A 2020 Comic Book mini-series about Clint Barton, the Hawkeye.
It is just another average day of crime fighting for Clint, busting a criminal operation by The Hood, that survived his encounter with the Punisher in the 2016 Foolkiller series. Hawkeye manages to arrest him and bunch of other criminals, but the Hood's wealth allows him to pay his bail and get an apology of the mayor (Kingpin), making Clint feel extremely frustrated and ineffective.
Then, just coincidentally, an individual wearing the Ronin's costume, Clint's other alter-ego, begins to bust Hood's operations and steal his money. The other Avengers begin to suspect Clint, but they can't prove he is indeed the Ronin despite all other wielders of the identity not being around.
Written by Matthew Rosenberg. Art by Otto Schmidt. Published by Marvel Comics.
- Bait and Switch: Black Widow hints she reproves the Ronin's actions, only to agree with them when Clint negates once again it's him.
- Big Bad: The Hood, a criminal boss with supernatural super-powers.
- The Bus Came Back: Hood had been completely absent from comics for four years before this mini-series, and was heavily implied to have been killed by Frank Castle.
- Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Bryce reveals in Issue 4 the Hood has a perfectly legal banking business, but still engages in criminal activities for reasons Clinton can only boil down to him being "an idiot".
- Downer Ending: Even if the Hood is depowered, Clint loses his reputation, his girlfriend, and is deeply hurt for indirectly causing the deaths of Bryce and the skrull he hired to impersonate him, not to mention the fact he shot at Captain America. Fancy Dan says at the end of the comic he may as well be one of the bad guys now.
- Dramatic Irony: Clint wants to earn respect from almost everyone, not realizing his girlfriend, Linda Carter, the Night Nurse, already thinks he is a great superhero.
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: A constant theme of the book is Clint not getting respect from almost anybody, villains and heroes alike, despite his long career, and his desperate craving for it.
- Harmful to Minors: Played for Laughs with Bryce Bandau, who sees Linda's bare chest when he is "almost eighteen" in Issue 3.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Linda ends up exposing her breasts to Bryce while stripping to take a bath in Issue 3.
- Killed Off for Real: Bryce dies in Issue 6.
- Only in It For the Money: Bryce changes sides from the Hood to Clint in Issue 3 simply by Clint promising to pay him money, that he stole from The Hood anyway.
- Reality Ensues: Without a wealthy patron backing him up, Clint has to retrieve his own weapons from targets because he is too poor to constantly pay for new ones, as shown in Issue 2.