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This is a list of the absurdly awesome characters that make up the equally awesome series Hayate Cross Blade, by Hayashiya Shizuru.

Please note that names have been listed with family names first.

Sword Bearers[]

Kurogane Hayate[]

61561 7311

The titular protagonist, a simple-minded and reckless idiot. One of the most notable things about her fighting style is her incredible speed, and she claims to be a 3-dan in kendo. Many a Fan Nickname in the series actually started from, or are nicknames she gives to other characters. Has a heroic(?) alter ego(?) known as Famima Kamen.

Voiced by Kurumi Mamiya.

Mudou Ayana[]

Hxb1 1592

Though seemingly unparalleled in ability, Ayana starts out unwilling to take part in hoshitori battles due to guilt from having caused her previous partner injury out of her own conceit. After entering the partnership with Hayate, however, she still spends a good part of her appearances playing video games (usually dating sims) and beating up people that annoy her.

Kuga Jun[]

61573 76

Ayana's roommate who acts like a extremely lecherous Cool Big Sis, and often gets beat up by Ayana for it (the lechery). Yet they are also very close, and she seems to know quite a bit about Ayana's past. Self-proclaimed oniwaban to Yuho, her Protectorate.

She becomes the hoshitori's only one-woman team after she and Yuno fight Ayana and Hayate, bearing Yuno's Heaven sword as well as her own Earth sword.

Shizuma Yuho[]

61572 803

Having a weak constitution, Yuho was sickly to the point of being in and out of hospitalization for a large part of her childhood, even up to a year for a stretch. Despite that, she is skillful enough to have come up with her own style, and has the odd behavioral tic of doing thumbs-downs when thumbs-ups are expected.

Kibi Momoka[]

Hxb3 4023

Hayate's Hot-Blooded roommate in the same year and the embodiment of what happens when a Childhood Marriage Promise goes into lololand. Having entered Tenchi expecting to be shinyuu with Riona, she challenges Ouka with the intention of breaking them up, only to, as Hitsugi put it, win the battle but lose the war. She ends up with Isuzu, whom she calls "Wanko", instead. They later form a Four-Girl Ensemble with Kiji and Michi, a group affectionately known to fans as the Momotaro-gumi.

Inugami Isuzu[]

61558 8851

First shown as a Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl who creeps the heck out of Momoka and those who see or hear about her because of her powerful supernatural abilities, which run in the family. Their eventual teamup comes with a forced makeover that shows her as being Beautiful All Along. She retains that interest in the occult though.

Kijimiya Otoha[]

88062 9440

Isuzu's classmate who comes from a long line of shamans. A prideful person who stands out due to her often arrogant behavior. Drawn to Isuzu because of their similar backgrounds, she dissolved her pact with Michi to team up with Isuzu instead. They make up in a rather Slap Slap Kiss fashion.

Sagara Michi[]

88054 7293

Kiji's partner, a innocent, artless person that gets along well with everyone. She acts like a go-between among the group of friends Hayate has in the same year, easily helping them get along with each other. Her family runs a farm.

Takami Sou[]

88051 1244

An upperclassman who is a good friend of Hayate's and, in modeling terms, on the same scale as the short protagonist. Her family has financial difficulties that she pays off with hoshitori earnings. Though she grudgingly took part in Mizuchi's schemes, she is still decent at heart.

Asakura Mizuchi[]

88049 7315

An admirer of Ayana whose offers of partnership were repeatedly rejected, embittering her so much she turned against Ayana instead. In a convenient plot twist, she also happens to be the daughter of Smiley Finance's boss, ie. the company Hayate's orphanage owes money to. After trying and failing to sabotage Hayate's money-making efforts, she undergoes a Heel Face Turn and helps them out instead.

Someya Yukari[]

88057 4953

Former shinyuu of Ayana, who dissolved their pact after a watershed duel left Yukari severely wounded by her own partner. Shown rising up the ranks in earlier volumes with her new partner Maki, she is eventually promoted to A-rank. Although almost always snarky and cold towards Ayana when interacting with her, signs point to Yukari still caring. Probably.

Kamijou Maki[]

88058 9924

Yukari's current shinyuu and head of the art club. Called a genius because of her capability to paint and fight with the same hand, she was however torn between the two, unable to reach her full capacity in either. After the battle against Ensuu and Meiko, she has started to hold her sword in her left hand.


Maki (complete with sparkles and dramatic fist-clenching): [referring to Akira being struck in the ribs] She's taking such a hit like it's nothing special. Next time, I too shall...!

Yukari: Please don't think of injury as a prerequisite.


Maki: Even if my arms get broken,
Maki: Or if my legs are broken,
Yukari: That is, Sempai...
Maki: Or if I suffer full-body fractures and I can't move a finger, I'm still going to --
Yukari: Why are you being so masochistic?


Nancy: (taunting) You'd look good covered in wounds!
Maki: (smile) I'd like to see that. Even if I [lists off a range of violent injuries]
Nancy: (flustered) Shut up already!


Ju Ensuu[]

88063 7522

The main reason behind Ayana and Yukari splitting up in the past. Has little qualms about causing major injury to her opponents, and even her own partner admits to being afraid of her sometimes. Her speech is usually rendered in either surprisingly grammatically accurate Mandarin, acknowledged by Hayashiya to have been translated by a colleague of her editor's friend; or, as is more often in recent appearances, in differently-outlined speech bubbles.

Himuro Meiko[]

88064 7548

Ensuu's partner, who, like her, doesn't care for rank, money or Hitsugi's title. When given the opportunity to return to the student council, she turns it down, choosing to fight comers with Ensuu at their current rank. Claims to enjoy observing people.

Kurogane Nagi[]

14379 4766

First making an appearance (in person) during the events of Volume 8, the older Nagi has been the subject of Twin Switch with her sister on occasion. After being in rehabilitation for an unknown condition, she later enrolls as a student holding the Sword Scholarship as well.

Takarada Riona[]

13q1 4887

A budding comedian and victim of Domestic Abuse. Recent appearances have associated her with little else aside those two traits, which is either hilarious or sad, depending on who you ask. This is accentuated with the contrast between that and the way she was introduced, which made her seem more of an Onee-Sama with elements of Damsel in Distress.

Kiriya Ouka[]

46254 1794

Riona's partner who smacks her around at least as violently as Ayana does to Hayate, a sign that there is a Double Standard and that All Girls Want Bad Boys, if only for (Riona's perceived) comedic purposes.

Student Council[]

Amachi Hitsugi[]

61516 8660

The person behind the concept and implementation of hoshitori, and almost certainly the most powerful person in Tenchi Gakuen, both combat-wise and authority-wise. Has a strong fondness for the things that interest her. Her voice can become loud enough to make mics squeal horribly.

Also, is completely insane.


Hitsugi: Oh, I'm afraid that my legs... are made of steel.


Hitsugi: Now then... Hoshikawa-san... Let us dance!


Miyamoto Shizuku[]

61559 5564

Hitsugi's shinyuu, and thus the one standing beside her in the shared position of that above all in Tenchi. She is the one responsible for ringing the bell that signals the start and end of hoshitori battles. An extreme Determinator who has trained beyond the realms of common sense.

Mikado Akira[]

88055 3450

Ojou of the reputable Mikado family, with a fixation on defeating Hitsugi. Because of complicated and not-really-elaborated-on reasons, if/when she defeats Hitsugi, Tenchi will "become hers" and the hoshitori system will be abolished.

Inori Sae[]

88056 2200

Akira's childhood friend and shinyuu, who apparently will be getting married to Akira's cousin Ryouichi after graduating from high school. A sharp character who calmly takes in and sees through the various intriguing affairs around the school.

Hoshikawa Kurea[]

88052 4810

A former S-ranker who had wanted to take Hitsugi's place, and is said to have bribed her shinyuu Minori with food. Brilliant but Lazy, she lives to oppose things like hard work and determination, preferring to prepare far in advance and master essentials instead.

  • Aloof Ally: Especially after volume 5's council battle.
  • Brains and Brawn: The brains of the Hoshikawa/Tsukishima duo. Not that it helped. At all.
  • Curb Stomped: Leading to a Break the Haughty. She's fighting back up.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works: She became part of the student council mostly because of her modified weapons and Minori, rather than any particular effort.
  • I Broke a Nail: Earlier appearances looked like they were paving the way for this trope to be invoked, as she is shown paying much attention to her nails, and was the one behind her class operating a nail salon in the school festival. Surprise! In the mountain hike arc, she is hardly troubled by her nails becoming dirty and ragged from roughing it out.
  • Yumi Kakazu

Tsukishima Minori[]

88053 4202

A kentaisei whose small size belies her great physical strength. Simple-minded and has difficulty when it comes to thinking about complex matters. She aims to build a campus made of candy after rising to the top.

Shidou "Sid" Misako[]

88059 7299

Promoted to S-rank after the position was turned down by Ensuu and Meiko. A self-proclaimed punk that sees the Sex Pistols as her role models and whose English vocabulary seems to consist of slang, swear words and nothing else. Resents Akira for some inexplicable reason, though some theorize that it has to do with the latter's sorta-punkish image and their shared affinity for music.


Nancy: What's a punk!?
Sid: (gives an "up yours", polishing her bicep) Violence! Disorder! Anarchy&chaos!!!

Nancy: Who's a punk!!?

Sid: (cheering) ME!!!


Tonami "Nancy" Shuu[]

88060 9239

Sid's partner. Has no idea where the nickname "Nancy" comes from. Born and raised in Yokosuka, which influenced her knife-based fighting style.


Kotake Rina[]

34221 5359

Leader of the hoshitori judges.

Uryuu Ai[]

45365 4707

Captain of the Nurse Corps.


  • Lolicon: Hayate has received multiple marriage proposals from her. It seems to be a regular thing for both of them.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: Chiharu has some of this.
    • Or at least, this is the impression one gets until she asks Ayana to marry her.

Benibachi Kiyoko[]

Kurogane Nagare[]

The Kurogane twins' parent.

Yanagi/Yagyuu Makoto[]

A Retired Badass of sorts, being the first ever kentaisei to graduate. Cool Big Sis to Hayate, who calls her "oyabin".


Tatewaki Hikaru[]

88048 6928

Whatever, really.

  • Badass Normal: To an almost pitiful degree; Tatewaki is one of the few characters actually capable of following Hitsugi's impossibly fast movements... but she can't swordfight at all so there isn't much use she can put it to.
  • Butt Monkey: Tatewaki gets no love. At all.
  • Four Is Death: Brought up in an omake; Hitsugi thinks Tatewaki should appear in Volume 4 for this very reason. Tatewaki really gets no love at all.
  • Mayumi Asano
  • Unrequited Love: Can't help but feel sorry for Tatewaki sometimes...
  • Yes-Man: Not that Hitsugi cares that Tatewaki thinks everything she says or does is akin to holy testament.

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  1. Japanese for Dual-Wielding; it's also a euphemism for bisexuality.