaten by some unseen horror, heavily implied to be said main villain as a side effect of having to regenerate himself.
- Unstoppable: You can't hate a runaway train, but you can hate Obstructive Bureaucrat Galvin. His comeuppance is that he loses his job afterwards.
- None of the groups at play in Ant-Man and the Wasp come out looking perfect, but Sonny Burch — despite his genteel surroundings— is a greedy bastard after the Pym technology and whatever money he can pick up on the side. Scott even calls him a "weasel" as he tries to catch him at the end.
- Gremlins has Mrs. Deagle. While the gremlins are the reason people watch the movie (especially Gizmo), Mrs. Deagle is a cruel woman who threatens to murder a dog and is willing to evict people on Christmas Eve. Small wonder she ends up becoming a victim of the titular Gremlins. She’s actually worse in the deleted scenes.
- Deadpool features Ajax, a sadistic and sociopathic Mad Scientist who puts his victims through Cold-Blooded Torture to stress them into turning into mutants so he can sell them. His stress experiment is the reason why Wade Wilson (AKA: Deadpool) is so deformed. He also kidnaps and threatens Wade's girlfriend, Vanessa, out of spite. Wade eventually kills Ajax once the latter admits that he lied about there being a cure for the former's deformity.
- Deadpool 2 features the Orphanage Headmaster who sadistically tortures young mutants under his care due him considering them to be "abominations". He is especially cruel towards Russell, which eventually results in the latter's Start of Darkness that contributes to Cable's Bad Future. He's also proven to be a Dirty Coward once Russell hunts him down; not even thanking Deadpool and his gang for sparing him in order to prevent Russell from heading on to the said dark path. He eventually gets killed by Dopinder's taxi in the most satisfactory way possible.
- Asa Watts from The Cowboys. Let's see... he threatens to slit a schoolboy's throat if he ever tells Mr. William Anderson about him, murders Mr. Anderson at a campfire by shooting him several times before leaving him and the schoolboys to die in the wilderness, and attempts to hang his friend, an innocent African-American cook named Mr. Nightlinger, to his death. He clearly wasn't meant for any sympathy, especially since everyone from the cattle drive were either smiling, were emotionless, or had hate in their eyes, when they saw Watts being dragged to his doom by his horse.
- Star Wars:
- The Prequel Trilogy: General Grievous was essentially a huge badass (even if severely downplayed compared to The Clone Wars cartoon from the early 2000s); Darth Maul likewise stole the show for The Phantom Menace; Jango Fett, while otherwise aligned with the Separatists, was at least shown to be a surprisingly good father to Boba Fett; Count Dooku was also motivated in part with restoring the Republic even with his being a Sith Lord and was genuinely saddened by his pupil Qui-Gon Jinn's death; Vader at least was initially concerned with making sure his wife survived childbirth as his motive for falling into villainy (not to mention, being the main protagonist, we kind of have to root for him by default) and even Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine at least was shown to be pretty charismatic as a character, a huge Magnificent Bastard and a Large Ham at times. The Separatist Council, on the other hand, are a group of Corrupt Corporate Executives who make a profit off of selling the Separatists weapons and battle droids to fight the war with, thus being responsible for massive amounts of casualties and violence throughout the war. They are fully aware of it, but don't care because it makes them rich. In addition, Nute Gunray, the leader of one of the member groups of said council, the Trade Federation, attempted to have Padme assassinated out of spite over the events of the first film and insisted that Count Dooku arrange for it as a condition to joining.[4] One might feel sorry for them when Anakin Skywalker slaughters them on Palpatine's orders though, seeing as Palpatine promised them peace.
- A New Hope: Admiral Conan Motti is introduced dismissing General Cassio Tagge's concerns about the threat of the Rebel Alliance despite a major victory, declaring the Death Star the "ultimate power in the universe". When chastised by Darth Vader for his arrogance, Motti proceeds to insult Vader and his adherence to the Force, prompting an enraged Vader to strangle him from across the room, with only Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's intervention stopping the Sith Lord from killing Motti. Unbowed, Motti spends the rest of the film willingly complying with Tarkin's orders to commit genocide and his pronouncements are proven wrong when Luke Skywalker drops a proton torpedo into the Death Star's reactor, killing everyone onboard the Death Star including Motti (for added irony, General Tagge survives, having left the Death Star prior to its destruction)[5]. A figure portrayed as Trigger Happy and pompous by his actor and subsequent material, Admiral Motti serves as a stark warning to those who doubt the power of the Force.
- The Empire Strikes Back: Admiral Kendal Ozzel is an incompetent Imperial officer who consistently hinders Darth Vader's efforts to find the Rebels through his contrarian personality. His clumsy tactics during the Battle of Hoth prove to be the final straw, as Darth Vader unceremoniously strangles him to death with the Force to demonstrate the price of abject failure to the rest of the crew before promoting Ozzel's second-in-command, Captain Firmus Piett, to Admiral. It's also revealed that Ozzel came from a privileged family and only got his position through powerful connections, as his superiors deemed him unfit to be an efficient field commander (and even the movie strongly implies that the blunder involving Hoth's energy shield was not even Ozzel's first failure while under Vader's command), thus making his execution well-deserved. Side material however portrays him more sympathetically, as his final thoughts have him regret joining the Empire.
- The repulsive, hedonist Jabba the Hutt, who ironically enough, protagonist Han Solo works for along with the Rebel Alliance. When Han Solo fails to repay his debt to him, he decides to make a trophy out of him by having him frozen in carbonite. And when Leia tries to rescue him, he decides to make him his slave girl, and it's not the first time that he has done this, either. Those who displease him are dropped through a trapdoor where they'll be eaten by a horrible monster (specifically, a Rancor). And while it was Emperor Palpatine ultimately who set Anakin Skywalker down his dark path, he played a role in his transformation into Darth Vader, as he was the reason why he was a slave to begin with.
- Captain Phasma, commander of the First Order Stormtroopers, in the Sequel Trilogy. In both the The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, she shows herself to be not only cruel by Stormtrooper standards but a Dirty Coward who will sell out anyone for her own personal benefit. Delving into the Star Wars Expanded Universe only increases this as it shows just cruel and empty a person Phasma is.
- Bohemian Rhapsody: Most of the cast is pretty much likeable, and since it's a biopic on Queen as well as Freddie Mercury, it's pretty clear they really can't be hated. Paul Prenter, their stage manager, however, is a completely different story, as he is depicted as a Toxic Friend Influence to Freddie and is pretty much the main reason besides Freddie himself for why Freddie ended up going very low, and pretty much the reason why Queen ultimately broke apart at the seams midway through the film. Oh, and he deliberately blamed others for his bad ideas, most notably framing John Reid for the CBS deal and having him take the fall, and he deliberately withheld vital information from Freddie such as Mary Astin, Freddie's former flame, trying to contact him, as well as a Live Aid concert, and has been implied to be an abusive partner to Freddie as well as trying to resort to blackmail. Oh, and it's also implied that Paul may have been the reason why Freddie embraced his bisexual lifestyle that ultimately killed him, with the very likely possibility that Paul may have been responsible for inflicting Freddie with AIDS before their "break up."
- The Nutty Professor has Reggie Warrington. He spends his time making fun of people, and proceeds to make fun of the titular character, Sherman Klump. This results in him becoming the Lean and Mean Buddy Love. It's satisfying to see Buddy Love proceed to insult him and then beat him up, though it foreshadows his role as the villain later on.
- In the Jurassic Park novel which the movies are based off of, ironically, John Hammond fills the role very nicely; he's an arrogant, rich bastard used to getting his own way, whose refusal to listen to criticism ends up getting numerous people killed. His comeuppance is falling prey to the dinosaurs himself at the very end, after it seems as though they're safe. In the movie he's upgraded to a kindly old man who loves his grandkids and whose only fault is naive overconfidence...and sexism in survival situations.
- In the Artemis Fowl series, there's Opal Koboi. While her appearance in the second book is mostly standard villainy, in the fourth book, her revenge scheme is nothing short of repulsive. She not only kills Julius Root, but also manages to find a way to frame Holly Short for the crime. She later plans to feed both Holly and Artemis to trolls, and was originally planning to kill Foaly in this manner… gruesomely. Finally, she decides she's going to expose the fairy world to humans everywhere, potentially causing a full-scale war between the two races.
- In the Malazan Book of the Fallen novel Deadhouse Gates the Chain of Dogs (a massive host of refugees marching across the continent) is constantly being attacked by enemy armies, but our viewpoint character for these sections of the story never gets more than a few glimpses of the enemy leaders. Without a face or personality to put to them, it's hard to dislike the armies of the Apocalypse on a personal level. Instead, we're invited to vent our loathing upon a group of whiny nobles within the Chain of Dogs, who protest the Canon Sue's actions at every turn, are openly cruel to their servants, and get a lot of their fellow refugees killed through incompetence.
- Harry Potter: While Lord Voldemort did some pretty despicable stuff in the book's backstory, including killing Harry's parents, he at least gets a pass for being a badass, having some comedic quirks and a tragic backstory in which his mother seduced his father with a love potion. When she stopped giving it to him, he abandoned both his wife and unborn son. However, there are plenty of other characters who are designed to be far more detestable.
- Order of the Phoenix gives us Dolores Umbridge. In this book in which the Big Bad Voldemort is laying low, she takes the stage as the main face of opposition, and is one of the most hated characters in the franchise. Umbridge, on the other hand, is a good demonstration of what you get when you take a bigoted, hypocritical shrew and give her authority, and is so plausibly cruel in the course of her travesties of justice that readers find their blood seething with her every word and deed.
- Cornelius Fudge isn’t as bad as his employee (the aforementioned Umbridge), but his refusal to believe that Lord Voldemort has returned end up causing a breakout in Azkaban, even though Harry Potter and Dumbledore provided evidence that Voldemort had indeed returned. He also allowed laws to be passed that oppress half-breeds, which make it easier for the dark Wizard to build an army. Small wonder that everyone wants him removed from office when they realize that Harry and Dumbledore were telling the truth and that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had indeed been restored to life.
- Bellatrix Lestrange is described as being as mad as Lord Voldemort himself and being without a conscience, given that the family she hails from, the House of Black, prioritizes pureblood supremacy over everything else like love. She also loves torturing others with the Cruciatus Curse...which incidentally can only be used if you take pleasure in people's suffering, as Harry Potter finds out when he tries to use it on her. Also, four words encapsulate why the fandom in particular has such volcanic hatred for her: "I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK!" What's particularly noteworthy is that she freely chose to do all of these things presumably without any known deficiencies affecting her, while Voldemort at least had the excuse of being partly from an inbred family as well as literally being left incapable of understanding emotions such as love due to being conceived by what was essentially a date rape drug.
- Gilderoy Lockhart isn’t as bad as Dolores Umbridge, but if there was a trophy for the biggest fraud in the history of wizardry, one would likely want to give it to him. Who knows how many wizards and witches had their achievements (to say little about their memories as insurance) stolen by him? He even goes as far as to decide to murder a girl through inaction so he can pretend to be a basilisk slayer. (Though it was unlikely to fool anyone for long).
- The starter villains of the series, the Dursleys. While they all have redeeming qualities, they are still jerks to Harry. Dudley however stops being a Hate Sink following the prologue of Order of the Phoenix, when the Dementors (since they didn’t have any material to work with to make him feel depressed) make him realize what a jerk he had been.
- The series also has Peter Pettigrew, who sells out his friends to the Big Bad, Lord Voldemort. Lord Voldemort himself only puts up with Peter because he is useful towards him, such as resurrecting him following his downfall for instance. Though having said that, Peter does SHOW some regret for his actions, though it's not immediately obvious.
- Dawlish is a corrupt Aurer who is the Wizarding equivalent of a Dirty Cop who never shows any redeeming features or bravery and seems to willingly still work for the ministry even after presumably knowing about the death eater takeover,
- While we never actually meet in person the Real Albert Runcorn what we learn about him is nothing but bad things that he is a racist bully of a ministry worker and who Harry grows ashamed of having to impersonate him but fourtuanly while he is never mentioned again Voldemort may have Killed him after he (actually Harry as aforementioned under polyjuice potion) set loads of muggle Borns free One can only hope
- Draco malfoy starts as one but soon grows out of it before out of this towards the end same cannot be said for his cronies Crabbe and Goyle escpeialy not Crabbbe who never show any redeeming fetures and are just one-deminsional bullies
- Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini are two other vile unpleasant Slytherins that Harry Ron and Hermione have to endure Pansy is based on girls who bullied Rowling in school as a child who sells out Harry to Voldermort and Blaise is well a spoiled Rich Bastard who has an ego the size of Gwarps ass.
- Marge Dursley has no redeeming features apart from the love of her brother and dogs otherwise she is a highly opinionated abusive aunt to Harry and is basically a Muggle Umbridge before we meet Umbridge.
- Rita Skeeter is a corrupt bullying obnoxious tabloid editor who spends the majority of Goblet of Fire making Harry and Hagrid's lives miserable with false news stories and accuses a fourteen-year-old Hermione of being a slut all the while spying on people as a beetle. She is mildly redeemed in the next book but only because Hermione is blackmailing her. After Voldemort’s defeat, she's back to her old tricks and as recently as 2014 she is still spreading vile rumours luckily Ginny deals with her
- Amos Diggory is an odd example. On one hand he has the sympathetic trait of loosing a son which causes massive grief. But in the books at least all of his other appearances portray him as a petty, judgmental, arrogant, borderline man-child who is very quick to accuse people of things they didn't do. In the Cursed Child he comes off as a Bitter old man who only cares about his own grief an while he was confounded by the supposed child of Voldemort he insults Harrys own experience and blames Harry for his sons death even though he should know full well he had PTSD.
- Travers is a Death Eater who is a massive Jerk with nothing cool about him and is without any Pet the Dog Moments
- Marrietta Edgcome was probably presented as one being a cowwardly traitor who sells out Dumbledores Army an act Hermionie consideres so unforgivable she enchants her face to read "Sneak"
- Since there's no real villain in Flight 116 Is Down by Caroline B. Cooney, the audience gets to focus their hatred on Darienne, a selfish passenger who ends up being completely unharmed in the crash. Heidi and Patrick work hard to save the passengers of the crashed plane while Darienne stands around doing nothing but complaining and being useless, yet she tries to take credit for saving people at the end. Even Patrick loses his cool when Darienne gets too much to handle.
- Rose Madder has Norman Daniels, who puts OTHER unlikable characters in Stephen King's works (such as Carrie Underwood) to shame. He's the type of husband who a woman would dread having, and beats his wife so much, she ends up suffering a miscarriage. And he didn't limit to himself to his wife either. He abused his position of authority (specifically a cop) so that he could rape and beat an African-American woman. When his wife unsurprisingly decides to leave him, Norman Daniels decides that he'll stop at nothing to get it back, even if it means torture and murder. His favorite killing method is biting his victims to death.
- Chris Hargensen from Carrie is characterized by her refusal to own up to her own actions. In fact, she's the only person who bullied Carrie to never show remorse for what she does. In fact, she decides to pull a nasty prank on Carrie over a punishment she wholly deserved-a week's detention (and suspension and being barred from the prom for NOT going to detention). She ends up being the catalyst to Carrie going insane and going on a murderous rampage.
- Matilda has the title character's father, Mr. Wormwood, who's perfectly willing to hurt people if it means obtaining wealth. While he DOES legally buy cars that have been used previously, he comes up with ways to trick people into thinking that they're buying fresh cars when they're not, using drills to reset the car's odometers and using sawdust on cars with faulty engines so that people won't know they'll break down until it's too late to return them. He's also a hypocrite who accuses his daughter of being a cheat and a liar instead of referring to himself as such. Miss Honey revealed that he had graduated to STEALING new cars and replacing their license plates so that he could pass them off as his own. Unsurprisingly, the police eventually become suspicious of him and he is forced to go off the grid as a result. While it's ambiguous as to whether he's arrested, he is forced to move away from town, so he at the very least receives SOME comeuppance for his crimes. His wife isn't as bad of a person by comparison, but she's a total slacker.
- Most of the villains in Airframe. Marder is a bellowing, greedy Jerkass, Malone is a Straw Character for sensationalism in the news, and Richman is a Smug Snake.
- Captain Underpants has Kipper and his friends, which appear in the ninth book of the series. In a time where George and Harold were kindergarteners and never fought any supervillains, Kipper and his pals prove themselves to be nothing but jerks. Unfortunately, they were untouchable due to the principal being Kipper’s uncle (Mr. Krupp). Fortunately, George and Harold scare them straight with a prank, and they actually start being nice to the kindergarteners.
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid has the duo of Erick Glick and Dennis Denard. The two of them sell papers and science projects that were made by other students to corrupt clients, and pressure Greg into buying from them. And yes, they’re stealing from basically everyone at school. Small wonder their punishment (being sentenced to detention for the rest of the year, with the implication that they’ll have to attend summer school) is severe.
- Deltora Quest has Prandine, an Obviously Evil advisor who ultimately turns out to be a servant of the Shadow Lord. He manipulates the kingdom into wearing the Belt of Deltora less and less often, knowing this would weaken the kingdom and make it easier for the Shadow Lord to conquer it. Even before it is eventually revealed that he is a shape shifting Ol, Jared doesn't like him.
- There’s also Ferdinand, a man who scams people out of his money with his rigged roulette game, and pretends to be disabled in order to earn sympathy from potential players. He was also apathetic towards his pet bird in the novel, uncaring that it had perished and was solely focused on getting a replacement. He's pretty small potatoes compared to Laughing Jack, however.
- Carmelita Spats in A Series of Unfortunate Events. According to Lemony Snicket, if you wanted to give the gold medal to the least delightful person on Earth, Carmelita Spats would be an excellent candidate. And no, she does not care about anyone but herself. Unsurprisingly, she has a habit of antagonizing the protagonists, who are orphans, no less. There's also Mr. Poe, who while not necessarily hateable, is a very frustrating character due to how unhelpful he is to the orphans.
- When she's at home in Kansas instead of the Land of Oz, Dorothy doesn't face any evil witches. What she does face is Miss Almira Gulch, who wishes to euthanize Toto for biting her... even though she provoked him by hitting him with a rake. In most professional play productions, she ends up becoming an Asshole Victim when the tornado causes a telephone pole to fall on top of her, either killing her outright or at the very least paralyzing her depending on the age bracket.
Live-Action Television[]
- Persons Unknown: We don't know who's behind the kidnappings of our main cast, but Bill Blackham, played by Sean O'Bryan, seems to be a repository for all the negative reactions one could have to being kidnapped and placed in a ghost town. Everything he does is selfish or irrational, especially his forcing Janet's gas mask away from her (which backfires), trying to rape Tori, and blackmailing Charlie when he finds out about Charlie's possible Mercy Kill / serial killing of his wife.
- Game of Thrones: Joffrey Baratheon is this trope personified. He's a viciously stupid dog-kicking machine with no redeeming features, and is hated by everyone In-Universe and out. When he kicks the bucket in Season 4, only Cersei mourns his death, and even she admits her son is a monster. He got so despised George R.R. Martin himself congratulated Jack Gleeson (Joffrey's actor) for his skills at achieving this status!
- Ramsay Bolton isn't any better. All his screentime being performing unspeakable atrocities for the fun of it. His Humiliation Conga and subsequent Karmic Death prove to be even more satisfying that Joffrey's, since his house goes down along with him.
- Netflix's hit series Orange is the New Black is set in a women's prison (which isn't necessarily about lesbian prisoners, contrary to what you might be thinking), so it's filled with pretty horrible people, inmates and staff alike. However, they tend to have sympathetic (even pitiful) moments and being funny and entertaining in their hijinks. Even the despicable Vee has pragmatic reasons for her vile actions. There's an exception to this rule in Season 3 with new prison ward Charlie "Donuts" Coates. Initially charming, he proves to be a repulsive excuse of a human being by raping inmate Pennsatucky (who has just turned around that season) in a van For the Evulz. Unlike anything else seen in the show, this is played completely seriously, made all the worse with Pennsatucky's Dark And Troubled Past regarding rape. Any of his appearances darken an already dark show, and seals his status as the most loathsome and irredeemably evil character in the series.
- Lizzie McGuire: The show in question takes place in a realistic setting, so it doesn’t have any villains. It does however have mean girls that antagonize Lizzie McGuire, the protagonist. While Kate has a tendency to act selfish, that is not to say she doesn’t have redeeming qualities. However, her best friend Claire is even worse than she is, and she doesn’t have the redeeming qualities she does, meaning that she isn’t designed to be sympathetic at all.
- V: The 1983 series has Daniel Bernstein, who while not one of the aliens who are invading Earth in this series, is a Quisling and traitor to his own race, which is appropriate considering the invading aliens in this series are compared to Nazis. Even before the visitors came, he did not have many friends. He even goes as far as killing his own neighbor when he discovers she has been spying on the Visitors. Karma condemns him when the Resistance decides to frame him for the murder of Brian, which results in Steven giving the other Visitors permission to eat him.
- ICarly has the two sadist teachers in the form of Ms. Briggs and Mr. Howard. None of them are remotely pleasant. In Mr, Howard’s case, he gives Sam detention simultaneously as the ICarly special. And in Ms. Briggs' case, she also plays bagpipes poorly, which hurts the ears of those who hear her play. And while she was willing to forgive Carly and Spencer for sneaking into her house (or trying to help Carly and Spencer get away with it in Sam’s case), she chooses to play the bagpipes on ICarly, which could have resulted in the show’s cancellation. Incidentally, the two of them both appear in "IHave My School Principals", in which the two of them take over the school. This is not the case with the school principal Franklin, but it’s rather questionable as to why he hired those two in the first place.
- Some of the one-shot characters are this as well. There's Wade Collins from "IRocked the Vote". After he scores second place in a music competition and is upset about not winning the prize money due to his ill mother, the ICarly gang decide to help him. Not only does he spend his time acting like a jerk to the main cast when they decide to help him make money, it later turns out that he was lying about his mother the whole time and was simply trying to make the ICarly gang feel sorry for him so that he can use them as his servants (It's implied that this behavior is because of his mother, but it's not really dwelt upon).
- Super Sentai:
- Great Professor Bias of Choujuu Sentai Liveman qualifies. While his three generals have sympathetic moments and were nothing more but tools to his grand plan, Bias is meant to be even more repulsive and deplorable as possible. He would go so far to dispose those who serve him have outlived of their usefulness.
- Choujin Sentai Jetman: Even worse than Radiguet and/or Tranza is Supreme Commander Akira Ichijou. He exists just to make Commander Aya Odagiri and the Jetmen's lives to utter complete hell and he cares about himself and his career, leaves his task force to die to a Vyram monster for no apparent reason at all and even prevents Odagiri's team from getting involved. Even Aya describes him to be a shameless human being and he is proven to be just as deplorable than either Radiguet or Tranza of all people.
- Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger has Basco ta Jolokia, Marvelous's Arch Enemy. Basco is a two-faced, spiteful backstabber who will go further lengths to get what he wants. He's more willing to take anyone or anything for granted to achieve that goal, like killing off his own pet, Sally, and then blowing up a school full of children.
- Din Djarin fights his way through all kinds of shady and unsavory types during his adventures in The Mandalorian, some more vile than others.
- Migs Mayfeld and his crew of bounty hunters are this, being a band of smug assholes who are nothing but rude and disrespectful to Din and his people's customs, are willing to hurt The Child for fun, and murder a scared prison guard in cold blood when Din tries to peacefully disarm him. However, when Mayfeld appears in Season 2, he loses this status due to showing off a plethora of redeeming qualities, culminating in him killing his ridiculously loathsome former commanding officer in the Imperial Army for his callous attitude towards letting his soldiers die on purpose, most of which were Mayfeld's friends.
- Valin Hess is a ridiculously creepy high-ranking Imperial officer who's just as ruthless as Grand Moff Tarkin, but with none of his wit and likability. When talking with Din and Mayfeld, he shows no remorse in sending thousands of his troops to their deaths and is downright smug about outliving them, then goes on to boast about willing to commit the atrocity that killed all those men on a grander scale. Viewers have been known to cheer when Mayfeld shuts his smug ass up by plugging him in the head with a blaster bolt.
- Morgan Elsbeth is the tyrannical magistrate of Corvus, who rules over the planet with an iron fist and gleefully tortures and orders the deaths of innocent civilians as easily as breathing, all the while overseeing an operation to strip mine the planet of everything it's worth. It's hard not to sympathize with Ahsoka's deep, seething hatred of the bitch due to her being as unlikable as humanly possible with every bit of screentime that's afforded to her.
- Most of the bullies in Stranger Things, with the exception of Steve Harrington, are demon incarnates with no heart or soul. Troy Walsh, the bully of the first season even goes as far as threatening to cut Dustin's teeth off with a knife.
- The Master during the Thirteenth Doctor's era of Doctor Who. While the Master's Harold Saxon (during the Tenth Doctor's era) and Missy (during the Twelfth Doctor's era) had their Tragic Villain moments and showed that they still had some affection for the Doctor, the Spy Master has none of this. He is little more than a petty bully who kicks dogs because he can. Though the show initially offers some Freudian Excuses as to why he's so spiteful, it soon becomes clear that those excuses are just surface level and that the Master is cruel because he can be.
- Seda in ''Unutma Beni/Turkish Drama. She constantly bothers Ali and İlkay and acts like a total crybaby that whines and begs a lot. It's no surprise that Türker eventually shot her to death.
- Handan Kürkçü in ''Beni Affet/Turkish Drama. She caused a lot of ruckus in season 2, terrorized innocent people and still acted like a woman child as mentioned above. She even tried to pin her crimes on Berat.
- Inspector Javert is the main villain of Les Misérables, but while he does make life miserable for Valjean, Javert honestly believes that he's the good guy and he's just trying to do his job and arrest what he believes to be a dangerous criminal; when Javert realizes that Valjean is really a good person through and through, it turns his world upside down. So who can the audience hate? The Thenardiers, the cowardly comic relief thieves who abuse Cosette, loot bodies during the Revolution, and try to attack Valjean's house, which leads to Cosette being sent away to protect her.
Video Games[]
- In Pokémon Gold and Silver, the evil Team Rocket organization only turns up three times and hardly drive the plot, and end up hardly detestable as a result. The Legendary Pokemon bare no direct threat to the player, either. However, the story features many encounters with your rude, thieving, Pokemon-abusing, borderline-sociopathic rival, who is much easier to hate.
- Until he finally undergoes Character Development, that is.
- Your rival in Red/Blue, though not to the extent of Silver. He's not evil in any sense, but he's a rude, annoying braggart, always one upping you and WILL make you want to beat his face in sooner or later.
- Resident Child-Hater Faba in the Alola games, even more so in Ultra, where he sells Lusamine and the rest out to the past villains. Lusamine herself accidentally became this in the original games thanks to the developers doing a bit too good of a job at making her scary. In theory, she's supposed to be a good woman whose mind has been warped by the Ultra Beasts, but in practice she comes off as a gleeful child-abusing, Pokemon-torturing sociopath on par with Ghetsis, to the point to where a lot of fans had serious issues with her getting redeemed at the end.
- Charon from Platinum and especially Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius from Black and White are other good examples of Hate Sinks designed to lack the likable factors of other villains in the franchise. The latter is not only an absolute hypocrite only in it for power, but he's also a child abuser and attempts to murder the player at least once, not to mention dealing massive damage to cities and showing not an inch of concern for anyone else. His Hydreigion, for example, knows Frustration, and it hits for maximum power. Compare that to other main villains, who often have Pokemon that show some manner of genuine bond with their owners; often a Crobat.
- Final Fantasy X. As it's rather hard to develop much hatred for a giant, emotionless crustacean regardless of how many people it kills (and even harder to keep coming up with excuses to wind up in the ocean having boss fights with it), Seymour keeps popping up in the plot to provide a speaking villain for the party to fight on land instead of Sin. While he does have his own motivations and does get somewhat tied into the plot with Sin, his personal impact on the story itself is quite minimal overall aside from providing ever more complex boss fights after you kill him and he just keeps creating ever more elaborate boss forms for himself.
- Volgin of Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater. His first action is blowing up his allies with a nuclear bomb, for the hell of it. However, despite being (relatively speaking) the Big Bad of the game, he's not the main antagonist - the game is much more interested in the relationship between Naked Snake and The Boss. Volgin simply serves as 1) a Homage and Affectionate Parody of James Bond villains; 2) a Foil to The Boss; and 3) a form of catharsis before The Reveal.
- Hot Coldman in Peace Walker is shown to be a sadistic madman who was arguably even worse than Volgin, including instigating Operation Snake Eater just to kill off The Boss, and it is also heavily implied that despite his talk about wanting to end nuclear proliferation, his actual motivation was more to get his job back at Langley after they largely demoted and exiled him to Central America for his role in Operation Snake Eater due to being too prideful over the event to shut up about it, and even decided to just have the world undergo all out nuclear war and deliberately opt to not divulge the cancellation code when dying, and it is also heavily implied that he essentially acted as the basis for the AIs. By contrast, Strangelove had the more sympathetic motive of trying to gain closure on why The Boss died and why Naked Snake kill her, Zadornov had an Even Evil Has Standards moment after Coldman activated Peace Walker and tried to launch a nuke at Cuba (despite largely being responsible for Cuba being targeted instead of Mother Base), Paz mostly was doing her actions because she was mandated to do so as a Tyke Bomb by Zero, Zero was implied to have disapproved of Coldman's final actions, and even Miller was mostly motivated with trying to increase MSF's prosperity.
- Huey Emmerich in The Phantom Pain fits into this trope as well, where he's pretty much a backstabber who is in it for himself, while the rest of the cast, even Skull Face, at least had some slightly sympathetic motivations for their actions.
- Hot Coldman in Peace Walker is shown to be a sadistic madman who was arguably even worse than Volgin, including instigating Operation Snake Eater just to kill off The Boss, and it is also heavily implied that despite his talk about wanting to end nuclear proliferation, his actual motivation was more to get his job back at Langley after they largely demoted and exiled him to Central America for his role in Operation Snake Eater due to being too prideful over the event to shut up about it, and even decided to just have the world undergo all out nuclear war and deliberately opt to not divulge the cancellation code when dying, and it is also heavily implied that he essentially acted as the basis for the AIs. By contrast, Strangelove had the more sympathetic motive of trying to gain closure on why The Boss died and why Naked Snake kill her, Zadornov had an Even Evil Has Standards moment after Coldman activated Peace Walker and tried to launch a nuke at Cuba (despite largely being responsible for Cuba being targeted instead of Mother Base), Paz mostly was doing her actions because she was mandated to do so as a Tyke Bomb by Zero, Zero was implied to have disapproved of Coldman's final actions, and even Miller was mostly motivated with trying to increase MSF's prosperity.
- Manhunt has Lionel Starkweather, a man with a horrific disregard for human life. He directs a variety of snuff films, partly because he wishes to make money and partly because he absolutely loves violence. He once was a normal movie detector whose career eventually came to an end, but by the present, any humanity he's had is long gone. And as if it weren't bad enough, he's making snuff films and decides to murder Cash's (the protagonist) family, who had been made to star in his latest snuff film. Even his page on Wikihunt notes just how despicable he is. His death at Cash's hands is arguably the most satisfying execution in the game.
- Super Paper Mario has Dimentio, the psychotic jester that is a minion of Count Bleck. While the latter is ultimately a sympathetic character who is motivated by the loss of his loved one (though he's clearly the villain, considering he is trying to end all worlds), Dimentio has no such tragic backstory and commits every action that Count Bleck does and more, wishing to destroy all worlds simply so that he could create new worlds that he can rule over. As such, he turns out to be the true villain of the game, not Count Bleck who ultimately redeems himself.
- Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse has Adramelech, who more or less represents the worst aspects of demonkind. Not only does he brutally murder two of Nanashi’s best friends in front of him, he ends up killing the teenage boy as well. Luckily, thanks to Dagda, Nanashi is brought back to life. Adramalech later reneges on his deal to fight both Asahi and Nanashi after working with them to stop Shesha. Fortunately, Nanashi and Asahi eventually do get a chance to kill Adramelech and avenge their friends, which they do.
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has Beldam. While her boss remains behind the shadows, Beldam appears fairly consistently throughout the game. She is shown abusing Vivian regularly, and later does the same to Doopliss. This behavior eventually causes Vivian to abandon her in favor of the more kind-hearted Mario. However, it's shown that in the end of the game she has changed her ways and is now amicable towards Vivian, implying that the Shadow Queen was the reason for her behavior.
- Grandia: Pakon is a selfish and arrogant teenage boy who places restrictions on adventures adventurers can go on, turning it more of a tour guide than an actual adventure agency despite what his father would have wanted. He also tries to force Feena to marry him, showing him to be lecherous as well. And unlike his father, he's too cowardly to fight his own battles, relying on karate master Chang to do his work. Having said that, it's shown that he has apparently turned over a new leaf, as he is now in a consensual engagement with the clerk at the Adventure agency.
- Bully (video game) gives us Mr. Hattrick. He is disliked by both of the students and the teachers. Mr. Galloway in particular turned to alcoholism because of the stress he gave him. Despite his bad behavior, he hypocritically tries to get Galloway fired for drinking. He’s eventually revealed to be selling test answers to rich kids, in other words allowing them to cheat at school. When Mr. Crabblesnitch finds out the truth, he fires him on the spot.
- There’s also Mr. Burton. He’s the one teacher who encourages bullying, and he played a role in getting Zoe expelled (she complained that he was sexually harassing her). He is also shown to bully students himself, and in an optional mission in the game, he has Jimmy steal girls’ panties for him, bribing him with money to commit the act of breaking into the girls’ dormitory. One of the missions in Chapter 5 is to humiliate him for all the trouble he caused. At the end of the game, he suffers the same fate as Mr. Hattrick.
- And of course, there’s Gary Smith, who is admittedly not unlike Jimmy, but stripped of all redeeming qualities. He acts as a friend to Jimmy, but due to his paranoia and wanting to make Jimmy fight Russell (uncaring that both of them could get hurt), he decides to turn on him. While Jimmy legitimately wants to make Bullworth a better place, Gary wishes to make it worse than it already is. In fact, he wants every faction to fight each other in a battle royale (including the townies, who hate Bullworth students in general). If it weren’t for Jimmy putting an end to the fighting, Bullworth would have basically been burned to the ground.
- Persona 3: Natsuki Moriyami is a subversion. While initially she’s a mean girl who bullies Protagonist Fuuka (who later proves to be a valuable asset to the SEES) she eventually has a change of heart and eventually becomes friends with her. (Fuuka did save her life, but that actually doesn’t have anything to do with her changing her ways, as she doesn’t remember it.)
- Shin Megami Tensei V:
- Lahmu the demon. While it might seem like he loves Sahori at first, as the game's second arc story is unraveled, it gradually comes clear that he is most likely meant to represent the dangers of online dating, regardless of whether he is a demon (that resembles an octopus who molests Japanese schoolgirls) or not. He corrupts Sahori into murdering the two girls that were oppressing her, and then destroys her humanity when he persuades her to merge with him. And he goes as far as to murder her best friend so he could more or less have Sahori all to himself. Luckily. Sahori eventually realizes the truth about him and allows the player to kill her so that he'll die too. It's heavily implied he was the manifestation of the darkness in Sahori's heart, however.
- Octopath Traveler: Primrose’s personal villains tend to fall into this. For example, there’s Helgenish, the man who she works for as a dancer. Not only does he treat his female employees horribly, he tortures her friend Yusufa to hunt her down after she walks out on him to find her father’s killers, and he then proceeds to murder her as well. While he's not a member of the Crow Men himself, it is revealed that he in fact associated with them, selling some of his dancers to Rufus the Left Hand of the Crows as part of his human trafficking ring. It’s a small wonder he also ends up on her revenge list.
- There's also Simeon, the Puppet Master, the person responsible for murdering Primrose's father who is described as being the evilest member of the Obsidians. He pretends to be a loving boyfriend towards her, only to eventually reveal while stabbing her that HE was the one who murdered her father along with her associates, and that he was the leader of the Crow Men the entire time. He then sets up a play mocking her life.
- Tales Of Symphonia has Kvar. While the Big Bad himself turns out to be a sympathetic character (though still a villain), this particular Grand Cardinal was never intended to be sympathetic and is known to be the cruelest amongst them. Like the other Grand Cardinals, he treats humans horribly, using them to farm Exspheres and subjecting them to hard labor. However, he also happens to be responsible for the death of Lloyd's mother, transforming her into a monster...giving her husband (later revealed to be Kratos) no good choice to kill her and put her out of her misery to protect himself and his son.
- Tales of Luminaria has the psychotic Colonel Clay, the man responsible for destroying August’s home village and killing his wife and daughter. He decided to experiment with wild beasts using the device built by the Empire, and he got a kick out of watching the village be destroyed. In the present, he continues what he did in the past with Federation soldiers, and enjoys every moment of it. Unfortunately for him, August decided to kill him by feeding him to beasts in retaliation after spending his time earning his trust. Laplace herself realized what August did to him, but doesn’t mind him being gone.
- Runescape: Out of the four God Wars Generals hoping to obtain the power of the Anima Mundi for their employer, Gregorovic is easily the most repulsive one. Since he wanted immortality, he abducted and then cruelly experimented on several elves in order to find out the secrets of their lifespan. After being turned into a jester monster by his master Sliske, he voluntarily drained the life from others in order to extend his lifespan. Unsurprisingly, both the Twin Furies and Helwyr despise him.
- Xenoblade Chronicles has Mumhkar, a Dirty Coward who decides to abandon his comrades who are risking their lives to protect the citizens of Bionis. He later ditches the cowardice, but comes back as a sadistic Mechon after his supposed demise and proceeds to sell out the Homs to the Mechon. He's also responsible for killing Fiora and the High Emperor, and rubs it into the faces of their loved ones, even if the former DOES return to life. By contrast, his boss Egil is sympathetic and has rather understandable motives, especially since Zanza possessed his best friend Arglas and turned him into his puppet.
- Stubbs The Zombie: Stubbs may be a zombie who's ending all life in a city, but he’s at least driven by his desire to be with Maggie Monday. Her father, Otis Monday however (who is a hillbilly, incidentally), is definitely hateable, for he brutally murdered Stubbs back when he was still alive, and he was already down on his luck to begin with. Even Chief Masters has a comedic side, but Otis's murder of Stubbs is not played for laughs.
- Dino Crisis has Dr. Edward Kirk. You can't exactly hate the dinosaurs, but you can certainly hate the Evil Brit who's responsible for making the dinosaurs travel across space and time in the first place, and doesn't care that people are being EATEN by the dinosaurs. He's actually comparable to Albert Wesker (his characterization in the original Resident Evil, to be precise). He's shown to think very highly of himself and is willing to speak ill of the dead. It doesn't matter if human lives are lost, as long as his research is successful, then everything is fine.
- Resident Evil: In the original Resident Evil, Albert Wesker played the role of the human antagonist you're meant to root against. Chances are you won't hate the Tyrant or the zombies. Wesker, however, knowingly sent both Bravo Team and Alpha Team to their deaths, and ends up becoming an Asshole Victim when the Tyrant impales him in the chest. His actions resulted in nearly every member of the team dying. However, later games in the series portrayed him as being more of a terrifying villain than a Hate Sink, and gave him superpowers to make him cooler.
- Resident Evil 2: Out of all the characters in the game, there's only one that you can really hate. The zombies? No, they're clearly the victims here... dangerous or not. William Birkin? Well,he was guilty on experimenting on innocent people, but he WAS planning to leave Umbrella and start a new life with his family before being mutated by his own virus (and in the Remake was very obviously trying to fight himself for control and trying to avoid harming Sherry until the G-portion literally subsumed his personality altogether). Annette Birkin? Not the best mother in the world, but by the time the game begins, she does regret not being there for Sherry, so it's entirely possible to sympathize with her (not to mention in the Remake was clearly trying to undo her husband's research). So who's left to hate? Brian Irons, the corrupt police chief who accepted bribes from Umbrella and allowed them to experiment on Umbrella's citizens. In addition to being clearly corrupt, Brian Irons is also a serial killer who was also accused of raping two students back when he was in college, collecting their bones and organs as trophies. His worst actions come when the T-Virus ends up infecting Raccoon City. He betrays his fellow police officers and plans to kill them all, personally shooting one in the back and remarking how enjoyable killing him was. He then decides that he's going to stuff the mayor's daughter's body after killing her so that he can admire her beauty forever. And in the remake, he also ran an orphanage that secretly acted as a testing center for BOWs, and even ordered for all the children to be slaughtered after one nearly escaped.
- Resident Evil 3: In the remake, Nikolai plays this role nicely. While he was greedy and evil in the original, the remake takes this up to Eleven. He goes as far as to destroy the vaccine to the T-Virus, which could potentially kill hundreds of people. And he's more hostile than he was in the original, where he was colder and more indifferent. Thankfully, it's hinted that he perished in the nuke of Raccoon City this time around. In both games he plays the role of a human antagonist, since Nemesis is part of the reason why people play the game and is too inhuman to really hate.
- Resident Evil 4: You can't hate the Ganados (since they're brainwashed to be evil by the Las Plagas), and even the higher ups have some more sympathetic traits to them (Mendes is shown to actually care for his followers even after they became Ganados; Krauser, while mostly operating to revive Umbrella, nevertheless was implied to be intending to avoid Ashley being infected by Las Plaga and infect America DESPITE essentially being responsible for her predicament, and even Salazar only became evil due to being outright manipulated thanks to a lonely upbringing as the eighth Castellan and forced into the role due to his parents dying early into his childhood), but you can hate Osmond Saddler for turning them to evil in the first place. The end credits show that the villagers weren't always evil for example, and that it was a peaceful village community before Osmund Saddler corrupted it. While he does admit that the loss of his men was disheartening, he was also responsible for corrupting Ramon Salazar and was implied to have corrupted Bitores Mendez (the village chief of the aforementioned village) as well. It also doesn't help that his comment to Leon about Salazar being "small time" implies that his "disheartenment" was more self-serving rhetoric for his remaining followers rather than genuine.
- Resident Evil 7: Though each of the villains in Resident Evil 7 are scary, that is not to say that they're unsympathetic. Yes, Jack and Marguerite Baker are both murderous, but it's not their fault that they became evil, since it was Eveline who corrupted them. Eveline herself is Obliviously Evil and wishes to have a family. Then we get Lucas Baker, the only character in the game who is truly evil. It turns out he actually ISN'T under Eveline's control and is simply taking advantage of his newfound abilities to do whatever he wants to those that are in the Baker's clutches. He particularly enjoys designing death traps to ensure that his victims die horrible deaths, as opposed to his parents who simply kill their victims quickly.
- King Desmond is this in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. While the Big Bad and his Dragon Sonia are detestable, Desmond is a hateful, bitter, jealous asshole who hates his own son and tries to have him killed several times.
- Fire Emblem: Three Houses has some horrifying villains the player encounters many times during the game and are responsible for a lot of Fodlan's ills to the point where only one character is unanimously hated more: Bernadetta von Varley's father. He's never shown onscreen, but Bernadetta's supports reveal that he mentally abused the poor girl for much of her life, only seeing her as bait for a rich husband so he could amass more money for House Varley. He tore down her creative interests, tied her to a chair and forced her to be quiet, and refused to let her have friends. Only people who actively hate Bernadetta will even try to suggest he "wasn't that bad," and they're quickly shouted down by the majority.
- Street Fighter V: F.A.N.G. is pretty much the exact opposite of Vega and Balrog, the latter two have likable and sympathetic qualities, while he has none. With his slavish devotion to Bison and violent enforcement of his will, to his gleeful and graphic murder of Rashid's friend and later boasting about it, to his treatment of the Dolls, to him constantly threatening Li-Fen with death and threatening to do the same to Sean, it's pretty easy to loathe the guy, even with his goofy moments.
- Bug Fables: While a vile piece of work himself, the Wasp King doesn't go out of his way to antagonize the good guys and is a pretty impersonal foe at the end of the day. The same does not go for Mothiva, Team Snakemouth's explorer rival. Despite acting the part of a friendly bubbly popstar, it's all an act for her fans. When she's out of the public eye, she's a rude and antagonistic pain in the ass who attacks Team Snakemouth twice in order to steal their glory. The second time is especially bad, since she's threatening to ruin important negotiations with another kingdom to help save the world and doesn't give a damn when Kabbu tells her this. The one guy she's decent to is her partner Zasp, but that's because he's useful to have around. If he falls in battle first during Team Mothiva's boss fights, she's every bit as rude and bitchy to him as she is with everyone else.
- The Danganronpa franchise, while having plenty of unintentionally detested characters, gives most villains entertaining qualities and reserves true Hate Sinkery for off-screen threats; the Steering Committee in the first two games (who allowed Junko to rise to power and created Izuru Kamakura) and Team Danganronpa in New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (who forcibly turned the contestants, Tsumugi included, into what they are in the game).
- Mega Man:
- Mega Man X, as the morality in the series became grayer starting with X3, started featuring a couple of tried-and-true affiliates to Sigma amongst its eight Maverick roster each game, but this largely ceased with X6 (though major villain Isoc still qualifies), as Sigma himself began to fall to the wayside. Examples include Crush Crawfish, Split Mushroom, Double, Dark Necrobat, and Spike Rosered. Sigma himself, however, is an aversion, as he was originally a noble Maverick Hunter, it's made clear his becoming evil was largely due to external measures (in particular a computer virus), and his actions were initially for the betterment of Reploids.
- Split Mushroom is notable as he lacks Magma Dragoon's Evil Is Cool factor, and Cyber Peacock was infected. Split Mushroom is merely a slimy opportunist. Botos and Silver Horns from Command Mission would also be considered Hate Sinks on the side of the Rebellion; with Botos ripping out Ferham's ID Key to try and take over for himself and Silver Horns being a murderous Torture Technician.
- Mega Man Star Force: Even though she temporarily goes insane and begins attacking people as Harp Note, Sonia Strumm is too much of a nice, tragic character to hate. So instead, the player's hatred is transferred to her greedy scumbag of a manager Chrys Golds, who spends all his screentime verbally abusing Sonia, making it clear that he views her as a meal ticket and nothing more, and actually punching Geo when he stands up for her. Thankfully, Sonia gets a bit of payback by attacking him after wave changing. The other EM Beings are a bit more malicious, even if they overtake your friends for understandable reasons. While Taurus Fire reforms, he still lives for the fight, and Ophiucha is outright killed.
- Mega Man X, as the morality in the series became grayer starting with X3, started featuring a couple of tried-and-true affiliates to Sigma amongst its eight Maverick roster each game, but this largely ceased with X6 (though major villain Isoc still qualifies), as Sigma himself began to fall to the wayside. Examples include Crush Crawfish, Split Mushroom, Double, Dark Necrobat, and Spike Rosered. Sigma himself, however, is an aversion, as he was originally a noble Maverick Hunter, it's made clear his becoming evil was largely due to external measures (in particular a computer virus), and his actions were initially for the betterment of Reploids.
- Xenoblade Cheinicles 2 has Chairman Bana. While one just might love Nopons just to how cute they are, Chairman Bana is not sweet and lovable like one would expect from a Nopon. A greedy Nopon who might remind one of Jabba the Hutt, he willingly sides with the terrorist group Torna. And he lacks the redeeming qualities other villains have.
- Mega Man Zero has Dr. Weil, a truly massive Hate Sink responsible for every problem in the series, having built a good chunk of the later bosses. He's selfish, slimy, started the gruesome Elf Wars, and wants nothing more than for all of humankind and Reploids alike to feel that their existences are living deaths.
- While every character in Undertale has a sympathetic side and can be redeemed (Except possibly for Chara. Maybe), sequel game Deltarune gives us a proper example of this trope in the form of the King of the Dark World. He's a thoroughly selfish, sadistic bastard through-and-through as well as a horribly abusive father to boot. When the heroes decide to show him mercy, he even takes advantage of their kindness by brutalizing and almost killing them.
- While he was more stupid and later in life, insane, than truly malicious, you'll absolutely want to punch Ted Faro's teeth in after hearing how he sent the world of Horizon Zero Dawn down the toilet. Thanks to his negligence, the robots his company created turned into genocidal human-eating machines that destroyed all life on Earth, save for survivors hidden deep in bunkers. While Elizabet Sobeck and her AI Gaia were able to restore the world, Faro would go on to delete the archives that would teach the re-cloned humans Earth's history and kill all the Zero Dawn personnel so they couldn't somehow reverse it, which forced humanity back to the stone-age and reset its evolution all out of a mix of guilt-induced insanity and wanting to cover his ass so he wouldn't be remembered as humanity's greatest monster. And just in case you don't hate him enough, he got to live out his last days in the luxury of his swanky private bunker while the rest of mankind suffered.
- There aren't any true villains in Stardew Valley due to it being a farming simulator, but Morris is so unlikeable that he may as well be one. He's a representative of the corrupt Joja Corporation who seeks to establish a Jojamart in the valley, and goes out of his way to antagonize the town's local shopkeeper Pierre by poaching his customers by offering to slash his prices so they're way cheaper than his. He's also written letters expressing mock-pity for his shop floundering and offers to take him on as hired help and pay him 5G (Roughly around 5 cents or so) an hour. He's so smug and cold-blooded that when you restore the community center, it doesn't matter if he's chased out of town in a panic or PUNCHED THROUGH THE CEILING by Pierre, it's satisfying to dump him on his ass either way.
- There's also Leah's Ex Kel, who was an emotionally abusive and manipulative partner until she had enough and left the city. If you romance Leah, it turns out that he/she has been stalking her and demands for her to get back together with him/her. Much like Morris, you or Leah can punch Kel's lights out for being a pushy creep.
- As befitting of one of the darkest takes on the Batman universe, the Batman: Arkham series has quite a few nasty, despicable punks that will make you want to bash their skulls in with a Batarang.
- Unlike most incarnations who are classy, dignified, and possess something resembling a redeeming quality, the Arkhamverse's Penguin is a crude, classless thug of a man who milks every bit of screentime he has to make the player hate his guts. He's as cruel as the Joker, but with none of his charm, and when he isn't horribly killing or torturing someone, he's usually screaming death threats at his men or smugly taunting a helpless victim he's about to do horrible, horrible things to. Thankfully he's also a huge coward, which makes his freak-outs when you turn the tables on him so deliciously satisfying.
- Fellow classic villain Riddler doesn't fare much better. Here, he's an insufferable douchebag who won't shut the fuck up about how much smarter he is than everyone else, and constantly taunts and belittles Batman while he's collecting his trophies and solving his puzzles. And while it's satisfying as hell to make him freak out when you keep proving that he's not as smart as he thinks he is, his immature Sore Loser mentality makes him that much more obnoxious. Tellingly, most characters hate the guy as much as the player.
- Branden is the living embodiment of everything wrong with Gotham's police force before Commissioner Gordon cleans house. He and the cops loyal to him are corrupt bastards who are making underhanded deals with criminals and brutalize and arrest Gotham's homeless for no good reason. Meanwhile, Branden himself cheats on his wife and tries to have then-Captain Gordon killed in a prison riot he instigates. He's also an arrogant idiot who thinks he can go toe-to-toe with Batman, and luckily, the player gets quite a few moments to prove him wrong. VERY wrong.
- Like he did in Batman: The Animated Series, Ferris Boyle picks up the always sympathetic Mr. Freeze's slack in being a villain you can root against in the Cold, Cold Heart DLC of Batman: Arkham Origins. Like in Heart of Ice, he screws over the meek, kindly Victor Fries when he tries to save his wife and causes the accident that turns him into Mr. Freeze. Unlike in Heart of Ice, he was helping Victor find a cure for Nora's condition provided that Victor help him make dangerous cryogenic weapons to sell on the black market, only to stab him in the back and kidnap Nora, calling her his property in the process. When he isn't putting up a friendly facade, he's a classist blowhard who looks down on everyone around him, and cruelly tells Freeze that he'll force him to watch his wife die before killing him. He even has the gall to try to kill Batman after he saves his life, so try not to cheer too loud when the Caped Crusader punches his lights out.
- Spider-Man PS4's incarnation of the Sinister Six is mostly full of people with sympathetic, or at least understandable reasons for their horrible attack on Manhattan at the end of the game: Mr. Negative and Doc Ock want revenge on Norman Osborn for screwing them over in the past, Rhino wants to be freed from his restrictive suit, and Vulture wants a cure for his cancer. And even though he selfishly wants to become a being of pure energy, you can't hate Electro since he's a funny guy willing to pal around with Vulture and quip back with Spidey. But Scorpion? He's a sadistic, scummy little asshole who kills and tortures for the hell of it, and is incredibly rude and obnoxious towards Rhino during their boss fight. He's such a douche that Spider-Man is more than happy to trap him in a shipping container with Rhino, and let him be mercilessly beaten until the cops show up.
- The Yakuza series features a lot of criminals, but most have either pragmatic reasons for being villains, some degree of personal honor despite the horrible things they do, or utterly messed up if logical reasons for their actions. Some, however, are just there to make you despise them.
- The first few games give us Sohei Dojima, a philandering, bloodthirsty, and utterly unscrupulous turd of a man who even his fellow Tojo Clan members fear and despise, and the entire plot of Yakuza 0 is all about foiling his plans for power. By the time of the original Yakuza, he still an utter sleaze, and while his murder kicks off the plot, no one is really upset he died, despite having to punish the guy who claimed credit for doing so out of obligation due to his being part of the Tojo Clan.
- His blood brother Shimano is almost as bad, even being willing to sell out his own clan at one point, an act of utter depravity even Dojima wasn't willing to touch. He's still a brutal sadist and a total thug, and despite being his second in command, Goro Majima sheds no tears over his death, even sending a text message in the Kiwami remake to make it clear.
- Kume in Yakuza: Like a Dragon is this trope when you cross a Hypocrite with a Dirty Coward. While claiming to want to make Japan less full of crime and debauchery, he's willing to buddy up to criminals to get what he wants, and he only joined Bleach Japan to impress women and be a bully, but only the latter when the deck is stacked entirely in his favor. His superiors are scum too, but unlike them, Kume has no charm, guile, or remotely honorable qualities, and the game even lets you easily pummel the crap out of him twice, being weak to the most common attacks in the game both times.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: This is ultimately what Infinite amounts to in the end. While previous villains had endearing traits, from Eggman's hamminess to Mephiles's eerie charisma, Infinite is nothing more than a petty scoundrel who had bloodthirsty designs since his mercenary days, using Shadow injuring him as an excuse to get increasingly drunk on power. After this, he sadistically picks off the Resistance army, taunting the rookie. He constantly taunts his foes with increasingly sadistic dialogue, torturing the rookie to satisfy himself, firmly believing camaraderie is a waste and an illusion, and near the end tries to fry his enemies with an artificial sun. Note that this was after he was empowered with the Phantom Ruby. Before then, he did have a small redeemable trait in that he did care enough for his fellow squadmates to be genuinely furious with Shadow when the latter wiped them out and attempted to attack him in retribution (hence his injury against Shadow).
Web Comics[]
- The Order of the Stick: Out of all the members of Team Evil (which, of course, consists of villains), Xykon is the only one amongst them without any sympathetic or redeeming qualities. As Redcloak notes, while Xykon may seem funny and charming when you first meet him, he's willing to sink to downright horrific lengths to do whatever he wants. He is also putting the entire world in danger, because he wants to control the Snarl for himself and presumably use it to kill anyone he wants.
- Roy’s father Eugene Greenhilt. He sarcastically mocks his own son over the fighter’s death at Xykon's hands, went back on his promise to avenge his mentor’s death, and ignored Roy’s warnings that the experiment he was working on was dangerous, which got his second son killed. Because he went back on his word (Roy did not, he just wasn’t able to fulfill his terms of the oath), he ends up being banned from the afterlife until Xykon's downfall.
- Paladin Gin-Jun is a xenophobic paladin commander who acts as the Big Bad of How The Paladin Got His Scar, and is the reason why O-Chul got his scar. Not only did he play a role in Redcloak becoming who he was (as he participated in the massacre of his village), he also is the reason for Miko’s personality, as he encouraged her to judge people before getting to know them. When O-Chul tells him that his goblin massacres are causing them to retaliate, he shows a clear disregard to the collateral damage his massacres cause. His actions almost cause a war between the hobgoblins and the Azurites, and when O’Chul persuades his followers to stand down (and he loses his position in the Sapphire Guard, due to his own actions), Gin-Jun decides he’s going to murder him.
- Dragon Ball Multiverse: Son Bra is the daughter of Vegetto. However, beneath her power and status is a Psychopathic Womanchild who sees the tournament as an excuse to rub her success in everyone's faces. Throughout all her appearances, she is rude, abrasive and constantly looks down on her friends, allies, family members and enemies alike simply for not being as strong as her or her father. And for all Bra's smugness and pride in her strength and Saiyan heritage, she has no qualms about cheating, such as using Senzu Beans if she's actually on the losing end of a fight, something that pure-blooded Saiyans like Vegeta show scorn for. This comes off as hypocritical, considering that she looks down on other fighters if they weren't playing fair. Once she willingly joins forces with Babidi by allowing herself to be majinized, she discards all of her redeeming qualities when she gleefully murders her brother Gohan by slicing him in half with a ki blade and then cracks a sick joke about it. To top it all off, Bra flat-out admits that she never wanted to be a hero, sees anyone who's weaker than her as unworthy of living (even "justifying" her murders by saying that her victims brought their deaths upon themselves) and wants nothing more than to be remembered as a monster worse than Freeza and Cell. In a comic filled to the brim with Ax Crazy psychopaths, sociopathic murderers and outright Jerkasses, Son Bra somehow manages to be the most depraved of them all.
Web Original[]
- AOK's version of Caillou has him be a Psychopathic Manchild. While it's implied that Rosie is Wise Beyond Their Years in their portrayal of her, Caillou resorts to threatening others to get what he wants, and in one episode gouges out a man's eye when he chooses to threaten him. Even his own family despises him. Their portrayal of Dora in contrast isn't unlike her depiction in the actual show, though she definitely gets in more adult situations than her canon counterpart.
- Disventure Camp Season 1 has Fiore, a rotten little girl who uses her cute looks to deceive others into not realizing her true nature. While her cohorts Alec and Grett are both giving redeeming qualities, she herself is disliked by all the other contestants when her true colors are revealed. She's also the most foulmouthed contestant on the show. In the finale, the only contestant to support her is Grett, and this is because she was forced to choose someone. She promises that she will share the million with Grett if she helps her win, but Fiore is lying through her teeth.
- Yul doesn't have as much screentime as Fiore does in his season (Season 2), but he still stands out as a very unpleasant individual who acts like a jerk to everyone around him. He gets Kai and Connor eliminated (both of which are very likable contestants who the other contestants wouldn't object to winning the million dollars, though in Connor's case he was already loaded and in fact didn't want to win the show), and eventually schemes to poison Aiden with a mushroom to ensure that he doesn't get voted off, knowing this would likely hospitalize him. Luckily, James decides to poison him with the mushroom instead.
- Gordos from Neopets is one of the 12 Heroes of Altador. How did he become a hero? He was once a different city’s tax collector, but found himself gathering large amounts of Neopoints. The governor assured him that the high taxes were keeping the city running, but Gordos eventually realized something was wrong. He then discovered that the governor had been embezzling the money the entire time. When confronted, the governor attempted to bribe Gordos to keep his mouth shut. Sure enough, he took action and removed the governor from office.
- The titular character of Racist Mario, who's a far cry from his canon counterpart. Simply because people were inviting non-Nintendo characters on the race track, he decides to go on a killing spree, including his own brother Luigi. Fortunately, Kratos eventually kills him.
Western Animation[]
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic loves this character type. They include Prince Blueblood, Spoiled Rich (and his daughter Diamond Tiara) and Svengallop.
- However, Diamond Tiara eventually sheds this trope via Character Development and a Heel Face Turn.
- Tales of Arcadia
- Trollhunters: Queen Usurna becomes this when she murders Vendel, the Elder of Trollmarket, just so she can get away with her plans. It turns out that not only does she manipulate the Troll Tribunal into believing her lies, she is also revealed to be a servant of Gunmar, an ancient troll despot who's existed well over a millennium, even leading him to Trollmarket so everyone there can be brainwashed and enslaved. She even destroys Morgana's phonograph because she wanted Gunmar to know nothing about it, even though Dictatious has studied it for quite some time now. Eventually, it's revealed that she selected Aarghaumont to become a Gumm-Gumm soldier from a young age hundreds of years ago, causing even her own bodyguards to turn against her.
- 3Below: General Val Morando definitely qualifies as this as well, as he's introduced leading a coup on Akiridion-5 against King Fialkov and Queen Coranda, and it's eventually revealed that he manipulated Commander Varvatos Vex into lowering the shields by ordering the Zeron Brotherhood to bomb Satellite Nine, thus causing the deaths of Vex's family and hundreds of innocents with them, and telling him nothing about the truth. He also sends bounty hunters after Aja and Krel, murders an innocent playful creature named Buster, and attempts to remake the universe as he sees fit upon integrating with Gaylen's Core, which would've killed trillions had he not been stopped.
- Wizards: King Arthur, AKA the Green Knight. The first thing he does as the Green Knight is that he combines his magic with Bellroc and Skrael's at the flying Camelot, causing it to tilt and Couxie, Jim, Claire, and Steve to fall into the time rift to Camelot during the 12th century. There, it's revealed that King Arthur was a cruel tyrant who wanted genocide on all magical beings, even trying to have Jim tortured to death by having his knight slowly move him into sunlight to turn him into stone. Though his prejudice was caused because his late wife, Guinevere, was killed by a Stalkling, it doesn't change that he raided the lands of innocent magical creatures who had nothing to do with it. Additionally, he became the Green Knight and joined the Arcane Order by his own accord as he adopted their ambitions to destroy and remake the world, believing that the only path to redemption is the Order's. He even remorselessly murders Merlin with Douxie watching in grief, which makes Arthur even more detestable as Merlin was Douxie's adoptive father.
- The Wild Thornberrys Movie: Since the actual villains aren't revealed until moderately late in the movie, the movie includes a character by the name of Sarah Wellington, Eliza's obnoxious roommate who makes it clear that she is not fond of Eliza. She thinks she'll bring animals into her room and becomes jealous when Eliza befriends her friends, wanting to have them all to herself. Though she DOES eventually assist in allowing Eliza and Darwin to escape, this is partly due to pragmatism, since she would once again have the room all for herself.
- Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends attempted this trope with one-shot character Bendy (an imaginary friend whose speciality is framing people for bad deeds they didn't commit), but he ended up being hated by fans for reasons the creators didn't intend, hence Lauren Faust apologizing for... well, imagining him. This trope was however more successful with Terrence (who bullies his younger brother Mac) and Duchess (an imaginary friend who's full of herself), who are both entertaining in their own unlikable way. In the former’s case, our heroes actually find Terrence amusing to some degree because some misfortune always befalls him for what he’s done.
- Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: Season 2 introduces a married couple of evil poachers named Mitch and Tiff who pretend to be tourists who want to help the Camp Cretaceous campers escape from Isla Nublar so they can get back to their families, but in reality, want to find the watering hole that Darius Bowman found so they can kill dinosaurs there for sport. However, Mitch does have redemptive factors; he has some genuine admiration for the dinosaurs that he hunts and, even after revealing his true colors, seems genuinely Affably Evil in helping the campers get back home if they give him what he and his wife wants. On the other hand, you can surely hate Tiff. Unlike Mitch, Tiff is Faux Affably Evil and she hates the kids intensely. She also murders the Baryonyx named Grim with a sniper, which justifiably causes Chaos and Limbo to seek revenge on Tiff, as Grim was their companion. When her and Mitch's plans are foiled, she leaves him behind to be devoured by Rexy while she tries to escape on her boat. She just can't stop blaming the kids for ruining her marriage when it was her who left her husband to his death, and it gets very satisfying to watch Chaos and Limbo eat her alive for murdering Grim. Especially noteworthy considering that this is a kids' series.
- Family Guy:
- The episode "Be Careful What You Fish For" has Miss Emily, a horrifying child abuser who just so happens to be looking after them in a daycare center. Out of all the women that Brian has loved (or should we say lusted), she's easily the most repulsive one out of them all. One of her victims is Stewie, who ends up having his arm dislocated. Another victim ended up being abducted by a presumed child molester. Admittedly, Brian was perfectly capable of fixing Stewie's arm socket, but he really should have alerted the cops about her sooner.
- One of the most famous examples (if not the most famous) is Jeffrey Fecalman. And yes, his last name describes his personality to a 'T'. Specifically, he's a horrifying domestic abuser who has beaten his wife (who just so happens to be Quagmire's sister) into submission, and is willing to do so simply so that he can watch the channel that he wants. When Peter, Quagmire and Joe have enough of his cruelty and decide to put an end to him, he is shown to enjoy strangling Quagmire when the murder attempt doesn't go according to plan.
- Sheriff Nichols in the episode "Cool Hand Peter".
- Connie D'Amico and her posse, who bully Meg.
- Francis Griffin, Peter's highly religious step-father. He's rude, selfish and treats his relatives like crap.
- The Black Knight in the episode "Mr. Saturday Knight".
- Holden Caulfield only exists to call people "phonies". He plays the role of Ozzel in the Star Wars parody trilogy.
- Cardinal St. Louis in the Film Noir episode "The Fatman Always Rings Twice", as portrayed by Carter, is even more cruel and evil with none of Carter's few redeeming qualities.
- Silas Pewterschmidt, Lois's ancestor, is a 19th century counterpart of Carter with no comedic or affable traits who puts a hit out on his own daughter for sleeping with one of his slaves.
- South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut: Though Satan seems to be the Big Bad at first, since he wishes to open up a portal that would link Earth and Hell together, it turns out that, instead of wishing to conquer the world, he just wishes to see Earth for himself instead of remaining in Hell. Then we get to his abusive boyfriend Saddam Hussein, who DOES wish to conquer Earth and is manipulating Satan to allow him to do so. And yes, when Satan decides that he's going to Earth alone, he manipulates Satan into thinking he'll change his ways so that he can take over the world. Small wonder Satan eventually gets fed up with Saddam's mistreatment and kills him.
- Disney's Hercules (not the movie, but the series) has Adonis. The title character considers him to be obnoxious, for one. He's not a monster like the ones Hercules typically faces, but he's certainly comparable to Narcissus. Overall, he's a bully. He's in fact obnoxious enough that even the Gods of Olympus wish to punish him for his bad behavior. Hades, in comparison, is part of the reason why people watch this series.
- Bojack Horseman: Sarah Lynn's parents are a big reason why Sarah Lynn's life is falling apart. While Bojack gave her terrible advice as a child, it is shown in the present that he legitimately cares about Sarah Lynn despite what he said in the past. Her parents, in contrast, don't care about her at all. Her mother was only interested in making her famous, and her stepfather was abusive towards her. One could say they played a greater role in her fatally OD'ing than Bojack did, though the horseman is understandably still feeling guilty about it.
- The Powerpuff Girls: From the episode ("Cop Out"), there's Mike Brikowski. Instead of helping his partner with a robbery, he instead decides to take a snooze. Inevitably, he's fired for not doing his job. Unfortunately, he decides to blame everything on the Powerpuff Girls instead of himself and decides to kill them, under the assumption that he was fired because, with the Powerpuff Girls around, the police didn't need him anymore.
- And then there's Dick Hardly; a villain who lacks any redeeming qualities to him and is treated completely seriously. He's one of the only villains in the entire show to be killed off. Nearly every major villain had more endearing qualities than him, and he's portrayed as nastier than HIM of all people.
- SpongeBob SquarePants:
- Bubble Bass is probably the least funny character on the show. Unlike Squidward, who also has redeeming qualities, Bubble Bass antagonizes Spongebob just for sick kicks, and tricks Spongebob into thinking he gave him a burger without pickles in order to get free food (much like a fake health inspector from another episode), destroying his self-confidence. He also at one point crushes Plankton, and when SpongeBob points it out, he deliberately starts moving his butt around to crush him further. He eventually re-appears in another episode, where it's shown he doesn't fulfill his promises, and even burps in SpongeBob's face!
- Squilliam Fancyson would also qualify, being a conceited sleazebag who mainly exists to make Squidward look good.
- There are also a fair few one-shot characters who would fit this trope, such as Kevin the Sea Cucumber (who tries to hurt and humiliate SpongeBob with initiation rituals, chases him down with a jellyfish mecha, and admits he's only in the Jellyspotters for the fashion), Flatts the Flounder (constantly chases down SpongeBob and threatens to kick his butt, and when SpongeBob brings him flowers, he keeps trying to beat him up), Le Spatula (a cruel AI who believes himself too good for a Greasy Spoon despite SpongeBob pouring his heart, soul, and every last dime he had into acquiring him), Stinky (a hypocritical Fat Bastard who makes food that's not only crappy, but also downright toxic, and discriminates against outcasts), and Dylan (who leaves Pearl to die when she beaches herself).
- Buckley from King of the Hill is one of the show's earliest examples, being Luanne's selfish and dimwitted boyfriend. He gives Hank a job at the Megalo Mart despite promising that he would get Luanne the job instead, and talks down to Hank even though, unlike him, he has prior work experience. Incidentally, he ends up causing his own death. Luanne is actually more concerned that her hair got burned off in the explosion than she is that Buckley died in the blast.
- Also present is Cotton Hill, Hank Hill's father as well as a World War II veteran, who isn't the kind of father you would want to have a child. Specifically, he's chauvinistic, violent, abusive and intolerant, and regularly boasts about what a great war hero he is, showing himself to have a massive ego. He also attempts to spread his misogyny to his grandson Bobby. Like Buckley, he's eventually killed off for real, but manages to spite Peggy one last time before he croaks.
- Teen Titans: Out of all the villains on this show, Malchior is quite a repulsive one. He acts much like an abusive boyfriend would, manipulating Raven into doing everything he wanted so he could release himself from his book so he could do all sorts of evil things, The end of the episode has Raven crying on Beast Boy's shoulder after she realizes that she had been used the whole time.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender: The circus trainer that abused Appa after he was sold to him by sandbenders. He treats him horribly, to the point where Appa develops a fear of fire, and refuses to give him food unless he does the tricks that he is ordered to do. And Appa is not the only animal that he abused; he in facts enjoys making animals suffer.
- There's also Hahn, who Yue is engaged to... or was. He's not the person that you would want to marry, as he is self-centered. And there's no indication that he loves Yue outside of her looks. In addition, he treats Sokka like dirt. And of course, he's also egotistical. It's rather amusing to watch Admiral Zhao send him to a watery grave.
- Avatar's sequel series The Legend of Korra has Yakone in Season 1's flashbacks, who's already bad enough due to being a Bloodbending mobster who terrorized Republic City with his powers. But his awful treatment of his young sons Tarrlok and Noatak is what catapults him from "standard douchebag villain" to "reprehensible shitbag": when he's forced to flee and hide in the Arctic wilderness, he tries to mold his sons into his tools of revenge against Aang for taking away his bending by forcing them bloodbend innocent wild animals, and later on each other. He's especially cruel to poor Tarrlok, who he constantly belittles for his kindness and tries to hurt when he refuses to bloodbend his brother. While his role is small, his cruelty traumatizes the brothers and shapes them into the men they are today, with Tarrlok becoming an iron-fisted tyrant willing to oppress non-benders while Noatak founded a terrorist movement dedicated to effectively driving benders to extinction by forcibly removing their powers.
- Fairly Oddparents: Vicky the Babysitter plays this straight, being the babysitter that every person dreads having as a child. Her most frequent victim is none other than the main character, who is repeatedly shown to be frightened by her. Earlier episodes of the series tend to have her more focused doing her job than simply tormenting Timmy Turner, though even then she made his life miserable enough to have fairy godparents in the first place.
- The Simpsons: Patty and Selma Bouvier start off as this, being Marge's aunts who Bart, Lisa and Maggie all dread being babysat by. Homer in particular refers to them as the "Gruesome Twosome". However, episodes focusing on them actually make them sympathetic to a degree, meaning that they aren't always this trope in the episodes they appear in.
- There's also Captain Mordecai Barrows (the villain of Marge's novel), who behaves like Homer Simpson... but, as the end of the novel proves, he doesn't have any of Homer's redeeming qualities at all, and murders Cyrus, who was his wife's love interest (since she found him to be preferable to Mordecai). Fortunately, Homer wants to be a better husband instead of committing murder, proving that he and Mordecai are different people at the end of the day.
- Ironically, though he is regarded as a hero by Springfield, Jebediah Springfield is revealed in "Lisa the Iconoclast" to be actually a murderous pirate named Hans Sprungfeld who murdered a tame buffalo (instead of taming the buffalo as Springfield had thought) and tried to assassinate George Washington so that he could steal his money. He wrote on a piece of paper (later revealed to have been accidentally ripped off following his fight with George Washington) boasting about his misdeeds. This is subverted in The Simpsons: Tapped Out, where it's indicated that he actually has remorse for his actions… which contrasts what he wrote on the piece of paper.
- César and Ugolin from the first season episode where Bart is sent on a student exchange trip to France. While they at least don’t abuse animals, it's telling that they actually treat the donkey they own better than Bart, and even go as far as to make the boy drink wine laced with antifreeze. The gendarme who ends up arresting them notes that their actions are very serious when Bart explains their wine tampering.
- Congressman Bob Arnold is a corrupt politician whose crimes make Lisa lose faith in America.
- This trope is discussed in "The Ziff Who Came to Dinner". Marge Simpson explains that the reason nobody likes Artie Ziff is because he doesn't think of anybody but himself. Thankfully, he realizes the error of his ways and owns up to his actions, rather than let Homer face the heat for what he did (though, ironically enough, he gets rewarded for sending Homer to jail because Patty and Selma love Artie for it).
- Mr. Black (who Jimbo, Kearney and Dolph work for) from "Kamp Krusty" for his cruel and unfeeling nature, as well as tricking children into thinking they will see Krusty when it's actually Barney Gumble in a crappy costume. It's implied Krusty regrets hiring him, due to him being upset about how awful his camp is.
- Chett Englebrit from "The Great Wife Hope" is the owner of a Mixed Martial Arts promotion who's obnoxious and needlessly cruel. He's also an unabashed wife-beater and child-abuser.
- Kostas Becker is an evil debt collector who, in the two-parter "A Serious Flanders", is the closest thing the series has ever has to a Complete Monster. He's played dead seriously at all times and has zero redeeming qualities. His death at the hands of Ned Flanders is one of the show's biggest Moments of Awesome.
- Ned Flanders I in the same two-parter is revealed to be a Dirty Cop who hid behind a respectable facade.
- Garth Motherloving (née Hitler) from "Sweets and Sour Marge" qualifies, what with being a crooked businessman and a total jerk who wants to make Springfield's children obese and addicted to sugar.
- Mitch Hartwell, the reality TV producer in "Helter Shelter". Where do we even start with this guy? He's a sleazy, abusive creep who makes the Simpsons live in a dirty Victorian-era house and, when they start to adjust, he causes a flood "for excitement" that destroys the house (and kills Squiggy from Laverne and Shirley). When the now-starving and weakened family find the production crew gorging on a massive buffet, Hartwell refuses to let them share their food, even going as far to order the leftovers to be burnt. They also did a previous reality show where they forced contestants to act like cavemen and then abandoned them after they stopped degrading themselves. Luckily, after the Simpsons incite a revolt amongst the former contestants, he's pushed off a cliff to his death.
- The Laramie Tobacco executives in "E-I-E-I-D'oh!" are horrible businesspeople who want to trick kids into getting addicted to cigarettes and also plan on buying out Homer's successful tomacco farm, not wanting to leave him with even a dime in return. It's no small wonder that nobody even blinks when they're killed in a helicopter crash caused by a tomacco-addicted sheep (note that this show doesn't often kill characters in such a brutal fashion like South Park does).
- Royce Lumpkin, Lurleen Lumpkin's scumbag of a father from "Papa Don't Leech". Not only does this ASSHOLE abandon Lurleen AGAIN (doing so before when she was a child), but he also has the audacity to steal her new song that she wrote SPECIFICALLY FOR HIM before rewriting it and giving it to the Dixie Chicks. No wonder Lurleen sees Homer as more of a father to her than him...
- Stefan August, Marge's art teacher from "That '90s Show", is a misogynistic pig who broke Homer and Marge up so he could have her all to himself.
- Judge Constance Harm, is a corrupt Judge who likes to use her power as an excuse to excise unfair punishments on the Simpsons family
- Barts Kindergarten Teacher certainly counts she may only appear in three sceans in the form of a flashback but she is quite possibly the the most hated character in the entire 700 episode series. Because much like with Umbridge it's highly unlikely You have been stalked by a clown's disgruntled side-kick with the intent to kill you and while you you may have had a boss as cruel as Mr. Burns, they are most likely not as over the to evil probably not, not to mention both characters have depth and development. This character on the other hand isn't even named and thus made even more loathsome
- Miss Cantwell may aswell be the Same character except with Lisa instead of Bart as the victim
- Jack Lassen, another of Barts Teacher teacher this time in 4th Grade"Blazed and Confused". This teacher is a Sadist Teacher who torments and literally tortures his students. He even abuses animals. His humiliation Burning Man is well deserved
- Rich Texan might count as he is a Jerkass and a Rich Asshole who may have some redeeming features but are few and far between and barely touched upon
- Helen Lovejoy who apart from being an annoying judgemental gossipy bitch Bascily did to her own Daughter what Barts Kindergarten teacher did to bart. Her husband gets Pt the Dog and Sympathetic moment's Her? NOTHING
- Agnes Skinner Seymour's Mother has her moments but she is also much of the time a spiteful bitch who spends most of her time abusing and humiliating her son
- The Guy with the whip from "Kill the Alligator and Run" seems to be a parody of this toupe You really will start to dislike him
- The uncaring bus driver from the Episode "Lost Our Lisa" who cackles at an 8-year-old Lisa getting the wrong bus and just dumps her in the middle of nowhere
- Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: Out of all the characters in this cartoon series, Evil Buzz Lightyear is basically the only one without any redeeming qualities, lacking even the eerie charisma of N0S-4A2. He's responsible for destroying Star Command in this series and is also responsible for making the lives of Mira and Booster's alternative counterparts utterly miserable, not least because he murdered the former's father. Even the Grubs and Brains have become crueler and scarier thanks to him. While he's not as evil in his followup appearance, he heartlessly leaves Gravitina to die to save his own skin in the same episode.
- Ben 10 has Jonah Melville, an early villain who appears in The Kraken. Though one of the first villains in the show, there's nothing likable about him. He spends his time poaching rare animals, and steals an egg from its mother, the titular kraken. He eventually decides to kill the kraken himself. Fortunately, Ben turns him over to the police so that he will stop abusing animals.
- Code Lyoko: The first season of the show has Elizabeth Delmas, better known as Sissi, the spoiled rich girl who is always giving the Lyoko Warriors a hard time and is willing to resort to blackmail to get what she wants. However, the later seasons of the show portray her as being more of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Doug has Lamar Bone, a vice principal who is hated by every student who attends his school. He has so many rules for student behavior that it's basically impossible not to break one. Small wonder he's portrayed as one of the villains in Doug's fantasies. There are, however, episodes that humanize him and make him not such a sadistic teacher, though these are hard to come by.
- Also present from Doug is Percy Femur, who incidentally is Mr. Bone's nephew. Unlike Roger, who is simply mischievous, Percy actually enjoys hurting other students and actually makes Roger fear for his safety. When Doug stands up for Roger, Percy decides he's going to beat him up after school. Fortunately, Mr. Bone, of all people, takes action after he realizes what a bully he is (though it helps that Roger told him what was about to happen. No one gets to mess with Doug except him, got it?).
- Beast Wars: The sadistic Tarantulas, unlike the other Predacons, has no endearing traits like loyalty or pitifulness, or in the case of Megatron, being a Magnificent Bastard extradorinaire and having the motive of having his fellow Predacons suffer from the Maximals after the war regarding why he wanted to change history, to make up for his evil. He's a Domestic Abuser to Blackarachina, tries to eat the other characters on several occasions solely for pleasure, performs gruesome experiments on his victims, overestimates his own abilities, isn't able to pull off a single fair fight, and is overall only in it for himself. His sadistic traits are never played for laughs, either. He's later established as the literal spawn of Unicron; who seeks the total genocide of Transformerkind by wiping the Ark population from existence.
- Speaking of Megatron, he himself devolves into this by the time of Beast Machines; where his desire for Predacon equality and relief has been lost in favor of a total purge of intelligence from Cybertron other than his own. He steals the sparks of innumerable Cybertronians to reap for himself, and most, if not all of his Magnificent Bastardry is gone in favor of plain bastardry. Near the end of the series, he steals as many remaining souls as possible from the Maximal resistance, and hunts down and taunts Optimus Primal in a modified version of the Optimal Optimus body. That said, he did have one slightly redeemable aspect in one episode, where he, after offers Rattrap weapons in exchange for defending him for the night as a result of Rattrap feeling insecure due to his allies repeatedly inferring he was useless due to not being much of a fighter, actually lets Rattrap keep said weapons after he fulfilled his promise. This ironically ends up biting him in the butt when Rattrap decided to put his own innate skills of hacking to good use and ends up hacking Megatron himself.
- Transformers Prime: Airachnid, another spider-based villain, is a sadistic hunter of endangered species with no true loyalty to the Decepticons, instead merely joining them to continue her sick games. If a species isn't endangered, she promises she'll make them as such. Much like Tarantulas, she's also one to repeatedly flee and cheat battles, and is fond of brutal acts of torture, downright gloating about her brutality at times. The Japanese dub made her less despicable, however.
- Most of the villains throughout the How to Train Your Dragon franchise have some reason that stops them from being totally hateable. The villainous dragons can't really be hated because they are still just animals. The Red Death, in spite of being a tyrannical queen, was still simply just a wild dragon. Drago's Bewilderbeast had been abused by Drago ever since it hatched, so it's been mentally shaped from birth to be a war weapon not knowing anything else in life. Grimmel's Deathgrippers only obeyed Grimmel because he had used their own venom to drug them into obeying him. The human villains usually have some form of charm or redeeming quality. Even Drago Bludvist and Grimmel the Grisley, despite not exactly being the most well-liked villains, still have some fans that like them, such as Drago having a tragic backstory so some fans feel a form of sympathy for him (also, he was supposed to be redeemed in the third movie) and Grimmel being basically what Hiccup could have become if he had killed Toothless. But just try finding someone who actually likes Mildew. Mildew refuses to see that the dragons have changed, thinks that dragons shouldn't co-exist with Vikings and tries to get rid of them, not caring dragons are beloved companions just like how he loves Fungus his pet sheep. One of his attempts involved planting draconically poisoned flowers which end up making the dragons very sick and nearly resulted in them dying. Later on in the series, his whole betrayal of Berk to Alvin and the Outcasts doesn't even make any sense because he helps Alvin get information on Hiccup's methods of training dragons so Alvin can use dragons to take over Berk... even though Mildew hates dragons and he wanted the dragons gone so helping Alvin certainly would have meant the dragons are still going to be around. Aside from being demoted to being a servant who has to feed and take care of the very creatures he hated and started his nonsensical betrayal in the first place after Dagur the Deranged takes over the Outcasts, Mildew gets NO comeuppance from Hiccup, Stoick or anyone on Berk for basically trying to get rid of the dragons and betraying the village.
- To a lesser extent there is also Trader Johann due to him seemingly starting off as a friendly ally and trader to Berk who sells the village goods and merchandise. Only to later reveal he was Evil All Along, is on the side of the enemies (said enemies turn out to have connections to Drago Bludvist) and is an overall greedy person even willing to kill others just so he can get what he wants. However, unlike Mildew karma comes to him when trying to steal the egg of a female Bewilderbeast and trying to kill Hiccup. The Bewilderbeast's icy breath ends up freezing him solid on the spot killing him instantly.
- Gill from Kim Possible is more scary than unlikable overall, but he is still a bully at his core. While one can feel some sympathy for him given his transformation into a monster, he doesn’t really have a reason to blame Ron for it. Ron never encouraged him to swim in Lake Wannaweep, and there was nothing stopping him from refusing the deal they made (less swimming for Ron, less arts and crafts for Gill). And he doesn’t plan on stopping with just mutating Ron in retaliation either. He also wants to mutate his friends, so that they can all know how he feels. The concept of him being a tragic monster is more or less thrown out the window in his second appearance, when he decides he wishes to be a mutant again.
- Eric the Synthodrone is a backstabber to the core. He pretends to be a loving boyfriend to Kim, but he was planning on betraying her in the end. Admittedly, this is more or less his programming, but he still enjoys what he does to some extent. And he wasn't programmed to make fun of Rufus, and especially not in front of his owner and his friend (soon to be girlfriend) This is the likely reason why he's one of the very few characters in the show to be outright killed off.
- COPS has one-shot villain Addictem. Both the cops and the crooks end up working together to take him down, as his drugs are causing a crime spree throughout the city, as Crystal Twist is as addictive as it is expensive. And the free samples are most likely for the express purpose of getting his victims hooked. Big Boss himself refuses to do business with him, as he is against selling drugs. And while he didn’t intend for it to happen, his actions end up hurting Berserko badly. Karma condemns him when he’s sentenced to life in prison in retaliation for all the people his drugs hurt.
- ↑ Anime Zamasu's Start of Darkness was all because Goku beat him in what was supposed to be a friendly sparring match. The manga incarnation never even met Goku. He just saw him on GodTube and went apeshit after discovering that a mortal had managed to gain godly powers.
- ↑ In the manga, the two barely tolerated working with each other due to fundamental differences in their outlook (Future Zamasu scorned Black for giving up his divinity by adopting a mortal's body, especially a mortal that he himself hated the most, and Black likewise only viewed Future Zamasu as a pawn and made little attempt to hide this from him), and when Future Zamasu and Goku Black became Genre Savvy enough to realize Zeno's likely to catch on to their Zero Mortals Plan and try to execute them sooner or later, they were making plans to attempt to abandon their counterpart to Zeno and leave him holding the bag.
- ↑ Zamasu and Goku Black at least had the excuse that mortals were too dangerous to continue living. Zeno literally wished to commit universal genocide because he felt there were too many universes for him to watch over.
- ↑ It should be noted that All There in the Manual made clear that Gunray at that time didn't even know that Sidious was involved in the Separatists or even that Dooku was a new apprentice of his, meaning Gunray did this without it being mandated by Sidious beforehand.
- ↑ As revealed in 2015's Star Wars: Darth Vader comic book.