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The reimagined Hawaii Five 0:[]


 McGarrett: You ever get to double pretzel level?

Danno: Triple Banana, bitch.

McGarrett: (in awe) You lie.

  • "Nalowale": Danno is in a bar with McGarrett as part of their investigation for a kidnapped girl. They spot their victim — sorry — suspect, with another girl and Danno comments that if he were flirting with his daughter he'd knock out every single one of his teeth. When they see him slip something into the girl's drink, they move in, and Danno forces him to drink it!
    • Better still: back at the station, Steve wakes up their roofied suspect with an air horn.
  • "Hehe": The four members of 5-0 catch the split-up dope-juiced diamond robbers. They do it so AWESOME.
  • Having lost a suspect's car, McGarrett calls in a favour with an old acquaintance of his, a Navy intelligence officer. She provides the intel with a demand for some personal payment from him when she's in Hawaii on leave.

 Chin-ho: You just had a top secret military spy satellite retasked and you got a date?

McGarrett: I multitask.

  • Danno refusing to put up with Rachel's shit in "E Malama".

 Danny: Stan does not get to make decisions regarding the safety of my daughter. So she can go to the Hilton with you or she can come on what is affectionately called a "ride along" with her father, okay?

  • The MMA fight in "Ka Hakaka Maikai" between Steve and Chuck Lidell.
  • McGarrett's commanding officer, Joe White, leading Five-0 on an unsanctioned rescue operation into North Korea to save Steve, and getting back up in the form of three members of Seal Team 9 to pay the team back for helping them on a prior case.
  • Max Bergman killing the Trashman in "Haʻalele".