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  • In the first episode, Agent Howard makes fun of Audrey for having a book on teen vampires, then pockets it when she isn't looking.
    • Duke peeking when Audrey gets dressed.
  • In "The Hand You're Dealt", Audrey and Duke try to interview an old, fat man about the Colorado Kid Murder, but he is apparently senile and starts stripping in front of them. The two call him crazy and quickly leave.
    • Everyone's reactions to Duke hitting on Vanessa, who babysat him when he was a child.
  • The way everybody fawns over Mayor Brody and his son Chris. Particularly Nathan, whose constant smiling and bright eyes make it both unnerving and hilarious.
  • Say it with me, "I NEED A HUG!"
  • Audrey needs a legal excuse to arrest someone she suspects of kidnapping a Troubled man, since Nathan wants her to follow police procedure. The one she uses?

  Audrey: Nathan, that man is jaywalking.

    • Then later, after she's arrested him and has the man handcuffed to a pipe Nathan's trying to talk her down, she peeks over his shoulder to shout...

  Audrey: State law, you need to cross at the corners!

  • Nathan gets drunk and tries to dance. He can't.
  • "Silent Night": Audrey repeatedly telling everyone it's not Christmas, Duke hitting on girls while dressed as Santa Claus, everyone getting confused when Audrey throws a Christmas party, Nathan and Duke excusing themselves when they find that they're Under the Mistletoe.